Subversion Repositories eFlore/Projets.eflore-projets


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/** Exemple lancement:
 * /opt/lampp/bin/php -d memory_limit=3500M ~/web/eflore-projets/scripts/cli.php moissonnage -a chargerDonnees -n baznat
 * Options :
 * -n : nom du projet

class Moissonnage extends EfloreScript {
        private $projet = "";
        protected $parametres_autorises = array(
                '-n' => array(true, true, 'Préciser le nom du dataset que vous souhaitez ajouter ex. baznat, naturedugard-flore'));

        public function executer() {
                // Lancement de l'action demandée
                try {

                        $cmd = $this->getParametre('a');
                        $this->projet = $this->getParametre('n');
                        switch ($cmd) {
                                case 'chargerTous' :
                                case 'chargerDonnees' :
                                case 'chargerMetadonnees' :
                                case 'supprimerTous' :
                                default :
                                        throw new Exception("Erreur : la commande '$cmd' n'existe pas!");
                } catch (Exception $e) {
        private function chargerDonnees() {
                $requete = "CREATE TABLE tb_eflore.".$this->projet."_tapir2 ".
                                        "AS SELECT concat('urn:lsid:',institutionCode,':',collectionCode,':', catalogNumber) AS guid, ".
                                                "`catalogNumber` AS observation_id, `scientificName` AS nom_scientifique_complet, `referencess` AS num_nom, ".
                                                "`county` AS lieu_station_nom, `locality` AS lieu_commune_code_insee, ".
                                                "`decimalLatitude` AS lieu_station_latitude, `decimalLongitude` AS lieu_station_longitude, `geodeticDatum` , ".
                                                "`eventDate` AS observation_date,  `identifiedBy` AS observateur_nom_complet ".
                                        "FROM tb_moissonnage.Occurrence ".
                                        "WHERE dataset_id = (SELECT dataset_id FROM tb_moissonnage.Dataset WHERE name = '$this->projet')";
        private function chercherInfosMetaDonnees() {
                $infos = array();
                $requeteOccurrence = "SELECT institutionCode, collectionCode FROM tb_moissonnage.Occurrence WHERE dataset_id = 
                        (SELECT id FROM tb_moissonnage.Dataset WHERE name='$this->projet');";
                $infos['occurrence'] = $this->getBdd()->recuperer($requeteOccurrence);
                $requeteDataset = "SELECT * FROM  tb_moissonnage.DataPublisher WHERE id = 
                        (SELECT dataPublisher_id FROM tb_moissonnage.Dataset WHERE name='$this->projet')";
                $infos['dataPublisher'] = $this->getBdd()->recuperer($requeteDataset);
                return $infos;
        private function chargerMetaDonnees() {
                $infos = $this->chercherInfosMetaDonnees();
                $date = date('Y_m_d');
                $requete = "INSERT INTO tb_eflore.".$this->projet."_tapir_meta (guid, citation, url_projet, createurs) ".
                        "VALUES ('urn:lsid:{$infos['occurrence']['institutionCode']}:{$infos['occurrence']['collectionCode']}:{$date}', '".
                        $this->projet." : {$infos['dataPublisher']['description']} du ".
                        "<a href=\"{$infos['occurrence']['institutionCode']}\" title=\"{$infos['occurrence']['collectionCode']}\" ".
                        "onclick=\"; return false;\">{$this->projet}</a>', ".
                        "'{$infos['occurrence']['institutionCode']}', ".
                        "'p.courriel={$infos['dataPublisher']['administrativeContact']}, p.courriel={$infos['dataPublisher']['technicalContact']}')"; 
        private function chargerStructureSqlMetaDonnees() {
                $date = date('Y_m_d');
                $requete = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tb_eflore.".$this->projet."_tapir_meta ".
                                                                 "(`guid` varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
                                                                  `langue_meta` varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fr',
                                                                  `code` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{$this->projet}',
                                                                  `version` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{$date}',
                                                                  `titre` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{$this->projet}',
                                                                  `description` text,
                                                                  `mots_cles` varchar(510) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'flore, observation, {$this->projet}',
                                                                  `citation` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                                                                  `url_tech` varchar(510) DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                  `url_projet` varchar(510) NOT NULL,
                                                                  `source` text,
                                                                  `createurs` text NOT NULL,
                                                                  `editeur` text,
                                                                  `contributeurs` text,
                                                                  `droits` text,
                                                                  `url_droits` varchar(510) DEFAULT '',
                                                                  `langue` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'fr',
                                                                  `date_creation` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                  `date_validite` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                  `couverture_spatiale` varchar(510) DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                  `couverture_temporelle` varchar(510) DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                  `web_services` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'meta-donnees:0.1;ontologies:0.1;cartes:0.1',
                                                                  PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`langue_meta`)
                                                                ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
        private function supprimerTous() {
                $requete = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ifn_arbres_forets`, `ifn_arbres_peupleraie`, `ifn_couverts_foret`,
                         `ifn_documentation`, `ifn_documentation_flore`, `ifn_ecologie`, `ifn_flore`, `ifn_placettes_foret`,