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if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.dtl._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.dtl._base"] = true;


dojox.dtl.Context = function(dict){
        dojo.mixin(this, dict || {});
        this._dicts = [];
        this._this = {};
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.Context, {
        _dicts: [],
        _this: {},
        extend: function(/*dojox.dtl.Context|Object*/ obj){
                // summary: Returns a clone of this context object, with the items from the
                //              passed objecct mixed in.
                var context = new dojox.dtl.Context();
                var keys = this.getKeys();
                for(var i = 0, key; key = keys[i]; i++){
                        if(typeof obj[key] != "undefined"){
                                context[key] = obj[key];
                                context[key] = this[key];

                if(obj instanceof dojox.dtl.Context){
                        keys = obj.getKeys();
                }else if(typeof obj == "object"){
                        keys = [];
                        for(var key in obj){

                for(var i = 0, key; key = keys[i]; i++){
                        context[key] = obj[key];

                return context;
        filter: function(/*dojox.dtl.Context|Object|String...*/ filter){
                // summary: Returns a clone of this context, only containing the items
                //              defined in the filter.
                var context = new dojox.dtl.Context();
                var keys = [];
                if(filter instanceof dojox.dtl.Context){
                        keys = filter.getKeys();
                }else if(typeof filter == "object"){
                        for(var key in filter){
                        for(var i = 0, arg; arg = arguments[i]; i++){
                                if(typeof arg == "string"){

                for(var i = 0, key; key = keys[i]; i++){
                        context[key] = this[key];

                return context;
        setThis: function(/*Object*/ _this){
                this._this = _this;
        getThis: function(){
                return this._this;
        push: function(){
                var dict = {};
                var keys = this.getKeys();
                for(var i = 0, key; key = keys[i]; i++){
                        dict[key] = this[key];
                        delete this[key];
        pop: function(){
                        throw new Error("pop() has been called more times than push() on the Context");
                var dict = this._dicts.shift();
                dojo.mixin(this, dict);
        hasKey: function(key){
                if(typeof this[key] != "undefined"){
                        return true;

                for(var i = 0, dict; dict = this._dicts[i]; i++){
                        if(typeof dict[key] != "undefined"){
                                return true;

                return false;
        getKeys: function(){
                var keys = [];
                for(var key in this){
                                var found = false;
                                for(var protoKey in dojox.dtl.Context.prototype){
                                        if(key == protoKey){
                                                found = true;
                return keys;
        get: function(key, otherwise){
                if(typeof this[key] != "undefined"){
                        return this[key];

                for(var i = 0, dict; dict = this._dicts[i]; i++){
                        if(typeof dict[key] != "undefined"){
                                return dict[key];

                return otherwise;
        update: function(dict){
                        dojo.mixin(this, dict);
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.Context"; }

dojox.dtl.text = {
        types: {tag: -1, varr: -2,      text: 3},
        pySplit: function(str){
                // summary: Split a string according to Python's split function
                str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "");
                        return [];
                return str.split(/\s+/g);
        urlquote: function(/*String*/ url, /*String?*/ safe){
                        safe = "/";
                return dojox.string.tokenize(url, /([^\w-_.])/g, function(token){
                        if(safe.indexOf(token) == -1){
                                if(token == " "){
                                        return "+";
                                        return "%" + token.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
                        return token;
        _get: function(module, name, errorless){
                // summary: Used to find both tags and filters
                var params = dojox.dtl.register.get(module, name, errorless);
                if(!params) return;

                var require = params.getRequire();
                var obj = params.getObj();
                var fn = params.getFn();

                if(fn.indexOf(":") != -1){
                        var parts = fn.split(":");
                        fn = parts.pop();

                dojo.requireIf(true, require);

                var parent = window;
                var parts = obj.split(".");
                for(var i = 0, part; part = parts[i]; i++){
                        if(!parent[part]) return;
                        parent = parent[part];
                return parent[fn || name] || parent[name + "_"];
        getTag: function(name, errorless){
                return dojox.dtl.text._get("tag", name, errorless);
        getFilter: function(name, errorless){
                return dojox.dtl.text._get("filter", name, errorless);
        getTemplate: function(file){
                return new dojox.dtl.Template(dojox.dtl.getTemplateString(file));
        getTemplateString: function(file){
                return dojo._getText(file.toString()) || "";
        _re: /(?:\{\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}\}|\{%\s*(.+?)\s*%\})/g,
        tokenize: function(str){
                return dojox.string.tokenize(str, dojox.dtl.text._re, dojox.dtl.text._parseDelims);
        _parseDelims: function(varr, tag){
                var types = dojox.dtl.text.types;
                        return [types.varr, varr];
                        return [types.tag, tag];

dojox.dtl.Template = function(str){
        var st = dojox.dtl;
        var tokens = st.text.tokenize(str);
        var parser = new st.Parser(tokens);
        this.nodelist = parser.parse();
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.Template, {
        render: function(context, /*concatenatable?*/ buffer){
                context = context || new dojox.dtl.Context({});
                        buffer = new dojox.string.Builder();
                return this.nodelist.render(context, buffer) + "";
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.Template"; }

dojox.dtl.Filter = function(token){
        // summary: Uses a string to find (and manipulate) a variable
        if(!token) throw new Error("Filter must be called with variable name");
        this.contents = token;
        var key = null;
        var re = this._re;
        var matches, filter, arg, fn;
        var filters = [];
        while(matches = re.exec(token)){
                if(key === null){
                        if(this._exists(matches, 3)){
                                // variable
                                key = matches[3];
                        }else if(this._exists(matches, 1)){
                                // _("text")
                                key = '"' + matches[1] + '"';
                        }else if(this._exists(matches, 2)){
                                // "text"
                                key = '"' + matches[2] + '"';
                        }else if(this._exists(matches, 9)){
                                // 'text'
                                key = '"' + matches[9] + '"';
                        if(this._exists(matches, 7)){
                                // :variable
                                arg = [true, matches[7]];
                        }else if(this._exists(matches, 5)){
                                // :_("text")
                                arg = [false, dojox.dtl.replace(matches[5], '\\"', '"')];
                        }else if(this._exists(matches, 6)){
                                // :"text"
                                arg = [false, dojox.dtl.replace(matches[6], '\\"', '"')];
                        }else if(this._exists(matches, 8)){
                                // :"text"
                                arg = [false, dojox.dtl.replace(matches[8], "\\'", "'")];
                        // Get a named filter
                        fn = dojox.dtl.text.getFilter(matches[4]);
                        if(typeof fn != "function") throw new Error(matches[4] + " is not registered as a filter");
                        filters.push([fn, arg]);

        this.key = key;
        this.filters = filters;
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.Filter, {
        _re: /(?:^_\("([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"])*)"\)|^"([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*)"|^([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)|\|(\w+)(?::(?:_\("([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"])*)"\)|"([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*)"|([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)|'([^\\']*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*)'))?|^'([^\\']*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*)')/g,
        _exists: function(arr, index){
                if(typeof arr[index] != "undefined" && arr[index] !== ""){
                        return true;
                return false;
        resolve: function(context){
                var str = this.resolvePath(this.key, context);
                for(var i = 0, filter; filter = this.filters[i]; i++){
                        // Each filter has the function in [0], a boolean in [1][0] of whether it's a variable or a string
                        // and [1][1] is either the variable name of the string content.
                                        str = filter[0](str, this.resolvePath(filter[1][1], context));
                                        str = filter[0](str, filter[1][1]);
                                str = filter[0](str);
                return str;
        resolvePath: function(path, context){
                var current, parts;
                var first = path.charAt(0);
                var last = path.charAt(path.length - 1);
                        current = (path.indexOf(".") == -1) ? parseInt(path) : parseFloat(path);
                }else if(first == '"' && first == last){
                        current = path.substring(1, path.length - 1);
                        if(path == "true") return true;
                        if(path == "false") return false;
                        if(path == "null" || path == "None") return null;
                        parts = path.split(".");
                        current = context.get(parts.shift());
                                if(current && typeof current[parts[0]] != "undefined"){
                                        current = current[parts[0]];
                                        if(typeof current == "function"){
                                                        current = "";
                                                        current = current();
                                        return "";
                return current;
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.Filter"; }

dojox.dtl.Node = function(/*Object*/ obj){
        // summary: Basic catch-all node
        this.contents = obj;
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.Node, {
        render: function(context, buffer){
                // summary: Adds content onto the buffer
                return buffer.concat(this.contents);
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.Node"; }

dojox.dtl.NodeList = function(/*Node[]*/ nodes){
        // summary: Allows us to render a group of nodes
        this.contents = nodes || [];
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.NodeList, {
        push: function(node){
                // summary: Add a new node to the list
        render: function(context, buffer){
                // summary: Adds all content onto the buffer
                for(var i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++){
                        buffer = this.contents[i].render(context, buffer);
                        if(!buffer) throw new Error("Template node render functions must return their buffer");
                return buffer;
        unrender: function(context, buffer){ return buffer; },
        clone: function(){ return this; },
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.NodeList"; }

dojox.dtl.TextNode = dojox.dtl.Node;

dojox.dtl.VarNode = function(str){
        // summary: A node to be processed as a variable
        this.contents = new dojox.dtl.Filter(str);
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.VarNode, {
        render: function(context, buffer){
                var str = this.contents.resolve(context);
                return buffer.concat(str);
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.VarNode"; }

dojox.dtl.Parser = function(tokens){
        // summary: Parser used during initialization and for tag groups.
        this.contents = tokens;
dojo.extend(dojox.dtl.Parser, {
        parse: function(/*Array?*/ stop_at){
                // summary: Turns tokens into nodes
                // description: Steps into tags are they're found. Blocks use the parse object
                //              to find their closing tag (the stop_at array). stop_at is inclusive, it
                //              returns the node that matched.
                var st = dojox.dtl;
                var types = st.text.types;
                var terminators = {};
                var tokens = this.contents;
                stop_at = stop_at || [];
                for(var i = 0; i < stop_at.length; i++){
                        terminators[stop_at[i]] = true;

                var nodelist = new st.NodeList();
                        token = tokens.shift();
                        if(typeof token == "string"){
                                nodelist.push(new st.TextNode(token));
                                var type = token[0];
                                var text = token[1];
                                if(type == types.varr){
                                        nodelist.push(new st.VarNode(text));
                                }else if(type == types.tag){
                                                return nodelist;
                                        var cmd = text.split(/\s+/g);
                                                cmd = cmd[0];
                                                var fn = dojox.dtl.text.getTag(cmd);
                                                        nodelist.push(fn(this, text));

                        throw new Error("Could not find closing tag(s): " + stop_at.toString());

                return nodelist;
        next: function(){
                // summary: Returns the next token in the list.
                var token = this.contents.shift();
                return {type: token[0], text: token[1]};
        skipPast: function(endtag){
                var types = dojox.dtl.text.types;
                        var token = this.contents.shift();
                        if(token[0] == types.tag && token[1] == endtag){
                throw new Error("Unclosed tag found when looking for " + endtag);
        getVarNode: function(){
                return dojox.dtl.VarNode;
        getTextNode: function(){
                return dojox.dtl.TextNode;
        getTemplate: function(file){
                return new dojox.dtl.Template(file);
        toString: function(){ return "dojox.dtl.Parser"; }

dojox.dtl.register = function(module, cols, args, /*Function*/ normalize){
        // summary: Used to create dojox.dtl.register[module] function, and as a namespace
        // expand: Used if the call structure is reformatted for a more compact view.
        //              Should return an array of normalized arguments.
        // description: The function produced will accept a "name"
        //              as the first parameter and all other parameters will
        //              be associated with the parameter names listed in cols.
        var ddr = dojox.dtl.register;
        var registry = ddr._mod[module] = {
                params: [],
                Getter: function(params){
                        ddr._params = params || {};

        for(var i = 0, col; col = cols[i]; i++){
                registry.Getter.prototype["get" + col.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + col.substring(1, col.length)] = ddr._ret(i);

        ddr[module] = function(/*String*/ name, /*mixed...*/ parameters){
                        var normalized = normalize(arguments);
                        var normalized = [arguments];

                for(var i = 0, args; args = normalized[i]; i++){
                        var params = [];
                        for(var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++){
                                params.push(args[j] || null);
                        if(typeof args[0] == "string"){
                                // Strings before regexes for speed
                                // break
                                // module RegExp

        ddr[module].apply(null, args);
dojo.mixin(dojox.dtl.register, {
        _mod: {},
        _ret: function(i){
                // summary: Just lets use i and _params within a closure
                return function(){
                        return dojox.dtl.register._params[i] || "";
        get: function(/*String*/ module, /*String*/ name, /*Boolean*/ errorless){
                // summary: Returns a "Getter", based on the registry
                // description: The getter functions correspond with the registered cols
                //              used in dojo.register
                var registry = this._mod[module] || {};
                        for(var i = 0, param; param = registry.params[i]; i++){
                                var search = param[0];
                                if(typeof search == "string"){
                                        if(search == name){
                                                return new registry.Getter(param);
                                }else if(name.match(search)){
                                        var matches = search.exec(name);
                                        var mixin = [];
                                        dojo.mixin(mixin, param);
                                        mixin[0] = matches[1];
                                        return new registry.Getter(param);
                if(!errorless) throw new Error("'" + module + "' of name '" + name + "' does not exist");
        _normalize: function(args){
                // summary:
                //              Translates to the signature (/*String*/ name, /*String*/ require, /*String*/ obj, /*String*/ fn)
                var items = args[2];
                var output = [];
                for(var i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++){
                        if(typeof item == "string"){
                                output.push([item, args[0], args[1], item]);
                                output.push([item[0], args[0], args[1], item[1]]);
                return output;
        tag: function(/*String*/ require, /*String*/ obj, /*String[]|[RegExp, String][]*/ fns){
                // summary:
                //              Specify the location of a given tag function.
                // require:
                //              The file this function is in
                // obj:
                //              The base object to use for lookups
                // fn:
                //              List of functions within obj to use
                // description:
                //              When we are looking up a tag as specified in a template, we either use a
                //              string in the fns array, or the RegExp item of the [RegExp, String] pair.
                //              When that string is found, it requires the file specified in the require
                //              parameter, uses the base object as a starting point and checks for obj.fn
                //              or obj.fn_ in case fn is a reserved word.
                this("tag", ["require", "obj", "fn"], arguments, this._normalize);
        filter: function(/*String*/ require, /*String*/ obj, /*String[]|[RegExp, String][]*/ fns){
                // summary:
                //              Specify the location of a given filter function.
                // require:
                //              The file this function is in
                // obj:
                //              The base object to use for lookups
                // fn:
                //              List of functions within obj to use
                // description:
                //              When we are looking up a tag as specified in a template, we either use a
                //              string in the fns array, or the RegExp item of the [RegExp, String] pair.
                //              When that string is found, it requires the file specified in the require
                //              parameter, uses the base object as a starting point and checks for obj.fn
                //              or obj.fn_ in case fn is a reserved word.
                this("filter", ["require", "obj", "fn"], arguments, this._normalize);

        var register = dojox.dtl.register;
        var dtt = "dojox.dtl.tag";
        register.tag(dtt + ".logic", dtt + ".logic", ["if", "for"]);
        register.tag(dtt + ".loader", dtt + ".loader", ["extends", "block"]);
        register.tag(dtt + ".misc", dtt + ".misc", ["comment", "debug", "filter"]);
        register.tag(dtt + ".loop", dtt + ".loop", ["cycle"]);

        var dtf = "dojox.dtl.filter";
        register.filter(dtf + ".dates", dtf + ".dates", ["date", "time", "timesince", "timeuntil"]);
        register.filter(dtf + ".htmlstrings", dtf + ".htmlstrings", ["escape", "linebreaks", "linebreaksbr", "removetags", "striptags"]);
        register.filter(dtf + ".integers", dtf + ".integers", ["add", "get_digit"]);
        register.filter(dtf + ".lists", dtf + ".lists", ["dictsort", "dictsortreversed", "first", "join", "length", "length_is", "random", "slice", "unordered_list"]);
        register.filter(dtf + ".logic", dtf + ".logic", ["default", "default_if_none", "divisibleby", "yesno"]);
        register.filter(dtf + ".misc", dtf + ".misc", ["filesizeformat", "pluralize", "phone2numeric", "pprint"]);
        register.filter(dtf + ".strings", dtf + ".strings", ["addslashes", "capfirst", "center", "cut", "fix_ampersands", "floatformat", "iriencode", "linenumbers", "ljust", "lower", "make_list", "rjust", "slugify", "stringformat", "title", "truncatewords", "truncatewords_html", "upper", "urlencode", "urlize", "urlizetrunc", "wordcount", "wordwrap"]);

dojox.dtl.replace = function(str, token, repl){
        repl = repl || "";      
        var pos, len = token.length;
                pos = str.indexOf(token);
                if(pos == -1) break;
                str = str.substring(0, pos) + repl + str.substring(pos + len);
        return str;

dojox.dtl.resolveVariable = function(token, context){
        // summary: Quickly resolve a variables
        var filter = new dojox.dtl.Filter(token);
        return filter.resolve(context);
