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 * phpMyEdit - instant MySQL table editor and code generator
 * extensions/phpMyEdit-messages.class.php - phpMyEdit messages extension
 * ____________________________________________________________
 * Developed by Ondrej Jombik <>
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Platon Group,
 * All rights reserved.
 * See README file for more information about this software.
 * See COPYING file for license information.
 * Download the latest version from

/* $Platon: phpMyEdit/extensions/phpMyEdit-messages.class.php,v 1.15 2006-06-17 11:14:54 nepto Exp $ */

/* This extension is part of phpMyEzin: Content Management System project,
   where it handles discussion messages for particular articles. It depends on
   some phpMyEzin characteristics, thus extension should not and cannot be used
   outside this project. However there are planned some improvements for future
   to make this extension handle any kind of tree-structured data. */

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpMyEdit.class.php';

class phpMyEdit_messages extends phpMyEdit
        function phpMyEdit_messages($opts) /* {{{ */
                $execute = 1;
                isset($opts['execute']) && $execute = $opts['execute'];
                $opts['execute'] = 0;
                $this->tb2         = $opts['tb2'];
                $this->format_date = $opts['format_date'];
                /* Preserved article ID in CGI environment. */
                /* TODO: change to $this->article_id or something like this */
                global $ezin_admin_article;
                $ezin_admin_article = $this->get_data_cgi_var('article_id');

                $execute && $this->execute();
        } /* }}} */

        function list_table() /* {{{ */
                $ezin_admin_article_change_up = $this->get_sys_cgi_var('ezin_admin_article_change_up');
                $ezin_admin_article_change_down = $this->get_sys_cgi_var('ezin_admin_article_change_down');
                if (isset($ezin_admin_article_change_up)) {
                        $ezin_admin_article = $this->get_sys_cgi_var('ezin_admin_article_up');
                } elseif (isset($ezin_admin_article_change_down)) {
                        $ezin_admin_article = $this->get_sys_cgi_var('ezin_admin_article_down');
                !isset($ezin_admin_article) && $ezin_admin_article = $this->get_data_cgi_var('article_id');
                $ezin_admin_article = intval($ezin_admin_article);
                $query = sprintf('SELECT article_id, count(id) AS messages FROM %s'
                                .' GROUP BY article_id HAVING article_id = %d',
                                $this->tb, intval($ezin_admin_article));
                if (($result = $this->myquery($query)) == false) {
                        return false;
                $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
                //$ezin_admin_article  = intval($row['article_id']);
                $ezin_admin_msgcount = intval($row['messages']);        

                echo '<form class="',$this->getCSSclass('form');
                echo '" action="',$page_name,'" method="POST">',"\n";

                if ($this->nav_up() || $ezin_admin_article <= 0) {
                        $this->message_nav_buttons($ezin_admin_article, $ezin_admin_msgcount, 'up');
                        echo '<hr class="',$this->getCSSclass('hr', 'up'),'">',"\n";

                if ($ezin_admin_article > 0) {
                        echo '<table class="',$this->getCSSclass('main'),'" summary="',$this->tb,'">',"\n";
                        echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('header'),'">',"\n";
                        foreach (array('ID', 'Subject', ' ', 'Author', 'Date & Time', 'IP addresses') as $str) {
                                echo '<th class="',$this->getCSSclass('header'),'">';
                                echo Platon::htmlspecialchars2($str),'</th>',"\n";
                        echo '</tr>',"\n";
                        echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('header'),'">',"\n";
                        echo '<th class="',$this->getCSSclass('header'),'" colspan="6">';
                        echo 'Valid messages</td></tr>',"\n";
                        $message_ids = $this->message_process($ezin_admin_article, 0, 0);
                        $count_message_ids = count($message_ids);
                        if ($count_message_ids == 0) {
                                echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('row', null, 'next'),'">',"\n";
                                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('cell', null, true),'" colspan="6">',"\n";
                                echo '<i>There are no valid messages for this article.</i>';
                                echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
                        $query = sprintf('SELECT id, parent, article_id, author,'
                                        .' email, homepage, subject, datetime, ip'
                                        .' FROM %s WHERE article_id = %d ORDER BY datetime ASC',
                                        $this->tb, intval($ezin_admin_article));
                        if (($result = $this->myquery($query)) == false) {
                                return false;
                        $all_ids = array();
                        $parents = array();
                        for ($i = 0; ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)); $i++) {
                                $all_ids[]           = $row['id'];
                                $parents[$row['id']] = $row['parent'];
                        $all_ids = array_diff($all_ids, $message_ids);
                        echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('header'),'">',"\n";
                        echo '<th class="',$this->getCSSclass('header'),'" colspan="6">';
                        echo 'Invalid messages</td></tr>',"\n";
                        if (count($all_ids) > 0) {
                                /* To force buttons */
                                $count_message_ids = -1;
                                while (count($all_ids) > 0) {
                                        //echo "<p>all_ids: "; var_dump($all_ids);echo '<br>';
                                        $sub_ids = $this->message_process($ezin_admin_article,
                                                        $parents[array_shift($all_ids)], 0, true);
                                        $all_ids = array_diff($all_ids, $sub_ids);
                        } else {
                                echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('row', null, 'next'),'">',"\n";
                                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('cell', null, true),'" colspan="6">',"\n";
                                echo '<i>There are no invalid messages for this article.</i>';
                                echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
                        echo '</table>';
                if ($this->nav_down() && $ezin_admin_article > 0) {
                        echo '<hr class="',$this->getCSSclass('hr', 'down'),'">',"\n";
                        $this->message_nav_buttons($ezin_admin_article, $ezin_admin_msgcount, 'down');
                echo $this->htmlHiddenData('article_id', $ezin_admin_article);
                echo '</form>',"\n";
        } /* }}} */

        function message_process($article_id, $id, $level = 0, $parent = true) /* {{{ */
                $id    = intval($id);
                $level = intval($level);
                $query = sprintf('SELECT id, parent, article_id, author,'
                                .' email, homepage, subject, datetime, ip'
                                .' FROM %s WHERE %s = %d AND article_id = %d'
                                .' ORDER BY datetime ASC', $this->tb,
                                $parent == true ? 'parent' : 'id', intval($id), intval($article_id));
                if (($result = $this->myquery($query)) == false) {
                        return false;

                $ar     = array();
                $ar_out = array();
                for ($i = 0; ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)); $i++) {
                        $ar[$i]   = $row;       
                        $ar_out[] = $row['id'];
                $checked = ! $level && $parent ? ' checked' : '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar); $i++) {
                        echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('row', null, 'next'),'">',"\n";
                        $css_class_name  = $this->getCSSclass('cell', null, true);
                        $css_class_name2 = $this->getCSSclass('navigation', null, true);
                        echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'">',$ar[$i]['id'],'</td>',"\n";
                        echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'">';
                        for ($j = 0; $j < $level; $j++) {
                                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                        echo htmlspecialchars($ar[$i]['subject']);
                        echo '</td>',"\n";
                        echo '<td class="',$css_class_name2,'">';
                        echo '<input',$checked,' class="',$css_class_name2,'"';
                        echo ' type="radio" ','name="',$this->cgi['prefix']['sys'],'rec"';
                        echo ' value="',$ar[$i]['id'],'" class="link"></td>',"\n";
                        echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'">',htmlspecialchars($ar[$i]['author']),  '</td>';
                        echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'">',htmlspecialchars($ar[$i]['datetime']),'</td>';
                        // TODO: do resolving
                        echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'"><small>';
                        // this shoud be global IP-adress-deliminator
                        $output = false;
                        $ar_ip  = preg_split('|([ ]*[ \\/,;]+[ ]*)|', $ar[$i]['ip'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
                        foreach ($ar_ip as $ip) {
                                if (strlen($output) > 0) {
                                        $output = true;
                                $ip = htmlspecialchars($ip);
                                if (preg_match('/^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/', $ip)) {
                                        echo '<a class="',$css_class_name,'" target="_blank" href="http://',$ip,'">';
                                        echo '<small>',$ip,'</small></a>';
                                } else {
                                        echo $ip;
                        if (! $output) {
                                echo '&nbsp;';
                        echo '</small></td>',"\n";
                        echo '</tr>',"\n";
                        if ($parent) {
                                $ar_out = array_merge($ar_out, $this->message_process(
                                                        $article_id, $ar[$i]['id'], $level + 1));
                        strlen($checked) && $checked = '';
                return $ar_out;
        } /* }}} */

        function message_nav_buttons($article_id, $messages_count, $position) /* {{{ */
                echo '<table class="',$this->getCSSclass('navigation', $position),'">',"\n";
                echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('navigation', $position),'">',"\n";
                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('buttons', $position),'">',"\n";
                $this->print_article_select($article_id, 0, $position);
                echo '</td>',"\n";
                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('buttons2', $position),'">',"\n";
                if ($article_id > 0) {
                        if ($this->add_enabled()) {
                                echo $this->htmlSubmit('operation', 'Add', $this->getCSSclass('add', $position), false, false);
                        if ($this->view_enabled()) {
                                echo '&nbsp;';
                                echo $this->htmlSubmit('operation', 'View', $this->getCSSclass('view', $position),
                                                false, $messages_count <= 0);
                        if ($this->change_enabled()) {
                                echo '&nbsp;';
                                echo $this->htmlSubmit('operation', 'Change', $this->getCSSclass('change', $position),
                                                false, $messages_count <= 0);
                        if ($this->delete_enabled()) {
                                echo '&nbsp;';
                                echo $this->htmlSubmit('operation', 'Delete', $this->getCSSclass('delete', $position),
                                                false, $messages_count <= 0);
                echo '</td></tr></table>',"\n";
        } /* }}} */

        function display_record_buttons() /* {{{ */
                echo '<table class="',$this->getCSSclass('navigation', $position),'">',"\n";
                echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('navigation', $position),'">',"\n";
                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('buttons', $position),'">',"\n";
                $this->print_article_select($article_id, 1, $position);
                echo '</td>',"\n";
                if (strlen(@$this->message) > 0) {
                        echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('message', $position),'">',$this->message,'</td>',"\n";
                echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('buttons2', $position),'">',"\n";
                if ($this->change_operation()) {
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('savechange', 'Save', $this->getCSSclass('save', $position), true), '&nbsp;';
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('morechange', 'Apply', $this->getCSSclass('more', $position), true), '&nbsp;';
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('cancelchange', 'Cancel', $this->getCSSclass('cancel', $position), false);
                } elseif ($this->add_operation()) {
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('saveadd', 'Save', $this->getCSSclass('save', $position), true), '&nbsp;';
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('moreadd', 'More', $this->getCSSclass('more', $position), true), '&nbsp;';
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('canceladd', 'Cancel', $this->getCSSclass('cancel', $position), false);
                } elseif ($this->delete_operation()) {
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('savedelete', 'Delete', $this->getCSSclass('save', $position), false), '&nbsp;';
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('canceldelete', 'Cancel', $this->getCSSclass('cancel', $position), false);
                } elseif ($this->view_operation()) {
                        if ($this->change_enabled()) {
                                echo $this->htmlSubmit('operation', 'Change', $this->getCSSclass('save', $position), false), '&nbsp;';
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('cancelview', 'Cancel', $this->getCSSclass('cancel', $position), false);
                // Message is now written here
                echo '</td>',"\n";
                echo '</tr></table>',"\n";
        } /* }}} */

        function print_article_select($selected_id, $disabled, $position) /* {{{ */
                if ($selected_id <= 0) {
                        $rec = intval($this->get_sys_cgi_var('rec'));
                        if ($rec > 0) {
                                $query  = sprintf('SELECT article_id FROM %s WHERE id = %d',
                                                $this->tb, $rec);
                                $result = $this->myquery($query);
                                if ($result != false) {
                                        $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);
                                        $selected_id = $row[0];
                static $articles = null;
                if ($articles == null) {
                        $articles = array();
                        $query = 'SELECT id, title, atitle, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime) AS date'
                                .' FROM '.$this->tb2
                                .' ORDER BY date DESC';
                        if (($result = $this->myquery($query)) == false) {
                                return false;
                        for ($k = 0; ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)); $k++) {
                                $articles[] = $row;
                echo '<select',($disabled ? ' disabled' : ''),' name="';
                echo $this->cgi['prefix']['sys'].'ezin_admin_article_',$position,'" size="1">',"\n";
                echo '<option value="0">-- Choose article --</option>',"\n";
                foreach ($articles as $row) {
                        $row['title'] = empty($row['title']) ? $row['atitle'] : $row['title'];
                        $row['title'] = Platon::pretty_substr(strip_tags($row['title']), 40);
                        echo '<option'.($selected_id == $row['id'] ? ' selected' : '');
                        echo ' value="',$row['id'],'">',$row['title'];
                        if ($row['date'] > 0) {
                                printf(' [%d] (%s)', $row['id'], date($this->format_date, $row['date']));
                        echo '</option>',"\n";  
                echo '</select>',"\n";
                if (! $disabled) {
                        echo $this->htmlSubmit('ezin_admin_article_change_'.$position, ' &gt; ', $this->get_sys_cgi_var('change', $position)), '&nbsp;', "\n";
                return true;
        } /* }}} */


/* Modeline for ViM {{{
 * vim:set ts=4:
 * vim600:fdm=marker fdl=0 fdc=0:
 * }}} */
