Subversion Repositories eFlore/Projets.eflore-projets


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/*vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */ 
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 5.1.1                                                                                    |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2006 Tela Botanica (                                         |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This file is part of eFlore-Fiche.                                                                   |
// |                                                                                                      |
// | Foobar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify                                       |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                                 |
// | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or                                    |
// | (at your option) any later version.                                                                  |
// |                                                                                                      |
// | Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                            |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                       |
// | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                        |
// | GNU General Public License for more details.                                                         |
// |                                                                                                      |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                    |
// | along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software                                                |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// CVS : $Id: effi_cel.action.php,v 1.9 2007-11-06 10:54:03 jp_milcent Exp $
* Fichier d'action du module eFlore-Fiche : Cel
* Appel Carnet en ligne
*@package eFlore
*@subpackage ef_fiche
//Auteur original :
*@author        David Delon <>
//Autres auteurs :
*@author        aucun
*@copyright     Tela-Botanica 2000-2006
*@version       $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2007-11-06 10:54:03 $
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                            ENTETE du PROGRAMME                                       |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                            CORPS du PROGRAMME                                        |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// TODO : CSS specifique (id)

class Cartes {
        private $tab_code_insee = array();
        private $src_map;
        public function consulter($ressources, $param) {
                // Initialisation des variables
                $tab_retour = array();
                if ($param['miniature']==true) {
                        $this->src_map = 'france_utm_miniature.jpg';
                } else {
                        $this->src_map = 'france_utm_600x564.jpg';
                // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                // Ajout du code du r�f�rentiel
                $this->info['referentiel'] = 'bdtfx';
                // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                // R�cup�ration d'infos g�n�rales
                $this->info['nn'] = 141;
                $this->info['nt'] = 8522;
                $this->info['nom'] = 'Acer campestre L.';
                $this->info['nom_ss_auteur'] = 'Acer campestre';
                $this->info['miniature'] = false;
                $tab_retour['contenu_page'] = $this->calculerRepartition($this->info);
        private function calculerRepartition($param) {
                // Initialisation
                //require_once '../bibliotheque/jpeg/JPEG.php';
                $text = '';
                // Lecture commentaires embarqu�s dans la page
                // Si miniature 
                $jpg_txt = file_get_contents(Config::get('Cartes.chemin').str_replace('jpg', 'txt', $this->src_map));
                // Rappel : Pixel : O,0 en haut gauche
                // X Coin inferieur gauche en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_X1['31T'] = 0;
                $Px_echelle_X1['31T'] = $X131T;
                // Y Coin inferieur gauche en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_Y1['31T'] = 539;
                $Px_echelle_Y1['31T'] = $Y131T;
                // Pour calcul Resolution
                // X Coin inferieur droit en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_X2['31T'] = 805;
                $Px_echelle_X2['31T'] = $X231T;
                // Y Coin inferieur droit en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_Y2['31T'] = 539;
                $Px_echelle_Y2['31T'] = $Y231T;
                // X Coin inferieur gauche en UTM
                //$M_UTM_X1['31T'] = 300092;
                $M_UTM_X1['31T'] = $X131TUTM;
                // Y Coin inferieur gauche en UTM
                //$M_UTM_Y1['31T'] = 4536867;
                $M_UTM_Y1['31T'] = $Y131TUTM;
                // Pour calcul "resolution"
                // X Coin inferieur droit en UTM
                //$M_UTM_X2['31T'] = 105371; //
                $M_UTM_X2['31T'] = $X231TUTM;
                // Y Coin inferieur droit en UTM
                //$M_UTM_Y2['31T'] = 5042332;
                $M_UTM_Y2['31T'] = $Y231TUTM;
                // "Resolution"
                $p['31T'] = ($Px_echelle_X2['31T'] - $Px_echelle_X1['31T']) / ($M_UTM_X2['31T'] - $M_UTM_X1['31T']);
                // Fuseau 32T :
                // Pixel : O,0 en haut gauche
                // X Coin inferieur gauche en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_X1['32T'] = 483;
                $Px_echelle_X1['32T'] = $X132T;
                // Y Coin inferieur gauche en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_Y1['32T'] = 536;
                $Px_echelle_Y1['32T'] = $Y132T;
                // X Coin inferieur droit en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_X2['32T'] = 805;
                $Px_echelle_X2['32T'] = $X232T;
                // Y Coin inferieur droit en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_Y2['32T'] = 536;
                $Px_echelle_Y2['32T'] = $Y232T;
                // X Coin inferieur gauche en UTM
                //$M_UTM_X1['32T'] = 247615;
                $M_UTM_X1['32T'] = $X132TUTM;
                // Y Coin inferieur gauche en UTM
                //$M_UTM_Y1['32T'] = 4540000;
                $M_UTM_Y1['32T'] = $Y132TUTM;
                // "Resolution"
                $p['32T'] = ($Px_echelle_X2['31T'] - $Px_echelle_X1['31T'] ) / ($M_UTM_X2['31T'] - $M_UTM_X1['31T']);
                // Fuseau 30T :
                // X Coin inferieur gauche en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_X1['30T'] = 483;
                $Px_echelle_X1['30T'] = $X130T;
                // Y Coin inferieur gauche en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_Y1['30T'] = 536;
                $Px_echelle_Y1['30T'] = $Y130T;
                // X Coin inferieur droit en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_X2['30T'] = 805;
                $Px_echelle_X2['30T'] = $X230T;
                // Y Coin inferieur droit en Pixel
                //$Px_echelle_Y2['30T'] = 536;
                $Px_echelle_Y2['30T'] = $Y230T;
                // X Coin inferieur gauche en UTM
                //$M_UTM_X1['30T'] = 247615;
                $M_UTM_X1['30T'] = $X130TUTM;
                // Y Coin inferieur gauche en UTM
                //$M_UTM_Y1['30T'] = 4540000;
                $M_UTM_Y1['30T'] = $Y130TUTM;
                // angle
                //$a = 356.0; // (-4 degre)
                // "Resolution"
                $p['30T'] = ($Px_echelle_X2['31T'] - $Px_echelle_X1['31T'] ) / ($M_UTM_X2['31T'] - $M_UTM_X1['31T']);
                // Nom du fichier image en sortie
                $this->cheminCartesBase = Config::get('Cartes.chemin');
                $dest_map = 'nt'.$this->info['nt'].'_'.$this->src_map; 
                $dest_map_cel = 'cel_nt'.$this->info['nt'].'_'.$this->src_map; 
                $dest_map_cenlr = 'cenlr_nt'.$this->info['nt'].'_'.$this->src_map; 
                $dest_map_cbnmed = 'cbnmed_nt'.$this->info['nt'].'_'.$this->src_map;
                $dest_map_sophy = 'sophy_nt'.$this->info['nt'].'_'.$this->src_map; 
                $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->cheminCartesBase.$this->src_map);
                $img_cel = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->cheminCartesBase.$this->src_map);
                $img_cenlr = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->cheminCartesBase.$this->src_map);
                $img_cbnmed = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->cheminCartesBase.$this->src_map);
                $img_sophy = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->cheminCartesBase.$this->src_map);
                $retour = '<a name="topmap"></a>';
                 * Les donnees issues du carnet en ligne sont recuperes directement, sans passer par le mecanisme de moissonage car :
                 *   - pour l'instant le service de moissonage n'est pas automatise et donc il y a un decalage dans l'affichage des donnees transmises
                 *   - la table contenant les donnees moissonees ne reprend pas tous les champs necessaires a l'exploitation par eflore (notamment pas de code localite, pas d'identifiant libre)
                 * A terme, utilser vraiment le moissonage, y compris pour les donnees issues du CEL, en utilisant ABCD et en modifiant le programme d'harvesting.
                $inventories = $this->recupererDonnees();
                if (is_array($inventories)){
                        // D�finition des couleurs des points
                        // green
                        $green = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 255, 0);
                        // red
                    $red = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
                    // blue
                        $blue = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 255);
                        // purple
                        $purple = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 255);
                    // black
                    $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
                        $i = 0;
                        $text = array();
                        $merge = array();
                        // Connection referentiel communes 
                        foreach ($inventories as $inventory){
                                // On ne tient pas compte des coordonn�es x, y , positionnement en fonction de la commune uniquement
                                $location_protege = $this->getBdd()->proteger($inventory['location']);
                                $id_location_protege = $this->getBdd()->proteger($inventory['id_location']);
                                if ($inventory['collection_code'] == 'FLORE - VAR') {
                                        if (isset($this->tab_code_insee[$location_protege])) {
                                                $utm = array(0 => $this->tab_code_insee[$location_protege]);
                                } elseif ($inventory['collection_code'] == 'sophy') {
                                        if (isset($this->tab_code_insee[$id_location_protege])) {
                                                $utm = array(0 => $this->tab_code_insee[$id_location_protege]);
                                } else {                
                                        if ($inventory['id_location'] != 'null') {
                                                $requete = "SELECT * ".
                                                        "FROM tb_cel.locations ".
                                                        "WHERE name LIKE $location_protege ".
                                                        "       AND code = $id_location_protege ";
                                                $utm = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
                                        } else {
                                                $requete = "SELECT * FROM tb_cel.locations WHERE name LIKE $location_protege ";
                                                $utm = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
                                // Ultime tentative 
                                if (!$utm) {
                                        $requete = "SELECT *  FROM tb_cel.locations WHERE name LIKE $location_protege ";
                                        $utm = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);

                                // Si des doublons sur la commune : pas d'affichage , il vaut mieux ne rien afficher que d'afficher des erreurs.
                                if (sizeof($utm) == 1) {
                                    $utm = $utm[0];
                                        // On centre le point au milieu de la maille 10x10 par defaut ...
                                        $pad = str_repeat ('0' ,(7 - strlen( $utm['x_utm'])));
                                        $utm['x_utm'] = $pad.$utm['x_utm'];
                                        $pad = str_repeat ('0' ,(7 - strlen( $utm['y_utm'])));
                                        $utm['y_utm'] = $pad.$utm['y_utm'];
                                        $utm['x_utm'] = substr($utm['x_utm'] ,0,3);
                                        $utm['x_utm'] = $utm['x_utm'].'5000';
                                        $utm['y_utm'] = substr($utm['y_utm'] ,0,3);
                                        $utm['y_utm'] = $utm['y_utm'].'5000';
                                        // Calcul coordonnes x, y sur l'image
                                        // Fuseau 31 T
                                        if ($utm['sector']=='31T') {
                                                $x = (($utm['x_utm'] - $M_UTM_X1['31T']) * $p['31T'] ) + $Px_echelle_X1['31T'];
                                                $y = $Px_echelle_Y2['31T'] - (($utm['y_utm'] - $M_UTM_Y1['31T']) * $p['31T'] );
                                        } elseif ($utm['sector'] == '32T') {// Fuseau 32 T : une rotation + translation est appliqu�e
                                                $cosa = cos(deg2rad($angle3132));
                                                $sina = sin(deg2rad($angle3132));
                                                $xp = (($utm['x_utm'] - $M_UTM_X1['32T']) * $cosa) + (($utm['y_utm']- $M_UTM_Y1['32T']) * $sina);
                                                $yp = (-($utm['x_utm'] - $M_UTM_X1['32T'])* $sina) + (($utm['y_utm'] - $M_UTM_Y1['32T']) * $cosa);
                                                $x = ($xp * $p['32T'] ) + $Px_echelle_X1['32T'];
                                                $y = $Px_echelle_Y2['32T']-($yp * $p['32T'] );
                                        } elseif ($utm['sector'] == '30T') {// Fuseau 30 T : une rotation + translation est appliqu�e
                                                $cosa = cos(deg2rad($angle3031));
                                                $sina = sin(deg2rad($angle3031));
                                                $xp = (($utm['x_utm'] - $M_UTM_X1['30T']) * $cosa) + (($utm['y_utm'] - $M_UTM_Y1['30T']) * $sina);
                                                $yp = (-($utm['x_utm'] - $M_UTM_X1['30T']) * $sina) + (($utm['y_utm'] - $M_UTM_Y1['30T']) * $cosa);
                                                $x = ($xp * $p['30T'] ) + $Px_echelle_X1['30T'];
                                                $y = $Px_echelle_Y2['30T'] - ($yp * $p['30T'] );
                                        $x = round($x);
                                        $y = round($y);
                                        $comment = '';  
                                        if ($utm['name'] != null) {
                                                $name = utf8_decode($utm['name']);
                                        if ($inventory['date_observation'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                                                if ($inventory['collection_code'] == 'sophy') {
                                                        $comment .= ', en '.$inventory['date_observation'];
                                                } else {
                                                        list($year, $month, $day) = explode ('-',$inventory['date_observation']);
                                        list($day) = explode (' ',$day);
                                        if ($month == '00') {
                                                $comment .= ', en '.$year;
                                        } else {
                                                                $comment .= ', le '.$day.'/'.$month.'/'.$year;
                                        if ($inventory['collection_code'] == 'cel') {
                                                list($identifiant) = explode("@", $inventory['identifiant']);
                                                $comment .= " par ".$identifiant."@...";
                                        } else { 
                                                $comment .= " par ".utf8_decode($inventory['identifiant']);
                                        // On stocke les commentaires pour affichage dans les tooltips
                                        // Commentaire deja pr�sent ? : on ajoute � la suite
                                        list($text, $merge) = $this->stockerCommentaire($text, $merge, $name, $comment, $inventory['collection_code'],$x,$y); 
                $usemap = '';
                        $usemap_cel = '';
                        $usemap_cenlr = '';
                        $usemap_cbnmed = '';
                        $usemap_sophy = '';
                        if ($text) {
                                foreach ($text as $coord => $origines ) {
                                        foreach ($origines as $origine => $maptext ) {
                                                $maptext = preg_replace("/\"/", "\'", $maptext);
                                                list($x,$y) = explode('|', $coord);                     
                                                $tpl_area = '<area shape="%s" alt="" class="tooltip" coords="%s" title="%s"/>';
                                                $rayon = 2;
                                                $type = 'circle';
                                                $coords = "$x,$y,5";
                                                $on_mouseover = "this.ttBgColor='#99C242';this.ttFontColor='#000000';this.T_OFFSETX=-200;this.T_OFFSETY=-50;this.T_STICKY=1;return escape('$maptext')";

                                                switch ($origine) {
                                                    case 'FLORE - VAR': // cbnmed
                                                                imagefilledellipse($img_cbnmed, $x, $y, 7, 7, $blue);
                                                                $usemap_cbnmed = $usemap_cbnmed.sprintf($tpl_area, $type, $coords, $maptext);
                                                        case 'cel':
                                                                imagefilledrectangle($img_cel, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $green);
                                                                $coords = ($x - $rayon).','.($y - $rayon).','.($x + $rayon).','.($y + $rayon);
                                                                $usemap_cel = $usemap_cel.sprintf($tpl_area, 'rect', $coords, $maptext);
                                                        case 'flore': // cenlr
                                                                imagefilledellipse($img_cenlr, $x, $y, 7, 7, $red);
                                                                $usemap_cenlr = $usemap_cenlr.sprintf($tpl_area, $type, $coords, $maptext);
                                                        case 'sophy':
                                                                imagefilledrectangle($img_sophy, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $purple);
                                                                $coords = ($x - $rayon).','.($y - $rayon).','.($x + $rayon).','.($y + $rayon);
                                                                $usemap_sophy = $usemap_sophy.sprintf($tpl_area, 'rect', $coords, $maptext);
                                                        case 'tout':
                                                                if (isset($merge[$coord]) && $merge[$coord]) {
                                                                        imagefilledrectangle($img, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $black);
                                                                } elseif (isset ($text[$coord]['cel']) && ($text[$coord]['cel'])) {
                                                                        imagefilledrectangle($img, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $green);
                                                                } elseif (isset ($text[$coord]['flore']) && ($text[$coord]['flore'])) {
                                                                        imagefilledrectangle($img, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $red);
                                                                } elseif (isset ($text[$coord]['FLORE - VAR']) && ($text[$coord]['FLORE - VAR'])) {
                                                                        imagefilledrectangle($img, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $blue);
                                                                } elseif (isset ($text[$coord]['sophy']) && ($text[$coord]['sophy'])) {
                                                                        imagefilledrectangle($img, ($x - $rayon), ($y - $rayon), ($x + $rayon), ($y + $rayon), $purple);
                                                                $usemap = $usemap.sprintf($tpl_area, $type, $coords, $maptext);
                                                //imagestring($img, 1, $x, $y, 7, 7, "hello", $fill);
                                                // pas de double quote dans le texte
                        $qualite = 90;
                    imagejpeg($img, Config::get('cache.stockageChemin').$dest_map, $qualite);
                    imagejpeg($img_cel, Config::get('cache.stockageChemin').$dest_map_cel, $qualite);
                    imagejpeg($img_cenlr, Config::get('cache.stockageChemin').$dest_map_cenlr, $qualite);
                imagejpeg($img_cbnmed, Config::get('cache.stockageChemin').$dest_map_cbnmed, $qualite);
                imagejpeg($img_sophy, Config::get('cache.stockageChemin').$dest_map_sophy, $qualite);
                    $retour = '';
                    if ($param['miniature'] != true)  {
                        $retour.="<div id=\"descriptions\">";
                                $retour.="<h2 id=\"titre_description_general\">Donn&eacute;es disponibles : </h2>";
                        $retour.= "<div id=\"description_defaut\" class=\"description\">";
                        $retour.= "<h3 style='display:none'><span class=\"affichage\">Toutes observations</span></h3>";
                                $retour.=  "<div id =\"cartowikimap\" style=\"position:relative;\">";
                                $retour.=  "<img src=\"".(Config::get('Cartes.cel_dst').$dest_map)."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#themap\" /><br />\n";
                                $retour.=  "<map name=\"themap\" id=\"themap\">";
                                $retour.=  $usemap;
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                        $retour.= "<div id=\"description_1\" class=\"description\">";
                                $retour.= "<h3 style='display:none;background-color:rgb(0,255,0);color:black;'><span class=\"affichage\">Observations issues du Carnet en ligne</span></h3>";
                                $retour.=  "<div id =\"cartowikimap\" style=\"position:relative;\">";
                                $retour.=  "<img src=\"".(Config::get('Cartes.cel_dst').$dest_map_cel)."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#themapcel\"></img><br />\n";
                                $retour.=  "<map name=\"themapcel\" id=\"themapcel\">";
                                $retour.=  $usemap_cel;
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.= "<div id=\"description_2\" class=\"description\">";
                                $retour.= "<h3 style='display:none;background-color:rgb(255,0,0);color:white;'><span class=\"affichage\">Prospection flore du CEN LR</span></h3>";
                                $retour.=  "<div id =\"cartowikimapcenlr\" style=\"position:relative;\">";
                                $retour.=  "<img src=\"".(Config::get('Cartes.cel_dst').$dest_map_cenlr)."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#themapcenlr\"></img><br />\n";
                                $retour.=  "<map name=\"themapcenlr\" id=\"themapcenlr\">";
                                $retour.=  $usemap_cenlr;
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.= "<div id=\"description_3\" class=\"description\">";
                                $retour.= "<h3 style='display:none;background-color:rgb(0,0,255);color:white;'><span class=\"affichage\">Flore Silene</span></h3>";
                                $retour.=  "<div id =\"cartowikimapcbnmed\" style=\"position:relative;\">";
                                $retour.=  "<img src=\"".(Config::get('Cartes.cel_dst').$dest_map_cbnmed)."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#themapcbnmed\"></img><br />\n";
                                $retour.=  "<map name=\"themapcbnmed\" id=\"themapcbnmed\">";
                                $retour.=  $usemap_cbnmed;
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.= "<div id=\"description_4\" class=\"description\">";
                                $retour.= "<h3 style='display:none;background-color:rgb(255,0,255);color:white;'><span class=\"affichage\">Observations issues de la base SOPHY</span></h3>";
                                $retour.=  "<div id =\"cartowikimapsophy\" style=\"position:relative;\">";
                                $retour.=  "<img src=\"".(Config::get('Cartes.cel_dst').$dest_map_sophy)."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#themapsophy\"></img><br />\n";
                                $retour.=  "<map name=\"themapsophy\" id=\"themapsophy\">";
                                $retour.=  $usemap_sophy;
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";

                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                    } else { // miniature
                        $retour.=  "<div id =\"cartowikimap\" style=\"position:relative;\">";
                        //$retour.=  "<a href=".$param['url_onglet_cel'].">"; //lien vers grande image
                        $retour.=  "<img src=\"".(Config::get('Cartes.cel_dst').$dest_map)."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#themap\"></img><br />\n";
                        //$retour.=  "</a>";
                                $retour.=  "<map name=\"themap\" id=\"themap\">";
                                $retour.=  $usemap;
                                $retour.=  "</map>";
                                $retour.=  "</div>";
                } else {
                        $retour.=  "<map name=\"themap\" id=\"themap\">";
                        $retour.=  "<img src=\"".Config.get('cartes.chemin').$this->src_map."\" style=\"border:none; cursor:crosshair\" alt=\"\" />\n";
                        $retour.=  "</map>";
                return $retour;

         * Stockage commentaire associe a un point :
         * Param : 
         * @text : texte cumule
         * @merge : indicateur de commentaire fusionne
         * @name : commune associee
         * @comment : commentaire
         * @origine : origine de la donnee
         * TODO : rendre cette fonction independante des valeurs d'origine passee en parametre
        private function stockerCommentaire($text, $merge, $name, $comment, $origine, $x, $y) {
                if ($origine == 'cel') {
                        $prefix = 'CEL : ';
                } elseif ($origine == 'flore') {
                        $prefix = 'CEN LR : ';
                } elseif ($origine == 'FLORE - VAR') {
                        $prefix = 'CBN MED : ';
                } elseif ($origine == 'sophy') {
                        $prefix = 'SOPHY : ';
                // Cumul toute origine :   
                if (isset($text[$x.'|'.$y]['tout']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y])) {
                        $text[$x.'|'.$y]['tout'] = $text[$x.'|'.$y]['tout'].'<br>'.$prefix.$name.$comment;
                } else {
                        // Nouveau commentaire
                // Deja present  pour cette origine ? on ajoute  
                if (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y][$origine]) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y][$origine])) {
                        $text[$x.'|'.$y][$origine] = $text[$x.'|'.$y][$origine].'<br>'.$name.$comment;
                } else { // Nouveau commentaire
                        $text[$x.'|'.$y][$origine] = $name.$comment;
                // Detection superposition de donnee 
                if ($origine == 'cel') {
                        if ((isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['sophy']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['sophy'])) || (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['flore']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['flore'])) 
                        || (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['FLORE - VAR']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['FLORE - VAR']))) {
                } elseif ($origine == 'flore') {
                        if ((isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['sophy']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['sophy'])) ||(isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['cel']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['cel'])) || 
                        (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['FLORE - VAR']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['FLORE - VAR']))) {
                } elseif ($origine == 'FLORE - VAR') {
                        if ((isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['sophy']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['sophy'])) || (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['cel']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['cel'])) || 
                        (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['flore']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['flore']))) {
                } elseif ($origine == 'sophy') {
                        if ((isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['cel']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['cel'])) || (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['flore']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['flore'])|| 
                                (isset ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['FLORE - VAR']) && ($text[$x.'|'.$y]['FLORE - VAR'])))) {
                return array($text, $merge);

        // Méthodes d'accès aux objets du Framework
        * Méthode de connection à la base de données sur demande.
        * Tous les services web n'ont pas besoin de s'y connecter.
        protected function getBdd() {
        if (! isset($this->Bdd)) {
        $this->Bdd = new Bdd();
        return $this->Bdd;
        private function chargerVille() {
                $requete = "SELECT * FROM tb_cel.locations";
                $villes = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
                foreach ($villes as $ville) {
                        $this->tab_code_insee[$ville['insee_code']] = $ville;
        public function recupererDonnees() {
                // Recherche nom correspondant au numero nomenclatural en cours (pour etablir le lien avec les donnees moissonnes).
                $nom = 'Acer campestre L.';//$this->formaterNom($rawNom);
                $nom_ss_auteur = 'Acer campestre';//$this->formaterNomSansAuteur($rawNom);
                // R�cuperation donn�e inventaire
                $queryCel = "SELECT 'cel' as collection_code,  location, id_location, date_observation,  ".
                                                "       coord_y as y_utm, coord_x as x_utm, ref_geo as sector, identifiant FROM tb_cel.cel_inventory ".
                                                "WHERE num_taxon = '".$this->info['nt']."' ".
                                                "       AND transmission = 1";
                $inventoriesCel = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($queryCel);
                // Recuperation des donnees de moissonage
                // Collection code = 'flore' (Cenlr)
                $queryCenlr = "SELECT collection_code, locality as location, county as id_location, ".
                                                "       STR_TO_DATE(concat(year, '/',month, '/',day), '%Y/%m/%d') as date_observation, latitude as y_utm , ". 
                                        "       longitude as x_utm , max_altitude as sector,  collector_name as identifiant ".
                                                "FROM tb_hit_indexation.raw_occurrence_record ".
                                                "WHERE scientific_name = ".$this->getBdd()->proteger($nom).
                                                "       AND collection_code = 'flore' ".
                                                "       AND  deleted IS NULL";
                $inventoriesCenlr = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($queryCenlr);
                // Collection code = 'FLORE - VAR' (Cbnmed)
                $queryCbnmed = "SELECT collection_code, locality as location, county as id_location, ".
                                                "       STR_TO_DATE(concat(ifnull(year,0),'/', ifnull(month,0), '/',ifnull(day,0)), '%Y/%m/%d') as date_observation, ".
                                                "       latitude as y_utm , longitude as x_utm , max_altitude as sector, collector_name as identifiant ".
                                                "FROM tb_hit_indexation.raw_occurrence_record ".
                                                "WHERE scientific_name = ".$this->getBdd()->proteger($nom).
                                                "       AND collection_code='FLORE - VAR' ".
                                                "       AND  (deleted IS NULL OR deleted = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')";
                $inventoriesCbnmed = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($queryCbnmed);
                // Collection code = 'sophy'
                $querySophy = "SELECT 'sophy' as collection_code, lieu_station_nom as location, lieu_commune_code_insee as id_location, ".
                                                "       observation_date as date_observation, lieu_station_utm_est as x_utm , ". 
                                        "       lieu_station_utm_nord as y_utm , lieu_station_utm_zone as sector,  observateur_nom_complet as identifiant ".
                                                "FROM sophy_tapir ".
                                                "WHERE nom_scientifique_complet = ".$this->getBdd()->proteger($nom_ss_auteur);
                $inventoriesSophy = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($querySophy);
                return array_merge($inventoriesCel, $inventoriesCenlr, $inventoriesCbnmed, $inventoriesSophy);