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* Exemple de lancement du script : /opt/lampp/bin/php cli.php ontologie -a analyser
class Ontologie extends Script {
private $lecteur = null;
private $fichier = '';
private $lotsTermes = array();
private $lotsRelations = array();
private $baseIdGroupe = 10000;
private $baseIdSousGroupe = 20000;
private $types = array(
'UNIT_TERMS' => 9,
public function executer() {
try {
$this->bdd = new Bdd();
$this->fichier = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/../../../donnees/ontologie/v1.00_2003-02-18/Ontology.xml';
// Lancement de l'action demandée
$cmd = $this->getParametre('a');
switch ($cmd) {
case 'analyser' :
case 'vider' :
default :
throw new Exception("Erreur : la commande '$cmd' n'existe pas!");
} catch (Exception $e) {
* Lit le fichier OSM et lance l'analyse des noeuds xml en fonction de leur type.
private function lireFichierXml() {
$termes = array_keys($this->types);
$this->lecteur = new XMLReader();
if ($this->ouvrirFichierXml()) {
while ($this->lecteur->read()) {
if ($this->lecteur->nodeType == XMLREADER::ELEMENT) {
if (in_array($this->lecteur->localName, $termes)) {
$noeud = $this->obtenirNoeudSimpleXml();
$type = $this->lecteur->localName;
$this->traiterTermes($this->types[$type], $noeud->children());
} else if ($this->lecteur->localName == 'STATE_GROUPS') {
$noeud = $this->obtenirNoeudSimpleXml();
if (count($this->lotsTermes) > 0) {
if (count($this->lotsRelations) > 0) {
private function ouvrirFichierXml() {
if ($this->lecteur->open($this->fichier) === false) {
throw new Exception("Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier XML : $this->fichier");
return true;
private function obtenirNoeudSimpleXml() {
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$element = $this->lecteur->expand();
$noeud = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($element, true));
return $noeud;
private function traiterTermes($type, $termes) {
foreach ($termes as $terme) {
$id = (int) $terme->attributes()->GLOBALID;
if (isset($lotsTermes[$id]) === false) {
$valeur = array();
$valeur[] = (int) $id;
$valeur[] = (int) $type;
$valeur[] = (string) $terme->attributes()->term;
$valeur[] = (string) $this->obtenirDefinition($terme);
$valeur[] = (int) $this->obtenirPreference($terme);
$valeur[] = (int) $this->obtenirAuteur($terme);
$valeur[] = (int) $terme->attributes()->citationREF;
$valeur[] = (int) $this->obtenirImage($terme);
$this->lotsTermes[$id] = $valeur;
if (isset($terme->attributes()->parentID)) {
$relation = array();
$relation[] = (int) $terme->attributes()->GLOBALID;
$relation[] = (int) $terme->attributes()->parentID;
$relation[] = 'A POUR PARENT';
$this->lotsRelations[] = $relation;
if (isset($terme->attributes()->stateOfNEWPROPERTYID)) {
$relation = array();
$relation[] = (int) $terme->attributes()->GLOBALID;
$relation[] = (int) $terme->attributes()->stateOfNEWPROPERTYID;
$relation[] = 'A POUR NOUVELLE QUALITE';
$this->lotsRelations[] = $relation;
private function obtenirDefinition($terme) {
$definition = null;
if (isset($terme->DEFINITION)) {
$definition = $terme->DEFINITION;
return $definition;
private function obtenirPreference($terme) {
$preference = '1';
if (isset($terme->attributes()->PREFERRED_TERM)) {
$valeur = (string) $terme->attributes()->PREFERRED_TERM;
$preference = (trim($valeur) == 'Disallowed Term') ? '0' : '1';
return $preference;
private function obtenirAuteur($terme) {
$auteur = 0;
if (isset($terme->attributes()->authorID)) {
$auteur = $terme->attributes()->authorID;
} elseif (isset($terme->attributes()->authorREF)) {
$auteur = $terme->attributes()->authorREF;
return $auteur;
private function obtenirImage($terme) {
$image = 0;
if (isset($terme->attributes()->pictureREF)) {
$image = $terme->attributes()->pictureREF;
return $image;
private function traiterGroupes($groupes) {
$lotsTermes = $lotsRelations = array();
foreach ($groupes as $groupe) {
$id = $this->baseIdGroupe + (int) $groupe->attributes()->GROUP_ID;
if (isset($lotsTermes[$id]) === false) {
$valeur = array();
$valeur[] = (int) $id;
$valeur[] = 18;
$valeur[] = (string) $groupe->attributes()->groupName;
$valeur[] = '';
$valeur[] = 1;
$valeur[] = 0;
$valeur[] = 0;
$valeur[] = 0;
$this->lotsTermes[$id] = $valeur;
if (isset($groupe->STRUCTURES_LINKED_TO_GROUP)) {
foreach ($groupe->STRUCTURES_LINKED_TO_GROUP->children() as $structure) {
$relation = array();
$relation[] = (int) $structure->attributes()->GLOBALID;
$relation[] = (int) $id;
$relation[] = 'A POUR GROUPE';
$this->lotsRelations[] = $relation;
if (isset($groupe->STATES_IN_GROUP)) {
foreach ($groupe->STATES_IN_GROUP->children() as $etat) {
$relation = array();
$relation[] = (int) $id;
$relation[] = (int) $etat->attributes()->GLOBALID;
$relation[] = 'A POUR ETAT';
$this->lotsRelations[] = $relation;
if (isset($groupe->STATESUBGROUPS)) {
$this->traiterSousGroupes($id, $groupe->STATESUBGROUPS->children());
private function traiterSousGroupes($idGroupe, $sousGroupes) {
$lotsTermes = $lotsRelations = array();
foreach ($sousGroupes as $sg) {
$id = $this->baseIdSousGroupe + (int) $sg->attributes()->STATESUBGROUP_GLOBALID;
if (isset($lotsTermes[$id]) === false) {
$valeur = array();
$valeur[] = (int) $id;
$valeur[] = 19;
$valeur[] = (string) $sg->attributes()->subgGroupName;
$valeur[] = '';
$valeur[] = 1;
$valeur[] = 0;
$valeur[] = 0;
$valeur[] = 0;
$this->lotsTermes[$id] = $valeur;
$relation = array();
$relation[] = (int) $idGroupe;
$relation[] = (int) $id;
$relation[] = 'A POUR SOUS-GROUPE';
$this->lotsRelations[] = $relation;
if (isset($sg->STATES_IN_SUBGROUP)) {
foreach ($sg->STATES_IN_SUBGROUP->children() as $etat) {
$relation = array();
$relation[] = (int) $id;
$relation[] = (int) $etat->attributes()->GLOBALID;
$relation[] = 'A POUR ETAT';
$this->lotsRelations[] = $relation;
private function insererLotDeTermes() {
$champs = implode(',', array('id_terme', 'ce_type', 'terme', 'definition', 'preference', 'ce_auteur', 'ce_publication', 'ce_image'));
$values = $this->creerValues($this->lotsTermes);
$requete = "INSERT INTO ontologie_terme ($champs) VALUES $values";
private function insererLotDeRelations() {
$champs = implode(',', array('id_terme_01', 'id_terme_02', 'relation'));
$values = $this->creerValues($this->lotsRelations);
$requete = "INSERT INTO ontologie_relation ($champs) VALUES $values";
private function creerValues($valeurs) {
$values = array();
foreach ($valeurs as $valeur) {
foreach ($valeur as $id => $val) {
$valeur[$id] = $this->etreVide($val) ? 'NULL' : $this->proteger(trim($val));
$values[] = '('.implode(',', $valeur).')';
$values = implode(',', $values);
return $values;
private function etreVide($val) {
$vide = ($val === null || trim($val) === '') ? true : false;
return $vide;
private function executerSql($requete) {
private function proteger($chaine) {
return $this->bdd->proteger($chaine);
private function vider() {
$requete = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ontologie_terme';
$requete = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ontologie_relation';