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// declare(encoding='UTF-8');
* Classe d'extraction de metadonnées d'un fichier JPEG afin de les mettre dans un tableau au format du CEL.
* @internal Mininum PHP version : 5.2
* @category CEL
* @package Services
* @subpackage Bibliothèques
* @version 0.1
* @author Mathias CHOUET <>
* @author Jean-Pascal MILCENT <>
* @author Aurelien PERONNET <>
* @license GPL v3 <>
* @license CECILL v2 <>
* @copyright 1999-2014 Tela Botanica <>
class ExtracteurMetadonnees {
private $meta = array();
private $tableau_ids_tags_exif = array(
'InteropIndex' => '1',
'InteropVersion' => '2',
'ProcessingSoftware' => '11',
'SubfileType' => '254',
'OldSubfileType' => '255',
'ImageWidth' => '256',
'ImageHeight' => '257',
'BitsPerSample' => '258',
'Compression' => '259',
'PhotometricInterpretation' => '262',
'Thresholding' => '263',
'CellWidth' => '264',
'CellLength' => '265',
'FillOrder' => '266',
'DocumentName' => '269',
'ImageDescription' => '270',
'Make' => '271',
'Model' => '272',
'StripOffsets' => '273',
'Orientation' => '274',
'SamplesPerPixel' => '277',
'RowsPerStrip' => '278',
'StripByteCounts' => '279',
'MinSampleValue' => '280',
'MaxSampleValue' => '281',
'XResolution' => '282',
'YResolution' => '283',
'PlanarConfiguration' => '284',
'PageName' => '285',
'XPosition' => '286',
'YPosition' => '287',
'FreeOffsets' => '288',
'FreeByteCounts' => '289',
'GrayResponseUnit' => '290',
'GrayResponseCurve' => '291',
'T4Options' => '292',
'T6Options' => '293',
'ResolutionUnit' => '296',
'PageNumber' => '297',
'ColorResponseUnit' => '300',
'TransferFunction' => '301',
'Software' => '305',
'ModifyDate' => '306',
'Artist' => '315',
'HostComputer' => '316',
'Predictor' => '317',
'WhitePoint' => '318',
'PrimaryChromaticities' => '319',
'ColorMap' => '320',
'HalftoneHints' => '321',
'TileWidth' => '322',
'TileLength' => '323',
'TileOffsets' => '324',
'TileByteCounts' => '325',
'BadFaxLines' => '326',
'CleanFaxData' => '327',
'ConsecutiveBadFaxLines' => '328',
'SubIFD' => '330',
'InkSet' => '332',
'InkNames' => '333',
'NumberofInks' => '334',
'DotRange' => '336',
'TargetPrinter' => '337',
'ExtraSamples' => '338',
'SampleFormat' => '339',
'SMinSampleValue' => '340',
'SMaxSampleValue' => '341',
'TransferRange' => '342',
'ClipPath' => '343',
'XClipPathUnits' => '344',
'YClipPathUnits' => '345',
'Indexed' => '346',
'JPEGTables' => '347',
'OPIProxy' => '351',
'GlobalParametersIFD' => '400',
'ProfileType' => '401',
'FaxProfile' => '402',
'CodingMethods' => '403',
'VersionYear' => '404',
'ModeNumber' => '405',
'Decode' => '433',
'DefaultImageColor' => '434',
'T82Options' => '435',
'JPEGTables' => '437',
'JPEGProc' => '512',
'ThumbnailOffset' => '513',
'ThumbnailLength' => '514',
'JPEGRestartInterval' => '515',
'JPEGLosslessPredictors' => '517',
'JPEGPointTransforms' => '518',
'JPEGQTables' => '519',
'JPEGDCTables' => '520',
'JPEGACTables' => '521',
'YCbCrCoefficients' => '529',
'YCbCrSubSampling' => '530',
'YCbCrPositioning' => '531',
'ReferenceBlackWhite' => '532',
'StripRowCounts' => '559',
'ApplicationNotes' => '700',
'USPTOMiscellaneous' => '999',
'RelatedImageFileFormat' => '4096',
'RelatedImageWidth' => '4097',
'RelatedImageHeight' => '4098',
'Rating' => '18246',
'XP_DIP_XML' => '18247',
'StitchInfo' => '18248',
'RatingPercent' => '18249',
'ImageID' => '32781',
'WangTag1' => '32931',
'WangAnnotation' => '32932',
'WangTag3' => '32933',
'WangTag4' => '32934',
'Matteing' => '32995',
'DataType' => '32996',
'ImageDepth' => '32997',
'TileDepth' => '32998',
'Model2' => '33405',
'CFARepeatPatternDim' => '33421',
'CFAPattern2' => '33422',
'BatteryLevel' => '33423',
'KodakIFD' => '33424',
'Copyright' => '33432',
'ExposureTime' => '33434',
'FNumber' => '33437',
'MDFileTag' => '33445',
'MDScalePixel' => '33446',
'MDColorTable' => '33447',
'MDLabName' => '33448',
'MDSampleInfo' => '33449',
'MDPrepDate' => '33450',
'MDPrepTime' => '33451',
'MDFileUnits' => '33452',
'PixelScale' => '33550',
'AdventScale' => '33589',
'AdventRevision' => '33590',
'UIC1Tag' => '33628',
'UIC2Tag' => '33629',
'UIC3Tag' => '33630',
'UIC4Tag' => '33631',
'IPTC-NAA' => '33723',
'IntergraphPacketData' => '33918',
'IntergraphFlagRegisters' => '33919',
'IntergraphMatrix' => '33920',
'INGRReserved' => '33921',
'ModelTiePoint' => '33922',
'Site' => '34016',
'ColorSequence' => '34017',
'IT8Header' => '34018',
'RasterPadding' => '34019',
'BitsPerRunLength' => '34020',
'BitsPerExtendedRunLength' => '34021',
'ColorTable' => '34022',
'ImageColorIndicator' => '34023',
'BackgroundColorIndicator' => '34024',
'ImageColorValue' => '34025',
'BackgroundColorValue' => '34026',
'PixelIntensityRange' => '34027',
'TransparencyIndicator' => '34028',
'ColorCharacterization' => '34029',
'HCUsage' => '34030',
'TrapIndicator' => '34031',
'CMYKEquivalent' => '34032',
'SEMInfo' => '34118',
'AFCP_IPTC' => '34152',
'PixelMagicJBIGOptions' => '34232',
'ModelTransform' => '34264',
'WB_GRGBLevels' => '34306',
'LeafData' => '34310',
'PhotoshopSettings' => '34377',
'ExifOffset' => '34665',
'ICC_Profile' => '34675',
'TIFF_FXExtensions' => '34687',
'MultiProfiles' => '34688',
'SharedData' => '34689',
'T88Options' => '34690',
'ImageLayer' => '34732',
'GeoTiffDirectory' => '34735',
'GeoTiffDoubleParams' => '34736',
'GeoTiffAsciiParams' => '34737',
'ExposureProgram' => '34850',
'SpectralSensitivity' => '34852',
'GPSInfo' => '34853',
'ISO' => '34855',
'Opto-ElectricConvFactor' => '34856',
'Interlace' => '34857',
'TimeZoneOffset' => '34858',
'SelfTimerMode' => '34859',
'SensitivityType' => '34864',
'StandardOutputSensitivity' => '34865',
'RecommendedExposureIndex' => '34866',
'ISOSpeed' => '34867',
'ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy' => '34868',
'ISOSpeedLatitudezzz' => '34869',
'FaxRecvParams' => '34908',
'FaxSubAddress' => '34909',
'FaxRecvTime' => '34910',
'LeafSubIFD' => '34954',
'ExifVersion' => '36864',
'DateTimeOriginal' => '36867',
'CreateDate' => '36868',
'ComponentsConfiguration' => '37121',
'CompressedBitsPerPixel' => '37122',
'ShutterSpeedValue' => '37377',
'ApertureValue' => '37378',
'BrightnessValue' => '37379',
'ExposureCompensation' => '37380',
'MaxApertureValue' => '37381',
'SubjectDistance' => '37382',
'MeteringMode' => '37383',
'LightSource' => '37384',
'Flash' => '37385',
'FocalLength' => '37386',
'FlashEnergy' => '37387',
'SpatialFrequencyResponse' => '37388',
'Noise' => '37389',
'FocalPlaneXResolution' => '37390',
'FocalPlaneYResolution' => '37391',
'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit' => '37392',
'ImageNumber' => '37393',
'SecurityClassification' => '37394',
'ImageHistory' => '37395',
'SubjectArea' => '37396',
'ExposureIndex' => '37397',
'TIFF-EPStandardID' => '37398',
'SensingMethod' => '37399',
'CIP3DataFile' => '37434',
'CIP3Sheet' => '37435',
'CIP3Side' => '37436',
'StoNits' => '37439',
'MakerNoteCanon' => '37500',
'UserComment' => '37510',
'SubSecTime' => '37520',
'SubSecTimeOriginal' => '37521',
'SubSecTimeDigitized' => '37522',
'MSDocumentText' => '37679',
'MSPropertySetStorage' => '37680',
'MSDocumentTextPosition' => '37681',
'ImageSourceData' => '37724',
'XPTitle' => '40091',
'XPComment' => '40092',
'XPAuthor' => '40093',
'XPKeywords' => '40094',
'XPSubject' => '40095',
'FlashpixVersion' => '40960',
'ColorSpace' => '40961',
'ExifImageWidth' => '40962',
'ExifImageHeight' => '40963',
'RelatedSoundFile' => '40964',
'InteropOffset' => '40965',
'FlashEnergy' => '41483',
'SpatialFrequencyResponse' => '41484',
'Noise' => '41485',
'FocalPlaneXResolution' => '41486',
'FocalPlaneYResolution' => '41487',
'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit' => '41488',
'ImageNumber' => '41489',
'SecurityClassification' => '41490',
'ImageHistory' => '41491',
'SubjectLocation' => '41492',
'ExposureIndex' => '41493',
'TIFF-EPStandardID' => '41494',
'SensingMethod' => '41495',
'FileSource' => '41728',
'SceneType' => '41729',
'CFAPattern' => '41730',
'CustomRendered' => '41985',
'ExposureMode' => '41986',
'WhiteBalance' => '41987',
'DigitalZoomRatio' => '41988',
'FocalLengthIn35mmFormat' => '41989',
'SceneCaptureType' => '41990',
'GainControl' => '41991',
'Contrast' => '41992',
'Saturation' => '41993',
'Sharpness' => '41994',
'DeviceSettingDescription' => '41995',
'SubjectDistanceRange' => '41996',
'ImageUniqueID' => '42016',
'OwnerName' => '42032',
'SerialNumber' => '42033',
'LensInfo' => '42034',
'LensMake' => '42035',
'LensModel' => '42036',
'LensSerialNumber' => '42037',
'GDALMetadata' => '42112',
'GDALNoData' => '42113',
'Gamma' => '42240',
'ExpandSoftware' => '44992',
'ExpandLens' => '44993',
'ExpandFilm' => '44994',
'ExpandFilterLens' => '44995',
'ExpandScanner' => '44996',
'ExpandFlashLamp' => '44997',
'PixelFormat' => '48129',
'Transformation' => '48130',
'Uncompressed' => '48131',
'ImageType' => '48132',
'ImageWidth' => '48256',
'ImageHeight' => '48257',
'WidthResolution' => '48258',
'HeightResolution' => '48259',
'ImageOffset' => '48320',
'ImageByteCount' => '48321',
'AlphaOffset' => '48322',
'AlphaByteCount' => '48323',
'ImageDataDiscard' => '48324',
'AlphaDataDiscard' => '48325',
'OceScanjobDesc' => '50215',
'OceApplicationSelector' => '50216',
'OceIDNumber' => '50217',
'OceImageLogic' => '50218',
'Annotations' => '50255',
'PrintIM' => '50341',
'USPTOOriginalContentType' => '50560',
'DNGVersion' => '50706',
'DNGBackwardVersion' => '50707',
'UniqueCameraModel' => '50708',
'LocalizedCameraModel' => '50709',
'CFAPlaneColor' => '50710',
'CFALayout' => '50711',
'LinearizationTable' => '50712',
'BlackLevelRepeatDim' => '50713',
'BlackLevel' => '50714',
'BlackLevelDeltaH' => '50715',
'BlackLevelDeltaV' => '50716',
'WhiteLevel' => '50717',
'DefaultScale' => '50718',
'DefaultCropOrigin' => '50719',
'DefaultCropSize' => '50720',
'ColorMatrix1' => '50721',
'ColorMatrix2' => '50722',
'CameraCalibration1' => '50723',
'CameraCalibration2' => '50724',
'ReductionMatrix1' => '50725',
'ReductionMatrix2' => '50726',
'AnalogBalance' => '50727',
'AsShotNeutral' => '50728',
'AsShotWhiteXY' => '50729',
'BaselineExposure' => '50730',
'BaselineNoise' => '50731',
'BaselineSharpness' => '50732',
'BayerGreenSplit' => '50733',
'LinearResponseLimit' => '50734',
'CameraSerialNumber' => '50735',
'DNGLensInfo' => '50736',
'ChromaBlurRadius' => '50737',
'AntiAliasStrength' => '50738',
'ShadowScale' => '50739',
'SR2Private' => '50740',
'MakerNoteSafety' => '50741',
'RawImageSegmentation' => '50752',
'CalibrationIlluminant1' => '50778',
'CalibrationIlluminant2' => '50779',
'BestQualityScale' => '50780',
'RawDataUniqueID' => '50781',
'AliasLayerMetadata' => '50784',
'OriginalRawFileName' => '50827',
'OriginalRawFileData' => '50828',
'ActiveArea' => '50829',
'MaskedAreas' => '50830',
'AsShotICCProfile' => '50831',
'AsShotPreProfileMatrix' => '50832',
'CurrentICCProfile' => '50833',
'CurrentPreProfileMatrix' => '50834',
'ColorimetricReference' => '50879',
'PanasonicTitle' => '50898',
'PanasonicTitle2' => '50899',
'CameraCalibrationSig' => '50931',
'ProfileCalibrationSig' => '50932',
'ProfileIFD' => '50933',
'AsShotProfileName' => '50934',
'NoiseReductionApplied' => '50935',
'ProfileName' => '50936',
'ProfileHueSatMapDims' => '50937',
'ProfileHueSatMapData1' => '50938',
'ProfileHueSatMapData2' => '50939',
'ProfileToneCurve' => '50940',
'ProfileEmbedPolicy' => '50941',
'ProfileCopyright' => '50942',
'ForwardMatrix1' => '50964',
'ForwardMatrix2' => '50965',
'PreviewApplicationName' => '50966',
'PreviewApplicationVersion' => '50967',
'PreviewSettingsName' => '50968',
'PreviewSettingsDigest' => '50969',
'PreviewColorSpace' => '50970',
'PreviewDateTime' => '50971',
'RawImageDigest' => '50972',
'OriginalRawFileDigest' => '50973',
'SubTileBlockSize' => '50974',
'RowInterleaveFactor' => '50975',
'ProfileLookTableDims' => '50981',
'ProfileLookTableData' => '50982',
'OpcodeList1' => '51008',
'OpcodeList2' => '51009',
'OpcodeList3' => '51022',
'NoiseProfile' => '51041',
'Padding' => '59932',
'OffsetSchema' => '59933',
'OwnerName' => '65000',
'SerialNumber' => '65001',
'Lens' => '65002',
'KDC_IFD' => '65024',
'RawFile' => '65100',
'Converter' => '65101',
'WhiteBalance' => '65102',
'Exposure' => '65105',
'Shadows' => '65106',
'Brightness' => '65107',
'Contrast' => '65108',
'Saturation' => '65109',
'Sharpness' => '65110',
'Smoothness' => '65111',
'MoireFilter' => '65112',
public function extraireMetadonnees($cheminImage) {
if ($this->peutUtiliserExifTool()) {
$this->meta = $this->decoderMetadonneesExifTool($cheminImage);
} else {
$this->meta = $this->decoderMetadonneesBasique($cheminImage);
$metadonnees = array();
$metadonnees['date_shot'] = $this->obtenirDatePriseDeVue();
$metadonnees['size'] = getimagesize($cheminImage);
return $metadonnees;
private function peutUtiliserExifTool() {
// TODO indiquer ceci dans un fichier de config
return file_exists('/usr/bin/exiftool') && is_executable('/usr/bin/exiftool');
private function decoderMetadonneesExifTool($cheminImage) {
$metadata = array();
$res = exec('/usr/bin/exiftool -g -D "'.$cheminImage.'"', $metadata);
$metadata_decodees = array();
$categorie = '';
foreach($metadata as &$data) {
if ($this->estUnSeparateurCategorieExifTool($data)) {
$categorie = trim(str_replace('----', '', $data));
} else {
$data_decodee = $this->parserValeurMetadonneeExifTool($data);
$cle_metadonnee = str_replace(' ', '', $data_decodee['cle']);
$metadata_decodees[$categorie][$cle_metadonnee] = $data_decodee;
return $metadata_decodees;
private function estUnSeparateurCategorieExifTool($data) {
return preg_match('^---- (.)* ----^',$data);
private function parserValeurMetadonneeExifTool($data) {
$cle_valeur = explode(':',$data,2);
$valeur = '';
if(count($cle_valeur) == 2) {
$valeur = trim($cle_valeur[1]);
$id_cle = explode(' ',trim($cle_valeur[0]),2);
$id_cle[1] = str_replace(array('-','/'),'',$id_cle[1]);
$cle_id_valeur = array('cle' => $id_cle[1], 'id' => str_replace('-','',$id_cle[0]), 'valeur' => $valeur);
return $cle_id_valeur;
public function decoderMetadonneesBasique($chemin_fichier) {
$exif = @exif_read_data($chemin_fichier, "EXIF,COMPUTED,IFD0,FILE,COMMENT", true, false);
// tant pis pour les makernote et xmp, les décoder demande trop de librairies externes, autant installer exiftool alors
$metadonnees = array();
$metadonnees['XMP'] = array();
$metadonnees['MAKERNOTE'] = array();
$metadonnees_non_formatees = array();
if(isset($exif['EXIF'])) {
$metadonnees_non_formatees = array_merge($metadonnees_non_formatees, $exif['EXIF']);
if(isset($exif['IFD0'])) {
$metadonnees_non_formatees = array_merge($metadonnees_non_formatees, $exif['IFD0']);
$metadonnees['EXIF'] = $this->formaterTableauExif($metadonnees_non_formatees);
$metadonnees['IPTC'] = $this->extraireIptc($chemin_fichier);
$metadonnees['File'] = array(
'ImageWidth' => array('id' => '', 'valeur' => $exif['COMPUTED']['Width']),
'ImageHeight' => array('id' => '', 'valeur' => $exif['COMPUTED']['Height']));
return $metadonnees ;
private function obtenirDatePriseDeVue() {
$date = isset($this->meta['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']) ? $this->meta['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']['valeur'] : '';
return $date;