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/*vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */ 
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4.1                                                                                      |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2004 Tela Botanica (                                         |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                                        |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public                                           |
// | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either                                         |
// | version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                   |
// |                                                                                                      |
// | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                      |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                       |
// | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU                                    |
// | Lesser General Public License for more details.                                                      |
// |                                                                                                      |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public                                     |
// | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software                                  |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// CVS : $Id: annuaire.fonct.php,v 1.1 2005/03/24 08:46:07 alex Exp $
* Fonctions du module annuaire
* Fonctions du module annuaire
*@package annuaire
//Auteur original :
*@author        Alexandre Granier <>
//Autres auteurs :
*@author        Aucun
*@copyright     Tela-Botanica 2000-2004
*@version       $Revision: 1.1 $
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                            ENTETE du PROGRAMME                                       |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

include_once "HTML/QuickForm.php" ;

// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                           LISTE de FONCTIONS                                         |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

function AUTH_formulaire_login() {
    $res = '';
    $url = preg_replace ('/&amp;/', '&', $GLOBALS['ann_url']->getURL()) ;
    $form = new HTML_QuickForm ('inscription', 'post', $url) ;
    $form->addElement ('text', 'username', ANN_EMAIL) ;
    $form->addElement ('password', 'password', ANN_MOT_DE_PASSE) ;
    $form->addElement('submit', 'valider', ANN_VALIDER);
    $res .= $form->toHTML() ;

    $res .= "<div>".ANN_TEXTE_PERDU."</div>\n" ;
    return $res;

/** function parcourrirAnnu ()  Affiche l'annuaire à partir d'une lettre
*       @return string HTML

function parcourrirAnnu($event) {

    $res = '<div><table><tr>';

    // ecrire toutes les lettres avec un lien
    for ($i = 65 ; $i <91 ; $i++) {
        $res .= '<td><a style="font-size:15px;" href="'.$GLOBALS['ann_url']->getURL().'&amp;lettre=';
        $res .= chr($i) ;
        $res .= '">';
        $res .= chr($i) ;
        $res .= "</a></td>\n";
    $res .= "</tr></table></div>\n";

    // si une lettre est selectionne
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['lettre'])) {
        $requete = "SELECT ".ANN_ANNUAIRE.".* from ".ANN_ANNUAIRE." WHERE";
        if ($_REQUEST['lettre'] != "tous") $requete .= " ".ANN_CHAMPS_NOM." LIKE \"".$_REQUEST['lettre']."%\"" ;
        $requete .= " ORDER BY ".ANN_CHAMPS_NOM ;
        $res .= listes_inscrit ($requete, $GLOBALS['ann_url']->getURL(), $select, '', $GLOBALS['ann_db'], $niveau = 'pays').carto_texte_cocher().
                        carto_formulaire($_POST['titre'], $_POST['corps']) ;
    return $res ;

 *  Renvoie le code HTML de la liste des inscrits
 *  en fonction de la requete passé en parametre
 * @return  Renvoie le code HTML de la liste des inscrits

function listes_inscrit ($requete, $url, $select, $argument, &$db, $niveau = 'pays') {
    $res = "<div>";
    $res .= "<form action=\"$url&amp;mailer=1"."&amp;select=$select&amp;lettre=".$_REQUEST['lettre']."\" method=\"post\" name=\"formmail\">\n
                <table id=\"table_inscrit\" class=\"table_cadre\">\n
                        <col />
                        <col />
                        <col />
                        <col />
                        <col />
                        <col />

    $resultat= $GLOBALS['ann_db']->query($requete);
    if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
        die ($resultat->getMessage().'<br />'.$resultat->getDebugInfo()) ;
    while ($ligne = $resultat->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
        if ($indic==0) {
            $res.="<tr class=\"ligne_impaire\">\n";
        else {
            $res.="<tr class=\"ligne_paire\">\n";
        $res.="<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"select[]\" value=\"".$ligne[ANN_CHAMPS_MAIL]."\"></td>\n
                        <td>".str_replace(' - ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('-', ' - ', $ligne[ANN_CHAMPS_PRENOM]))))."&nbsp;</td>\n
                        <td>".date("d m Y", strtotime($ligne[ANN_CHAMPS_DATE_INS]))."&nbsp;</td>\n
                        <td>".strtoupper($ligne[ANN_CHAMPS_VILLE])."&nbsp;</td>\n" ;
        $res .= "</tr>\n";
    $res .= "</table></div>\n";
    return $res ;

function carto_formulaire ($titre_mail="", $corps = "") {
    global $HTTP_USER_AGENT ;
    $res = "<h2 class=\"chapo\">".ANN_ENVOYER_MAIL."</h2>\n";
    $res .= '<p class="attention surveillance">'.ANN_SURVEILLANCE.'</p>' ;
    $res .= '<p class="information message_a_tous">'.sprintf(ANN_MESSAGE_A_TOUS, '<a href="'.ANN_URL_ACTUALITE.'">'.ANN_ACTUALITE.'</a>').'</p>' ;
    $res .= '<table>'."\n"
            .'<tr><td class="texte">'.ANN_SUJET.' :</td>'."\n"
            .'<td><input class="forml" type="text" name="titre_mail" size="60" value="'.$GLOBALS['titre_mail'].'"></td>'."\n"
            .'</tr><tr><td class="texte" valign="top">'.ANN_MESSAGE.'&nbsp;:&nbsp;</td>'."\n"
            .'<td><textarea class="forml" name="corps" rows="5" cols="60">'.$GLOBALS['corps'].'</textarea></td>'."\n"
            .'</tr><tr><td></td><td align="center">';
    if (ereg ("Gecko",$HTTP_USER_AGENT)) {
        $res.='<input class="spip_bouton" type="submit" value="'.ANN_ENVOYER.'" />';
    } else {
        $res.='<input class="spip_bouton" type="submit" onclick="javascript:confirmer();" value="'.ANN_ENVOYER.'" />';
    return $res ;

/** function carto_texte_cocher ()
*       @return string  HTML

function carto_texte_cocher () {
    $res .= '<div class="texte">'.ANN_CHECK_UNCHECK ;
    $res .= "&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"selecttotal\" onclick=\"javascript:setCheckboxes('formmail');\"></div>";
    return $res ;

/** envoie_mail()
 * @return  envoie l'email

function envoie_mail () {
    $requete = "select ".ANN_CHAMPS_MAIL." from ".ANN_ANNUAIRE.
            " where ".ANN_CHAMPS_ID."='".$GLOBALS['AUTH']->getAuthData (ANN_CHAMPS_ID)."'";
    $resultat = $GLOBALS['ann_db']->query($requete);
    if (DB::isError($resultat)) {
        die ($resultat->getMessage().'<br />'.$resultat->getDebugInfo());
    $ligne = $resultat->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $entete = "From: <".$ligne[ANN_CHAMPS_MAIL].">\n";
    $_POST['corps'] .= ANN_PIED_MESSAGE;
    $_POST['corps'] = stripslashes($_POST['corps']) ;
    $liste = "" ;
    foreach ($_POST['select'] as $key => $value) {
        mail ($value, stripslashes($_POST['titre_mail']), $_POST['corps'] , $entete) ;
        $liste .= $value."\n" ;
    $_POST['corps'] .= "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    $_POST['corps'] .= "\n".ANN_MESSAGE_ENVOYE_A." :\n $liste" ;
    mail (CAR_MAIL_ADMIN, stripslashes($_POST['titre_mail']), $_POST['corps'], $entete);
    $_POST['corps'] = '';
    $_POST['titre_mail'] = '';
    return '<div>'.ANN_MAIL_ENVOYER.'</div>' ;

/* +--Fin du code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Log: annuaire.fonct.php,v $
* Revision 1.1  2005/03/24 08:46:07  alex
* version initiale
* Revision 1.2  2005/01/06 15:18:31  alex
* modification de la fonction de formulaire d'authentification
* Revision  2005/01/03 17:27:49  alex
* Import initial
* Revision 1.1  2005/01/03 17:18:49  alex
* retour vers la liste des participants après un ajout.
* +-- Fin du code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+