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class CartoGroupage {
        const OFFSET = 268435456;// Moitié de la circonférence de la terre au zoom 21
        const RADIUS = 85445659.4471; /* $offset / pi() */
        private static $profondeurMax = 3;
        private static $pasCorrectionCentre = 1;
        private static $zoom = 1;
        private static $seuilClusterisation = 180;
        private static $debug = false;
        private static $listeNoeudsSelectionnes = array();
        private static $hilbert_map_1 = array ('a' => array (
                                                                        "0, 0" => array (0, 'd'),
                                                                        "0, 1" => array (1, 'a'), 
                                                                                        "1, 0" => array (3, 'b'),
                                                                                        "1, 1" => array (2, 'a')
                                                                         'b' => array ( 
                                                                                         "0, 0" => array (2, 'b'), 
                                                                                         "0, 1" => array (1, 'b'), 
                                                                                         "1, 0" => array (3, 'a'),
                                                                                         "1, 1" => array (0, 'c')
                                                                        'c' => array ( 
                                                                                        "0, 0" => array (2, 'c'),
                                                                                        "0, 1" => array (3, 'd'),
                                                                                        "1, 0" => array (1, 'c'),
                                                                                        "1, 1" => array (0, 'b')
                                                                        'd' => array (
                                                                                        "0, 0" => array (0, 'a'), 
                                                                                        "0, 1" => array (3, 'c'), 
                                                                                        "1, 0" => array (1, 'd'), 
                                                                                        "1, 1" => array (2, 'd')
        public static $cache = array('lat->y' => array(), 'lat->y' => array());
        public static function creerGroupesManhattan($markers, $zoom) {
                $clustered = array();
                // Distance minimum entre deux marqueurs pour l'inclure dans un cluster à un niveau de zoom donné
                $groupeRayon = (10000000 >> $zoom) / 100000;
                /* Boucle permettant de définir les marqueurs de références. */
                while (count($markers)) {
                        $marker  = array_shift($markers);
                        $cluster = array();
                        /* Comparaison de la distance des autres marqueurs avec le marqueur de référence. */
                        foreach ($markers as $key => $target) {
                                $cibleDistance = abs($marker['lat'] - $target['lat']) + abs($marker['lng'] - $target['lng']);

                                if ($groupeRayon > $cibleDistance) {
                                        $cluster['cibles'][] = $target;
                        $clustered[] = self::ajouterGroupe($cluster, $marker);
                return $clustered;
        public static function creerGroupesPixel($markers, $zoom, $clusterDistance = 20) {
                $clustered = array();
                /* Loop until all markers have been compared. */
                while (count($markers)) {
                        $marker  = array_shift($markers);
                        $cluster = array();
                        /* Compare against all markers which are left. */
                        foreach ($markers as $key => $target) {
                                $cibleDistance = self::pixelDistance($marker['lat'], $marker['lng'], $target['lat'], $target['lng'], $zoom);

                                if ($clusterDistance > $cibleDistance) {
                                        //$m = "Distance entre %s,%s et %s,%s vaut %d pixels.\n";
                                        //printf($m, $marker['lat'], $marker['lng'], $target['lat'], $target['lng'], $pixels);
                                        $cluster['cibles'][] = $target;
                                        $cluster['latMax'] = ($cluster['latMax'] < $target['lat']) ? $target['lat'] : $cluster['latMax'];
                                        $cluster['lngMax'] = ($cluster['lngMax'] < $target['lng']) ? $target['lng'] : $cluster['lngMax'];  
                        $clustered[] = self::ajouterGroupe($cluster, $marker);
                return $clustered;
        public static function ajouterGroupe($cluster, $marker) {
                $groupe = array();
                $nbreMarqueurs = count($cluster['cibles']);
                if ($nbreMarqueurs > 0) {
                        $groupe['id'] = 'GROUPE:'.$marker['lat'].';'.$marker['lng'];
                        $groupe['lat'] = $marker['lat'];
                        $groupe['lng'] = $marker['lng'];
                        $groupe['latMax'] = $cluster['latMax'];
                        $groupe['lngMax'] = $cluster['lngMax'];
                        // +1 car le marqueur servant de point de départ n'est pas ajouté au cluster
                        $groupe['nbreMarqueur'] = $nbreMarqueurs + 1;
                } else {
                        $groupe = $marker;
                return $groupe;
        public static function creerGroupesQuadtree2($markers, $neLat, $neLng, $swLat, $swLng, $zoom = 3) {
                if(count($markers) > self::$seuilClusterisation) {
                        //$_GET['debug'] = true;
                        self::$zoom = $zoom;
                        self::$pasCorrectionCentre = 10/self::$zoom;
                        self::$profondeurMax = round(pow($zoom,1.05),0) - 1;
                        echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? '<pre>' : '';
                        echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? 'zoom :'.$zoom.' profondeur max '.self::$profondeurMax : '';
                        //echo "$neLat, $neLng, $swLat, $swLng";
                        $noeud = array('coordCentre' => null,'nbrePoints' => count($markers), 'points' => $markers);
                        self::attribuerAuCarre($noeud, $neLat, $neLng, $swLat, $swLng); 
                        echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? '</pre>' : '';
                } else {
                        foreach($markers as $marker) {
                                $points = array($marker);
                                $noeud_fictif = array('points' => $points, 'nbrePoints' => 1);
                                self::$listeNoeudsSelectionnes[] = self::ajouterGroupe2($noeud_fictif);
                return self::$listeNoeudsSelectionnes;
        private static function attribuerAuCarre(&$noeud, $neLat, $neLng, $swLat, $swLng, $profondeur = 0) {
                echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? "coordonnees parametres : $neLat, $neLng, $swLat, $swLng" : "";
                //$latCentre = $noeud['coordCentre']['lat'] = ($neLat+$swLat)/2;
                //$lngCentre = $noeud['coordCentre']['lng'] = ($neLng+$swLng)/2;
                $latCentre = $noeud['coordCentre']['lat'] = round((($neLat+$swLat)/2)/self::$pasCorrectionCentre,0)*self::$pasCorrectionCentre;
                $lngCentre = $noeud['coordCentre']['lng'] = round((($neLng+$swLng)/2)/self::$pasCorrectionCentre,0)*self::$pasCorrectionCentre;
                echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? "\n\n profondeur : $profondeur\n" : "";
                echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? "\t centre : $lngCentre  $latCentre \n" : "";
                foreach ($noeud['points'] as &$point) {
                        if ($point['lng'] < $lngCentre) {
                                if ($point['lat'] > $latCentre) {
                                        //Carré A
                                        $noeud['A']['points'][] = $point;
                                        $noeud['A']['latMoyenne'] += $point['lat'];
                                        $noeud['A']['lngMoyenne'] += $point['lng'];
                                } else {
                                        //Carré D
                                        $noeud['D']['points'][] = $point;       
                                        $noeud['D']['latMoyenne'] += $point['lat'];
                                        $noeud['D']['lngMoyenne'] += $point['lng'];
                        } else {
                                if ($point['lat'] > $latCentre) {
                                        //Carré B
                                        $noeud['B']['points'][] = $point;
                                        $noeud['B']['latMoyenne'] += $point['lat'];
                                        $noeud['B']['lngMoyenne'] += $point['lng'];
                                } else {
                                        //Carré C
                                        $noeud['C']['points'][] = $point;
                                        $noeud['C']['latMoyenne'] += $point['lat'];
                                        $noeud['C']['lngMoyenne'] += $point['lng'];
                $centreNoeud = array('id' => $latCentre.' '.$lngCentre, 'lat' => $latCentre, 'lng' => $lngCentre, 'nbreMarqueur' => 0); 
                //self::$listeNoeudsSelectionnes[] = $centreNoeud;
                if($profondeur <= self::$profondeurMax) {       
                        //echo "noeud A\n";     
                        ($noeud['A'] != null) ? self::attribuerAuCarre($noeud['A'], $neLat, $lngCentre , $latCentre, $lngSw, $profondeur) : '';
                        //echo "noeud B\n";
                        ($noeud['B'] != null) ? self::attribuerAuCarre($noeud['B'], $neLat, $neLng, $latCentre, $lngCentre, $profondeur) : '';
                        //echo "noeud C\n";
                        ($noeud['C'] != null) ? self::attribuerAuCarre($noeud['C'], $latCentre, $neLng, $swLat, $lngCentre, $profondeur) : '';
                        //echo "noeud D\n";
                        ($noeud['D'] != null) ? self::attribuerAuCarre($noeud['D'], $latCentre, $lngCentre, $swLat, $swLng, $profondeur) : '';
                //self::$listeNoeudsSelectionnes[] = self::ajouterGroupe2($noeud);
                if(self::estUneFeuille($noeud['A']) && self::estUneFeuille($noeud['B']) && self::estUneFeuille($noeud['C']) && self::estUneFeuille($noeud['D'])) {
                        self::$listeNoeudsSelectionnes[] = self::ajouterGroupe2($noeud);
                } else {
                        //self::$listeNoeudsSelectionnes[] = self::ajouterGroupe2($noeud);
        public static function ajouterGroupe2($noeud) {
                $groupe = array();
                if ($noeud['nbrePoints'] > 1) {
                        $groupe['id'] = 'GROUPE:'.$noeud['coordCentre']['lat'].';'.$noeud['coordCentre']['lng'];
                        // TODO changer la génération de l'id
                        $groupe['lat'] = $noeud['latMoyenne']/$noeud['nbrePoints'];
                        $groupe['lng'] = $noeud['lngMoyenne']/$noeud['nbrePoints'];
                        echo ($_GET['debug'] == true) ? "\ncentre moyenne ".$groupe['lat']."  ".$groupe['lng'] : "";
                        $groupe['nbreMarqueur'] = $noeud['nbrePoints'];
                        //$groupe['latMax'] = $cluster['latMax'];
                        //$groupe['lngMax'] = $cluster['lngMax'];
                } else {
                        //echo '<pre>'.print_r($noeud['points'][0],true).'</pre>';
                        $groupe = $noeud['points'][0];
                return $groupe;
        private static function estUneFeuille($noeud) {         
                return $noeud == null || ($noeud['A'] == null && $noeud['B'] == null && $noeud['C'] == null && $noeud['D'] == null);
        public static function creerGroupesQuadtree($markers, $zoom) {
                $ordre = $zoom - 3;
                $clustered = array();
                foreach ($markers as $key => $marker) {
                        $x = self::lonToX($marker['lng']);
                        $y = self::latToY($marker['lat']);
                        $payload = self::pointToQuadtree($x, $y, $ordre);
                        if (isset($clustered[$payload])) {
                        } else {
                                $cluster = array();
                                $cluster['id'] = 'GROUPE';
                                $cluster['lat'] = $marker['lat'];
                                $cluster['lng'] = $marker['lng'];
                                $cluster['nbreMarqueur'] = 1;
                                $clustered[$payload] = $cluster;
                return array_values($clustered);
        private static function pixelDistance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $zoom) {
                $x1 = self::lonToX($lon1);
                $y1 = self::latToY($lat1);

                $x2 = self::lonToX($lon2);
                $y2 = self::latToY($lat2);
                return sqrt(pow(($x1 - $x2), 2) + pow(($y1 - $y2), 2)) >> (21 - $zoom);
        private static function lonToX($lon) {
                if (! isset(self::$cache['lng->x'][$lon])) {
                        self::$cache['lng->x'][$lon] = round(self::OFFSET + self::RADIUS * $lon * pi() / 180);
                return self::$cache['lng->x'][$lon];        
        private static function latToY($lat) {
                if (! isset(self::$cache['lat->y'][$lat])) {
                        $logLat = log((1 + sin($lat * pi() / 180)) / (1 - sin($lat * pi() / 180)));
                        self::$cache['lat->y'][$lat] = round(self::OFFSET - self::RADIUS * $logLat / 2);
                return self::$cache['lat->y'][$lat];
        public static function haversineDistance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2) {
                $latd = deg2rad($lat2 - $lat1);
                $lond = deg2rad($lon2 - $lon1);
                $a = sin($latd / 2) * sin($latd / 2) +
                        cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) *
                        sin($lond / 2) * sin($lond / 2);
                        $c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a));
                return 6371.0 * $c;
        private static function pointToQuadtree($x, $y, $order=16) {            
                $current_square = 'a' ;
                $payload = 0; 
                foreach (range($order-1, 0, -1) as $i) { 
                        $quad_x = $x & (1 << $i) ? 1 : 0;
                        $quad_y = $y & (1 << $i) ? 1 : 0;
                        list($quad_position, $current_square) = self::$hilbert_map_1[$current_square]["$quad_x, $quad_y"];
                        $payload .= $quad_position;
                return $payload;