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All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.cal.iCalendar.fromText = function (text) {
var properties = dojo.cal.textDirectory.tokenise(text);
var calendars = [];
for (var i = 0, begun = false; i < properties.length; i++) {
var prop = properties[i];
if (!begun) {
if (prop.name == "BEGIN" && prop.value == "VCALENDAR") {
begun = true;
var calbody = [];
} else {
if (prop.name == "END" && prop.value == "VCALENDAR") {
calendars.push(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VCalendar(calbody));
begun = false;
} else {
return calendars;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component = function (body) {
if (!this.name) {
this.name = "COMPONENT";
this.properties = [];
this.components = [];
if (body) {
for (var i = 0, context = ""; i < body.length; i++) {
if (context == "") {
if (body[i].name == "BEGIN") {
context = body[i].value;
var childprops = [];
} else {
this.addProperty(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.Property(body[i]));
} else {
if (body[i].name == "END" && body[i].value == context) {
if (context == "VEVENT") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VEvent(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "VTIMEZONE") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VTimeZone(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "VTODO") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VTodo(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "VJOURNAL") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VJournal(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "VFREEBUSY") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VFreeBusy(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "STANDARD") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.Standard(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "DAYLIGHT") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.Daylight(childprops));
} else {
if (context == "VALARM") {
this.addComponent(new dojo.cal.iCalendar.VAlarm(childprops));
} else {
dojo.unimplemented("dojo.cal.iCalendar." + context);
context = "";
} else {
if (this._ValidProperties) {
dojo.extend(dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component, {addProperty:function (prop) {
this[prop.name.toLowerCase()] = prop;
}, addComponent:function (prop) {
}, postCreate:function () {
for (var x = 0; x < this._ValidProperties.length; x++) {
var evtProperty = this._ValidProperties[x];
var found = false;
for (var y = 0; y < this.properties.length; y++) {
var prop = this.properties[y];
var propName = prop.name.toLowerCase();
if (dojo.lang.isArray(evtProperty)) {
var alreadySet = false;
for (var z = 0; z < evtProperty.length; z++) {
var evtPropertyName = evtProperty[z].name.toLowerCase();
if ((this[evtPropertyName]) && (evtPropertyName != propName)) {
alreadySet = true;
if (!alreadySet) {
this[propName] = prop;
} else {
if (propName == evtProperty.name.toLowerCase()) {
found = true;
if (evtProperty.occurance == 1) {
this[propName] = prop;
} else {
found = true;
if (!dojo.lang.isArray(this[propName])) {
this[propName] = [];
if (evtProperty.required && !found) {
dojo.debug("iCalendar - " + this.name + ": Required Property not found: " + evtProperty.name);
if (dojo.lang.isArray(this.rrule)) {
for (var x = 0; x < this.rrule.length; x++) {
var rule = this.rrule[x].value;
this.rrule[x].cache = function () {
var temp = rule.split(";");
for (var y = 0; y < temp.length; y++) {
var pair = temp[y].split("=");
var key = pair[0].toLowerCase();
var val = pair[1];
if ((key == "freq") || (key == "interval") || (key == "until")) {
this.rrule[x][key] = val;
} else {
var valArray = val.split(",");
this.rrule[x][key] = valArray;
this.recurring = true;
}, toString:function () {
return "[iCalendar.Component; " + this.name + ", " + this.properties.length + " properties, " + this.components.length + " components]";
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Property = function (prop) {
this.name = prop.name;
this.group = prop.group;
this.params = prop.params;
this.value = prop.value;
dojo.extend(dojo.cal.iCalendar.Property, {toString:function () {
return "[iCalenday.Property; " + this.name + ": " + this.value + "]";
var _P = function (n, oc, req) {
return {name:n, required:(req) ? true : false, occurance:(oc == "*" || !oc) ? -1 : oc};
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VCalendar = function (calbody) {
this.name = "VCALENDAR";
this.recurring = [];
this.nonRecurringEvents = function () {
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, calbody);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VCalendar, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
dojo.extend(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VCalendar, {addComponent:function (prop) {
if (prop.name.toLowerCase() == "vevent") {
if (prop.rrule) {
} else {
var startDate = prop.getDate();
var month = startDate.getMonth() + 1;
var dateString = month + "-" + startDate.getDate() + "-" + startDate.getFullYear();
if (!dojo.lang.isArray(this[dateString])) {
this.nonRecurringEvents[dateString] = [];
}, preComputeRecurringEvents:function (until) {
var calculatedEvents = function () {
for (var x = 0; x < this.recurring.length; x++) {
var dates = this.recurring[x].getDates(until);
for (var y = 0; y < dates.length; y++) {
var month = dates[y].getMonth() + 1;
var dateStr = month + "-" + dates[y].getDate() + "-" + dates[y].getFullYear();
if (!dojo.lang.isArray(calculatedEvents[dateStr])) {
calculatedEvents[dateStr] = [];
if (!dojo.lang.inArray(calculatedEvents[dateStr], this.recurring[x])) {
this.recurringEvents = calculatedEvents;
}, getEvents:function (date) {
var events = [];
var recur = [];
var nonRecur = [];
var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
var dateStr = month + "-" + date.getDate() + "-" + date.getFullYear();
if (dojo.lang.isArray(this.nonRecurringEvents[dateStr])) {
nonRecur = this.nonRecurringEvents[dateStr];
dojo.debug("Number of nonRecurring Events: " + nonRecur.length);
if (dojo.lang.isArray(this.recurringEvents[dateStr])) {
recur = this.recurringEvents[dateStr];
events = recur.concat(nonRecur);
if (events.length > 0) {
return events;
return null;
var StandardProperties = [_P("dtstart", 1, true), _P("tzoffsetto", 1, true), _P("tzoffsetfrom", 1, true), _P("comment"), _P("rdate"), _P("rrule"), _P("tzname")];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Standard = function (body) {
this.name = "STANDARD";
this._ValidProperties = StandardProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.Standard, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
var DaylightProperties = [_P("dtstart", 1, true), _P("tzoffsetto", 1, true), _P("tzoffsetfrom", 1, true), _P("comment"), _P("rdate"), _P("rrule"), _P("tzname")];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Daylight = function (body) {
this.name = "DAYLIGHT";
this._ValidProperties = DaylightProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.Daylight, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
var VEventProperties = [_P("class", 1), _P("created", 1), _P("description", 1), _P("dtstart", 1), _P("geo", 1), _P("last-mod", 1), _P("location", 1), _P("organizer", 1), _P("priority", 1), _P("dtstamp", 1), _P("seq", 1), _P("status", 1), _P("summary", 1), _P("transp", 1), _P("uid", 1), _P("url", 1), _P("recurid", 1), [_P("dtend", 1), _P("duration", 1)], _P("attach"), _P("attendee"), _P("categories"), _P("comment"), _P("contact"), _P("exdate"), _P("exrule"), _P("rstatus"), _P("related"), _P("resources"), _P("rdate"), _P("rrule")];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VEvent = function (body) {
this._ValidProperties = VEventProperties;
this.name = "VEVENT";
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
this.recurring = false;
this.startDate = dojo.date.fromIso8601(this.dtstart.value);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VEvent, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
dojo.extend(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VEvent, {getDates:function (until) {
var dtstart = this.getDate();
var recurranceSet = [];
var weekdays = ["su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa"];
var order = {"daily":1, "weekly":2, "monthly":3, "yearly":4, "byday":1, "bymonthday":1, "byweekno":2, "bymonth":3, "byyearday":4};
for (var x = 0; x < this.rrule.length; x++) {
var rrule = this.rrule[x];
var freq = rrule.freq.toLowerCase();
var interval = 1;
if (rrule.interval > interval) {
interval = rrule.interval;
var set = [];
var freqInt = order[freq];
if (rrule.until) {
var tmpUntil = dojo.date.fromIso8601(rrule.until);
} else {
var tmpUntil = until;
if (tmpUntil > until) {
tmpUntil = until;
if (dtstart < tmpUntil) {
var expandingRules = function () {
var cullingRules = function () {
expandingRules.length = 0;
cullingRules.length = 0;
switch (freq) {
case "yearly":
var nextDate = new Date(dtstart);
while (nextDate < tmpUntil) {
nextDate.setYear(nextDate.getFullYear() + interval);
tmpDate = new Date(nextDate);
if (tmpDate < tmpUntil) {
case "monthly":
nextDate = new Date(dtstart);
while (nextDate < tmpUntil) {
nextDate.setMonth(nextDate.getMonth() + interval);
var tmpDate = new Date(nextDate);
if (tmpDate < tmpUntil) {
case "weekly":
nextDate = new Date(dtstart);
while (nextDate < tmpUntil) {
nextDate.setDate(nextDate.getDate() + (7 * interval));
var tmpDate = new Date(nextDate);
if (tmpDate < tmpUntil) {
case "daily":
nextDate = new Date(dtstart);
while (nextDate < tmpUntil) {
nextDate.setDate(nextDate.getDate() + interval);
var tmpDate = new Date(nextDate);
if (tmpDate < tmpUntil) {
if ((rrule["bymonth"]) && (order["bymonth"] < freqInt)) {
for (var z = 0; z < rrule["bymonth"].length; z++) {
if (z == 0) {
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
set[zz].setMonth(rrule["bymonth"][z] - 1);
} else {
var subset = [];
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
var newDate = new Date(set[zz]);
tmp = set.concat(subset);
set = tmp;
if (rrule["byweekno"] && !rrule["bymonth"]) {
dojo.debug("TODO: no support for byweekno yet");
if (rrule["byyearday"] && !rrule["bymonth"] && !rrule["byweekno"]) {
if (rrule["byyearday"].length > 1) {
var regex = "([+-]?)([0-9]{1,3})";
for (var z = 1; x < rrule["byyearday"].length; z++) {
var regexResult = rrule["byyearday"][z].match(regex);
if (z == 1) {
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
if (regexResult[1] == "-") {
dojo.date.setDayOfYear(set[zz], 366 - regexResult[2]);
} else {
dojo.date.setDayOfYear(set[zz], regexResult[2]);
} else {
var subset = [];
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
var newDate = new Date(set[zz]);
if (regexResult[1] == "-") {
dojo.date.setDayOfYear(newDate, 366 - regexResult[2]);
} else {
dojo.date.setDayOfYear(newDate, regexResult[2]);
tmp = set.concat(subset);
set = tmp;
if (rrule["bymonthday"] && (order["bymonthday"] < freqInt)) {
if (rrule["bymonthday"].length > 0) {
var regex = "([+-]?)([0-9]{1,3})";
for (var z = 0; z < rrule["bymonthday"].length; z++) {
var regexResult = rrule["bymonthday"][z].match(regex);
if (z == 0) {
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
if (regexResult[1] == "-") {
if (regexResult[2] < dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz])) {
set[zz].setDate(dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz]) - regexResult[2]);
} else {
if (regexResult[2] < dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz])) {
} else {
var subset = [];
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
var newDate = new Date(set[zz]);
if (regexResult[1] == "-") {
if (regexResult[2] < dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz])) {
newDate.setDate(dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz]) - regexResult[2]);
} else {
if (regexResult[2] < dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz])) {
tmp = set.concat(subset);
set = tmp;
if (rrule["byday"] && (order["byday"] < freqInt)) {
if (rrule["bymonth"]) {
if (rrule["byday"].length > 0) {
var regex = "([+-]?)([0-9]{0,1}?)([A-Za-z]{1,2})";
for (var z = 0; z < rrule["byday"].length; z++) {
var regexResult = rrule["byday"][z].match(regex);
var occurance = regexResult[2];
var day = regexResult[3].toLowerCase();
if (z == 0) {
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
if (regexResult[1] == "-") {
var numDaysFound = 0;
var lastDayOfMonth = dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz]);
var daysToSubtract = 1;
if (weekdays[set[zz].getDay()] == day) {
daysToSubtract = 7;
daysToSubtract = 1;
while (numDaysFound < occurance) {
set[zz].setDate(set[zz].getDate() - daysToSubtract);
if (weekdays[set[zz].getDay()] == day) {
daysToSubtract = 7;
} else {
if (occurance) {
var numDaysFound = 0;
var daysToAdd = 1;
if (weekdays[set[zz].getDay()] == day) {
daysToAdd = 7;
while (numDaysFound < occurance) {
set[zz].setDate(set[zz].getDate() + daysToAdd);
if (weekdays[set[zz].getDay()] == day) {
daysToAdd = 7;
} else {
var numDaysFound = 0;
var subset = [];
lastDayOfMonth = new Date(set[zz]);
var daysInMonth = dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz]);
if (weekdays[set[zz].getDay()] == day) {
var tmpDate = new Date(set[zz]);
daysToAdd = 1;
while (tmpDate.getDate() < lastDayOfMonth) {
if (weekdays[tmpDate.getDay()] == day) {
if (numDaysFound == 1) {
set[zz] = tmpDate;
} else {
tmpDate = new Date(tmpDate);
daysToAdd = 7;
tmpDate.setDate(tmpDate.getDate() + daysToAdd);
} else {
tmpDate.setDate(tmpDate.getDate() + daysToAdd);
var t = set.concat(subset);
set = t;
} else {
var subset = [];
for (var zz = 0; zz < set.length; zz++) {
var newDate = new Date(set[zz]);
if (regexResult[1] == "-") {
if (regexResult[2] < dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz])) {
newDate.setDate(dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz]) - regexResult[2]);
} else {
if (regexResult[2] < dojo.date.getDaysInMonth(set[zz])) {
tmp = set.concat(subset);
set = tmp;
} else {
dojo.debug("TODO: byday within a yearly rule without a bymonth");
dojo.debug("TODO: Process BYrules for units larger than frequency");
var tmp = recurranceSet.concat(set);
recurranceSet = tmp;
return recurranceSet;
}, getDate:function () {
return dojo.date.fromIso8601(this.dtstart.value);
var VTimeZoneProperties = [_P("tzid", 1, true), _P("last-mod", 1), _P("tzurl", 1)];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VTimeZone = function (body) {
this.name = "VTIMEZONE";
this._ValidProperties = VTimeZoneProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VTimeZone, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
var VTodoProperties = [_P("class", 1), _P("completed", 1), _P("created", 1), _P("description", 1), _P("dtstart", 1), _P("geo", 1), _P("last-mod", 1), _P("location", 1), _P("organizer", 1), _P("percent", 1), _P("priority", 1), _P("dtstamp", 1), _P("seq", 1), _P("status", 1), _P("summary", 1), _P("uid", 1), _P("url", 1), _P("recurid", 1), [_P("due", 1), _P("duration", 1)], _P("attach"), _P("attendee"), _P("categories"), _P("comment"), _P("contact"), _P("exdate"), _P("exrule"), _P("rstatus"), _P("related"), _P("resources"), _P("rdate"), _P("rrule")];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VTodo = function (body) {
this.name = "VTODO";
this._ValidProperties = VTodoProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VTodo, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
var VJournalProperties = [_P("class", 1), _P("created", 1), _P("description", 1), _P("dtstart", 1), _P("last-mod", 1), _P("organizer", 1), _P("dtstamp", 1), _P("seq", 1), _P("status", 1), _P("summary", 1), _P("uid", 1), _P("url", 1), _P("recurid", 1), _P("attach"), _P("attendee"), _P("categories"), _P("comment"), _P("contact"), _P("exdate"), _P("exrule"), _P("related"), _P("rstatus"), _P("rdate"), _P("rrule")];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VJournal = function (body) {
this.name = "VJOURNAL";
this._ValidProperties = VJournalProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VJournal, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
var VFreeBusyProperties = [_P("contact"), _P("dtstart", 1), _P("dtend"), _P("duration"), _P("organizer", 1), _P("dtstamp", 1), _P("uid", 1), _P("url", 1), _P("attendee"), _P("comment"), _P("freebusy"), _P("rstatus")];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VFreeBusy = function (body) {
this.name = "VFREEBUSY";
this._ValidProperties = VFreeBusyProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VFreeBusy, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);
var VAlarmProperties = [[_P("action", 1, true), _P("trigger", 1, true), [_P("duration", 1), _P("repeat", 1)], _P("attach", 1)], [_P("action", 1, true), _P("description", 1, true), _P("trigger", 1, true), [_P("duration", 1), _P("repeat", 1)]], [_P("action", 1, true), _P("description", 1, true), _P("trigger", 1, true), _P("summary", 1, true), _P("attendee", "*", true), [_P("duration", 1), _P("repeat", 1)], _P("attach", 1)], [_P("action", 1, true), _P("attach", 1, true), _P("trigger", 1, true), [_P("duration", 1), _P("repeat", 1)], _P("description", 1)]];
dojo.cal.iCalendar.VAlarm = function (body) {
this.name = "VALARM";
this._ValidProperties = VAlarmProperties;
dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component.call(this, body);
dojo.inherits(dojo.cal.iCalendar.VAlarm, dojo.cal.iCalendar.Component);