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// This is a SPIP language file  --  Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP

$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(

// A
'accueil_site' => 'Home page',
'articles' => 'Articles',
'articles_auteur' => 'This author\'s articles',
'articles_populaires' => 'The most read articles',
'articles_recents' => 'The most recent articles',
'articles_rubrique' => 'This section\'s articles',
'aucun_article' => 'There is no article at this address',
'aucun_auteur' => 'There is no author at this address',
'aucun_site' => 'There is no site at this address',
'aucune_breve' => 'There is no news item at this address',
'aucune_rubrique' => 'There is no section at this address',
'autres_breves' => 'Other news',
'autres_groupes_mots_clefs' => 'Other groups of key words',
'autres_sites' => 'Other sites',

// B
'bonjour' => 'Hello',
'breves' => 'News items',

// C
'commenter_site' => 'Comment on this site',

// D
'date' => 'Date',
'dernier_ajout' => 'Latest addition',
'dernieres_breves' => 'Latest news',
'derniers_articles' => 'Latest articles',
'derniers_commentaires' => 'Latest comments',
'derniers_messages_forum' => 'Lastest messages published in the forums',

// E
'edition_mode_texte' => 'Text mode only',
'en_reponse' => 'Replying to:',
'en_resume' => 'Summary',
'envoyer_message' => 'To send a message',
'espace_prive' => 'Private area',

// F
'forum' => 'Forum',

// H
'hierarchie_site' => 'The site\'s hierarchy',

// J
'jours' => 'days',

// M
'meme_auteur' => 'By the same author',
'meme_rubrique' => 'In the same section',
'memes_auteurs' => 'By the same authors',
'message' => 'Message',
'messages_forum' => 'Forum messages',
'messages_recents' => 'Most recent forum messages',
'mots_clefs' => 'Keywords',
'mots_clefs_meme_groupe' => 'Keywords in the same group',

// N
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'nom' => 'Name',
'nouveautes' => 'What\'s new',
'nouveautes_web' => 'What\'s new on the Web',
'nouveaux_articles' => 'New articles',
'nouvelles_breves' => 'New news items',

// P
'page_precedente' => 'previous page',
'page_suivante' => 'next page',
'par_auteur' => 'by ',
'participer_site' => 'You can take an active part in this website and write your own articles by registering below. You will then receive immediately an email giving you an access code to the private area of the site.',
'plan_du_site' => '<NEW><PLUS_UTILISE>Sitemap',
'plan_site' => 'Site Map',
'popularite' => 'Popularity',
'poster_message' => 'To post a message',
'proposer_site' => 'You can suggest a site to be added to this section:',

// R
'repondre_article' => 'Reply to this article',
'repondre_breve' => 'Reply to this news item',
'repondre_message' => 'Reply to this message',
'resultats_recherche' => 'Search results',
'retour_debut_forums' => 'Back to the start of the forums',
'rubrique' => 'Section',
'rubriques' => 'Sections',

// S
'signatures_petition' => 'Signatures',
'site_realise_avec_spip' => 'Site created with SPIP',
'sites_web' => 'Web sites',
'sous_rubriques' => 'Sub-sections',
'suite' => 'continue',
'sur_web' => 'On the Web',
'syndiquer_rubrique' => 'Syndicate this section',
'syndiquer_site' => 'Syndicate the whole site',

// T
'texte_lettre_information' => 'Here is the site\'s newsletter',
'texte_lettre_information_2' => 'This letter summarizes the articles and news items published since',

// V
'ver_imprimer' => 'Printable version',
'voir_en_ligne' => 'See online'

