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 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * For further information visit:
 * File Name: fck_1_ie.js
 *      This is the first part of the "FCK" object creation. This is the main
 *      object that represents an editor instance.
 *      (IE specific implementations)
 * File Authors:
 *              Frederico Caldeira Knabben (

FCK.Description = "FCKeditor for Internet Explorer 5.5+" ;

// The behaviors should be pointed using the FullBasePath to avoid security
// errors when using a differente BaseHref.
FCK._BehaviorsStyle =
        '<style type="text/css" _fcktemp="true"> \
                INPUT           { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; } \
                INPUT           { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; } \
                TEXTAREA        { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; } \
                SELECT          { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; }' ;

if ( FCKConfig.ShowBorders )
        FCK._BehaviorsStyle += 'TABLE { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; }' ;

if ( FCKConfig.DisableImageHandles )
        FCK._BehaviorsStyle += 'IMG { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; }' ;

if ( FCKConfig.DisableTableHandles )
        FCK._BehaviorsStyle += 'TABLE { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; }' ;

// Disable anchors handles
FCK._BehaviorsStyle += '.FCK__Anchor { behavior: url(' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/behaviors/ ; }' ;

FCK._BehaviorsStyle += '</style>' ;

function Doc_OnMouseDown()
        FCK.Focus() ;

        FCK.EditorWindow.event.cancelBubble     = true ;
        FCK.EditorWindow.event.returnValue      = false ;

function Doc_OnPaste()
        if ( FCK.Status == FCK_STATUS_COMPLETE )
                return FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnPaste" ) ;
                return false ;

function Doc_OnContextMenu()
        var e = FCK.EditorWindow.event ;
        FCK.ShowContextMenu( e.screenX, e.screenY ) ;
        return false ;

function Doc_OnKeyDown()
        var e = FCK.EditorWindow.event ;

        if ( e.keyCode == 13 && FCKConfig.UseBROnCarriageReturn )       // ENTER
                if ( (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) )
                        return true ;
                        // We must ignore it if we are inside a List.
                        if ( FCK.EditorDocument.queryCommandState( 'InsertOrderedList' ) || FCK.EditorDocument.queryCommandState( 'InsertUnorderedList' ) )
                                return true ;

                        // Insert the <BR> (The &nbsp; must be also inserted to make it work)
                        FCK.InsertHtml("<br>&nbsp;") ;

                        // Remove the &nbsp;
                        var oRange = FCK.EditorDocument.selection.createRange() ;
                        oRange.moveStart('character',-1) ;
                        FCK.EditorDocument.selection.clear() ;

                        return false ;
        else if ( e.keyCode == 9 && FCKConfig.TabSpaces > 0 && !(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) ) // TAB
                FCK.InsertHtml( window.FCKTabHTML ) ;
                return false ;
        return true ;

function Doc_OnKeyDownUndo()
        if ( !FCKUndo.Typing )
                FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
                FCKUndo.Typing = true ;
                FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnSelectionChange" ) ;
        FCKUndo.TypesCount++ ;

        if ( FCKUndo.TypesCount > FCKUndo.MaxTypes )
                FCKUndo.TypesCount = 0 ;
                FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

function Doc_OnDblClick()
        FCK.OnDoubleClick( FCK.EditorWindow.event.srcElement ) ;
        FCK.EditorWindow.event.cancelBubble = true ;

function Doc_OnSelectionChange()
        FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnSelectionChange" ) ;

FCK.InitializeBehaviors = function( dontReturn )
        // Set the focus to the editable area when clicking in the document area.
        // TODO: The cursor must be positioned at the end.
        this.EditorDocument.attachEvent( 'onmousedown', Doc_OnMouseDown ) ;
        this.EditorDocument.attachEvent( 'onmouseup', Doc_OnMouseDown ) ;

        // Intercept pasting operations
        this.EditorDocument.body.attachEvent( 'onpaste', Doc_OnPaste ) ;

        // Disable Right-Click and shows the context menu.
        this.EditorDocument.attachEvent('oncontextmenu', Doc_OnContextMenu ) ;

        // Check if key strokes must be monitored.
        if ( FCKConfig.UseBROnCarriageReturn || FCKConfig.TabSpaces > 0 )
                // Build the "TAB" key replacement.
                if ( FCKConfig.TabSpaces > 0 )
                        window.FCKTabHTML = '' ;
                        for ( i = 0 ; i < FCKConfig.TabSpaces ; i++ )
                                window.FCKTabHTML += "&nbsp;" ;

                this.EditorDocument.attachEvent("onkeydown", Doc_OnKeyDown ) ;

        this.EditorDocument.attachEvent("onkeydown", Doc_OnKeyDownUndo ) ;

        this.EditorDocument.attachEvent("ondblclick", Doc_OnDblClick ) ;

        // Catch cursor movements
        this.EditorDocument.attachEvent("onselectionchange", Doc_OnSelectionChange ) ;

        //Enable editing
//      this.EditorDocument.body.contentEditable = true ;

FCK.Focus = function()
                if ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG )
                        FCK.EditorDocument.body.focus() ;
                        document.getElementById('eSourceField').focus() ;
        catch(e) {}

FCK.SetHTML = function( html, forceWYSIWYG )
        if ( forceWYSIWYG || FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG )
                // TODO: Wait stable version and remove the following commented lines.
                // In IE, if you do document.body.innerHTML = '<p><hr></p>' it throws a "Unknow runtime error".
                // To solve it we must add a fake (safe) tag before it, and then remove it.
                // this.EditorDocument.body.innerHTML = '<div id="__fakeFCKRemove__">&nbsp;</div>' + html.replace( FCKRegexLib.AposEntity, '&#39;' ) ;
                // this.EditorDocument.getElementById('__fakeFCKRemove__').removeNode(true) ;

                var sHtml ;

                if ( FCKConfig.FullPage )
                        var sHtml =
                                FCK._BehaviorsStyle +
                                '<link href="' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/fck_internal.css' + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;

                        if ( FCK.TempBaseTag.length > 0 && !FCKRegexLib.HasBaseTag.test( html ) )
                                sHtml += FCK.TempBaseTag ;

                        sHtml = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHtml + '</head>' ) ;
                        sHtml =
                                FCKConfig.DocType +
                                '<html dir="' + FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection + '"' ;
                        if ( FCKConfig.IEForceVScroll )
                                sHtml += ' style="overflow-y: scroll"' ;
                        sHtml +=
                                '><head><title></title>' +
                                '<link href="' + FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' +
                                '<link href="' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/fck_internal.css' + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;

                        sHtml += FCK._BehaviorsStyle ;
                        sHtml += FCK.TempBaseTag ;
                        sHtml += '</head><body>' + html  + '</body></html>' ;

       '', '_self', '', true ) ;
                this.EditorDocument.write( sHtml ) ;
                this.EditorDocument.close() ;

                this.InitializeBehaviors() ;
                this.EditorDocument.body.contentEditable = true ;

                FCK.OnAfterSetHTML() ;

                // TODO: Wait stable version and remove the following commented lines.
//              this.EditorDocument.body.innerHTML = '' ;
//              if ( html && html.length > 0 )
//                      this.EditorDocument.write( html ) ;

//              this.EditorDocument.dir = FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection ;
                document.getElementById('eSourceField').value = html ;

FCK.InsertHtml = function( html )
        FCK.Focus() ;

        FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

        // Gets the actual selection.
        var oSel = FCK.EditorDocument.selection ;

        // Deletes the actual selection contents.
        if ( oSel.type.toLowerCase() != "none" )
                oSel.clear() ;

        // Inset the HTML.
        oSel.createRange().pasteHTML( html ) ;