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if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx._base"] = true;

// candidates for (work on VML and SVG nodes)
dojox.gfx._hasClass = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/classStr){
        //      summary:
        //              Returns whether or not the specified classes are a portion of the
        //              class list currently applied to the node. 
        // return (new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classStr+'(\\s+|$)')).test(node.className)     // Boolean
        return ((" "+node.getAttribute("className")+" ").indexOf(" "+classStr+" ") >= 0);  // Boolean

dojox.gfx._addClass = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/classStr){
        //      summary:
        //              Adds the specified classes to the end of the class list on the
        //              passed node.
        var cls = node.getAttribute("className");
        if((" "+cls+" ").indexOf(" "+classStr+" ") < 0){
                node.setAttribute("className", cls + (cls ? ' ' : '') + classStr);

dojox.gfx._removeClass = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/classStr){
        //      summary: Removes classes from node.
        node.setAttribute("className", node.getAttribute("className").replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classStr+'(\\s+|$)'), "$1$2"));

// candidate for dojox.html.metrics (dynamic font resize handler is not implemented here)

//      derived from Morris John's emResized measurer
dojox.gfx._base._getFontMeasurements = function(){
        //      summary
        //      Returns an object that has pixel equivilents of standard font size values.
        var heights = {
                '1em':0, '1ex':0, '100%':0, '12pt':0, '16px':0, 'xx-small':0, 'x-small':0,
                'small':0, 'medium':0, 'large':0, 'x-large':0, 'xx-large':0

                //      we do a font-size fix if and only if one isn't applied already.
                //      NOTE: If someone set the fontSize on the HTML Element, this will kill it.

        //      set up the measuring node.
        var div=dojo.doc.createElement("div");"absolute";"-100px";"0";"30px";"1000em";"0";"0";"0";"0";"1";"hidden";

        //      do the measurements.
        for(var p in heights){
       = p;
                heights[p] = Math.round(div.offsetHeight * 12/16) * 16/12 / 1000;
        div = null;
        return heights;         //      object

dojox.gfx._base._fontMeasurements = null;

dojox.gfx._base._getCachedFontMeasurements = function(recalculate){
        if(recalculate || !dojox.gfx._base._fontMeasurements){
                dojox.gfx._base._fontMeasurements = dojox.gfx._base._getFontMeasurements();
        return dojox.gfx._base._fontMeasurements;

// candidate for dojo.dom

dojox.gfx._base._uniqueId = 0;
dojox.gfx._base._getUniqueId = function(){
        // summary: returns a unique string for use with any DOM element
        var id;
                id = "dojoUnique" + (++dojox.gfx._base._uniqueId);
        return id;

dojo.mixin(dojox.gfx, {
        // summary: defines constants, prototypes, and utility functions
        // default shapes, which are used to fill in missing parameters
        defaultPath:     {type: "path",     path: ""},
        defaultPolyline: {type: "polyline", points: []},
        defaultRect:     {type: "rect",     x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, r: 0},
        defaultEllipse:  {type: "ellipse",  cx: 0, cy: 0, rx: 200, ry: 100},
        defaultCircle:   {type: "circle",   cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 100},
        defaultLine:     {type: "line",     x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 100, y2: 100},
        defaultImage:    {type: "image",    x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, src: ""},
        defaultText:     {type: "text",     x: 0, y: 0, text: "",
                align: "start", decoration: "none", rotated: false, kerning: true },
        defaultTextPath: {type: "textpath", text: "",
                align: "start", decoration: "none", rotated: false, kerning: true },

        // default geometric attributes
        defaultStroke: {type: "stroke", color: "black", style: "solid", width: 1, cap: "butt", join: 4},
        defaultLinearGradient: {type: "linear", x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 100, y2: 100, 
                colors: [{offset: 0, color: "black"}, {offset: 1, color: "white"}]},
        defaultRadialGradient: {type: "radial", cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 100, 
                colors: [{offset: 0, color: "black"}, {offset: 1, color: "white"}]},
        defaultPattern: {type: "pattern", x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, src: ""},
        defaultFont: {type: "font", style: "normal", variant: "normal", weight: "normal", 
                size: "10pt", family: "serif"},

        normalizeColor: function(/*Color*/ color){
                // summary: converts any legal color representation to normalized dojo.Color object
                return (color instanceof dojo.Color) ? color : new dojo.Color(color); // dojo.Color
        normalizeParameters: function(existed, update){
                // summary: updates an existing object with properties from an "update" object
                // existed: Object: the "target" object to be updated
                // update:  Object: the "update" object, whose properties will be used to update the existed object
                        var empty = {};
                        for(var x in existed){
                                if(x in update && !(x in empty)){
                                        existed[x] = update[x];
                return existed; // Object
        makeParameters: function(defaults, update){
                // summary: copies the original object, and all copied properties from the "update" object
                // defaults: Object: the object to be cloned before updating
                // update:   Object: the object, which properties are to be cloned during updating
                if(!update) return dojo.clone(defaults);
                var result = {};
                for(var i in defaults){
                        if(!(i in result)){
                                result[i] = dojo.clone((i in update) ? update[i] : defaults[i]);
                return result; // Object
        formatNumber: function(x, addSpace){
                // summary: converts a number to a string using a fixed notation
                // x:                   Number:         number to be converted
                // addSpace:    Boolean?:       if it is true, add a space before a positive number
                var val = x.toString();
                if(val.indexOf("e") >= 0){
                        val = x.toFixed(4);
                        var point = val.indexOf(".");
                        if(point >= 0 && val.length - point > 5){
                                val = x.toFixed(4);
                if(x < 0){
                        return val; // String
                return addSpace ? " " + val : val; // String
        // font operations
        makeFontString: function(font){
                // summary: converts a font object to a CSS font string
                // font:        Object: font object (see dojox.gfx.defaultFont)
                return + " " + font.variant + " " + font.weight + " " + font.size + " " +; // Object
        splitFontString: function(str){
                // summary: converts a CSS font string to a font object
                // str:         String: a CSS font string
                var font = dojo.clone(dojox.gfx.defaultFont);
                var t = str.split(/\s+/);
                        if(t.length < 5){ break; }
                = t[0];
                        font.varian = t[1];
                        font.weight = t[2];
                        var i = t[3].indexOf("/");
                        font.size = i < 0 ? t[3] : t[3].substring(0, i);
                        var j = 4;
                        if(i < 0){
                                if(t[4] == "/"){
                                        j = 6;
                                if(t[4].substr(0, 1) == "/"){
                                        j = 5;
                        if(j + 3 > t.length){ break; }
                        font.size = t[j];
               = t[j + 1];
                return font;    // Object
        // length operations
        cm_in_pt: 72 / 2.54,    // Number: centimeters per inch
        mm_in_pt: 7.2 / 2.54,   // Number: millimeters per inch
        px_in_pt: function(){
                // summary: returns a number of pixels per point
                return dojox.gfx._base._getCachedFontMeasurements()["12pt"] / 12;       // Number
        pt2px: function(len){
                // summary: converts points to pixels
                // len: Number: a value in points
                return len * dojox.gfx.px_in_pt();      // Number
        px2pt: function(len){
                // summary: converts pixels to points
                // len: Number: a value in pixels
                return len / dojox.gfx.px_in_pt();      // Number
        normalizedLength: function(len) {
                // summary: converts any length value to pixels
                // len: String: a length, e.g., "12pc"
                if(len.length == 0) return 0;
                if(len.length > 2){
                        var px_in_pt = dojox.gfx.px_in_pt();
                        var val = parseFloat(len);
                                case "px": return val;
                                case "pt": return val * px_in_pt;
                                case "in": return val * 72 * px_in_pt;
                                case "pc": return val * 12 * px_in_pt;
                                case "mm": return val / dojox.gfx.mm_in_pt * px_in_pt;
                                case "cm": return val / dojox.gfx.cm_in_pt * px_in_pt;
                return parseFloat(len); // Number
        // a constant used to split a SVG/VML path into primitive components
        pathVmlRegExp: /([A-Za-z]+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+)|(-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(-\.\d+)/g,
        pathSvgRegExp: /([A-Za-z])|(\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+)|(-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(-\.\d+)/g,
        equalSources: function(a, b){
                // summary: compares event sources, returns true if they are equal
                return a && b && a == b;
