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if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
 * loader.js - A bootstrap module.  Runs before the hostenv_*.js file. Contains
 * all of the package loading methods.

        var d = dojo;

        dojo.mixin(dojo, {
                _loadedModules: {},
                _inFlightCount: 0,
                _hasResource: {},

                // FIXME: it should be possible to pull module prefixes in from djConfig
                _modulePrefixes: {
                        dojo: {name: "dojo", value: "."},
                        doh: {name: "doh", value: "../util/doh"},
                        tests: {name: "tests", value: "tests"}

                _moduleHasPrefix: function(/*String*/module){
                        // summary: checks to see if module has been established
                        var mp = this._modulePrefixes;
                        return !!(mp[module] && mp[module].value); // Boolean

                _getModulePrefix: function(/*String*/module){
                        // summary: gets the prefix associated with module
                        var mp = this._modulePrefixes;
                                return mp[module].value; // String
                        return module; // String

                _loadedUrls: [],

                //              This variable is referenced by packages outside of bootstrap:
                //              FloatingPane.js and undo/browser.js
                _postLoad: false,
                //Egad! Lots of test files push on this directly instead of using dojo.addOnLoad.
                _loaders: [],
                _unloaders: [],
                _loadNotifying: false

        //>>excludeStart("xdomainExclude", fileName.indexOf("dojo.xd.js") != -1 && kwArgs.loader == "xdomain");
        dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
                //      summary:
                //              Load a Javascript module given a relative path
                //      description:
                //              Loads and interprets the script located at relpath, which is
                //              relative to the script root directory.  If the script is found but
                //              its interpretation causes a runtime exception, that exception is
                //              not caught by us, so the caller will see it.  We return a true
                //              value if and only if the script is found.
                // relpath: 
                //              A relative path to a script (no leading '/', and typically ending
                //              in '.js').
                // module: 
                //              A module whose existance to check for after loading a path.  Can be
                //              used to determine success or failure of the load.
                // cb: 
                //              a callback function to pass the result of evaluating the script

                var uri = (((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/))) ? "" : this.baseUrl) + relpath;
                if(djConfig.cacheBust && d.isBrowser){
                        uri += "?" + String(djConfig.cacheBust).replace(/\W+/g,"");
                        return !module ? this._loadUri(uri, cb) : this._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb); // Boolean
                        return false; // Boolean

        dojo._loadUri = function(/*String (URL)*/uri, /*Function?*/cb){
                //      summary:
                //              Loads JavaScript from a URI
                //      description:
                //              Reads the contents of the URI, and evaluates the contents.  This is
                //              used to load modules as well as resource bundles. Returns true if
                //              it succeeded. Returns false if the URI reading failed.  Throws if
                //              the evaluation throws.
                //      uri: a uri which points at the script to be loaded
                //      cb: 
                //              a callback function to process the result of evaluating the script
                //              as an expression, typically used by the resource bundle loader to
                //              load JSON-style resources

                        return true; // Boolean
                var contents = this._getText(uri, true);
                if(!contents){ return false; } // Boolean
                this._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
                if(cb){ contents = '('+contents+')'; }
                var value = d["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);
                if(cb){ cb(value); }
                return true; // Boolean

        // FIXME: probably need to add logging to this method
        dojo._loadUriAndCheck = function(/*String (URL)*/uri, /*String*/moduleName, /*Function?*/cb){
                // summary: calls loadUri then findModule and returns true if both succeed
                var ok = false;
                        ok = this._loadUri(uri, cb);
                        console.debug("failed loading " + uri + " with error: " + e);
                return Boolean(ok && this._loadedModules[moduleName]); // Boolean

        dojo.loaded = function(){
                // summary:
                //              signal fired when initial environment and package loading is
                //              complete. You may use dojo.addOnLoad() or dojo.connect() to
                //              this method in order to handle initialization tasks that
                //              require the environment to be initialized. In a browser host,
                //              declarative widgets will be constructed when this function
                //              finishes runing.
                this._loadNotifying = true;
                this._postLoad = true;
                var mll = this._loaders;
                //Clear listeners so new ones can be added
                //For other xdomain package loads after the initial load.
                this._loaders = [];

                for(var x=0; x<mll.length; x++){

                this._loadNotifying = false;
                //Make sure nothing else got added to the onload queue
                //after this first run. If something did, and we are not waiting for any
                //more inflight resources, run again.
                if(d._postLoad && d._inFlightCount == 0 && this._loaders.length > 0){

        dojo.unloaded = function(){
                // summary:
                //              signal fired by impending environment destruction. You may use
                //              dojo.addOnUnload() or dojo.connect() to this method to perform
                //              page/application cleanup methods.
                var mll = this._unloaders;

        dojo.addOnLoad = function(/*Object?*/obj, /*String|Function*/functionName){
                // summary:
                //              Registers a function to be triggered after the DOM has finished
                //              loading and widgets declared in markup have been instantiated.
                //              Images and CSS files may or may not have finished downloading when
                //              the specified function is called.  (Note that widgets' CSS and HTML
                //              code is guaranteed to be downloaded before said widgets are
                //              instantiated.)
                // example:
                //      |       dojo.addOnLoad(functionPointer);
                //      |       dojo.addOnLoad(object, "functionName");
                if(arguments.length == 1){
                }else if(arguments.length > 1){

                //Added for xdomain loading. dojo.addOnLoad is used to
                //indicate callbacks after doing some dojo.require() statements.
                //In the xdomain case, if all the requires are loaded (after initial
                //page load), then immediately call any listeners.
                if(d._postLoad && d._inFlightCount == 0 && !d._loadNotifying){

        dojo.addOnUnload = function(/*Object?*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
                // summary: registers a function to be triggered when the page unloads
                // example:
                //      |       dojo.addOnUnload(functionPointer)
                //      |       dojo.addOnUnload(object, "functionName")
                if(arguments.length == 1){
                }else if(arguments.length > 1){

        dojo._modulesLoaded = function(){
                if(d._postLoad){ return; }
                if(d._inFlightCount > 0){ 
                        console.debug("files still in flight!");

        dojo._callLoaded = function(){
                //The "object" check is for IE, and the other opera check fixes an issue
                //in Opera where it could not find the body element in some widget test cases.
                //For 0.9, maybe route all browsers through the setTimeout (need protection
                //still for non-browser environments though). This might also help the issue with
                //FF 2.0 and freezing issues where we try to do sync xhr while background css images
                //are being loaded (trac #2572)? Consider for 0.9.
                if(typeof setTimeout == "object" || (djConfig["useXDomain"] && d.isOpera)){
                        setTimeout("dojo.loaded();", 0);

        dojo._getModuleSymbols = function(/*String*/modulename){
                // summary:
                //              Converts a module name in dotted JS notation to an array
                //              representing the path in the source tree
                var syms = modulename.split(".");
                for(var i = syms.length; i>0; i--){
                        var parentModule = syms.slice(0, i).join(".");
                        if((i==1) && !this._moduleHasPrefix(parentModule)){             
                                // Support default module directory (sibling of dojo) for top-level modules 
                                syms[0] = "../" + syms[0];
                                var parentModulePath = this._getModulePrefix(parentModule);
                                if(parentModulePath != parentModule){
                                        syms.splice(0, i, parentModulePath);
                // console.debug(syms);
                return syms; // Array

        dojo._global_omit_module_check = false;

        dojo._loadModule = dojo.require = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*Boolean?*/omitModuleCheck){
                //      summary:
                //              loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI
                //      moduleName: String
                //      omitModuleCheck: Boolean?
                //      description:
                //              _loadModule("A.B") first checks to see if symbol A.B is defined. If
                //              it is, it is simply returned (nothing to do).
                //              If it is not defined, it will look for "A/B.js" in the script root
                //              directory.
                //              It throws if it cannot find a file to load, or if the symbol A.B is
                //              not defined after loading.
                //              It returns the object A.B.
                //              This does nothing about importing symbols into the current package.
                //              It is presumed that the caller will take care of that. For example,
                //              to import all symbols:
                //              |       with (dojo._loadModule("A.B")) {
                //              |               ...
                //              |       }
                //              And to import just the leaf symbol:
                //              |       var B = dojo._loadModule("A.B");
                //              |       ...
                //      returns: the required namespace object
                omitModuleCheck = this._global_omit_module_check || omitModuleCheck;
                var module = this._loadedModules[moduleName];
                        return module;

                // convert periods to slashes
                var relpath = this._getModuleSymbols(moduleName).join("/") + '.js';

                var modArg = (!omitModuleCheck) ? moduleName : null;
                var ok = this._loadPath(relpath, modArg);

                        throw new Error("Could not load '" + moduleName + "'; last tried '" + relpath + "'");

                // check that the symbol was defined
                // Don't bother if we're doing xdomain (asynchronous) loading.
                        // pass in false so we can give better error
                        module = this._loadedModules[moduleName];
                                throw new Error("symbol '" + moduleName + "' is not defined after loading '" + relpath + "'"); 

                return module;

        dojo.provide = function(/*String*/ resourceName){
                //      summary:
                //              Each javascript source file must have (exactly) one dojo.provide()
                //              call at the top of the file, corresponding to the file name.
                //              For example, js/dojo/foo.js must have dojo.provide(""); at the
                //              top of the file.
                //      description:
                //              Each javascript source file is called a resource.  When a resource
                //              is loaded by the browser, dojo.provide() registers that it has been
                //              loaded.
                //              For backwards compatibility reasons, in addition to registering the
                //              resource, dojo.provide() also ensures that the javascript object
                //              for the module exists.  For example,
                //              dojo.provide(""), in addition to registering that
                //              cometd.js is a resource for the dojo.iomodule, will ensure that
                //              the javascript object exists, so that calls like
                //     = function(){ ... } don't fail.
                //              In the case of a build (or in the future, a rollup), where multiple
                //              javascript source files are combined into one bigger file (similar
                //              to a .lib or .jar file), that file will contain multiple
                //              dojo.provide() calls, to note that it includes multiple resources.

                //Make sure we have a string.
                resourceName = resourceName + "";
                return (d._loadedModules[resourceName] = d.getObject(resourceName, true)); // Object

        //Start of old bootstrap2:

        dojo.platformRequire = function(/*Object containing Arrays*/modMap){
                //      description:
                //              This method taks a "map" of arrays which one can use to optionally
                //              load dojo modules. The map is indexed by the possible
                //              dojo.name_ values, with two additional values: "default"
                //              and "common". The items in the "default" array will be loaded if
                //              none of the other items have been choosen based on the
                //              hostenv.name_ item. The items in the "common" array will _always_
                //              be loaded, regardless of which list is chosen.  Here's how it's
                //              normally called:
                //              |       dojo.platformRequire({
                //              |               // an example that passes multiple args to _loadModule()
                //              |               browser: [
                //              |                       ["", true, true], 
                //              |                       "foo.sample",
                //              |                       "foo.test,
                //              |               ],
                //              |               default: [ "foo.sample.*" ],
                //              |               common: [ "really.important.module.*" ]
                //              |       });

                // FIXME: dojo.name_ no longer works!!

                var common = modMap["common"]||[];
                var result = common.concat(modMap[d._name]||modMap["default"]||[]);

                for(var x=0; x<result.length; x++){
                        var curr = result[x];
                        if(curr.constructor == Array){
                                d._loadModule.apply(d, curr);

        dojo.requireIf = function(/*Boolean*/ condition, /*String*/ resourceName){
                // summary:
                //              If the condition is true then call dojo.require() for the specified
                //              resource
                if(condition === true){
                        // FIXME: why do we support chained require()'s here? does the build system?
                        var args = [];
                        for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ 
                        d.require.apply(d, args);

        dojo.requireAfterIf = d.requireIf;

        dojo.registerModulePath = function(/*String*/module, /*String*/prefix){
                //      summary: 
                //              maps a module name to a path
                //      description: 
                //              An unregistered module is given the default path of ../<module>,
                //              relative to Dojo root. For example, module acme is mapped to
                //              ../acme.  If you want to use a different module name, use
                //              dojo.registerModulePath. 
                d._modulePrefixes[module] = { name: module, value: prefix };

        dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String?*/availableFlatLocales){
                // summary:
                //              Declares translated resources and loads them if necessary, in the
                //              same style as dojo.require.  Contents of the resource bundle are
                //              typically strings, but may be any name/value pair, represented in
                //              JSON format.  See also dojo.i18n.getLocalization.
                // moduleName: 
                //              name of the package containing the "nls" directory in which the
                //              bundle is found
                // bundleName: 
                //              bundle name, i.e. the filename without the '.js' suffix
                // locale: 
                //              the locale to load (optional)  By default, the browser's user
                //              locale as defined by dojo.locale
                // availableFlatLocales: 
                //              A comma-separated list of the available, flattened locales for this
                //              bundle. This argument should only be set by the build process.
                // description:
                //              Load translated resource bundles provided underneath the "nls"
                //              directory within a package.  Translated resources may be located in
                //              different packages throughout the source tree.  For example, a
                //              particular widget may define one or more resource bundles,
                //              structured in a program as follows, where moduleName is
                //              mycode.mywidget and bundleNames available include bundleone and
                //              bundletwo:
                //                      ...
                //                      mycode/
                //                       mywidget/
                //                        nls/
                //                         bundleone.js (the fallback translation, English in this example)
                //                         bundletwo.js (also a fallback translation)
                //                         de/
                //                          bundleone.js
                //                          bundletwo.js
                //                         de-at/
                //                          bundleone.js
                //                         en/
                //                          (empty; use the fallback translation)
                //                         en-us/
                //                          bundleone.js
                //                         en-gb/
                //                          bundleone.js
                //                         es/
                //                          bundleone.js
                //                          bundletwo.js
                //                        ...etc
                //                      ...
                //              Each directory is named for a locale as specified by RFC 3066,
                //              (, normalized in lowercase.
                //              Note that the two bundles in the example do not define all the same
                //              variants.  For a given locale, bundles will be loaded for that
                //              locale and all more general locales above it, including a fallback
                //              at the root directory.  For example, a declaration for the "de-at"
                //              locale will first load nls/de-at/bundleone.js, then
                //              nls/de/bundleone.js and finally nls/bundleone.js.  The data will be
                //              flattened into a single Object so that lookups will follow this
                //              cascading pattern.  An optional build step can preload the bundles
                //              to avoid data redundancy and the multiple network hits normally
                //              required to load these resources.

                d.i18n._requireLocalization.apply(d.hostenv, arguments);

        var ore = new RegExp("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$");
        var ire = new RegExp("^((([^:]+:)?([^@]+))@)?([^:]*)(:([0-9]+))?$");

        dojo._Url = function(/*dojo._Url||String...*/){
                // summary: 
                //              Constructor to create an object representing a URL.
                //              It is marked as private, since we might consider removing
                //              or simplifying it.
                // description: 
                //              Each argument is evaluated in order relative to the next until
                //              a canonical uri is produced. To get an absolute Uri relative to
                //              the current document use:
                //              new dojo._Url(document.baseURI, url)

                var n = null;

                // TODO: support for IPv6, see RFC 2732
                var _a = arguments;
                var uri = _a[0];
                // resolve uri components relative to each other
                for(var i = 1; i<_a.length; i++){
                        if(!_a[i]){ continue; }

                        // Safari doesn't support this.constructor so we have to be explicit
                        // FIXME: Tracked (and fixed) in Webkit bug 3537.
                        var relobj = new d._Url(_a[i]+"");
                        var uriobj = new d._Url(uri+"");

                                (relobj.path=="")       &&
                                (!relobj.scheme)        &&
                                (!relobj.authority)     &&
                                if(relobj.fragment != n){
                                        uriobj.fragment = relobj.fragment;
                                relobj = uriobj;
                        }else if(!relobj.scheme){
                                relobj.scheme = uriobj.scheme;

                                        relobj.authority = uriobj.authority;

                                        if(relobj.path.charAt(0) != "/"){
                                                var path = uriobj.path.substring(0,
                                                        uriobj.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + relobj.path;

                                                var segs = path.split("/");
                                                for(var j = 0; j < segs.length; j++){
                                                        if(segs[j] == "."){
                                                                if(j == segs.length - 1){
                                                                        segs[j] = "";
                                                                        segs.splice(j, 1);
                                                        }else if(j > 0 && !(j == 1 && segs[0] == "") &&
                                                                segs[j] == ".." && segs[j-1] != ".."){

                                                                if(j == (segs.length - 1)){
                                                                        segs.splice(j, 1);
                                                                        segs[j - 1] = "";
                                                                        segs.splice(j - 1, 2);
                                                                        j -= 2;
                                                relobj.path = segs.join("/");

                        uri = "";
                                uri += relobj.scheme + ":";
                                uri += "//" + relobj.authority;
                        uri += relobj.path;
                                uri += "?" + relobj.query;
                                uri += "#" + relobj.fragment;

                this.uri = uri.toString();

                // break the uri into its main components
                var r = this.uri.match(ore);

                this.scheme = r[2] || (r[1] ? "" : n);
                this.authority = r[4] || (r[3] ? "" : n);
                this.path = r[5]; // can never be undefined
                this.query = r[7] || (r[6] ? "" : n);
                this.fragment  = r[9] || (r[8] ? "" : n);

                if(this.authority != n){
                        // server based naming authority
                        r = this.authority.match(ire);

                        this.user = r[3] || n;
                        this.password = r[4] || n;
               = r[5];
                        this.port = r[7] || n;

        dojo._Url.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.uri; };

        dojo.moduleUrl = function(/*String*/module, /*dojo._Url||String*/url){
                // summary: 
                //              Returns a Url object relative to a module
                // example: 
                //      |       dojo.moduleUrl("dojo.widget","templates/template.html");
                // example:
                //      |       dojo.moduleUrl("acme","images/small.png")

                var loc = dojo._getModuleSymbols(module).join('/');
                if(!loc){ return null; }
                if(loc.lastIndexOf("/") != loc.length-1){
                        loc += "/";
                //If the path is an absolute path (starts with a / or is on another
                //domain/xdomain) then don't add the baseUrl.
                var colonIndex = loc.indexOf(":");
                if(loc.charAt(0) != "/" && (colonIndex == -1 || colonIndex > loc.indexOf("/"))){
                        loc = d.baseUrl + loc;

                return new d._Url(loc, url); // String
