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All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.lfx.rounded = function (settings) {
var options = {validTags:settings.validTags || ["div"], autoPad:settings.autoPad != null ? settings.autoPad : true, antiAlias:settings.antiAlias != null ? settings.antiAlias : true, radii:{tl:(settings.tl && settings.tl.radius != null) ? settings.tl.radius : 5, tr:(settings.tr && settings.tr.radius != null) ? settings.tr.radius : 5, bl:(settings.bl && settings.bl.radius != null) ? settings.bl.radius : 5, br:(settings.br && settings.br.radius != null) ? settings.br.radius : 5}};
var nodes;
if (typeof (arguments[1]) == "string") {
nodes = dojo.html.getElementsByClass(arguments[1]);
} else {
if (dojo.lang.isArrayLike(arguments[1])) {
nodes = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i] = dojo.byId(nodes[i]);
if (nodes.length == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
dojo.lfx.rounded.applyCorners(options, nodes[i]);
dojo.lfx.rounded.applyCorners = function (options, node) {
var top = null;
var bottom = null;
var contentNode = null;
var fns = dojo.lfx.rounded._fns;
var width = node.offsetWidth;
var height = node.offsetHeight;
var borderWidth = parseInt(dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "border-top-width"));
var borderColor = dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "border-top-color");
var color = dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "background-color");
var bgImage = dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "background-image");
var position = dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "position");
var padding = parseInt(dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "padding-top"));
var format = {height:height, width:width, borderWidth:borderWidth, color:fns.getRGB(color), padding:padding, borderColor:fns.getRGB(borderColor), borderString:borderWidth + "px" + " solid " + fns.getRGB(borderColor), bgImage:((bgImage != "none") ? bgImage : ""), content:node.innerHTML};
if (!dojo.html.isPositionAbsolute(node)) {
node.style.position = "relative";
node.style.padding = "0px";
if (dojo.render.html.ie && width == "auto" && height == "auto") {
node.style.width = "100%";
if (options.autoPad && format.padding > 0) {
node.innerHTML = "";
var topHeight = Math.max(options.radii.tl, options.radii.tr);
var bottomHeight = Math.max(options.radii.bl, options.radii.br);
if (options.radii.tl || options.radii.tr) {
top = document.createElement("div");
top.style.width = "100%";
top.style.fontSize = "1px";
top.style.overflow = "hidden";
top.style.position = "absolute";
top.style.paddingLeft = format.borderWidth + "px";
top.style.paddingRight = format.borderWidth + "px";
top.style.height = topHeight + "px";
top.style.top = (0 - topHeight) + "px";
top.style.left = (0 - format.borderWidth) + "px";
if (options.radii.bl || options.radii.br) {
bottom = document.createElement("div");
bottom.style.width = "100%";
bottom.style.fontSize = "1px";
bottom.style.overflow = "hidden";
bottom.style.position = "absolute";
bottom.style.paddingLeft = format.borderWidth + "px";
bottom.style.paddingRight = format.borderWidth + "px";
bottom.style.height = bottomHeight + "px";
bottom.style.bottom = (0 - bottomHeight) + "px";
bottom.style.left = (0 - format.borderWidth) + "px";
if (top) {
node.style.borderTopWidth = "0px";
if (bottom) {
node.style.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
var corners = ["tr", "tl", "br", "bl"];
for (var i = 0; i < corners.length; i++) {
var cc = corners[i];
if (options.radii[cc] == 0) {
if ((cc.charAt(0) == "t" && top) || (cc.charAt(0) == "b" && bottom)) {
var corner = document.createElement("div");
corner.style.position = "relative";
corner.style.fontSize = "1px;";
corner.style.overflow = "hidden";
if (format.bgImage == "") {
corner.style.backgroundColor = format.color;
} else {
corner.style.backgroundImage = format.bgImage;
switch (cc) {
case "tl":
corner.style.height = topHeight - format.borderWidth + "px";
corner.style.marginRight = options.radii[cc] - (format.borderWidth * 2) + "px";
corner.style.borderLeft = format.borderString;
corner.style.borderTop = format.borderString;
corner.style.left = -format.borderWidth + "px";
case "tr":
corner.style.height = topHeight - format.borderWidth + "px";
corner.style.marginLeft = options.radii[cc] - (format.borderWidth * 2) + "px";
corner.style.borderRight = format.borderString;
corner.style.borderTop = format.borderString;
corner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (topHeight - format.borderWidth) + "px 0px";
corner.style.left = format.borderWidth + "px";
case "bl":
corner.style.height = bottomHeight - format.borderWidth + "px";
corner.style.marginRight = options.radii[cc] - (format.borderWidth * 2) + "px";
corner.style.borderLeft = format.borderString;
corner.style.borderBottom = format.borderString;
corner.style.left = format.borderWidth + "px";
corner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + format.borderWidth + "px -" + (format.height + (bottomHeight + format.borderWidth)) + "px";
case "br":
corner.style.height = bottomHeight - format.borderWidth + "px";
corner.style.marginLeft = options.radii[cc] - (format.borderWidth * 2) + "px";
corner.style.borderRight = format.borderString;
corner.style.borderBottom = format.borderString;
corner.style.left = format.borderWidth + "px";
corner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (bottomHeight + format.borderWidth) + "px -" + (format.height + (bottomHeight + format.borderWidth)) + "px";
} else {
var corner = document.createElement("div");
corner.style.height = options.radii[cc] + "px";
corner.style.width = options.radii[cc] + "px";
corner.style.position = "absolute";
corner.style.fontSize = "1px";
corner.style.overflow = "hidden";
var borderRadius = Math.floor(options.radii[cc] - format.borderWidth);
for (var x = 0, j = options.radii[cc]; x < j; x++) {
var y1 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius, 2) - Math.pow((x + 1), 2))) - 1;
if ((x + 1) >= borderRadius) {
var y1 = -1;
var y2 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius, 2) - Math.pow(x, 2)));
if (x >= borderRadius) {
y2 = -1;
var y3 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j, 2) - Math.pow((x + 1), 2))) - 1;
if ((x + 1) >= j) {
y3 = -1;
var y4 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j, 2) - Math.pow(x, 2)));
if (x >= j) {
y4 = -1;
if (y1 > -1) {
fns.draw(x, 0, format.color, 100, (y1 + 1), corner, -1, j, topHeight, format);
for (var y = (y1 + 1); y < y2; y++) {
if (options.antiAlias) {
if (format.bgImage != "") {
var fract = fns.fraction(x, y, borderRadius) * 100;
if (fract < 30) {
fns.draw(x, y, format.borderColor, 100, 1, corner, 0, options.radii[cc], topHeight, format);
} else {
fns.draw(x, y, format.borderColor, 100, 1, corner, -1, options.radii[cc], topHeight, format);
} else {
var clr = fns.blend(format.color, format.borderColor, fns.fraction(x, y, borderRadius));
fns.draw(x, y, clr, 100, 1, corner, 0, options.radii[cc], topHeight, format);
if (options.antiAlias) {
if (y3 >= y2) {
if (y2 == -1) {
y2 = 0;
fns.draw(x, y2, format.borderColor, 100, (y3 - y2 + 1), corner, 0, 0, topHeight, format);
} else {
if (y3 >= y1) {
fns.draw(x, (y1 + 1), format.borderColor, 100, (y3 - y1), corner, 0, 0, topHeight, format);
for (var y = (y3 + 1); y < y4; y++) {
fns.draw(x, y, format.borderColor, (fns.fraction(x, y, j) * 100), 1, corner, (format.borderWidth > 0 ? 0 : -1), options.radii[cc], topHeight, format);
} else {
y3 = y1;
if (cc != "br") {
for (var t = 0, k = corner.childNodes.length; t < k; t++) {
var bar = corner.childNodes[t];
var barTop = parseInt(dojo.html.getComputedStyle(bar, "top"));
var barLeft = parseInt(dojo.html.getComputedStyle(bar, "left"));
var barHeight = parseInt(dojo.html.getComputedStyle(bar, "height"));
if (cc.charAt(1) == "l") {
bar.style.left = (options.radii[cc] - barLeft - 1) + "px";
if (cc == "tr") {
bar.style.top = (options.radii[cc] - barHeight - barTop) + "px";
bar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((format.width - options.radii[cc] + format.borderWidth) + barLeft) + "px -" + Math.abs(options.radii[cc] - barHeight - barTop - format.borderWidth) + "px";
} else {
if (cc == "tl") {
bar.style.top = (options.radii[cc] - barHeight - barTop) + "px";
bar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((options.radii[cc] - barLeft - 1) - format.borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs(options.radii[cc] - barHeight - barTop - format.borderWidth) + "px";
} else {
bar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((options.radii[cc] + barLeft) + format.borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs((format.height + options.radii[cc] + barTop) - format.borderWidth) + "px";
if (corner) {
var psn = [];
if (cc.charAt(0) == "t") {
} else {
if (cc.charAt(1) == "l") {
} else {
if (corner.style.position == "absolute") {
for (var z = 0; z < psn.length; z++) {
corner.style[psn[z]] = "0px";
if (psn[0] == "top") {
if (top) {
} else {
if (bottom) {
var diff = {t:Math.abs(options.radii.tl - options.radii.tr), b:Math.abs(options.radii.bl - options.radii.br)};
for (var z in diff) {
var smaller = (options.radii[z + "l"] < options.radii[z + "r"] ? z + "l" : z + "r");
var filler = document.createElement("div");
filler.style.height = diff[z] + "px";
filler.style.width = options.radii[smaller] + "px";
filler.style.position = "absolute";
filler.style.fontSize = "1px";
filler.style.overflow = "hidden";
filler.style.backgroundColor = format.color;
switch (smaller) {
case "tl":
filler.style.bottom = "0px";
filler.style.left = "0px";
filler.style.borderLeft = format.borderString;
case "tr":
filler.style.bottom = "0px";
filler.style.right = "0px";
filler.style.borderRight = format.borderString;
case "bl":
filler.style.top = "0px";
filler.style.left = "0px";
filler.style.borderLeft = format.borderString;
case "br":
filler.style.top = "0px";
filler.style.right = "0px";
filler.style.borderRight = format.borderString;
var fillBar = document.createElement("div");
fillBar.style.position = "relative";
fillBar.style.fontSize = "1px";
fillBar.style.overflow = "hidden";
fillBar.style.backgroundColor = format.color;
fillBar.style.backgroundImage = format.bgImage;
if (z == "t") {
if (top) {
if (options.radii.tl && options.radii.tr) {
fillBar.style.height = (topHeight - format.borderWidth) + "px";
fillBar.style.marginLeft = (options.radii.tl - format.borderWidth) + "px";
fillBar.style.marginRight = (options.radii.tr - format.borderWidth) + "px";
fillBar.style.borderTop = format.borderString;
if (format.bgImage != "") {
fillBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (topHeight + format.borderWidth) + "px 0px";
} else {
if (bottom) {
if (options.radii.bl && options.radii.br) {
fillBar.style.height = (bottomHeight - format.borderWidth) + "px";
fillBar.style.marginLeft = (options.radii.bl - format.borderWidth) + "px";
fillBar.style.marginRight = (options.radii.br - format.borderWidth) + "px";
fillBar.style.borderBottom = format.borderString;
if (format.bgImage != "") {
fillBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (bottomHeight + format.borderWidth) + "px -" + (format.height + (topHeight + format.borderWidth)) + "px";
if (options.autoPad && format.padding > 0) {
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.style.position = "relative";
content.innerHTML = format.content;
content.className = "autoPadDiv";
if (topHeight < format.padding) {
content.style.paddingTop = Math.abs(topHeight - format.padding) + "px";
if (bottomHeight < format.padding) {
content.style.paddingBottom = Math.abs(bottomHeight - format.padding) + "px";
content.style.paddingLeft = format.padding + "px";
content.style.paddingRight = format.padding + "px";
var count = 0;
dojo.lfx.rounded._fns = {blend:function (clr1, clr2, frac) {
var c1 = {r:parseInt(clr1.substr(1, 2), 16), g:parseInt(clr1.substr(3, 2), 16), b:parseInt(clr1.substr(5, 2), 16)};
var c2 = {r:parseInt(clr2.substr(1, 2), 16), g:parseInt(clr2.substr(3, 2), 16), b:parseInt(clr2.substr(5, 2), 16)};
if (frac > 1 || frac < 0) {
frac = 1;
var ret = [Math.min(Math.max(Math.round((c1.r * frac) + (c2.r * (1 - frac))), 0), 255), Math.min(Math.max(Math.round((c1.g * frac) + (c2.g * (1 - frac))), 0), 255), Math.min(Math.max(Math.round((c1.b * frac) + (c2.b * (1 - frac))), 0), 255)];
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
var n = ret[i].toString(16);
if (n.length < 2) {
n = "0" + n;
ret[i] = n;
return "#" + ret.join("");
}, fraction:function (x, y, r) {
var frac = 0;
var xval = [];
var yval = [];
var point = 0;
var whatsides = "";
var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(x, 2)));
if (intersect >= y && intersect < (y + 1)) {
whatsides = "Left";
xval[point] = 0;
yval[point++] = intersect - y;
intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(y + 1, 2)));
if (intersect >= x && intersect < (x + 1)) {
whatsides += "Top";
xval[point] = intersect - x;
yval[point++] = 1;
intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(x + 1, 2)));
if (intersect >= y && intersect < (y + 1)) {
whatsides += "Right";
xval[point] = 1;
yval[point++] = intersect - y;
intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(y, 2)));
if (intersect >= x && intersect < (x + 1)) {
whatsides += "Bottom";
xval[point] = intersect - x;
yval[point] = 1;
switch (whatsides) {
case "LeftRight":
return Math.min(yval[0], yval[1]) + ((Math.max(yval[0], yval[1]) - Math.min(yval[0], yval[1])) / 2);
case "TopRight":
return 1 - (((1 - xval[0]) * (1 - yval[1])) / 2);
case "TopBottom":
return Math.min(xval[0], xval[1]) + ((Math.max(xval[0], xval[1]) - Math.min(xval[0], xval[1])) / 2);
case "LeftBottom":
return (yval[0] * xval[1]) / 2;
return 1;
}, draw:function (x, y, color, opac, height, corner, image, radius, top, format) {
var px = document.createElement("div");
px.style.height = height + "px";
px.style.width = "1px";
px.style.position = "absolute";
px.style.fontSize = "1px";
px.style.overflow = "hidden";
if (image == -1 && format.bgImage != "") {
px.style.backgroundImage = format.bgImage;
px.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (format.width - (radius - x) + format.borderWidth) + "px -" + ((format.height + top + y) - format.borderWidth) + "px";
} else {
px.style.backgroundColor = color;
if (opac != 100) {
dojo.html.setOpacity(px, (opac / 100));
px.style.top = y + "px";
px.style.left = x + "px";
}, getRGB:function (clr) {
var ret = "#ffffff";
if (clr != "" && clr != "transparent") {
if (clr.substr(0, 3) == "rgb") {
var t = clr.substring(4, clr.indexOf(")"));
t = t.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = parseInt(t[i]).toString(16);
if (n.length < 2) {
n = "0" + n;
t[i] = n;
ret = "#" + t.join("");
} else {
if (clr.length == 4) {
ret = "#" + clr.substring(1, 2) + clr.substring(1, 2) + clr.substring(2, 3) + clr.substring(2, 3) + clr.substring(3, 4) + clr.substring(3, 4);
} else {
ret = clr;
return ret;