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 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * For further information visit:
 * File Name: fck_2.js
 *      This is the second part of the "FCK" object creation. This is the main
 *      object that represents an editor instance.
 * File Authors:
 *              Frederico Caldeira Knabben (

// This collection is used by the browser specific implementations to tell
// wich named commands must be handled separately.
FCK.RedirectNamedCommands = new Object() ;

FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand = function( commandName, commandParameter )
        FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

        if ( FCK.RedirectNamedCommands[ commandName ] != null )
                FCK.ExecuteRedirectedNamedCommand( commandName, commandParameter ) ;
                FCK.Focus() ;
                FCK.EditorDocument.execCommand( commandName, false, commandParameter ) ; 
                FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ;

FCK.GetNamedCommandState = function( commandName )
                if ( !FCK.EditorDocument.queryCommandEnabled( commandName ) )
                        return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ;
                        return FCK.EditorDocument.queryCommandState( commandName ) ? FCK_TRISTATE_ON : FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ;
        catch ( e )
                return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ;

FCK.GetNamedCommandValue = function( commandName )
        var sValue = '' ;
        var eState = FCK.GetNamedCommandState( commandName ) ;
        if ( eState == FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) 
                return null ;
                sValue = this.EditorDocument.queryCommandValue( commandName ) ;
        catch(e) {}
        return sValue ? sValue : '' ;

FCK.PasteFromWord = function()
        FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Paste', FCKLang.PasteFromWord, 'dialog/fck_paste.html', 400, 330, 'Word' ) ;

// TODO: Wait Stable and remove this block.
//FCK.CleanAndPaste = function( html )
        // Remove all SPAN tags
//      html = html.replace(/<\/?SPAN[^>]*>/gi, "" );

//      html = html.replace(/<o:p>&nbsp;<\/o:p>/g, "") ;
//      html = html.replace(/<o:p><\/o:p>/g, "") ;
        // Remove mso-xxx styles.
//      html = html.replace( /mso-.[^:]:.[^;"]/g, "" ) ;
        // Remove Class attributes
//      html = html.replace(/<(\w[^>]*) class=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
        // Remove Style attributes
//      html = html.replace(/<(\w[^>]*) style="([^"]*)"([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
        // Remove Lang attributes
//      html = html.replace(/<(\w[^>]*) lang=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
        // Remove XML elements and declarations
//      html = html.replace(/<\\?\?xml[^>]*>/gi, "") ;
        // Remove Tags with XML namespace declarations: <o:p></o:p>
//      html = html.replace(/<\/?\w+:[^>]*>/gi, "") ;
        // Replace the &nbsp;
//      html = html.replace(/&nbsp;/, " " );
        // Replace the &nbsp; from the beggining.
//      html = html.replace(/^&nbsp;[\s\r\n]*/, ""); 
        // Transform <P> to <DIV>
//      var re = new RegExp("(<P)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/P>)","gi") ;    // Different because of a IE 5.0 error
//      html = html.replace( re, "<div$2</div>" ) ;
//      FCK.InsertHtml( html ) ;

FCK.Preview = function()
        var iWidth      = screen.width * 0.8 ;
        var iHeight     = screen.height * 0.7 ;
        var iLeft       = ( screen.width - iWidth ) / 2 ;
        var oWindow = '', null, 'toolbar=yes,location=no,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=' + iWidth + ',height=' + iHeight + ',left=' + iLeft ) ;
        var sHTML ;
        if ( FCKConfig.FullPage )
                if ( FCK.TempBaseTag.length > 0 )
                        sHTML = FCK.GetXHTML().replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, FCK.TempBaseTag + '</head>' ) ;
                        sHTML = FCK.GetXHTML() ;
                sHTML = 
                        FCKConfig.DocType +
                        '<html dir="' + FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection + '">' +
                        '<head><title>' + FCKLang.Preview + '</title>' +
                        '<link href="' + FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' +
                        FCK.TempBaseTag +
                        '</head><body>' + 
                        FCK.GetXHTML() + 
                        '</body></html>' ;
        oWindow.document.write( sHTML );

FCK.SwitchEditMode = function()
        // Check if the actual mode is WYSIWYG.
        var bWYSIWYG = ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) ;
        // Display/Hide the TRs.
        document.getElementById('eWysiwyg').style.display       = bWYSIWYG ? 'none' : '' ;
        document.getElementById('eSource').style.display        = bWYSIWYG ? '' : 'none' ;

        // Update the HTML in the view output to show.
        if ( bWYSIWYG )
                if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
                        FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
                document.getElementById('eSourceField').value = ( FCKConfig.EnableXHTML && FCKConfig.EnableSourceXHTML ? FCK.GetXHTML( FCKConfig.FormatSource ) : FCK.GetHTML( FCKConfig.FormatSource ) ) ;
                FCK.SetHTML( FCK.GetHTML(), true ) ;

        // Updates the actual mode status.
        // Update the toolbar.
        FCKToolbarSet.RefreshModeState() ;

        // Set the Focus.
        FCK.Focus() ;

FCK.CreateElement = function( tag )
        var e = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( tag ) ;
        return FCK.InsertElementAndGetIt( e ) ;

FCK.InsertElementAndGetIt = function( e )
        e.setAttribute( '__FCKTempLabel', 1 ) ;
        this.InsertElement( e ) ;
        var aEls = FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName( e.tagName ) ;
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < aEls.length ; i++ )
                if ( aEls[i].getAttribute( '__FCKTempLabel' ) )
                        aEls[i].removeAttribute( '__FCKTempLabel' ) ;
                        return aEls[i] ;