Subversion Repositories Applications.papyrus


Rev 1422 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

        Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
        All Rights Reserved.

        Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
        modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:


dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.TreeV3", [dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, dojo.widget.TreeWithNode], function () {
        this.eventNames = {};
        this.DndAcceptTypes = [];
        this.actionsDisabled = [];
        this.listeners = [];
        this.tree = this;
}, {DndMode:"", defaultChildWidget:null, defaultChildTitle:"New Node", eagerWidgetInstantiation:false, eventNamesDefault:{afterTreeCreate:"afterTreeCreate", beforeTreeDestroy:"beforeTreeDestroy", beforeNodeDestroy:"beforeNodeDestroy", afterChangeTree:"afterChangeTree", afterSetFolder:"afterSetFolder", afterUnsetFolder:"afterUnsetFolder", beforeMoveFrom:"beforeMoveFrom", beforeMoveTo:"beforeMoveTo", afterMoveFrom:"afterMoveFrom", afterMoveTo:"afterMoveTo", afterAddChild:"afterAddChild", afterDetach:"afterDetach", afterExpand:"afterExpand", beforeExpand:"beforeExpand", afterSetTitle:"afterSetTitle", afterCollapse:"afterCollapse", beforeCollapse:"beforeCollapse"}, classPrefix:"Tree", style:"", allowAddChildToLeaf:true, unsetFolderOnEmpty:true, DndModes:{BETWEEN:1, ONTO:2}, DndAcceptTypes:"", templateCssString:"/* indent for all tree children excepts root */\n.TreeNode {\n       background-image : url('../templates/images/TreeV3/i.gif');\n   background-position : top left;\n       background-repeat : repeat-y;\n margin-left: 19px;\n zoom: 1;\n}\n.TreeIsRoot {\n    margin-left: 0;\n}\n \n/* left vertical line (grid) for all nodes */\n.TreeIsLast {\n   background-image: url('../templates/images/TreeV3/i_half.gif');\n       background-repeat : no-repeat;\n}\n \n.TreeExpandOpen .TreeExpand {\n   background-image: url('../templates/images/TreeV3/expand_minus.gif');\n}\n \n/* closed is higher priority than open */\n.TreeExpandClosed .TreeExpand {\n       background-image: url('../templates/images/TreeV3/expand_plus.gif');\n}\n \n/* highest priority */\n.TreeExpandLeaf .TreeExpand {\n     background-image: url('../templates/images/TreeV3/expand_leaf.gif');\n}\n\n/* \nshould always override any expand setting, but do not touch children.\nif I add .TreeExpand .TreeExpandLoading same time and put it to top/bottom, then it will take precedence over +- for all descendants or always fail\nso I have to remove TreeExpand and process this one specifically\n*/\n\n.TreeExpandLoading   {\n    width: 18px;\n  height: 18px;\n float: left;\n  display: inline;\n      background-repeat : no-repeat;\n        background-image: url('../templates/images/TreeV3/expand_loading.gif');\n}\n \n.TreeContent {\n min-height: 18px;\n     min-width: 18px;\n      margin-left:18px;\n     cursor: default;\n      /* can't make inline - multiline bugs */\n}\n\n.TreeIEContent {\n\theight: 18px;\n}\n \n.TreeExpand {\n width: 18px;\n  height: 18px;\n float: left;\n  display: inline;\n      background-repeat : no-repeat;\n}\n \n/* same style as IE selection */\n.TreeNodeEmphasized {\n background-color: Highlight;\n  color: HighlightText;\n}\n \n.TreeContent .RichTextEditable, .TreeContent .RichTextEditable iframe {\n    background-color: #ffc;\n       color: black;\n}\n\n/* don't use :focus due to opera's lack of support on div's */\n.TreeLabelFocused {\n       outline: 1px invert dotted;\n}\n", templateCssPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/TreeV3.css"), templateString:"<div style=\"${}\">\n</div>", isExpanded:true, isTree:true, createNode:function (data) {
        data.tree = this.widgetId;
        if (data.widgetName) {
                return dojo.widget.createWidget(data.widgetName, data);
        } else {
                if (this.defaultChildWidget.prototype.createSimple) {
                        return this.defaultChildWidget.prototype.createSimple(data);
                } else {
                        var ns = this.defaultChildWidget.prototype.ns;
                        var wt = this.defaultChildWidget.prototype.widgetType;
                        return dojo.widget.createWidget(ns + ":" + wt, data);
}, makeNodeTemplate:function () {
        var domNode = document.createElement("div");
        dojo.html.setClass(domNode, this.classPrefix + "Node " + this.classPrefix + "ExpandLeaf " + this.classPrefix + "ChildrenNo");
        this.nodeTemplate = domNode;
        var expandNode = document.createElement("div");
        var clazz = this.classPrefix + "Expand";
        if ( {
                clazz = clazz + " " + this.classPrefix + "IEExpand";
        dojo.html.setClass(expandNode, clazz);
        this.expandNodeTemplate = expandNode;
        var labelNode = document.createElement("span");
        dojo.html.setClass(labelNode, this.classPrefix + "Label");
        this.labelNodeTemplate = labelNode;
        var contentNode = document.createElement("div");
        var clazz = this.classPrefix + "Content";
        if ( && !dojo.render.html.ie70) {
                clazz = clazz + " " + this.classPrefix + "IEContent";
        dojo.html.setClass(contentNode, clazz);
        this.contentNodeTemplate = contentNode;
}, makeContainerNodeTemplate:function () {
        var div = document.createElement("div"); = "none";
        dojo.html.setClass(div, this.classPrefix + "Container");
        this.containerNodeTemplate = div;
}, actions:{ADDCHILD:"ADDCHILD"}, getInfo:function () {
        var info = {widgetId:this.widgetId, objectId:this.objectId};
        return info;
}, adjustEventNames:function () {
        for (var name in this.eventNamesDefault) {
                if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(this.eventNames[name])) {
                        this.eventNames[name] = this.widgetId + "/" + this.eventNamesDefault[name];
}, adjustDndMode:function () {
        var _this = this;
        var DndMode = 0;
        dojo.lang.forEach(this.DndMode.split(";"), function (elem) {
                var mode = _this.DndModes[dojo.string.trim(elem).toUpperCase()];
                if (mode) {
                        DndMode = DndMode | mode;
        this.DndMode = DndMode;
}, destroy:function () {
        dojo.event.topic.publish(this.tree.eventNames.beforeTreeDestroy, {source:this});
        return dojo.widget.HtmlWidget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
}, initialize:function (args) {
        this.domNode.widgetId = this.widgetId;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.actionsDisabled.length; i++) {
                this.actionsDisabled[i] = this.actionsDisabled[i].toUpperCase();
        if (!args.defaultChildWidget) {
                this.defaultChildWidget = dojo.widget.TreeNodeV3;
        } else {
                this.defaultChildWidget = dojo.lang.getObjPathValue(args.defaultChildWidget);
        this.containerNode = this.domNode;
        dojo.html.setClass(this.domNode, this.classPrefix + "Container");
        var _this = this;
        dojo.lang.forEach(this.listeners, function (elem) {
                var t = dojo.lang.isString(elem) ? dojo.widget.byId(elem) : elem;
}, postCreate:function () {
        dojo.event.topic.publish(this.eventNames.afterTreeCreate, {source:this});
}, move:function (child, newParent, index) {
        if (!child.parent) {
                dojo.raise(this.widgetType + ": child can be moved only while it's attached");
        var oldParent = child.parent;
        var oldTree = child.tree;
        var oldIndex = child.getParentIndex();
        var newTree = newParent.tree;
        var newParent = newParent;
        var newIndex = index;
        var message = {oldParent:oldParent, oldTree:oldTree, oldIndex:oldIndex, newParent:newParent, newTree:newTree, newIndex:newIndex, child:child};
        dojo.event.topic.publish(oldTree.eventNames.beforeMoveFrom, message);
        dojo.event.topic.publish(newTree.eventNames.beforeMoveTo, message);
        this.doMove.apply(this, arguments);
        dojo.event.topic.publish(oldTree.eventNames.afterMoveFrom, message);
        dojo.event.topic.publish(newTree.eventNames.afterMoveTo, message);
}, doMove:function (child, newParent, index) {
        newParent.doAddChild(child, index);
}, toString:function () {
        return "[" + this.widgetType + " ID:" + this.widgetId + "]";