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; Ajouter les nouvelles version à la suite dans versions et versionsDonnees.
versions = "2011_04,2012_01,2013_07,2013_08,2013_11"
dossierTsv = "{ref:dossierDonneesEflore}chorodep/{ref:versionDonnees}/"
dossierTsvTpl = "{ref:dossierDonneesEflore}chorodep/%s/"
dossierSql = "{ref:dossierDonneesEflore}chorodep/"
chorodepChamps2011_04 = "rang, catminat, num_tax, num_nom, nom_sci, `01`, `02`, `03`, `04`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `09`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `67`, `13`, `14`, `15`, `16`, `17`, `18`, `19`, `20`, `21`, `22`, `23`, `79`, `24`, `25`, `26`, `91`, `27`, `28`, `29`, `30`, `32`, `33`, `31`, `43`, `52`, `05`, `70`, `74`, `65`, `87`, `68`, `92`, `34`, `35`, `36`, `37`, `38`, `39`, `40`, `42`, `44`, `45`, `41`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57`, `58`, `59`, `60`, `61`, `75`, `62`, `63`, `66`, `64`, `69`, `71`, `72`, `73`, `77`, `76`, `93`, `80`, `81`, `82`, `90`, `94`, `95`, `83`, `84`, `85`, `86`, `88`, `89`, `78`, freq_abs, freq_rel, rare_nat";
chorodepChamps2012_01 = "rang, catminat, num_tax, num_nom, nom_sci, `01`, `02`, `03`, `04`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `09`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `67`, `13`, `14`, `15`, `16`, `17`, `18`, `19`, `20`, `21`, `22`, `23`, `79`, `24`, `25`, `26`, `91`, `27`, `28`, `29`, `30`, `32`, `33`, `31`, `43`, `52`, `05`, `70`, `74`, `65`, `87`, `68`, `92`, `34`, `35`, `36`, `37`, `38`, `39`, `40`, `42`, `44`, `45`, `41`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57`, `58`, `59`, `60`, `61`, `75`, `62`, `63`, `66`, `64`, `69`, `71`, `72`, `73`, `77`, `76`, `93`, `80`, `81`, `82`, `90`, `94`, `95`, `83`, `84`, `85`, `86`, `88`, `89`, `78`, freq_abs, freq_rel, rare_nat";
chorodepChamps2013_07 = "rang, catminat,syntaxons, num_tax, num_nom, nom_sci, `01`, `02`, `03`, `04`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `09`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `67`, `13`, `14`, `15`, `16`, `17`, `18`, `19`, `20`, `21`, `22`, `23`, `79`, `24`, `25`, `26`, `91`, `27`, `28`, `29`, `30`, `32`, `33`, `31`, `43`, `52`, `05`, `70`, `74`, `65`, `87`, `68`, `92`, `34`, `35`, `36`, `37`, `38`, `39`, `40`, `42`, `44`, `45`, `41`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57`, `58`, `59`, `60`, `61`, `75`, `62`, `63`, `66`, `64`, `69`, `71`, `72`, `73`, `77`, `76`, `93`, `80`, `81`, `82`, `90`, `94`, `95`, `83`, `84`, `85`, `86`, `88`, `89`, `78`, freq_abs, freq_rel, rare_nat";
chorodepChamps2013_08 = "rang, catminat,indication_phytosocio_caracteristique, num_tax, num_nom, nom_sci, chorologie, `01`, `02`, `03`, `04`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `09`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `67`, `13`, `14`, `15`, `16`, `17`, `18`, `19`, `20`, `21`, `22`, `23`, `79`, `24`, `25`, `26`, `91`, `27`, `28`, `29`, `30`, `32`, `33`, `31`, `43`, `52`, `05`, `70`, `74`, `65`, `87`, `68`, `92`, `34`, `35`, `36`, `37`, `38`, `39`, `40`, `42`, `44`, `45`, `41`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57`, `58`, `59`, `60`, `61`, `75`, `62`, `63`, `66`, `64`, `69`, `71`, `72`, `73`, `77`, `76`, `93`, `80`, `81`, `82`, `90`, `94`, `95`, `83`, `84`, `85`, `86`, `88`, `89`, `78`, freq_abs, freq_rel, rare_nat";
chorodepChamps2013_11 = "rang, catminat,indication_phytosocio_caracteristique, num_tax, num_nom, nom_sci, chorologie, `01`, `02`, `03`, `04`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `09`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `67`, `13`, `14`, `15`, `16`, `17`, `18`, `19`, `20`, `21`, `22`, `23`, `79`, `24`, `25`, `26`, `91`, `27`, `28`, `29`, `30`, `32`, `33`, `31`, `43`, `52`, `05`, `70`, `74`, `65`, `87`, `68`, `92`, `34`, `35`, `36`, `37`, `38`, `39`, `40`, `42`, `44`, `45`, `41`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57`, `58`, `59`, `60`, `61`, `75`, `62`, `63`, `66`, `64`, `69`, `71`, `72`, `73`, `77`, `76`, `93`, `80`, `81`, `82`, `90`, `94`, `95`, `83`, `84`, `85`, `86`, `88`, `89`, `78`, freq_abs, freq_rel, rare_nat";
chorodepChamps2014_08 = "rang, catminat,indication_phytosocio_caracteristique, num_tax, num_nom, nom_sci, chorologie, `01`, `02`, `03`, `04`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `09`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `67`, `13`, `14`, `15`, `16`, `17`, `18`, `19`, `20`, `21`, `22`, `23`, `79`, `24`, `25`, `26`, `91`, `27`, `28`, `29`, `30`, `32`, `33`, `31`, `43`, `52`, `05`, `70`, `74`, `65`, `87`, `68`, `92`, `34`, `35`, `36`, `37`, `38`, `39`, `40`, `42`, `44`, `45`, `41`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57`, `58`, `59`, `60`, `61`, `75`, `62`, `63`, `66`, `64`, `69`, `71`, `72`, `73`, `77`, `76`, `93`, `80`, `81`, `82`, `90`, `94`, `95`, `83`, `84`, `85`, `86`, `88`, `89`, `78`, freq_abs, freq_rel, rare_nat";
chorodepMeta = "chorodep_meta"
chorodepContributeurs = "chorodep_contributeurs"
chorodepSources = "chorodep_sources"
chorodepOntologies = "chorodep_ontologies"
chorodep = "chorodep_v{ref:version}"
chorodepTpl = "chorodep_v%s"
; Noms vernaculaires et status de protection :
statuts_protection = "chorologie_sp"
noms_vernaculaires = "chorologie_nv"
structureSql = "chorodep.sql"
structureSqlVersion = "chorodep_v{ref:versionDonnees}.sql"
structureSqlVersionTpl = "chorodep_v%s.sql"
chorodepContributeurs = "chorodep_contributeurs.tsv"
chorodepSources = "chorodep_sources.tsv"
chorodepOntologies = "chorodep_ontologies.tsv"
chorodep = "chorodep_v{ref:versionDonnees}.tsv"
chorodepTpl = "chorodep_v%s.tsv"
; Noms vernaculaires et status de protection :
structureNVSP = "nvsp.sql"
structureSql = "{ref:dossierSql}{ref:fichiers.structureSql}"
structureSqlVersion = "{ref:dossierTsv}{ref:fichiers.structureSqlVersion}"
structureSqlVersionTpl = "{ref:dossierTsvTpl}{ref:fichiers.structureSqlVersionTpl}"
chorodepContributeurs = "{ref:dossierSql}{ref:fichiers.chorodepContributeurs}"
chorodepSources = "{ref:dossierSql}{ref:fichiers.chorodepSources}"
chorodepOntologies = "{ref:dossierSql}{ref:fichiers.chorodepOntologies}"
chorodep = "{ref:dossierTsv}{ref:fichiers.chorodep}"
chorodepTpl = "{ref:dossierTsvTpl}{ref:fichiers.chorodepTpl}"
; Noms vernaculaires et status de protection :
structureNVSP = "{ref:dossierSql}{ref:fichiers.structureNVSP}"
;base_url_service_eflore = "";
base_url_service_eflore = "http://localhost/service:eflore:0.1/";
url_nvjfl = "{ref:base_url_service_eflore}nvjfl/noms-vernaculaires?masque.lg=fra&retour.champs=num_taxon&retour.tri=num_taxon&navigation.depart=%s&navigation.limite=%s"
url_sptb = "{ref:base_url_service_eflore}sptb/statuts?masque.nn=%s"