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 * This module implements a VERY limited parser that finds <link> tags
 * in the head of HTML or XHTML documents and parses out their
 * attributes according to the OpenID spec. It is a liberal parser,
 * but it requires these things from the data in order to work:
 * - There must be an open <html> tag
 * - There must be an open <head> tag inside of the <html> tag
 * - Only <link>s that are found inside of the <head> tag are parsed
 *   (this is by design)
 * - The parser follows the OpenID specification in resolving the
 *   attributes of the link tags. This means that the attributes DO
 *   NOT get resolved as they would by an XML or HTML parser. In
 *   particular, only certain entities get replaced, and href
 *   attributes do not get resolved relative to a base URL.
 * From
 * - The openid.server URL MUST be an absolute URL. OpenID consumers
 *   MUST NOT attempt to resolve relative URLs.
 * - The openid.server URL MUST NOT include entities other than &amp;,
 *   &lt;, &gt;, and &quot;.
 * The parser ignores SGML comments and <![CDATA[blocks]]>. Both kinds
 * of quoting are allowed for attributes.
 * The parser deals with invalid markup in these ways:
 * - Tag names are not case-sensitive
 * - The <html> tag is accepted even when it is not at the top level
 * - The <head> tag is accepted even when it is not a direct child of
 *   the <html> tag, but a <html> tag must be an ancestor of the
 *   <head> tag
 * - <link> tags are accepted even when they are not direct children
 *   of the <head> tag, but a <head> tag must be an ancestor of the
 *   <link> tag
 * - If there is no closing tag for an open <html> or <head> tag, the
 *   remainder of the document is viewed as being inside of the
 *   tag. If there is no closing tag for a <link> tag, the link tag is
 *   treated as a short tag. Exceptions to this rule are that <html>
 *   closes <html> and <body> or <head> closes <head>
 * - Attributes of the <link> tag are not required to be quoted.
 * - In the case of duplicated attribute names, the attribute coming
 *   last in the tag will be the value returned.
 * - Any text that does not parse as an attribute within a link tag
 *   will be ignored. (e.g. <link pumpkin rel='openid.server' /> will
 *   ignore pumpkin)
 * - If there are more than one <html> or <head> tag, the parser only
 *   looks inside of the first one.
 * - The contents of <script> tags are ignored entirely, except
 *   unclosed <script> tags. Unclosed <script> tags are ignored.
 * - Any other invalid markup is ignored, including unclosed SGML
 *   comments and unclosed <![CDATA[blocks.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: See the COPYING file included in this distribution.
 * @access private
 * @package OpenID
 * @author JanRain, Inc. <>
 * @copyright 2005 Janrain, Inc.
 * @license LGPL

 * Require Auth_OpenID::arrayGet().
require_once "Auth/OpenID.php";

class Auth_OpenID_Parse {

     * Specify some flags for use with regex matching.
    var $_re_flags = "si";

     * Stuff to remove before we start looking for tags
    var $_removed_re =

     * Starts with the tag name at a word boundary, where the tag name
     * is not a namespace
    var $_tag_expr = "<%s\b(?!:)([^>]*?)(?:\/>|>(.*?)(?:<\/?%s\s*>|\Z))";

    var $_attr_find = '\b(\w+)=("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\'"\s\/<>]+)';

    function Auth_OpenID_Parse()
        $this->_link_find = sprintf("/<link\b(?!:)([^>]*)(?!<)>/%s",

        $this->_entity_replacements = array(
                                            'amp' => '&',
                                            'lt' => '<',
                                            'gt' => '>',
                                            'quot' => '"'

        $this->_attr_find = sprintf("/%s/%s",

        $this->_removed_re = sprintf("/%s/%s",

        $this->_ent_replace =
            sprintf("&(%s);", implode("|",

     * Returns a regular expression that will match a given tag in an
     * SGML string.
    function tagMatcher($tag_name, $close_tags = null)
        if ($close_tags) {
            $options = implode("|", array_merge(array($tag_name), $close_tags));
            $closer = sprintf("(?:%s)", $options);
        } else {
            $closer = $tag_name;

        $expr = sprintf($this->_tag_expr, $tag_name, $closer);
        return sprintf("/%s/%s", $expr, $this->_re_flags);

    function htmlFind()
        return $this->tagMatcher('html');

    function headFind()
        return $this->tagMatcher('head', array('body'));

    function replaceEntities($str)
        foreach ($this->_entity_replacements as $old => $new) {
            $str = preg_replace(sprintf("/&%s;/", $old), $new, $str);
        return $str;

    function removeQuotes($str)
        $matches = array();
        $double = '/^"(.*)"$/';
        $single = "/^\'(.*)\'$/";

        if (preg_match($double, $str, $matches)) {
            return $matches[1];
        } else if (preg_match($single, $str, $matches)) {
            return $matches[1];
        } else {
            return $str;

     * Find all link tags in a string representing a HTML document and
     * return a list of their attributes.
     * @param string $html The text to parse
     * @return array $list An array of arrays of attributes, one for each
     * link tag
    function parseLinkAttrs($html)
        $stripped = preg_replace($this->_removed_re,

        // Try to find the <HTML> tag.
        $html_re = $this->htmlFind();
        $html_matches = array();
        if (!preg_match($html_re, $stripped, $html_matches)) {
            return array();

        // Try to find the <HEAD> tag.
        $head_re = $this->headFind();
        $head_matches = array();
        if (!preg_match($head_re, $html_matches[0], $head_matches)) {
            return array();

        $link_data = array();
        $link_matches = array();

        if (!preg_match_all($this->_link_find, $head_matches[0],
                            $link_matches)) {
            return array();

        foreach ($link_matches[0] as $link) {
            $attr_matches = array();
            preg_match_all($this->_attr_find, $link, $attr_matches);
            $link_attrs = array();
            foreach ($attr_matches[0] as $index => $full_match) {
                $name = $attr_matches[1][$index];
                $value = $this->replaceEntities(

                $link_attrs[strtolower($name)] = $value;
            $link_data[] = $link_attrs;

        return $link_data;

    function relMatches($rel_attr, $target_rel)
        // Does this target_rel appear in the rel_str?
        // XXX: TESTME
        $rels = preg_split("/\s+/", trim($rel_attr));
        foreach ($rels as $rel) {
            $rel = strtolower($rel);
            if ($rel == $target_rel) {
                return 1;

        return 0;

    function linkHasRel($link_attrs, $target_rel)
        // Does this link have target_rel as a relationship?
        // XXX: TESTME
        $rel_attr = Auth_OpeniD::arrayGet($link_attrs, 'rel', null);
        return ($rel_attr && $this->relMatches($rel_attr,

    function findLinksRel($link_attrs_list, $target_rel)
        // Filter the list of link attributes on whether it has
        // target_rel as a relationship.
        // XXX: TESTME
        $result = array();
        foreach ($link_attrs_list as $attr) {
            if ($this->linkHasRel($attr, $target_rel)) {
                $result[] = $attr;

        return $result;

    function findFirstHref($link_attrs_list, $target_rel)
        // Return the value of the href attribute for the first link
        // tag in the list that has target_rel as a relationship.
        // XXX: TESTME
        $matches = $this->findLinksRel($link_attrs_list,
        if (!$matches) {
            return null;
        $first = $matches[0];
        return Auth_OpenID::arrayGet($first, 'href', null);

function Auth_OpenID_legacy_discover($html_text)
    $p = new Auth_OpenID_Parse();

    $link_attrs = $p->parseLinkAttrs($html_text);

    $server_url = $p->findFirstHref($link_attrs,

    if ($server_url === null) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $delegate_url = $p->findFirstHref($link_attrs,
        return array($delegate_url, $server_url);
