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// FICHIER : $RCSfile: page.php,v $
// AUTEUR : $Author: jpm $
// VERSION : $Revision: 1.1 $
// DATE : $Date: 2004-06-16 15:04:58 $
// GSite - Web site management in PHP - documents application
// Copyright (C) 2001 COUDOUNEAU Laurent (
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
function listPages ($db, $project, $locale,
$baseURL, $baseURLjs, $baseHidden,
$adminProject, $adminLocale, $adminAnnu,
$menu1id, $menu2id, $upperid, $docid, $pageid,
$menuview, $menu1open, $menu2open, $upperopen, $docopen, $pageopen,
$parentDocId) {
// Labels.
$cancelLabel = "Annuler";
$showLabel = "Modifier le document";
$deleteLabel = "Supprimer";
$addPageLabel = "Ajouter une page";
$docLabel = "Modifier les paragraphes associés";
// Build full URL.
$fullURL =
$fullURLjs =
// Javascript.
$goMsg = addslashes ("Supprimer");
js_register ('deletePage',
" function deletePage (iDocId, iPageId) {"."\n".
" var url = '$fullURLjs'+'&doccmd=delpage&docopen=1&docid='+iDocId+'&pageid='+iPageId;"."\n".
" if (window.confirm ('$goMsg')) document.location = url;"."\n".
" }"."\n"
js_register ('openUpdatePar',
" function openUpdatePar (sURL, iWidth, iHeight) {"."\n".
" var sArgs = 'toolbar=0'+"."\n".
" ',hotkeys=0'+"."\n".
" ',location=1'+"."\n".
" ',directories=0'+"."\n".
" ',menubar=0'+"."\n".
" ',personalbar=0'+"."\n".
" ',status=1'+"."\n".
" ',scrollbars=1'+"."\n".
" ',resizable=1'+"."\n".
" ',screenX=150'+"."\n".
" ',screenY=20'+"."\n".
" ',left=150'+"."\n".
" ',top=20'+"."\n".
" ',width='+iWidth+"."\n".
" ',height='+iHeight;"."\n".
" var wWindow = open (sURL, 'updpar', sArgs);"."\n".
" wWindow.window.focus ();"."\n".
" }"."\n"
js_register ('updatePar',
" function updatePar (iDocId, iPageId) {"."\n".
" var swidth = screen.width;"."\n".
" var width = swidth * 0.80;"."\n".
" var height = width * 0.75;"."\n".
" var popsize = 0;"."\n".
" if (swidth >= 640) popsize = 0;"."\n".
" if (swidth >= 800) popsize = 1;"."\n".
" if (swidth >= 1024) popsize = 2;"."\n".
" if (swidth >= 1280) popsize = 3;"."\n".
" if (swidth >= 1600) popsize = 4;"."\n".
" var sURL ="."\n".
" 'noyau/applications_noyau/documents/docpopup.php'+"."\n".
" '?project=$project'+"."\n".
" '&module=documents%2Fdocpopup'+"."\n".
" '&popsize='+popsize+"."\n".
" '&docid='+iDocId+"."\n".
" '&pageid='+iPageId+"."\n".
" '&admannu=$adminAnnu'+"."\n".
" '&admproject=$adminProject'+"."\n".
" '&admlocale=$adminLocale';"."\n".
" "."\n".
" openUpdatePar (sURL, width, height)"."\n".
" }"."\n"
// Begin of pages table.
$outputText = '';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TABLE summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" border="0">';
// Dump admin icons.
$pagesMainIcons = '';
$pagesMainIcons .=
'<A href="'.$fullURL.'&docid='.$parentDocId.'&docopen=1&doccmd=addpage">'.
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/addcross.gif" alt="'.$addPageLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0">'.
$outputText .= "\n".' <TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD colspan="9" align="left" valign="middle">'.$pagesMainIcons.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TR>';
// Get pages.
$query =
"select * from GEN_PAGE".
" where GP_ID_DOCUMENT=$parentDocId".
" order by GP_ORDRE";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
// Dump pages.
while ($PAGErow = $PAGEresult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) {
// Page open ?
To manage only one page...
$pageIsOpen = ($pageopen == 1) && ($PAGErow->GP_ID == $pageid);
$pageIsOpen = true;
// Get page data.
$title = htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_TITRE);
$id = ($userLevel == level_admin ? '('.$PAGErow->GP_ID.') ': '');
$appl = htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_APPLICATION);
$args1 = htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_ARGUMENT);
if (strlen ($PAGErow->GP_ARGUMENT) > 40) {
$args2 = htmlentities (substr ($PAGErow->GP_ARGUMENT, 0, 40)).' ...';
} else if ($PAGErow->GP_ARGUMENT == '') {
$args2 = '(...)';
} else {
$args2 = $args1;
//-- Icons.
$icons1 = ' ';
$icons2 = ' ';
$icons3 = ' ';
//-- URL to go back to this page.
$pageHREF =
//-- Less or more icon.
$pageOpenHREF = $pageHREF;
$lessOrMore = '';
// Switch page command...
if (($doccmd == 'updpagetitle') && ($PAGErow->GP_ID == $pageid)) {
// Update page title.
//-- Page title.
$title =
'<INPUT type="text" name="page_title" size="30" maxlength="48" value="'.$title.'" class="contentDocument">'.
'<INPUT type="hidden" name="doccmd" value="commitupdpagetitle">';
//-- Page application.
$appl =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpageappl" class="anchor">'.
($PAGErow->GP_APPLICATION == '' ? '(...)' : $appl).
//-- Application arguments.
$args =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpageargs" class="anchor">'.
//-- Cancel and update icons.
$icons1 .=
'<INPUT type="image" src="Local/icons/validate.gif">';
$icons1 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/cancel.gif" alt="'.$cancelLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
} else if (($doccmd == 'updpageappl') && ($PAGErow->GP_ID == $pageid)) {
// Update page application.
//-- Page title.
$title =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpagetitle" class="anchor">'.
($PAGErow->GP_TITRE == '' ? '(...)' : $title).
//-- Page application.
$appl =
'<INPUT type="text" name="page_appl" size="10" maxlength="32" value="'.$appl.'" class="contentDocument">'.
'<INPUT type="hidden" name="doccmd" value="commitupdpageappl">';
//-- Application arguments.
$args =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpageargs" class="anchor">'.
//-- Cancel and update icons.
$icons2 .=
'<INPUT type="image" src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/validate.gif">';
$icons2 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/cancel.gif" alt="'.$cancelLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
} else if (($doccmd == 'updpageargs') && ($PAGErow->GP_ID == $pageid)) {
// Update page arguments.
//-- Page title.
$title =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpagetitle" class="anchor">'.
($PAGErow->GP_TITRE == '' ? '(...)' : $title).
//-- Page application.
$appl =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpageappl" class="anchor">'.
($PAGErow->GP_APPLICATION == '' ? '(...)' : $appl).
//-- Application arguments.
$args =
'<INPUT type="text" name="page_args" size="48" maxlength="255" value="'.$args1.'" class="contentDocument">'.
'<INPUT type="hidden" name="doccmd" value="commitupdpageargs">';
//-- Cancel and update icons.
$icons3 .=
'<INPUT type="image" src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/validate.gif">';
$icons3 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/cancel.gif" alt="'.$cancelLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
} else {
// Show page data.
$title =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpagetitle" class="anchor">'.
($PAGErow->GP_TITRE == '' ? '(...)' : $title).
$appl =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpageappl" class="anchor">'.
($PAGErow->GP_APPLICATION == '' ? '(...)' : $appl).
$args =
'<A href="'.$pageOpenHREF.'&doccmd=updpageargs" class="anchor">'.
// Page admin icons.
$icons4 = '';
if ($pageIsOpen) {
if ($PAGErow->GP_APPLICATION == 'txt') {
$icons4 .=
'<A'."\n".'href="javascript:updatePar ('.$parentDocId.', '.$PAGErow->GP_ID.')">'.
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/doc.gif" alt="'.$docLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
} else {
$icons4 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/vide.gif" alt="" width="16" height="16" border="0">';
$icons4 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/see.gif" alt="'.$showLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
$icons4 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/up-arrow.gif" alt="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
$icons4 .=
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/down-arrow.gif" alt="" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
$icons4 .=
'<A'."\n".'href="javascript:deletePage ('.$parentDocId.', '.$PAGErow->GP_ID.');">'.
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/trash.gif" alt="'.$deleteLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0"></A>';
// Dump page data.
$outputText .= "\n".' <TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="middle" class="contentDocument">'.$lessOrMore.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$title.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$icons1.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="right" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$id.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$appl.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$icons2.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$args.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$icons3.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="left" valign="top" class="contentDocument">'.$icons4.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TR>';
// End of pages table.
$outputText .= "\n".'</TABLE>';
return $outputText;
function checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid) {
// Get page.
$query = "select * from GEN_PAGE where GP_ID=$pageid";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
$PAGErow = $PAGEresult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
$PAGEresult->free() ;
if (! $PAGErow) return null;
// Page is OK ?
if ($PAGErow->GP_ID_DOCUMENT != $docid) return null;
return $PAGErow;
function addPage ($db,
$docid) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Get max order.
$query =
"select GP_ORDRE from GEN_PAGE".
" where GP_ID_DOCUMENT=$docid".
" order by GP_ORDRE desc".
" limit 1";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
$row = $PAGEresult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
$maxOrder = ($PAGEresult->numRows() == 0 ? 1 : $row->GP_ORDRE + 1);
// Add page.
$query =
"insert into GEN_PAGE set ".
", GP_ID_DOCUMENT=$docid".
", GP_ORDRE=$maxOrder";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
function commitUpdatePageTitle ($db, $userLevel,
$docid, $pageid, $pageTitle) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return;
// Update page title.
$query = "update GEN_PAGE set GP_TITRE='$pageTitle' where GP_ID=$pageid";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
function commitUpdatePageApplication ($db, $userLevel,
$docid, $pageid, $pageAppl) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return;
// Update page title.
$query = "update GEN_PAGE set GP_APPLICATION='$pageAppl' where GP_ID=$pageid";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
function commitUpdatePageArguments ($db, $userLevel,
$docid, $pageid, $pageArgs) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return;
// Update page title.
$query = "update GEN_PAGE set GP_ARGUMENT='$pageArgs' where GP_ID=$pageid";
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
function movePage ($db, $userLevel,
$docid, $pageid,
$up) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return;
// Get previous page.
$query =
"select * from GEN_PAGE".
" where GP_ID_DOCUMENT=$docid".
? " and GP_ORDRE < $PAGErow->GP_ORDRE order by GP_ORDRE desc"
: " and GP_ORDRE > $PAGErow->GP_ORDRE order by GP_ORDRE asc");
$PAGEresult = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($PAGEresult)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $PAGEresult->getMessage() . ")");
$PAGEresult->free() ;
// Update pages.
if (! $NEXTPAGErow) return;
$query =
"update GEN_PAGE ".
" where GP_ID=$PAGErow->GP_ID";
$result = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($result)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $result->getMessage() . ")");
$query =
"update GEN_PAGE ".
" where GP_ID=$NEXTPAGErow->GP_ID";
$result = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($result)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $result->getMessage() . ")");
function deletePage ($db, $locale,
$docid, $pageid) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return;
// We have linked paragraphs ?
$query =
"select count(P_INDEX) as COUNT ".
"from txt_PARAGRAPH ".
"where P_PAGE=$PAGErow->GP_ID";
$result = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($result)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $result->getMessage() . ")");
$row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
if ($row && ($row->COUNT > 0)) {
return "Il reste des paragraphes attachés à cette page";
// Delete page.
$query = "delete from GEN_PAGE where GP_ID=$PAGErow->GP_ID";
$result = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($result)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $result->getMessage() . ")");
return '';
function showPage ($db, $locale,
$baseURL, $baseURLjs, $baseHidden,
$menu1id, $menu2id, $upperid, $docid, $pageid,
$menuview, $menu1open, $menu2open, $upperopen, $docopen, $pageopen) {
// Labels.
$cancelLabel = "Supprimer";
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return '';
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return '';
// Dump form.
$outputText = '';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <FORM name="updform" action="index.php" method="POST">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TABLE summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">';
$titleLabel = "Titre";
$applLabel = "Application";
$argsLabel = "Arguments";
$setLabel = "Set";
$ndxLabel = "Indexé";
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentLabel">'.$titleLabel.' : </TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentInput"><INPUT';
$outputText .= "\n".' class="contentInput" type="text" name="page_title" size="48" maxlength="48"';
$outputText .= "\n".' value="'.htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_TITRE).'"></TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentLabel">'.$applLabel.' : </TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentInput"><INPUT';
$outputText .= "\n".' class="contentInput" type="text" name="page_appl" size="32" maxlength="32"';
$outputText .= "\n".' value="'.htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_APPLICATION).'"></TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentLabel">'.$argsLabel.' : </TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentInput"><TEXTAREA';
$outputText .= "\n".' class="contentInput" name="page_args" rows="10" cols="64">'.htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_ARGUMENT).'</TEXTAREA></TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentLabel">'.$setLabel.' : </TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentInput"><INPUT';
$outputText .= "\n".' class="contentInput" type="text" name="page_set" size="32" maxlength="32"';
$outputText .= "\n".' value="'.htmlentities ($PAGErow->GP_SET).'"></TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentLabel">'.$ndxLabel.' : </TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD class="contentInput"><INPUT';
$outputText .= "\n".' class="contentInput" type="checkbox" name="page_ndx"';
if ($PAGErow->GP_INDEXE) $outputText .= "\n".' checked';
$outputText .= "\n".' ></TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
// Icons.
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR><TD colspan="2"> </TD></TR>';
$closeURL =
$goIcon = '<INPUT type="image" src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/validate.gif">';
$cancelIcon = '<A href="'.$closeURL.'">'.
'<IMG src="noyau/applications_noyau/documents/presentations/images/cancel.gif" alt="'.$cancelLabel.'" width="16" height="16" border="0">'.
$outputText .= "\n".'<TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD colspan="2" align="center"><TABLE summary="" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="center">'.$goIcon.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' <TD align="center">'.$cancelIcon.'</TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TABLE></TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TABLE>';
// Hidden values.
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="menuview" value="'.$menuview.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="menu1id" value="'.$menu1id.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="menu2id" value="'.$menu2id.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="upperid" value="'.$upperid.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="docid" value="'.$docid.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="pageid" value="'.$pageid.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="menu1open" value="'.$menu1open.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="menu2open" value="'.$menu2open.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="upperopen" value="'.$upperopen.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="docopen" value="'.$docopen.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="pageopen" value="'.$pageopen.'">';
$outputText .= "\n".' <INPUT type="hidden" name="doccmd" value="commitupdpage">';
$outputText .= $baseHidden;
$outputText .= "\n".' </FORM>';
$outputText .= "\n".' </TD>';
$outputText .= "\n".'</TR>';
return $outputText;
function commitUpdatePage ($db, $userLevel,
$docid, $pageid) {
// Check document.
$DOCrow = checkDocument ($db, $userLevel, $docid);
if (! $DOCrow) return;
// Check page.
$PAGErow = checkPage ($db, $docid, $pageid);
if (! $PAGErow) return;
// Update page.
global $page_title;
global $page_appl;
global $page_args;
global $page_set;
global $page_ndx;
$pageindexed = (isset ($page_ndx) ? 1 : 0);
$query =
"update GEN_PAGE ".
"set GP_TITRE='$page_title'".
", GP_APPLICATION='$page_appl'".
", GP_ARGUMENT='$page_args'".
", GP_SET='$page_set'".
", GP_INDEXE=$pageindexed".
" where GP_ID=$pageid";
$result = $db->query ($query);
if (DB::isError ($result)) {
die ("Unable to perform query ($query / " . $result->getMessage() . ")");