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// This is a SPIP language file  --  Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP

$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(

// A
'aide_non_disponible' => 'This part of the online help is not yet available in the present language.',
'avis_acces_interdit' => 'Access forbidden.',
'avis_article_modifie' => 'Warning, @nom_auteur_modif@ has worked on this article @date_diff@ minutes ago',
'avis_aucun_resultat' => 'No results found.',
'avis_chemin_invalide_1' => 'The path you have selected',
'avis_chemin_invalide_2' => 'does not seem valid. Please return to the previous page and verify the information provided.',
'avis_connexion_echec_1' => 'Connection to MySQL server failed.',
'avis_connexion_echec_2' => 'Go back to the previous page, and verify the information you have provided.',
'avis_connexion_echec_3' => '<b>N.B.</b> On a number of servers, you must <b>request</b> the activation of your access to MySQL database before you can use it. If you are unable to connect, make sure that you actually made this request.',
'avis_connexion_ldap_echec_1' => 'Connection to the LDAP server failed.',
'avis_connexion_ldap_echec_2' => 'Go back to the previous page, and verify the information you have provided.',
'avis_connexion_ldap_echec_3' => 'Alternatively, do not use LDAP support to import users.',
'avis_conseil_selection_mot_cle' => '<b>Important group:</b> It is very strongly advised to select a keyword in this group.',
'avis_deplacement_rubrique' => 'Warning! This section contains @contient_breves@ news item@scb@: if you move it , please check this box to confirm.',
'avis_destinataire_obligatoire' => 'You must select a recipient before sending this message.',
'avis_erreur_connexion_mysql' => 'MySQL connection error',
'avis_erreur_version_archive' => '<b>Warning! The file @archive@ corresponds to
    a version of SPIP other than the one you have
    installed.</b> You are facing great
    difficulties: the risk of destroying your database,
    various malfunctions of your site, etc. Do not
    submit this import request.<p>For more
    information, please see <A HREF=\'\'>
                                the SPIP documentation</a>.',
'avis_espace_interdit' => '<b>Forbidden area</b><p>SPIP is already installed.',
'avis_lecture_noms_bases_1' => 'The installer could not read the names of the installed databases.',
'avis_lecture_noms_bases_2' => 'Either no database is available, or the feature allowing the listing of the databases was disabled
                for security reasons (which is the case with a lot of hosts).',
'avis_lecture_noms_bases_3' => 'In case the second alternative was true, it is possible that a database named after your login could be usable:',
'avis_non_acces_message' => 'You do not have access to this message.',
'avis_non_acces_page' => 'You do not have access to this page.',
'avis_operation_echec' => 'The operation failed.',
'avis_probleme_archive' => 'Reading error in file @archive@',
'avis_site_introuvable' => 'Site not found',
'avis_site_syndique_probleme' => 'Warning: the syndication of this site encountered a problem; consequently the system is temporarily interrupted. Please verify the address of this site\'s syndication file (<b>@url_syndic@</b>), and try again to perform a new recovery of information.',
'avis_sites_probleme_syndication' => 'These sites encountered a syndication problem',
'avis_sites_syndiques_probleme' => 'These syndicated sites generated a problem',
'avis_suppression_base' => 'WARNING, data deletion is irreversible',
'avis_version_mysql' => 'Your version of MySQL (@version_mysql@) does not allow auto repair of the database tables.',

// B
'bouton_acces_ldap' => 'Add an access to LDAP >>',
'bouton_ajouter' => 'Add',
'bouton_ajouter_participant' => 'ADD A PARTICIPANT:',
'bouton_annonce' => 'ANNOUNCEMENT',
'bouton_checkbox_envoi_message' => 'possibility to send a message',
'bouton_checkbox_indiquer_site' => 'You must enter the name of a Web site',
'bouton_checkbox_qui_attribue_mot_cle_administrateurs' => 'site administrators',
'bouton_checkbox_qui_attribue_mot_cle_redacteurs' => 'editors',
'bouton_checkbox_qui_attribue_mot_cle_visiteurs' => 'visitors of the public site when they post a message on a forum.',
'bouton_checkbox_signature_unique_email' => 'only one signature per e-mail address',
'bouton_checkbox_signature_unique_site' => 'only one signature per Web site',
'bouton_demande_publication' => 'Request the publication of this article',
'bouton_effacer_index' => 'Delete indexing',
'bouton_effacer_tout' => 'Delete ALL',
'bouton_envoi_message_02' => 'SEND A MESSAGE',
'bouton_envoyer_message' => 'Final message: send',
'bouton_forum_petition' => 'FORUM & PETITION',
'bouton_modifier' => 'Modify',
'bouton_pense_bete' => 'PERSONAL MEMO',
'bouton_radio_activer_messagerie' => 'Enable internal messaging',
'bouton_radio_activer_messagerie_interne' => 'Enable internal messaging',
'bouton_radio_activer_petition' => 'Activating the petition',
'bouton_radio_afficher' => 'Show',
'bouton_radio_apparaitre_liste_redacteurs_connectes' => 'Appear in the list of connected editors',
'bouton_radio_articles_futurs' => 'to future articles only (no action on the database).',
'bouton_radio_articles_tous' => 'to all articles without any exception.',
'bouton_radio_articles_tous_sauf_forum_desactive' => 'to all articles, except those with disabled forums.',
'bouton_radio_desactiver_messagerie' => 'Disable messaging',
'bouton_radio_enregistrement_obligatoire' => 'Required registration (
  users must subscribe by providing their e-mail address before
  being able to post contributions).',
'bouton_radio_envoi_annonces_adresse' => 'Send announcements to the address:',
'bouton_radio_envoi_liste_nouveautes' => 'Send latest news list',
'bouton_radio_moderation_priori' => 'Pre-moderation (
 contributions will be shown only after validation by
'bouton_radio_modere_abonnement' => 'registration required',
'bouton_radio_modere_posteriori' => 'post-moderation',
'bouton_radio_modere_priori' => 'pre-moderation',
'bouton_radio_non_apparaitre_liste_redacteurs_connectes' => 'Do not appear in the list of connected editors',
'bouton_radio_non_envoi_annonces_editoriales' => 'Do not send any editorial announcements',
'bouton_radio_non_syndication' => 'No syndication',
'bouton_radio_occidental' => 'Western alphabet (<tt>iso-8859-1</tt>): displays mainly
 West-european languages (English, French, German...);
 However, SPIP manages quite well other languages.',
'bouton_radio_pas_petition' => 'No petition',
'bouton_radio_personnalise' => 'Custom character set: choose this option if you want to use a specific character set',
'bouton_radio_petition_activee' => 'Petition activated',
'bouton_radio_publication_immediate' => 'Immediate publication of messages
 (contributions will be shown as soon as they are sent, administrators can
 then delete them).',
'bouton_radio_sauvegarde_compressee' => 'save as compressed in <b>ecrire/data/dump.xml.gz</b>',
'bouton_radio_sauvegarde_non_compressee' => 'save as uncompressed in <b>ecrire/data/dump.xml</b>',
'bouton_radio_supprimer_petition' => 'Delete the petition',
'bouton_radio_syndication' => 'Syndication:',
'bouton_radio_universel' => 'Universal alphabet (<tt>utf-8</tt>): displays all the languages but could create
  compatibility problems with the software you use to modify your templates and some e-mail
'bouton_redirection' => 'REDIRECT',
'bouton_relancer_installation' => 'Re-launch installation',
'bouton_restaurer_base' => 'Restore the database',
'bouton_suivant' => 'Next',
'bouton_tenter_recuperation' => 'Repairing attempt',
'bouton_test_proxy' => 'Test the proxy',
'bouton_vider_cache' => 'Empty the cache',
'bouton_voir_message' => 'Preview message before validating',

// C
'cache_mode_compresse' => 'The cache files are saved in compressed mode.',
'cache_mode_non_compresse' => 'The cache files are written in uncompressed mode.',
'cache_modifiable_webmestre' => 'This parameter can be modified by the webmaster.',
'calendrier_synchro' => 'If you use a calendar application compatible with <b>iCal</b>, you can synchronize it with this site\'s information.',

// D
'date_mot_heures' => 'H',
'diff_para_ajoute' => 'Added paragraph',
'diff_para_deplace' => 'Moved paragraph',
'diff_para_supprime' => 'Deleted paragraph',
'diff_texte_ajoute' => 'Added text',
'diff_texte_deplace' => 'Moved text',
'diff_texte_supprime' => 'Deleted text',
'double_clic_inserer_doc' => 'Double-click to insert this shortcut in the text',

// E
'email' => 'e-mail',
'email_2' => 'e-mail:',
'entree_adresse_annuaire' => 'Directory\'s address',
'entree_adresse_email' => 'Your e-mail address',
'entree_adresse_fichier_syndication' => 'Address of &laquo;backend&raquo; file for syndication:',
'entree_adresse_site' => '<b>Site URL</b> [Required]',
'entree_base_donnee_1' => 'Database address',
'entree_base_donnee_2' => '(Often, this address matches the address of your site, sometimes it corresponds to the name &laquo;localhost&raquo;, and sometimes it is left completely empty.)',
'entree_biographie' => 'Short biography in a few words.',
'entree_breve_publiee' => 'Is this news item to be published?',
'entree_chemin_acces' => '<B>Enter</B> the path:',
'entree_cle_pgp' => 'Your PGP key',
'entree_contenu_rubrique' => '(Content of the section in a few words.)',
'entree_description_site' => 'Site description',
'entree_identifiants_connexion' => 'Your connection identifiers...',
'entree_informations_connexion_ldap' => 'Please fill this form with the LDAP connection information. You will be provided with this information by your system or network administrator.',
'entree_infos_perso' => 'Who are you?',
'entree_interieur_rubrique' => 'In section:',
'entree_liens_sites' => '<B>Hypertext link</B> (reference, site to visit...)',
'entree_login' => 'Your login',
'entree_login_connexion_1' => 'Connection login',
'entree_login_connexion_2' => '(Sometimes matches your FTP access login and sometimes left empty)',
'entree_login_ldap' => 'Initial LDAP login',
'entree_mot_passe' => 'Your password',
'entree_mot_passe_1' => 'Connection password',
'entree_mot_passe_2' => '(Sometimes matches your FTP access password and sometimes left empty)',
'entree_nom_fichier' => 'Please enter the filename @texte_compresse@:',
'entree_nom_pseudo' => 'Your name or alias',
'entree_nom_pseudo_1' => '(Your name or alias)',
'entree_nom_site' => 'Your site\'s name',
'entree_nouveau_passe' => 'New password',
'entree_passe_ldap' => 'Password',
'entree_port_annuaire' => 'Port number of the directory',
'entree_signature' => 'Signature',
'entree_texte_breve' => 'Text of news item',
'entree_titre_obligatoire' => '<B>Title</b> [Required]<BR>',
'entree_url' => 'Your site\'s URL',

// I
'ical_info1' => 'This page presents you with several methods to keep in contact with this site\'s activity.',
'ical_info2' => 'For more information, do not hesitate to visit <a href="">SPIP\'s documentation</a>.',
'ical_info_calendrier' => 'Two calendars are at your disposal. The first is a site map showing all the published articles. The second contains editorial annoucements as well as your latest private messages: it is reserved for you thanks to a personal key that you can modify at any time by renewing your password.',
'ical_methode_http' => 'Downloading',
'ical_methode_webcal' => 'Synchronization (webcal://)',
'ical_texte_js' => 'A line of javascript allows to display,  very easily and in any site belonging to you, the most recent articles published on this site.',
'ical_texte_prive' => 'This calendar, which is strictly personal, informs you of the private editorial ativity of this site (tasks, personal appointements, submitted articles and news items...).',
'ical_texte_public' => 'This calendar allows you to follow the public activity of this site (published articles and news items).',
'ical_texte_rss' => 'You can syndicate the latest news of this site in any XML/RSS (Rich Site Summary) files reader. This is also the format that allows SPIP to read the latest news published by other sites using a compatible exchange format (syndicated sites).',
'ical_titre_js' => 'Javascript',
'ical_titre_mailing' => 'Mailing-list',
'ical_titre_rss' => 'Backend files',
'icone_activer_cookie' => 'Place a cookie',
'icone_afficher_auteurs' => 'Show authors',
'icone_afficher_visiteurs' => 'Show visitors',
'icone_arret_discussion' => 'Stop participating in this discussion',
'icone_calendrier' => 'Calendar',
'icone_creation_groupe_mots' => 'Create a new keyword group',
'icone_creation_mots_cles' => 'Create a new keyword',
'icone_creer_auteur' => 'Create a new author and associate him with this article',
'icone_creer_rubrique_2' => 'Create a new section',
'icone_ecrire_nouvel_article' => 'News in this section',
'icone_envoyer_message' => 'Send this message',
'icone_evolution_visites' => 'Visits level<br>@visites@ visits',
'icone_modif_groupe_mots' => 'Modify this keyword group',
'icone_modifier_article' => 'Modify this article',
'icone_modifier_breve' => 'Modify this news item',
'icone_modifier_message' => 'Modify this message',
'icone_modifier_rubrique' => 'Modify this section',
'icone_modifier_site' => 'Modify this site',
'icone_poster_message' => 'Post a message',
'icone_publier_breve' => 'Publish this news item',
'icone_referencer_nouveau_site' => 'Reference a new site',
'icone_refuser_breve' => 'Reject this news item',
'icone_retour' => 'Back',
'icone_retour_article' => 'Back to the article',
'icone_suivi_forum' => 'Follow-up of public forum: @nb_forums@ contribution(s)',
'icone_supprimer_cookie' => 'Delete cookie',
'icone_supprimer_groupe_mots' => 'Delete this group',
'icone_supprimer_rubrique' => 'Delete this section',
'icone_supprimer_signature' => 'Delete this signature',
'icone_valider_signature' => 'Validate this signature',
'icone_voir_sites_references' => 'Show referenced sites',
'icone_voir_tous_mots_cles' => 'Show all keywords',
'image_administrer_rubrique' => 'You can manage this section',
'info_1_article' => '1 article',
'info_1_breve' => '1 news item',
'info_1_site' => '1 site',
'info_activer_cookie' => 'You can activate an <b>administration cookie</b>, which allows you
 to switch easily between the public site and the private area.',
'info_activer_forum_public' => '<I>To enable public forums, please choose their default mode of moderation:</I>',
'info_admin_gere_rubriques' => 'This administrator manages the following sections:',
'info_admin_gere_toutes_rubriques' => 'This administrator manages <b>all the sections</b>.',
'info_administrateur' => 'Administrator',
'info_administrateur_1' => 'Administrator',
'info_administrateur_2' => 'of the site (<i>use with caution</i>)',
'info_administrateur_site_01' => 'If you are a site administrator, please',
'info_administrateur_site_02' => 'click on this link',
'info_administrateurs' => 'Administrators',
'info_administrer_rubrique' => 'You can manage this section',
'info_adresse' => 'to the address:',
'info_adresse_email' => 'E-MAIL ADDRESS:',
'info_adresse_url' => 'Your public site\'s URL',
'info_afficher_visites' => 'Show visits for:',
'info_affichier_visites_articles_plus_visites' => 'Show visits for <b>the most visited articles since the beginning:</b>',
'info_aide_en_ligne' => 'SPIP Online Help',
'info_ajout_image' => 'When you add images as attached documents to an article,
                SPIP can automatically create vignettes (thumbnails) from
                inserted images. This will allow, for instance, the automated
                creation of a gallery or a portfolio.',
'info_ajout_participant' => 'The following participant has been added:',
'info_ajouter_rubrique' => 'Add another section to manage:',
'info_annonce_nouveautes' => 'Latest news announcements',
'info_anterieur' => 'previous',
'info_appliquer_choix_moderation' => 'Apply this choice of moderation:',
'info_article' => 'article',
'info_article_2' => 'articles',
'info_article_a_paraitre' => 'Post-dated articles to be published',
'info_articles_02' => 'articles',
'info_articles_2' => 'Articles',
'info_articles_auteur' => 'This author\'s articles',
'info_articles_lies_mot' => 'Articles associated with this keyword',
'info_articles_trouves' => 'Articles found',
'info_articles_trouves_dans_texte' => 'Articles found (in the text)',
'info_attente_validation' => 'Your articles pending validation',
'info_aujourdhui' => 'today:',
'info_auteur_message' => 'MESSAGE SENDER:',
'info_auteurs' => 'Authors',
'info_auteurs_par_tri' => 'Authors@partri@',
'info_auteurs_trouves' => 'Authors found',
'info_authentification_externe' => 'External authentication',
'info_avertissement' => 'Warning',
'info_base_installee' => 'The structure of your database is installed.',
'info_base_restauration' => 'Restoration of the database in progress.',
'info_bloquer' => 'block',
'info_breves' => 'Does your site use the news system?',
'info_breves_03' => 'news items',
'info_breves_liees_mot' => 'News associated with this keyword',
'info_breves_touvees' => 'News items found',
'info_breves_touvees_dans_texte' => 'News items found (in the text)',
'info_changer_nom_groupe' => 'Change the name of this group:',
'info_chapeau' => 'Deck',
'info_chapeau_2' => 'Introduction:',
'info_chemin_acces_1' => 'Options: <B>Access path in directory</b>',
'info_chemin_acces_2' => 'From now on, you have to configure the access path to the directory information. This information is essential to read the users profiles stored in the directory.',
'info_chemin_acces_annuaire' => 'Options: <B>Access path in directory</B>',
'info_choix_base' => 'Third step:',
'info_classement_1' => '&nbsp;out of @liste@',
'info_classement_2' => '&nbsp;out of @liste@',
'info_code_acces' => 'Do not forget your own access codes!',
'info_comment_lire_tableau' => 'How to read this graphic',
'info_config_suivi' => 'If this address corresponds to amailing-list, you can indicate below the address where the site participants can register. This address could be a URL (for instance the page of the list registration via the web), or an e-mail address endowed with a specific subject (for instance: <tt>@adresse_suivi@?subject=subscribe</tt>):',
'info_config_suivi_explication' => 'You can subscribe to the mailing-list of this site. You will receive then, by automated electronic mail, the announcements concerning articles and news items submitted for publication.',
'info_confirmer_passe' => 'Confirm new password:',
'info_connexion_base' => 'Second step: <B>Attempting to connect to database</B>',
'info_connexion_ldap_ok' => 'Your LDAP connection succeeded.</b><p /> You can go to the next step.',
'info_connexion_mysql' => 'First step: <B>Your MySQL connection</b>',
'info_connexion_ok' => 'Connection succeeded.',
'info_contact' => 'Contact',
'info_contenu_articles' => 'Articles content',
'info_creation_mots_cles' => 'Create and configure the site\'s keywords here',
'info_creation_paragraphe' => '(To create paragraphs, you simply leave blank lines.)',
'info_creation_rubrique' => 'Before being able to write articles,<BR> you must create at least one section.<BR>',
'info_creation_tables' => 'Fourth step: <B>Creation of the database tables</b>',
'info_creer_base' => '<B>Create</b> a new database:',
'info_dans_groupe' => 'In group:',
'info_dans_rubrique' => 'In section:',
'info_date_publication_anterieure' => 'Date of earlier publishing:',
'info_date_referencement' => 'DATE OF REFERENCING THIS SITE:',
'info_delet_mots_cles' => 'You requested the deletion of keyword
<B>@titre_mot@</b> (@type_mot@). This keyword being linked to
<b>@texte_lie@</b>you must confirm this decision:',
'info_derniere_etape' => 'Last step: <B>Done!',
'info_derniere_syndication' => 'The last syndication of this site was carried out on',
'info_derniers_articles_publies' => 'Your latest published articles',
'info_desactiver_forum_public' => 'Disable the use of public
        forums. Public forums could be allowed on a case by case
        basis for the articles; they will be forbidden for the sections, news, etc.',
'info_desactiver_messagerie_personnelle' => 'You can enable or disable your personal messaging on this site.',
'info_descriptif' => 'Description:',
'info_discussion_cours' => 'Discussions in progress',
'info_ecrire_article' => 'Before being able to write articles, you must create at least one section.',
'info_email_envoi' => 'The sender\'s email address (optional)',
'info_email_envoi_txt' => 'Enter the sender\'s email address used while sending the emails (by default, the recipient\'s address is used as the sender\'s address)&nbsp;:',
'info_email_webmestre' => 'Webmaster\'s e-mail address (optional)',
'info_entrer_code_alphabet' => 'Enter the code of the character set to be used:',
'info_envoi_email_automatique' => 'Automated mailing',
'info_envoi_forum' => 'Send forums to articles authors',
'info_envoyer_maintenant' => 'Send now',
'info_erreur_restauration' => 'Restoration error: file not found.',
'info_etape_suivante' => 'Go to the next step',
'info_etape_suivante_1' => 'You can move to the next step.',
'info_etape_suivante_2' => 'You can move to the next step.',
'info_exportation_base' => 'export database to @archive@',
'info_facilite_suivi_activite' => 'To facilitate the follow-up of the site\'s editorial;
  activities, SPIP can send notification by email, to an editor\'s mailing list for instance,
  of publication requests and article validations.',
'info_fichiers_authent' => 'Authentication file ".htpasswd"',
'info_fonctionnement_forum' => 'Forum operation:',
'info_forum_administrateur' => 'administrators\' forum',
'info_forum_interne' => 'internal forum',
'info_forum_ouvert' => 'In the site\'s private area, a forum is open to all
                registered editors. Below, you can enable an
                extra forum reserved for the administrators.',
'info_forum_statistiques' => 'Visits statistics',
'info_forums_abo_invites' => 'Your site contains forums by subscription; visitors may register for them on the public site.',
'info_gauche_admin_effacer' => '<b>Only administrators have access to this page.</b><p /> It provides access to various technical maintenance tasks. Some of them give rise to a specific authentication process requiring an FTP access to the Web site.',
'info_gauche_admin_tech' => '<b>Only administrators have access to this page.</b><p /> It provides access to various
maintenance tasks. Some of them give rise to a specific authentication process
requiring an FTP access to the Web site.',
'info_gauche_admin_vider' => '<b>Only administrators have access to this page.</b><p /> It provides access to various
maintenance tasks. Some of them give rise to a specific authentication process
requiring an FTP access to the Web site.',
'info_gauche_auteurs' => 'You will find here all the site\'s authors.
 The status of each one is indicated by the colour of there icon (administrator = green; editor = yellow).',
'info_gauche_auteurs_exterieurs' => 'External authors, without any access to the site, are indicated by a blue icon; deleted authors by a dustbin.',
'info_gauche_messagerie' => 'Messaging allows you to exchange messages amongst editors, to preserve memos (for your personal use) or to display announcements on the homepage of the private area (if you are an administrator).',
'info_gauche_numero_auteur' => 'AUTHOR NUMBER:',
'info_gauche_numero_breve' => 'NEWS ITEM NUMBER',
'info_gauche_statistiques_referers' => 'This page displays the list of <I>referrers</I>, i.e. the sites containing links to your own site, only for yesteday and today: actually this list is initialised every 24 hours.',
'info_gauche_suivi_forum' => 'The <I>forums follow-up</i> page is a management tool of your site (not a discussion or editing area). It displays all the contributions of the public forum of this article and allows you to manage these contributions.',
'info_gauche_suivi_forum_2' => 'The <I>forums follow-up</I> page is a management tool of your site (not a discussion or editing). It displays all the contributions of the public forum of this article and allows you to manage these contributions.',
'info_gauche_visiteurs_enregistres' => 'You will find here the visitors registered
        in the public area of the site (forums by subscription).',
'info_generation_miniatures_images' => 'Generating images thumbnails',
'info_gerer_trad' => 'Enable translation links?',
'info_groupe_important' => 'Important group',
'info_hebergeur_desactiver_envoi_email' => 'Some hosts disable automated mail sending
                on their servers. In this case the following features
                of SPIP cannot be implemented.',
'info_hier' => 'yesterday:',
'info_historique' => 'Revisions:',
'info_historique_activer' => 'Enable revisions follow-up',
'info_historique_affiche' => 'Display this version',
'info_historique_comparaison' => 'compare',
'info_historique_desactiver' => 'Disable revisions follow-up',
'info_historique_lien' => 'Display list of versions',
'info_historique_texte' => 'Revisions follow-up allows you to keep track of every modifications added to an article and displays the differences between successive versions.',
'info_historique_titre' => 'Revisions follow-up',
'info_identification_publique' => 'Your public identity...',
'info_image_process' => 'Select the best method to create miniatures by clicking on the corresponding picture.',
'info_image_process2' => '<b>N.B.</b> <i>If you can\'t see any image, then your server is not configured to use such tools. If you want to use these features, contact your provider\'s technical support and ask for the &laquo;GD&raquo; or &laquo;Imagick&raquo; extensions to be installed.</i>',
'info_images_auto' => 'Images automatically calculated',
'info_informations_personnelles' => 'Fifth step: <B>Personal information</B>',
'info_inscription_automatique' => 'Automated registration of new editors',
'info_jeu_caractere' => 'Character set of the site',
'info_jours' => 'days',
'info_laisser_champs_vides' => 'leave these fields empty)',
'info_langues' => 'Site\'s languages',
'info_ldap_ok' => 'LDAP authentication is installed.',
'info_lien_hypertexte' => 'Hypertext link:',
'info_liens_syndiques_1' => 'syndicated links',
'info_liens_syndiques_2' => 'pending validation.',
'info_liens_syndiques_3' => 'forums',
'info_liens_syndiques_4' => 'are',
'info_liens_syndiques_5' => 'forum',
'info_liens_syndiques_6' => 'is',
'info_liens_syndiques_7' => 'pending validation.',
'info_liste_redacteurs_connectes' => 'List of connected editors',
'info_login_existant' => 'This login already exists.',
'info_login_trop_court' => 'Login too short.',
'info_maximum' => 'maximum:',
'info_meme_rubrique' => 'In the same section',
'info_message' => 'Message from',
'info_message_efface' => 'MESSAGE DELETED',
'info_message_en_redaction' => 'Your messages in progress',
'info_message_technique' => 'Technical message:',
'info_messagerie_interne' => 'Internal messaging',
'info_mise_a_niveau_base' => 'MySQL database upgrade',
'info_mise_a_niveau_base_2' => '{{Warning!}} You have installed a version of
                SPIP files {older} than the one that was
                previously on this site: your database is at risk of being lost
                and your site will not work properly anymore.<br>{{Reinstall
                SPIP files.}}',
'info_mode_fonctionnement_defaut_forum_public' => 'Default operation mode of public forums',
'info_modifier_breve' => 'Modify the news item:',
'info_modifier_rubrique' => 'Modify the section:',
'info_modifier_titre' => 'Modify: @titre@',
'info_mon_site_spip' => 'My SPIP site',
'info_mot_sans_groupe' => '(Keywords without a group...)',
'info_moteur_recherche' => 'Integrated search engine',
'info_mots_cles' => 'Keywords',
'info_mots_cles_association' => 'Keywords in this group can be associated with:',
'info_moyenne' => 'average:',
'info_multi_articles' => 'Enable the language menu for the articles?',
'info_multi_cet_article' => 'Language of this article:',
'info_multi_langues_choisies' => 'Please select below the languages to be available to the editors of your site.
  Languages already used by your site (on top of the list) cannot be disabled.',
'info_multi_rubriques' => 'Enable the language menu for the sections?',
'info_multi_secteurs' => '... only for the sections located at the root?',
'info_nom' => 'Name',
'info_nom_destinataire' => 'Name of recipient',
'info_nom_site' => 'Your site\'s name',
'info_nom_site_2' => '<b>Site name</b> [Required]',
'info_nombre_articles' => '@nb_articles@ articles,',
'info_nombre_breves' => '@nb_breves@ news items,',
'info_nombre_partcipants' => 'PARTICIPANTS TO THE DISCUSSION:',
'info_nombre_rubriques' => '@nb_rubriques@ sections,',
'info_nombre_sites' => '@nb_sites@ sites,',
'info_non_deplacer' => 'Do not move...',
'info_non_envoi_annonce_dernieres_nouveautes' => 'SPIP can send the site\'s latest news announcements regularly.
                (recently published articles and news).',
'info_non_envoi_liste_nouveautes' => 'Do not send latest news list',
'info_non_modifiable' => 'cannot be modified',
'info_non_suppression_mot_cle' => 'I do not want to delete this keyword.',
'info_notes' => 'Footnotes',
'info_nouveaux_message' => 'New messages',
'info_nouvel_article' => 'New article',
'info_nouvelle_traduction' => 'New translation:',
'info_numero_article' => 'ARTICLE NUMBER:',
'info_obligatoire_02' => '[Required]',
'info_option_accepter_visiteurs' => 'Allow visitors registration from the public site',
'info_option_email' => 'When a site visitor posts a message to the forum
                associated with an article, the article\'s authors can be
                informed of this message by e-mail. Do you wish to use this option?',
'info_option_faire_suivre' => 'Forward forums messages to articles authors',
'info_option_ne_pas_accepter_visiteurs' => 'Refuse visitor registration',
'info_option_ne_pas_faire_suivre' => 'Do not forward forums messages',
'info_options_avancees' => 'ADVANCED OPTIONS',
'info_ortho_activer' => 'Enable the spell checker.',
'info_ortho_desactiver' => 'Disable the spell checker.',
'info_ou' => 'or...',
'info_oui_suppression_mot_cle' => 'I want to delete this keyword permanently.',
'info_page_interdite' => 'Forbidden page',
'info_par_nombre_article' => '(by number of articles)',
'info_par_tri' => '(By @tri@)',
'info_pas_de_forum' => 'no forum',
'info_passe_trop_court' => 'Password too short.',
'info_passes_identiques' => 'The two passwords are not identical.',
'info_pense_bete_ancien' => 'Your old memos',
'info_plus_cinq_car' => 'more than 5 characters',
'info_plus_cinq_car_2' => '(More than 5 characters)',
'info_plus_trois_car' => '(More than 3 characters)',
'info_popularite' => 'popularity: @popularite@; visits: @visites@',
'info_popularite_2' => 'site popularity:',
'info_popularite_3' => 'popularity:&nbsp;@popularite@; visits:&nbsp;@visites@',
'info_popularite_4' => 'popularity:&nbsp;@popularite@; visits:&nbsp;@visites@',
'info_post_scriptum' => 'Postscript',
'info_post_scriptum_2' => 'Postscript:',
'info_pour' => 'for',
'info_preview_admin' => 'Only administrators have access to the preview mode',
'info_preview_comite' => 'All authors have access to the preview mode',
'info_preview_desactive' => 'Preview mode is disabled',
'info_preview_texte' => 'It is possible to preview the site as if all articles and news items (which have at least the status "submitted") were already published. Should this preview mode be restricted to administrators, open to all authors, or disabled completely?',
'info_principaux_correspondants' => 'Your main correspondents',
'info_procedez_par_etape' => 'please proceed step by step',
'info_procedure_maj_version' => 'the upgrade procedure should be ran to adapt
        the database to the new version of SPIP.',
'info_ps' => 'P.S.',
'info_publier' => 'publish',
'info_publies' => 'Your articles published online',
'info_question_accepter_visiteurs' => 'If your site\'s templates allow visitors to register without entering the private area, please activate the following option:',
'info_question_gerer_statistiques' => 'Should your site manage visits statistics?',
'info_question_inscription_nouveaux_redacteurs' => 'Do you allow the registration of new editors from
                the published site? If you agree, visitors could register
                through an automated form, and will access then the private area to
                tender their own articles. <blockquote><i>During the registration process,
                users receive an automated e-mail
                providing them with their access code to the private site. Some
                hosts disable mail sending on their
                servers: in that case, automated registration cannot be
'info_question_mots_cles' => 'Do you wish to use keywords in your site?',
'info_question_proposer_site' => 'Who can propose referenced sites?',
'info_question_utilisation_moteur_recherche' => 'Do you wish to use the search engine integrated to SPIP?
        (Disabling it speeds up the performance of the system.)',
'info_qui_attribue_mot_cle' => 'Keywords in this group can be assigned by:',
'info_racine_site' => 'Site root',
'info_recharger_page' => 'Please reload this page in a few moments.',
'info_recherche_auteur_a_affiner' => 'Too many results for "@cherche_auteur@"; please refine your search.',
'info_recherche_auteur_ok' => 'Several editors were found for "@cherche_auteur@":',
'info_recherche_auteur_zero' => 'No results for "@cherche_auteur@".',
'info_recommencer' => 'Please try again.',
'info_redacteur_1' => 'R&eacute;dacteur',
'info_redacteur_2' => 'having access to the private area (<i>recommended</i>)',
'info_redacteurs' => 'Editors',
'info_redaction_en_cours' => 'EDITING IN PROGRESS',
'info_redirection' => 'Redirection',
'info_referencer_doc_distant' => 'Reference a document on the internet:',
'info_refuses' => 'Your articles rejected',
'info_reglage_ldap' => 'Options: <B>Adjusting LDAP import</b>',
'info_renvoi_article' => '<B>Redirection.</B> This article refers to the page:',
'info_reserve_admin' => 'Only administrators can modify this address.',
'info_restauration_sauvegarde' => 'restoring the backup @archive@',
'info_restreindre_rubrique' => 'Restrict management to section:',
'info_resultat_recherche' => 'Search results:',
'info_rubriques' => 'Sections',
'info_rubriques_02' => 'sections',
'info_rubriques_liees_mot' => 'Sections associated with this keyword',
'info_rubriques_trouvees' => 'Sections found',
'info_rubriques_trouvees_dans_texte' => 'Sections found (in the text)',
'info_sans_titre' => 'Untitled',
'info_sauvegarde' => 'Backup',
'info_sauvegarde_articles' => 'Backup the articles',
'info_sauvegarde_articles_sites_ref' => 'Backup articles of referenced sites',
'info_sauvegarde_auteurs' => 'Backup the authors',
'info_sauvegarde_breves' => 'Backup the news',
'info_sauvegarde_documents' => 'Backup the documents',
'info_sauvegarde_echouee' => 'If the backup fails (&laquo;Maximum execution time exceeded&raquo;),',
'info_sauvegarde_forums' => 'Backup the forums',
'info_sauvegarde_groupe_mots' => 'Backup keyword groups',
'info_sauvegarde_messages' => 'Backup the messages',
'info_sauvegarde_mots_cles' => 'Backup the keywords',
'info_sauvegarde_petitions' => 'Backup the petitions',
'info_sauvegarde_refers' => 'Backup the referrers',
'info_sauvegarde_reussi_01' => 'Backup successful.',
'info_sauvegarde_reussi_02' => 'The database has been saved in <b>ecrire/data/@archive@</b>. You can',
'info_sauvegarde_reussi_03' => 'return to the management',
'info_sauvegarde_reussi_04' => 'of your site.',
'info_sauvegarde_rubriques' => 'Backup the sections',
'info_sauvegarde_signatures' => 'Backup petitions signatures',
'info_sauvegarde_sites_references' => 'Backup referenced sites',
'info_sauvegarde_type_documents' => 'Backup documents types',
'info_sauvegarde_visites' => 'Backup the visits',
'info_selection_chemin_acces' => '<b>Select</b> below the access path in the directory:',
'info_selection_un_seul_mot_cle' => 'You can select <b>only one keyword</b> at a time in this group.',
'info_signatures' => 'signatures',
'info_site' => 'Site',
'info_site_2' => 'site:',
'info_site_min' => 'site',
'info_site_propose' => 'Site submitted on:',
'info_site_reference_2' => 'Referenced site',
'info_site_syndique' => 'This site is syndicated...',
'info_site_valider' => 'Sites to be validated',
'info_site_web' => 'WEB SITE:',
'info_sites' => 'sites',
'info_sites_lies_mot' => 'Referenced sites associated with this keyword',
'info_sites_proxy' => 'Using a proxy',
'info_sites_refuses' => 'Rejected sites',
'info_sites_trouves' => 'Sites found',
'info_sites_trouves_dans_texte' => 'Sites found (in the text)',
'info_sous_titre' => 'Subtitle:',
'info_statut_administrateur' => 'Administrator',
'info_statut_auteur' => 'This author\'s status:',
'info_statut_efface' => 'Deleted',
'info_statut_redacteur' => 'Editor',
'info_statut_site_1' => 'This site is:',
'info_statut_site_2' => 'Published',
'info_statut_site_3' => 'Submitted',
'info_statut_site_4' => 'In the dustbin',
'info_statut_utilisateurs_1' => 'Default status of imported users',
'info_statut_utilisateurs_2' => 'Choose the status that is attributed to the persons present in the LDAP directory when they connect for the first time. Later, you can modify this value for each author on a case by case basis.',
'info_suivi_activite' => 'Follow-up of editorial activity',
'info_supprimer_mot' => 'delete this keyword',
'info_surtitre' => 'Top title:',
'info_taille_maximale_vignette' => 'Maximum size of vignettes generated by the system:',
'info_terminer_installation' => 'You can now finish the standard installation process.',
'info_texte' => 'Text',
'info_texte_explicatif' => 'Explanatory text',
'info_texte_long' => '(The text is long: it will appear in several parts which will be reassembled after validation.)',
'info_texte_message' => 'Text of your message:',
'info_texte_message_02' => 'Text of message',
'info_titre' => 'Title:',
'info_titre_mot_cle' => 'Name or title of this keyword',
'info_total' => 'total:',
'info_tous_articles_en_redaction' => 'All the articles in progress',
'info_tous_articles_presents' => 'All the articles published in this section',
'info_tous_les' => 'every:',
'info_tous_redacteurs' => 'Announcements to all editors',
'info_tout_site' => 'The entire site',
'info_tout_site2' => 'The article has not been translated into this language.',
'info_tout_site3' => 'The article has been translated into this language, but some modifications had beed entered afterwards to the reference article. The translation requires updating.',
'info_tout_site4' => 'The article has been translated into this language, and the translation is up to date.',
'info_tout_site5' => 'Original article.',
'info_tout_site6' => '<b>Warning:</b> only original articles are displayed.
The translations are associated with the original,
in a colour indicating their status:',
'info_travail_colaboratif' => 'Collaborative work on articles',
'info_un_article' => 'an article,',
'info_un_mot' => 'One keyword at a time',
'info_un_site' => 'a site,',
'info_une_breve' => 'a news item,',
'info_une_rubrique' => 'a section,',
'info_une_rubrique_02' => '1 section',
'info_url' => 'URL:',
'info_url_site' => 'SITE\'S URL:',
'info_urlref' => 'Hyperlink:',
'info_utilisation_spip' => 'SPIP is now ready to be used...',
'info_visites_par_mois' => 'Monthly display:',
'info_visites_plus_populaires' => 'Show visits for <b>the most popular articles</b> and for <b>the last published articles:</b>',
'info_visiteur_1' => 'Visitor',
'info_visiteur_2' => 'of the public site',
'info_visiteurs' => 'Visitors',
'info_visiteurs_02' => 'Public site visitors',
'install_echec_annonce' => 'This installation will probably not work, or will result in a nonfunctional site...',
'install_extension_mbstring' => 'SPIP does not work with:',
'install_extension_php_obligatoire' => 'SPIP requires a php extension:',
'install_select_langue' => 'Select a language then click on the button "next" to start the installation procedure.',
'intem_redacteur' => 'editor',
'item_accepter_inscriptions' => 'Allow registrations',
'item_activer_forum_administrateur' => 'Enable administrators forum',
'item_activer_messages_avertissement' => 'Activate warning messages',
'item_administrateur_2' => 'administrator',
'item_afficher_calendrier' => 'Display in calendar',
'item_ajout_mots_cles' => 'Authorise the addition of keywords to forums',
'item_autoriser_documents_joints' => 'Authorise documents attached to articles',
'item_autoriser_documents_joints_rubriques' => 'Authorise documents in the sections',
'item_bloquer_liens_syndiques' => 'Block syndicated links for validation',
'item_breve_refusee' => 'NO - News item rejected',
'item_breve_validee' => 'YES - News item validated',
'item_choix_administrateurs' => 'administrators',
'item_choix_generation_miniature' => 'Generate images thumbnails automatically.',
'item_choix_non_generation_miniature' => 'Do not generate images thumbnails.',
'item_choix_redacteurs' => 'editors',
'item_choix_visiteurs' => 'visitors of the public site',
'item_creer_fichiers_authent' => 'Create .htpasswd files',
'item_desactiver_forum_administrateur' => 'Disable administrators forum',
'item_gerer_annuaire_site_web' => 'Manage Web sites directory',
'item_gerer_statistiques' => 'Manage statistics',
'item_limiter_recherche' => 'Limit the search to information contained in your site',
'item_login' => 'Login',
'item_mots_cles_association_articles' => 'articles',
'item_mots_cles_association_breves' => 'news items',
'item_mots_cles_association_rubriques' => 'sections',
'item_mots_cles_association_sites' => 'referenced or syndicated sites.',
'item_non' => 'No',
'item_non_accepter_inscriptions' => 'Do not allow registrations',
'item_non_activer_messages_avertissement' => 'No warning messages',
'item_non_afficher_calendrier' => 'Do not display in calendar',
'item_non_ajout_mots_cles' => 'Do not authorise the addition of keywords to forums',
'item_non_autoriser_documents_joints' => 'Do not authorise documents in articles',
'item_non_autoriser_documents_joints_rubriques' => 'Do not authorise documents in the sections',
'item_non_bloquer_liens_syndiques' => 'Do not block the links emanating from syndication',
'item_non_creer_fichiers_authent' => 'Do not create these files',
'item_non_gerer_annuaire_site_web' => 'Disable Web sites directory',
'item_non_gerer_statistiques' => 'Do not manage statistics',
'item_non_limiter_recherche' => 'Extend the search to the content of referenced sites',
'item_non_publier_articles' => 'Do not publish the articles before their publication dates.',
'item_non_utiliser_breves' => 'Do not use the news',
'item_non_utiliser_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Do not use the advanced configuration of keyword groups',
'item_non_utiliser_moteur_recherche' => 'Do not use the engine',
'item_non_utiliser_mots_cles' => 'Do not use keywords',
'item_non_utiliser_syndication' => 'Do not use automated syndication',
'item_nouvel_auteur' => 'New author',
'item_nouvelle_breve' => 'New news item',
'item_nouvelle_rubrique' => 'New section',
'item_oui' => 'Yes',
'item_publier_articles' => 'Publish the articles disregarding their publication dates.',
'item_reponse_article' => 'Reply to the article',
'item_utiliser_breves' => 'Use the news',
'item_utiliser_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Use the advanced configuration of keyword groups',
'item_utiliser_moteur_recherche' => 'Use the search engine',
'item_utiliser_mots_cles' => 'Use keywords',
'item_utiliser_syndication' => 'Use automated syndication',
'item_visiteur' => 'visitor',

// J
'jour_non_connu_nc' => 'unknown',

// L
'lien_ajout_destinataire' => 'Add this recipient',
'lien_ajouter_auteur' => 'Add this author',
'lien_ajouter_participant' => 'Add a participant',
'lien_email' => 'e-mail',
'lien_forum_public' => 'Manage this article\'s public forum',
'lien_mise_a_jour_syndication' => 'Update now',
'lien_nom_site' => 'SITE\'S NAME:',
'lien_nouvelle_recuperation' => 'Try to perform a new retrieval of data',
'lien_reponse_article' => 'Reply to the article',
'lien_reponse_breve' => 'Reply to the news item',
'lien_reponse_breve_2' => 'Reply to the news item',
'lien_reponse_rubrique' => 'Reply to the section',
'lien_reponse_site_reference' => 'Reply to the referenced site:',
'lien_retirer_auteur' => 'Remove author',
'lien_retrait_particpant' => 'remove this participant',
'lien_site' => 'site',
'lien_supprimer_rubrique' => 'delete this section',
'lien_tout_deplier' => 'Expand all',
'lien_tout_replier' => 'Collapse all',
'lien_trier_nom' => 'Sort by name',
'lien_trier_nombre_articles' => 'Sort by number of articles',
'lien_trier_statut' => 'Sort by status',
'lien_voir_en_ligne' => 'VIEW ONLINE:',
'logo_article' => 'ARTICLE\'S LOGO',
'logo_auteur' => 'AUTHOR\'S LOGO',
'logo_breve' => 'NEWS ITEM\'S LOGO',
'logo_mot_cle' => 'KEYWORD\'S LOGO',
'logo_rubrique' => 'SECTION\'S LOGO',
'logo_site' => 'THIS SITE\'S LOGO',
'logo_standard_rubrique' => 'STANDARD LOGO FOR SECTIONS',
'logo_survol' => 'HOVERING LOGO',

// M
'menu_aide_installation_choix_base' => 'Choosing your database',
'module_fichier_langue' => 'Language file',
'module_raccourci' => 'Shortcut',
'module_texte_affiche' => 'Displayed text',
'module_texte_explicatif' => 'You can insert the following shortcuts in you site\'s templates. They will be automatically translated in the various languages for which there is a language file.',
'module_texte_traduction' => 'The language file &laquo;&nbsp;@module@&nbsp;&raquo; is available in:',
'mois_non_connu' => 'unknown',

// O
'onglet_repartition_actuelle' => 'now',
'ortho_ajouter_ce_mot' => 'Add this word to the dictionary',
'ortho_aucune_suggestion' => 'No suggestion was found for this word.',
'ortho_avis_privacy' => 'Spip contains a spell checker. However, before enabling it, please read the following paragraph carefully:',
'ortho_avis_privacy2' => 'In order to check spelling  a text, the site will send the list of words to be checked to an external "spelling server", which people of the Spip community have made available. The words are mixed up before being sent in order to maintain some level of confidentiality. If you are concerned about your data, do not activate this option (and withdraw all your information from the web at once).',
'ortho_ce_mot_connu' => 'This word is in the site\'s dictionary.',
'ortho_dico_absent' => 'No dictionary was found for this language',
'ortho_mode_demploi' => 'Urecognised words have been highlighted in red. Click on these words to see suggested corrections.',
'ortho_mots_a_corriger' => 'words to correct',
'ortho_orthographe' => 'Spelling',
'ortho_supprimer_ce_mot' => 'Remove this word from the dictionary',
'ortho_trop_de_fautes' => 'Your text contains too many mistakes! In order to avoid overloading the system, no corrections have been suggested.',
'ortho_verif_impossible' => 'The system cannot check the spelling of this text.',
'ortho_verifier' => 'Spell check',

// S
'statut_admin_restreint' => '(restricted admin)',
'syndic_choix_moderation' => 'What should be done with the next links from this site?',
'syndic_choix_oublier' => 'What should be done with links which are no longer present in the syndication file?',
'syndic_lien_obsolete' => 'obsolete link',
'syndic_option_miroir' => 'block them automatically',
'syndic_option_oubli' => 'delete them (after @mois@&nbsp;months)',
'syndic_options' => 'Syndication options:',

// T
'taille_cache_image' => 'The images calculated automatically by SPIP (thumbnails, titles transformed into graphics, mathematical formulae in TeX format, etc.) take up a total of @taille@ in the @dir@ directory.',
'taille_cache_infinie' => 'This site does not have any fixed limit for the size of the <code>CACHE/</code> directory.',
'taille_cache_maxi' => 'SPIP will try to limit the size of the <code>CACHE/</code> directory to approximately <b>@octets@</b> of data.',
'taille_cache_octets' => 'The size of the cache is currently @octets@.',
'taille_cache_vide' => 'The cache is empty.',
'taille_repertoire_cache' => 'Current size of the cache',
'text_article_propose_publication' => 'Article submitted for publication. Do not hesitate to give your opinion through the forum attached to this article (at the bottom of the page).',
'texte_acces_ldap_anonyme_1' => 'Some LDAP servers do not allow any anonymous access. In this case you must indicate an initial access identifier to be able to search for information in the directory afterwards. However, in most cases the following fields can be left empty.',
'texte_admin_effacer_01' => 'This command deletes <i>all</i> the content of the database,
including <i>all</i> the access parameters for editors and administrators. After executing it, you should
reinstall SPIP in order to recreate a new database and the first administrator\'s access.',
'texte_admin_tech_01' => 'This option allows you to save 
the content of the database in a file stored in the directory <i>ecrire/data/</i>.
Also remember to retrieve the whole <i>IMG/</i>, directory, which contains
the images and the documents used in the articles and sections.',
'texte_admin_tech_02' => 'Warning: this backup can ONLY be restored in a site installed under the same version of SPIP. You should certainly not "empty the database" and expect to re-install the backup after the upgrade... For more information refer to <a href=\'\'>SPIP documentation</a>.',
'texte_admin_tech_03' => 'You can choose to save the file in a compressed form, to 
        speed up its transfer to your machine or to a backup server and save some disk space.',
'texte_adresse_annuaire_1' => '( If your directory is installed on the same machine as your Web site, it is probably &laquo;localhost&raquo;.)',
'texte_ajout_auteur' => 'The following author was added to the article:',
'texte_annuaire_ldap_1' => 'If you have access to a (LDAP) directory, you can use it to automatically import users under SPIP.',
'texte_article_statut' => 'Article status:',
'texte_article_virtuel' => 'Virtual article',
'texte_article_virtuel_reference' => '<b>Virtual article:</b> referenced article in your SPIP site, but redirected to another URL. To remove redirection, delete the above URL.',
'texte_aucun_resultat_auteur' => 'No results for "@cherche_auteur@".',
'texte_auteur_messagerie' => 'This site can continuously monitor the list of connected editors, which allows you to exchange messages in real time. You can decide not to appear in this list (you are then, "invisible" for the other users).',
'texte_auteur_messagerie_1' => 'This site allows the exchange of messages and the creation of private discussion forums between participants to the site. You can decide not to participate to this exchange.',
'texte_auteurs' => 'THE AUTHORS',
'texte_breves' => 'News are short and simple texts which allow
        the publication online of concise information, the management of
        a press review, a calendar of events...',
'texte_choix_base_1' => 'Select your database:',
'texte_choix_base_2' => 'MySQL server contains several databases.',
'texte_choix_base_3' => '<B>Select</B> below the one that your host attributed to you:',
'texte_commande_vider_tables_indexation' => 'Use this command to empty the indexing tables used
                        by the search engine integrated to SPIP. It will allow you
                        to save some disk space.',
'texte_comment_lire_tableau' => 'The rank of the article,
                in the popularity classification, is indicated in the
                margin; the article popularity (an estimate of
                the number of daily visits it will have if the actual pace of
                traffic is maintained) and the number of visits recorded
                since the beginning are displayed in the balloon that
                appears as the mouse hovers over the title.',
'texte_compresse_ou_non' => '(this one could be compressed or not)',
'texte_compte_element' => '@count@ element',
'texte_compte_elements' => '@count@ elements',
'texte_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Do you wish to activate the advanced configuration keyword groups,
                        by specifying, for instance that a unique word per group
                        could be selected, that a group is important...?',
'texte_connexion_mysql' => 'Refer to the information provided to you by your host: it should give you, if your host supports MySQL, the connection codes to MySQL server.',
'texte_contenu_article' => '(Content of the article in a few words.)',
'texte_contenu_articles' => 'Based on the layout chosen for your site, you can decide
                that some articles elements are not to be used.
                Use the following list to choose which elements should be available.',
'texte_crash_base' => 'If your database
                        crashed, you can try to repair it
'texte_creer_rubrique' => 'Before being able to write articles,<BR> you must create a section.',
'texte_date_creation_article' => 'DATE OF ARTICLE CREATION:',
'texte_date_publication_anterieure' => 'Date of earlier publishing:',
'texte_date_publication_anterieure_nonaffichee' => 'Hide date of earlier publishing.',
'texte_date_publication_article' => 'DATE OF ONLINE PUBLICATION:',
'texte_descriptif_petition' => 'Petition description',
'texte_descriptif_rapide' => 'Brief description',
'texte_documents_joints' => 'You can allow the addition of documents (office files, images,
 multimedia, etc.) to articles and/or sections. These files
 could then be referenced in
 the article or displayed separately.<p />',
'texte_documents_joints_2' => 'This setting does not stop the insertion of images directly in the articles.',
'texte_effacer_base' => 'Delete the SPIP database',
'texte_effacer_donnees_indexation' => 'Delete indexing data',
'texte_en_cours_validation' => 'The following articles and news are submitted for publication. Do not hesitate to give your opinion through the forums attached to them.',
'texte_enrichir_mise_a_jour' => 'You can enrich the layout of your text by using &laquo;typographical shortcuts&raquo;.',
'texte_fichier_authent' => '<b>Should SPIP create the <tt>.htpasswd</tt>
  and <tt>.htpasswd-admin</tt> files in the directory <tt>ecrire/data/</tt>?</b><p />
  These files can be used to restrict access to authors
  and administrators in other parts of your site
  (for instance, external statistical programme).<p />
  If you have not used such files before you can leave this option
  with its default value (no creation 
  of files).',
'texte_informations_personnelles_1' => 'The system will provide you now with a custom access to the site.',
'texte_informations_personnelles_2' => '(Note: if it is a reinstallation, and your access is still working, you can',
'texte_introductif_article' => '(Introductory Text to the article.)',
'texte_jeu_caractere' => 'This option is useful if your site displays alphabets
 different from the roman alphabet (that is &laquo;western&raquo;) and its derivatives.
 In this case, the default setting must be changed in order to use
 a suitable character set; anyway, we advise you to try different sets
 in order to find the right solution. If you modify this parameter, do not forget either, to adapt
 the public site accordingly (<tt>#CHARSET</tt> tag).',
'texte_jeu_caractere_2' => 'This setting is not retroactive.
        Consequently, text already entered might be wrongly
        displayed after modifying the setting. Anyway,
        you can always revert to the previous setting.',
'texte_lien_hypertexte' => '(If your message refers to an article published on the Web, or to a page providing more information, please enter here the title of the page and its URL.)',
'texte_liens_sites_syndiques' => 'Links emanating from syndicated sites could
                        be blocked beforehand; the following
                        setting show the default setting of
                        syndicated sites after their creation. It
                        is, then, possible anyway to
                        block each link individually, or to
                        choose, for each site, to block the links coming
                        from any particular site.',
'texte_login_ldap_1' => '(Keep empty for anonymous access or enter complete path, for instance &laquo;<tt>uid=smith, ou=users, dc=my-domain, dc=com</tt>&raquo;.)',
'texte_login_precaution' => 'Warning! This is the login with which you are connected now.
        Use this form with caution...',
'texte_message_edit' => 'Warning: this message can be modified by all the site administrators, and it appears to all editors. Use the announcements only to stress important events in the site\'s life.',
'texte_messages_publics' => 'Public Messages of the article:',
'texte_mise_a_niveau_base_1' => 'You have just updated SPIP files.
        Now you must upgrade the site\'s
'texte_modifier_article' => 'Modify the article:',
'texte_moteur_recherche_active' => '<b>The search engine is enabled.</b> use this command
                if you wish to execute a quick re-indexing (after restoring
                a backup for instance). You should note that the documents modified in
                a normal way (from the SPIP interface) are automatically
                indexed again: therefore this command is only useful in exceptional circumstances.',
'texte_moteur_recherche_non_active' => 'The search engine is not enabled.',
'texte_mots_cles' => 'Keywords allow you to create topical links between your articles
  irrespective of their section location. That way you can
  enrich the navigation of your site or even use these properties
  to customise the articles in your templates.',
'texte_mots_cles_dans_forum' => 'Do you wish to allow the use of keywords that could be selected by visitors, in the public site forums? (Warning: this option is rather intricate to use properly.)',
'texte_multilinguisme' => 'If you wish to manage articles in several languages, with a complicated navigation, you can add a language selection menu to the articles and/or the sections, according to the organisation of your site.',
'texte_multilinguisme_trad' => 'Also, you can enable a link management system amongst the different translations of an article.',
'texte_non_compresse' => '<i>uncompressed</i> (your server does not support this feature)',
'texte_non_fonction_referencement' => 'You can choose not to use this automated feature, and enter the elements concerning that site manually...',
'texte_nouveau_message' => 'New message',
'texte_nouveau_mot' => 'New keyword',
'texte_nouvelle_version_spip_1' => 'You have just installed a new version of SPIP.',
'texte_nouvelle_version_spip_2' => 'This new version requires an update more thorough than usual. If you are the webmaster of this site, please delete the file <tt>inc_connect.php3</tt> of the directory <tt>ecrire</tt> and restart installation in order to update your database connection parameters. <p />(NB.: if you forgot your connection parameters, have a look at the file <tt>inc_connect.php3</tt> before deleting it...)',
'texte_operation_echec' => 'Go back to the previous page, select another database or create a new one. Verify the information provided by your host.',
'texte_plus_trois_car' => 'more than 3 characters',
'texte_plusieurs_articles' => 'Several authors were found for "@cherche_auteur@":',
'texte_port_annuaire' => '(Default value is generally suitable.)',
'texte_proposer_publication' => 'When your article is finished,<br> you can submit it for publication.',
'texte_proxy' => 'In some cases (intranet, protected networks...),
                it is necessary to use a <I>proxy HTTP</i> to reach the syndicated sites.
                Should there be a proxy, enter its address below, thus
                <tt><html>http://proxy:8080</html></tt>. Generally,
                you will leave this box empty.',
'texte_publication_articles_post_dates' => 'Which behaviour should SPIP adopt concerning articles which
                publication have been set to
                a future date?',
'texte_rappel_selection_champs' => '[Remember to select this field correctly.]',
'texte_recalcul_page' => 'If you want
to refresh only one page, you would rather do it from the public area and use the button &laquo; refresh &raquo;.',
'texte_recapitiule_liste_documents' => 'This page sums up the list of documents that you have placed in the sections. To modify each document\'s information, follow the link to its section\'s page.',
'texte_recuperer_base' => 'Repair the database',
'texte_reference_mais_redirige' => 'referenced article in your SPIP site, but redirected to another URL.',
'texte_referencement_automatique' => '<b>Automated site referencing</b><br>You can reference a Web site quickly by indicating below the desired URL, or the address of its backend file. SPIP will automatically pick up the information concerning that site (title, description...).',
'texte_requetes_echouent' => '<b>When some MySQL queries fail
  systematically and without any apparent reason, it is possible
  that the database itself
  is the culprit.</b><p />
  MySQL has at its disposal a repair feature of its tables
  when they have been accidentally corrupted.
  Here, you can try to execute this repair; in
  case of failure, you should keep a copy of the display, which might contain
  clues on what went wrong...<p />
  If the problem remains, contact your 
  host.<p />',
'texte_restaurer_base' => 'Restore the content of the database backup',
'texte_restaurer_sauvegarde' => 'This option allows you to restore a previous
backup of the database. To achieve this, the file containing the backup should have been
stored in the directory <i>ecrire/data/</i>.
Be careful with this feature: <b>Any potential modifications or losses are
'texte_sauvegarde' => 'Backup the content of the database',
'texte_sauvegarde_base' => 'Backup the database',
'texte_sauvegarde_compressee' => 'Backup will be done in the uncompressed file <b>ecrire/data/dump.xml</b>.',
'texte_selection_langue_principale' => 'You can select below the "main language" of the site. Luckily, this choice does not constrain your articles to be written in the selected language, but allows to determine

<ul><li> the default format of the dates in the public site</li>

<li> the nature of the typographical engine which will be used by SPIP for the text rendering;</li>

<li> the language used in the forms of the public site</li>

<li> the default language displayed in the private area.</li></ul>',
'texte_signification' => 'Dark bars represent cumulative entries (total of sub-sections), light bars represent the number of visits for each section.',
'texte_sous_titre' => 'Subtitle',
'texte_statistiques_visites' => '(dark bars:  Sunday / dark curve: average level)',
'texte_statut_attente_validation' => 'pending validation',
'texte_statut_publies' => 'published online',
'texte_statut_refuses' => 'rejected',
'texte_suppression_fichiers' => 'Use this command to delete all the files
in the SPIP cache. This allows you, amongst other things, to force the refreshing of all the pages in case you
entered important modifications on the graphics or the structure of the site.',
'texte_sur_titre' => 'Top title',
'texte_syndication' => 'If a site allows it, it is possible to retrieve automatically
                the list of its latest material. To achieve this, you must activate the syndication. 
                <blockquote><i>Some hosts disable this function; 
                in this case, you cannot use the content syndication
                from your site.</i></blockquote>',
'texte_table_ok' => ': this table is OK.',
'texte_tables_indexation_vides' => 'Indexing tables of the engine are empty.',
'texte_tentative_recuperation' => 'Repairing attempt',
'texte_tenter_reparation' => 'Attempt to repair the database',
'texte_test_proxy' => 'To try this proxy, enter here the address of a Web site
                                that you wish to test.',
'texte_titre_02' => 'Subject:',
'texte_titre_obligatoire' => '<B>Title</b> [Required]',
'texte_travail_article' => '@nom_auteur_modif@ has worked on this article @date_diff@ minutes ago',
'texte_travail_collaboratif' => 'If it is frequent that several editors
                work on the same article, the system
                can show the recently &laquo;opened&raquo; articles
                in order to avoid simultaneous modifications.
                This option is disabled by default
                to avoid displaying untimely warning
'texte_trop_resultats_auteurs' => 'Too many results for "@cherche_auteur@"; please refine the search.',
'texte_unpack' => 'downloading the latest version',
'texte_utilisation_moteur_syndiques' => 'When you use the search engine integrated to SPIP, you can perform searches on sites and articles syndicated in different manners. <br><img src=\'puce.gif\'>The most simple one is to search only in the titles and descriptions of the articles. <br><img src=\'puce.gif\'> A second method, much more powerful, allows SPIP to search also in the text of the referenced sites. If you reference a site, SPIP will perform the search in the site\'s text itself.',
'texte_utilisation_moteur_syndiques_2' => 'This method forces SPIP to visit the referenced sites regularly, which could cause a drop in the performance of your own site.',
'texte_vide' => 'empty',
'texte_vider_cache' => 'Empty the cache',
'titre_admin_effacer' => 'Technical maintenance',
'titre_admin_tech' => 'Technical maintenance',
'titre_admin_vider' => 'Technical maintenance',
'titre_articles_syndiques' => 'Syndicated articles pulled out from this site',
'titre_breves' => 'News',
'titre_cadre_afficher_article' => 'Show the articles:',
'titre_cadre_afficher_traductions' => 'Display the state of translation for the following languages:',
'titre_cadre_ajouter_auteur' => 'ADD AN AUTHOR:',
'titre_cadre_forum_administrateur' => 'Administrators private forum',
'titre_cadre_forum_interne' => 'Internal forum',
'titre_cadre_interieur_rubrique' => 'In section',
'titre_cadre_numero_auteur' => 'AUTHOR NUMBER',
'titre_cadre_signature_obligatoire' => '<B>Signature</B> [Required]<BR>',
'titre_config_fonctions' => 'Site configuration',
'titre_config_groupe_mots_cles' => 'Configuration of the keyword groups',
'titre_configuration' => 'Site configuration',
'titre_connexion_ldap' => 'Options: <b>Your LDAP connection</b>',
'titre_dernier_article_syndique' => 'Latest syndicated articles',
'titre_documents_joints' => 'Attached documents',
'titre_evolution_visite' => 'Visits level',
'titre_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up',
'titre_gauche_mots_edit' => 'KEYWORD NUMBER:',
'titre_groupe_mots' => 'KEYWORD GROUP:',
'titre_langue_article' => 'ARTICLE LANGUAGE',
'titre_langue_breve' => 'NEWS ITEM LANGUAGE',
'titre_langue_rubrique' => 'SECTION LANGUAGE',
'titre_langue_trad_article' => 'ARTICLE LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATIONS',
'titre_les_articles' => 'ARTICLES',
'titre_mots_cles_dans_forum' => 'Keywords in the public site forums',
'titre_mots_tous' => 'Keywords',
'titre_naviguer_dans_le_site' => 'Browse the site...',
'titre_nouveau_groupe' => 'New group',
'titre_nouvelle_breve' => 'New news item',
'titre_nouvelle_rubrique' => 'New section',
'titre_numero_rubrique' => 'SECTION NUMBER:',
'titre_page_admin_effacer' => 'Technical maintenance: deleting the database',
'titre_page_articles_edit' => 'Modify: @titre@',
'titre_page_articles_page' => 'Articles',
'titre_page_articles_tous' => 'The entire site',
'titre_page_auteurs' => 'Visitors',
'titre_page_breves' => 'News',
'titre_page_breves_edit' => 'Modify the news item: &laquo;@titre@&raquo;',
'titre_page_calendrier' => 'Calendar @nom_mois@ @annee@',
'titre_page_config_contenu' => 'Site configuration',
'titre_page_config_fonctions' => 'Site configuration',
'titre_page_configuration' => 'Site configuration',
'titre_page_controle_petition' => 'Petitions follow-up',
'titre_page_delete_all' => 'total and irreversible deletion',
'titre_page_documents_liste' => 'Attached documents',
'titre_page_forum' => 'Administrators forum',
'titre_page_forum_envoi' => 'Send a message',
'titre_page_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up',
'titre_page_index' => 'Your private area',
'titre_page_message_edit' => 'Write a message',
'titre_page_messagerie' => 'Your messaging',
'titre_page_mots_tous' => 'Keywords',
'titre_page_recherche' => 'Search results @recherche@',
'titre_page_sites_tous' => 'Referenced sites',
'titre_page_statistiques' => 'Statistics by section',
'titre_page_statistiques_referers' => 'Statistics (incoming links)',
'titre_page_statistiques_visites' => 'Visits statistics',
'titre_page_upgrade' => 'SPIP upgrade',
'titre_publication_articles_post_dates' => 'Publication of post dated articles',
'titre_referencement_sites' => 'Sites referencing and syndication',
'titre_referencer_site' => 'Reference the site:',
'titre_rendez_vous' => 'APPOINTMENTS:',
'titre_reparation' => 'Repair',
'titre_site_numero' => 'SITE NUMBER:',
'titre_sites_proposes' => 'Submitted sites',
'titre_sites_references_rubrique' => 'Referenced sites in this section',
'titre_sites_syndiques' => 'Syndicated sites',
'titre_sites_tous' => 'Referenced sites',
'titre_suivi_petition' => 'Petitions follow-up',
'titre_syndication' => 'Sites syndication',
'tout_dossier_upload' => 'The whole @upload@ directory',
'trad_article_inexistant' => 'There is no article with this number',
'trad_article_traduction' => 'All the versions of this article:',
'trad_deja_traduit' => 'This article is itself a translation of the current article.',
'trad_delier' => 'Stop linking this article to its translations',
'trad_lier' => 'This article is a translation of article number:',
'trad_new' => 'Write a new translation of this article',

// V
'version_initiale' => 'Initial version'

