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# $Date: 2005/10/19 10:14:00 $
# Excel to SQL statements translator.
# Needs the Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module from CPAN
# Example usage:
# help
# file=6960_TS_Bressanone_Brixen.xls \
# Released under GPLv2.0
# by Daniel Calvelo Aros (
# few modifications by MN (why not reading 'Learning Perl' O'Reilly book)
#use strict;
use English;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
# gparser-like options:
# option label => [ref to var to hold opt value, "description", default value or undef for no default]
%gopts = ( file => [\$file, "Name of input excel spreadsheet file", undef],
skip => [\$skip, "Number of rows to skip at the beginning of sheet", 0],
table => [\$tablename,"Name of output table", "mytable"],
rows => [\$nrows, "Number of rows to extract", undef],
sheet => [\$sheetn, "Sheet number to convert from the workbook, counting from 1", 1],
coldefs=> [\$coldefs, "Column definitions as in SQL", "auto"],
nodata => [\$nodata, "No data character(s) used in the Excel table", ""],
help => [\$help, "Help, of course", undef],
debug => [\$DEBUG, "Debugging flag, for developers only", 0]);
#function defined below:
#-- Open and look for obvious errors
my $wkbk =
if( !defined $wkbk->{Worksheet}) {die "Error:couldn't parse file $file\n"}
my($iR, $iC, $sheet, $ncols, $roffset, $rsize);
$sheet = @{$wkbk->{Worksheet}}[--$sheetn]; #-- Numbering starts at 1 for the user
$ncols = $sheet->{MaxCol} or die "Error:the specified sheet $sheetn does not contain data\n";
$ncols -= $sheet->{MinCol} if defined $sheet->{MinCol} ;
$roffset = $sheet->{MinRow}-1;
$rsize = $sheet->{MaxRow} - $sheet->{MinRow};
die "Error:the specified worksheet seems to contain only one line\n" if $rsize == 0;
$roffset += $skip;
$lastrow = ( defined $nrows
? $nrows + $roffset -1
: $sheet->{MaxRow} );
die "Invalid skip option: the sheet only has $rsize rows" if $roffset >= $rsize - 1;
my (@types, @sqltypes, @firstrow, @titlerow);
if($coldefs ne "auto"){
#-- We have user-defined column definitions
#-- Check them
$coldefs =~ s/^\s*//;
$coldefs =~ s/\s*$//;
@defs = split ",", $coldefs;
foreach $i (0..$#defs){
($colname, $typedef) = split /\s+/,$defs[$i],2;
die "Column specification $i: can't parse SQL type definition '$typedef' (should be INTEGER, DOUBLE PRECISION, CHAR).\n" if $typedef !~ /INTEGER|DOUBLE PRECISION|CHAR/i;
die "Column name '$colname' for column $i contains spurious characters (no spaces permitted in list).\n" if $colname !~ /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/;
push @sqltypes, $typedef;
push @titles, $colname;
#-- Inspect file for types:
#-- First estimate initial types from the first row of data
@firstrow = @{$sheet->{Cells}[$roffset+1]};
@types = map { $_->{Type}} @firstrow;
%cvt = (Text=>'CHAR',Numeric=>'INTEGER',Date=>'DOUBLE');
@sqltypes = map { $cvt{$_} } @types;
@lens = map { 0 } @types;
print STDERR "\nTypes:", join ";", @types if $DEBUG;
print STDERR "\nInitial sqltypes:", join ";", @sqltypes if $DEBUG;
#-- Then adjust widths and numeric type from the data
for(my $iR = $roffset ; $iR <= $lastrow ; $iR++) {
for(my $iC = $sheet->{MinCol} ;$iC <= $sheet->{MaxCol} ; $iC++) {
$cell = $sheet->{Cells}[$iR][$iC];
next if !defined $cell;
$cellvalue = $cell->Value;
if($types[$iC] eq 'Text'){
$thislength = length( $cellvalue );
$lens[$iC] = $thislength if $thislength > $lens[$iC];
if( $cellvalue =~ /[\.,]/ ){
$sqltypes[$iC] = 'DOUBLE PRECISION';
if( $cellvalue =~ /[a-df-z]/ ){
$sqltypes[$iC] = 'CHAR'; $lens[$iC] = length( $cellvalue);
foreach $i (0..$#sqltypes){
if( $sqltypes[$i] eq 'CHAR' ){
$sqltypes[$i] .= "($lens[$i])";
print STDERR "\nAdjusted sqltypes:", join ";", @sqltypes if $DEBUG;
#-- Generate field names from the title row
@titlerow = @{$sheet->{Cells}[$roffset]};
print STDERR "\nTitlerow:", join ";", map { defined $_ ? $_->Value : "" } @titlerow if $DEBUG;
$varname = "V000";
@titles = map {
/^[^a-zA-Z]/ ? $varname++ : $_
} map {
if( defined $_ && length > 0 ) {$_=$_->Value;y/a-z/A-Z/;s/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/_/g}
else { $_=$varname++ }
} @titlerow;
map { $istitle{$_}++ } @titles;
foreach $i (reverse 0..$#titles){
if( $istitle{$titles[$i]} > 1){
$titles[$i] .= --$istitle{$titles[$i]};
while( $#titles < $ncols ){ #Missing titles, according to the size of the sheet
push @titles, $varname++;
push @sqltypes, "CHAR(32)";
print STDERR "\nTitles:" ,join ";", @titles if $DEBUG;
print STDERR "\n" if $DEBUG;
#-- Write out
print "CREATE TABLE $tablename (";
print join ",", map {"$titles[$_] $sqltypes[$_]"} (0..$#titles);
print ");\n";
if($coldefs eq "auto"){
$lastcol = $sheet->{MaxCol};
$lastcol = $#sqltypes + $sheet->{MinCol};
foreach $i (reverse 0..$#sqltypes){
$sqltypes[$i + $sheet->{MinCol}] = $sqltypes[$i];
for(my $iR = $roffset+1 ; $iR <= $lastrow ; $iR++) {
print "INSERT INTO $tablename VALUES(";
print join ",", map {
my $c = $sheet->{Cells}[$iR][$_];
# defined $c ? '"'.&cast($c->Value,$sqltypes[$_]).'"' : NULL
defined $c ? ''.&cast($c->Value,$sqltypes[$_]).'' : NULL
} ($sheet->{MinCol}..$lastcol);
print ");\n"
sub cast($$){
my ($value, $sqltype) = @_;
if( length($value)>0 ){
if ($value eq $nodata){
$value = "NULL"; # no data coded with char
if( $sqltype =~ /CHAR\s*\((\d+)\)/i ){
$value =~ s/[\n\r]/ /gm;
$value =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
# $value = substr( $value, 0, $1 );
$value = '\''.substr( $value, 0, $1 ).'\'';
}elsif( $sqltype =~ /DOUBLE PRECISION/i ){
$value += 0;
}elsif( $sqltype =~ /INTEGER/i ){
$value = int $value;
die "Unknown SQL type '$sqltype'; can't typecast '$value' to that type.\n";
$value = "NULL"; # no data
sub parse_opts(){
for $o (sort keys %gopts){
if( defined $gopts{$o}[2] ){
${$gopts{$o}[0]} = $gopts{$o}[2];
for $arg (@ARGV){
$arg =~ /^\Q$o\E(?:\s*=\s*(.+)$)?/;
if( length($1)>0 ){
${$gopts{$o}[0]} = $1;
}elsif( $& ){
${$gopts{$o}[0]} = 1;
select STDERR;
print "\n$PROGRAM_NAME : extract sheets from an excel workbook and\n";
print "produce SQL statements that create the database\n";
print "\nArguments (use grass style, i.e. arg=value):\n";
foreach (keys %gopts){ $longest = $longest < length() ? length() : $longest }
foreach $arg (grep {!/help/} keys %gopts){
print " $arg".(" "x($longest+2-length $arg));
print $gopts{$arg}[1];
print " (default: ".$gopts{$arg}[2].")" if defined $gopts{$arg}[2];
print "\n";
select STDOUT;
die "\n";