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include ("../../../../api/jpgraph_1.12.2/jpgraph.php") ;
include ("../../../../api/jpgraph_1.12.2/jpgraph_pie.php");
include ("../../../../papyrus/configuration/") ;
include_once 'DB.php' ;

$db = DB::connect (PAP_DSN) ;

if (DB::isError($db)) {

    echo 'Message Standard         : ' . $db->getMessage() . "\n";
    echo 'Message DBMS/Utilisateur : ' . $db->getUserInfo() . "\n";
    echo 'Message DBMS/D&eacute;boguage   : ' . $db->getDebugInfo() . "\n";

// requĂȘte sur les semaines

$data = array() ;

for ($i = 1 ; $i < 3 ; $i++) {
        $requete = "select count(U_ASS) as NBR from annuaire_tela where U_ASS=\"$i\"" ;
        $resultat = $db->query($requete) ;
    if (DB::isError ($resultat)) {
        die ("Echec de la requete : $requete<br />".$resultat->getMessage()) ;
        while ($ligne = $resultat->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
                $data[] = $ligne->NBR ;
$datay = array_values($data) ;

$graph = new PieGraph(500,400,"auto");

// Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("Appartenance a une association");

// Create pie plot
$p1 = new PiePlot($datay);

$p1->SetLabelType(PIE_VALUE_PER) ;
$p1->value->SetFormat('%d %%') ;

$p1->SetLegends(array("oui", "non"));

