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if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.window"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.window"] = true;

dojo._gearsObject = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              factory method to get a Google Gears plugin instance to
        //              expose in the browser runtime environment, if present
        var factory;
        var results;
        var gearsObj = dojo.getObject("google.gears");
        if(gearsObj){ return gearsObj; } // already defined elsewhere
        if(typeof GearsFactory != "undefined"){ // Firefox
                factory = new GearsFactory();
                        // IE
                                factory = new ActiveXObject("Gears.Factory");
                                // ok to squelch; there's no gears factory.  move on.
                }else if(navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-googlegears"]){
                        // Safari?
                        factory = document.createElement("object");
                        factory.setAttribute("type", "application/x-googlegears");
                        factory.setAttribute("width", 0);
                        factory.setAttribute("height", 0);
               = "none";

        // still nothing?
        if(!factory){ return null; }
        // define the global objects now; don't overwrite them though if they
        // were somehow set internally by the Gears plugin, which is on their
        // dev roadmap for the future
        dojo.setObject("google.gears.factory", factory);
        return dojo.getObject("google.gears");

// see if we have Google Gears installed, and if
// so, make it available in the runtime environment
// and in the Google standard 'google.gears' global object
dojo.isGears = (!!dojo._gearsObject())||0;

// @global: dojo.doc

// summary:
//              Current document object. 'dojo.doc' can be modified
//              for temporary context shifting. Also see dojo.withDoc().
// description:
//    Refer to dojo.doc rather
//    than referring to 'window.document' to ensure your code runs
//    correctly in managed contexts.
dojo.doc = window["document"] || null;

dojo.body = function(){
        // summary:
        //              return the body object associated with dojo.doc

        // Note: document.body is not defined for a strict xhtml document
        // Would like to memoize this, but dojo.doc can change vi dojo.withDoc().
        return dojo.doc.body || dojo.doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

dojo.setContext = function(/*Object*/globalObject, /*DocumentElement*/globalDocument){
        // summary:
        //              changes the behavior of many core Dojo functions that deal with
        //              namespace and DOM lookup, changing them to work in a new global
        //              context. The varibles and dojo.doc
        //              are modified as a result of calling this function. = globalObject;
        dojo.doc = globalDocument;

dojo._fireCallback = function(callback, context, cbArguments){
        // FIXME: should migrate to using "dojo.isString"!
        if(context && dojo.isString(callback)){
                callback = context[callback];
        return (context ? callback.apply(context, cbArguments || [ ]) : callback());

dojo.withGlobal = function(     /*Object*/globalObject, 
        // summary:
        //              Call callback with globalObject as and
        //              globalObject.document as dojo.doc. If provided, globalObject
        //              will be executed in the context of object thisObject
        // description:
        //              When callback() returns or throws an error, the
        //              and dojo.doc will be restored to its previous state.
        var rval;
        var oldGlob =;
        var oldDoc = dojo.doc;
                dojo.setContext(globalObject, globalObject.document);
                rval = dojo._fireCallback(callback, thisObject, cbArguments);
                dojo.setContext(oldGlob, oldDoc);
        return rval;

dojo.withDoc = function(        /*Object*/documentObject, 
        // summary:
        //              Call callback with documentObject as dojo.doc. If provided,
        //              callback will be executed in the context of object thisObject
        // description:
        //              When callback() returns or throws an error, the dojo.doc will
        //              be restored to its previous state.
        var rval;
        var oldDoc = dojo.doc;
                dojo.doc = documentObject;
                rval = dojo._fireCallback(callback, thisObject, cbArguments);
                dojo.doc = oldDoc;
        return rval;

//Register any module paths set up in djConfig. Need to do this
//in the hostenvs since hostenv_browser can read djConfig from a
//script tag's attribute.
        var mp = djConfig["modulePaths"];
                for(var param in mp){
                        dojo.registerModulePath(param, mp[param]);
