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 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * For further information visit:
 * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
 * File Name: fck_contextmenu.js
 *      Defines the FCK.ContextMenu object that is responsible for all
 *      Context Menu operations in the editing area.
 * File Authors:
 *              Frederico Caldeira Knabben (

FCK.ContextMenu = new Object() ;
FCK.ContextMenu.Listeners = new Array() ;

FCK.ContextMenu.RegisterListener = function( listener )
        if ( listener )
                this.Listeners.push( listener ) ;

function FCK_ContextMenu_Init()
        var oInnerContextMenu = FCK.ContextMenu._InnerContextMenu = new FCKContextMenu( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ? window : window.parent, FCK.EditorWindow, FCKLang.Dir ) ;
        oInnerContextMenu.OnBeforeOpen  = FCK_ContextMenu_OnBeforeOpen ;
        oInnerContextMenu.OnItemClick   = FCK_ContextMenu_OnItemClick ;

        // Get the registering function.
        var oMenu = FCK.ContextMenu ;

        // Register all configured context menu listeners.
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < FCKConfig.ContextMenu.length ; i++ )
                oMenu.RegisterListener( FCK_ContextMenu_GetListener( FCKConfig.ContextMenu[i] ) ) ;

function FCK_ContextMenu_GetListener( listenerName )
        switch ( listenerName )
                case 'Generic' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                menu.AddItem( 'Cut'             , FCKLang.Cut   , 7, FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'Cut' ).GetState() == FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ;
                                menu.AddItem( 'Copy'    , FCKLang.Copy  , 8, FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'Copy' ).GetState() == FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ;
                                menu.AddItem( 'Paste'   , FCKLang.Paste , 9, FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'Paste' ).GetState() == FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Table' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                var bIsTable    = ( tagName == 'TABLE' ) ;
                                var bIsCell             = ( !bIsTable && FCKSelection.HasAncestorNode( 'TABLE' ) ) ;
                                if ( bIsCell )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        var oItem = menu.AddItem( 'Cell'        , FCKLang.CellCM ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableInsertCell'        , FCKLang.InsertCell, 58 ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableDeleteCells'       , FCKLang.DeleteCells, 59 ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableMergeCells'        , FCKLang.MergeCells, 60 ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableSplitCell'         , FCKLang.SplitCell, 61 ) ;
                                        oItem.AddSeparator() ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableCellProp'          , FCKLang.CellProperties, 57 ) ;

                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        oItem = menu.AddItem( 'Row'                     , FCKLang.RowCM ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableInsertRow'         , FCKLang.InsertRow, 62 ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableDeleteRows'        , FCKLang.DeleteRows, 63 ) ;
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        oItem = menu.AddItem( 'Column'          , FCKLang.ColumnCM ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableInsertColumn'      , FCKLang.InsertColumn, 64 ) ;
                                        oItem.AddItem( 'TableDeleteColumns'     , FCKLang.DeleteColumns, 65 ) ;

                                if ( bIsTable || bIsCell )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'TableDelete'                     , FCKLang.TableDelete ) ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'TableProp'                       , FCKLang.TableProperties, 39 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Link' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                var bInsideLink = ( tagName == 'A' || FCKSelection.HasAncestorNode( 'A' ) ) ;

                                if ( bInsideLink || FCK.GetNamedCommandState( 'Unlink' ) != FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        if ( bInsideLink )
                                                menu.AddItem( 'Link', FCKLang.EditLink          , 34 ) ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Unlink'  , FCKLang.RemoveLink    , 35 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Image' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'IMG' && !tag.getAttribute( '_fckfakelement' ) )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Image', FCKLang.ImageProperties, 37 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Anchor' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'IMG' && tag.getAttribute( '_fckanchor' ) )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Anchor', FCKLang.AnchorProp, 36 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Flash' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'IMG' && tag.getAttribute( '_fckflash' ) )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Flash', FCKLang.FlashProperties, 38 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Form' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( FCKSelection.HasAncestorNode('FORM') )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Form', FCKLang.FormProp, 48 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Checkbox' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'INPUT' && tag.type == 'checkbox' )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Checkbox', FCKLang.CheckboxProp, 49 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Radio' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'INPUT' && tag.type == 'radio' )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Radio', FCKLang.RadioButtonProp, 50 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'TextField' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'INPUT' && ( tag.type == 'text' || tag.type == 'password' ) )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'TextField', FCKLang.TextFieldProp, 51 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'HiddenField' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'INPUT' && tag.type == 'hidden' )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'HiddenField', FCKLang.HiddenFieldProp, 56 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'ImageButton' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'INPUT' && tag.type == 'image' )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'ImageButton', FCKLang.ImageButtonProp, 55 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Button' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'INPUT' && ( tag.type == 'button' || tag.type == 'submit' || tag.type == 'reset' ) )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Button', FCKLang.ButtonProp, 54 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Select' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'SELECT' )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Select', FCKLang.SelectionFieldProp, 53 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'Textarea' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( tagName == 'TEXTAREA' )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'Textarea', FCKLang.TextareaProp, 52 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'BulletedList' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( FCKSelection.HasAncestorNode('UL') )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'BulletedList', FCKLang.BulletedListProp, 27 ) ;
                        }} ;

                case 'NumberedList' :
                        return {
                        AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
                                if ( FCKSelection.HasAncestorNode('OL') )
                                        menu.AddSeparator() ;
                                        menu.AddItem( 'NumberedList', FCKLang.NumberedListProp, 26 ) ;
                        }} ;

function FCK_ContextMenu_OnBeforeOpen()
        // Update the UI.
        FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnSelectionChange" ) ;

        // Get the actual selected tag (if any).
        var oTag, sTagName ;
        if ( oTag = FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() )
                sTagName = oTag.tagName ;

        // Cleanup the current menu items.
        var oMenu = FCK.ContextMenu._InnerContextMenu ;
        oMenu.RemoveAllItems() ;

        // Loop through the listeners.
        var aListeners = FCK.ContextMenu.Listeners ;
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < aListeners.length ; i++ )
                aListeners[i].AddItems( oMenu, oTag, sTagName ) ;

function FCK_ContextMenu_OnItemClick( item )
        FCK.Focus() ;
        FCKCommands.GetCommand( item.Name ).Execute() ;