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* SPIP, Systeme de publication pour l'internet *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2001-2005 *
* Arnaud Martin, Antoine Pitrou, Philippe Riviere, Emmanuel Saint-James *
* *
* Ce programme est un logiciel libre distribue sous licence GNU/GPL. *
* Pour plus de details voir le fichier COPYING.txt ou l'aide en ligne. *
include ("inc.php3");
include_ecrire ("inc_sites.php3");
if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo' AND $supp_syndic) {
$query="DELETE FROM spip_syndic WHERE id_syndic=".intval($supp_syndic);
afficher_sites(_T('titre_sites_tous'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE syndication='non' AND statut='publie' ORDER BY nom_site");
afficher_sites(_T('titre_sites_syndiques'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE (syndication='oui' OR syndication='sus') AND statut='publie' ORDER BY nom_site");
afficher_sites(_T('titre_sites_proposes'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE statut='prop' ORDER BY nom_site");
if ($connect_statut == '0minirezo' OR $proposer_sites > 0) {
echo "<div align='right'>";
$link = new Link('sites_edit.php3');
$link->addVar('target', 'sites.php3');
$link->addVar('redirect', $clean_link->getUrl());
icone(_T('icone_referencer_nouveau_site'), $link->getUrl(), "site-24.gif", "creer.gif");
echo "</div>";
afficher_sites(_T('avis_sites_probleme_syndication'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE syndication='off' AND statut='publie' ORDER BY nom_site");
if ($options == 'avancees' AND $connect_statut == '0minirezo') {
afficher_sites(_T('info_sites_refuses'), "SELECT * FROM spip_syndic WHERE statut='refuse' ORDER BY nom_site");
"SELECT * FROM spip_syndic_articles ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,50", 'afficher site');