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        <div class="body-wrap">
        <div class="top-tools">
            <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TextMetrics-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
            <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TextMetrics-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
            <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.util.TextMetrics-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
                        <a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.util.TextMetrics"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
                <h1>Class Ext.util.TextMetrics</h1>
        <table cellspacing="0">
            <tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.util</td></tr>
            <tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../source/util/TextMetrics.js" target="_blank">TextMetrics.js</a></td></tr>
            <tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">TextMetrics</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info">Object</td></tr>
        <div class="description">
            Provides precise pixel measurements for blocks of text so that you can determine exactly how high and
wide, in pixels, a given block of text will be.<br><br><i>This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.</i>        </div>
        <div class="hr"></div>
                <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-props"></a>
        <h2>Public Properties</h2>
        <div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div>        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-methods"></a>
        <h2>Public Methods</h2>
                <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
                <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
                <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
                <tr class="method-row expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-bind"></a>
            <b>bind</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Binds this TextMetrics instance to an element from which to copy existing CSS styles
that can affect the size of the ...</div>
            <div class="long">
                Binds this TextMetrics instance to an element from which to copy existing CSS styles
that can affect the size of the rendered text    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element, dom node or id</div></li>        </ul>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
        <tr class="method-row alt expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-createInstance"></a>
            <b>createInstance</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number fixedWidth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Return a unique TextMetrics instance that can be bound directly to an element and reused.  This reduces
the overhead ...</div>
            <div class="long">
                Return a unique TextMetrics instance that can be bound directly to an element and reused.  This reduces
the overhead of multiple calls to initialize the style properties on each measurement.    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element, dom node or id that the instance will be bound to</div></li><li><code>fixedWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width
in order to accurately measure the text height</div></li>        </ul>
            <li><code>Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance</code><div class="sub-desc">instance The new instance</div></li>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
        <tr class="method-row expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-getHeight"></a>
            <b>getHeight</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Number            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Returns the measured height of the specified text.  For multiline text, be sure to call
<a ext:cls="Ext.util.TextMetrics" ext:member="setFixedWidth" href="output/Ext.util.TextMetrics.html#setFixedWidth">setFixedWidth</a> if necessary.</div>
            <div class="long">
                Returns the measured height of the specified text.  For multiline text, be sure to call
<a ext:cls="Ext.util.TextMetrics" ext:member="setFixedWidth" href="output/Ext.util.TextMetrics.html#setFixedWidth">setFixedWidth</a> if necessary.    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li>        </ul>
            <li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">height The height in pixels</div></li>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
        <tr class="method-row alt expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-getSize"></a>
            <b>getSize</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Object            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Returns the size of the specified text based on the internal element's style and width properties</div>
            <div class="long">
                Returns the size of the specified text based on the internal element's style and width properties    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li>        </ul>
            <li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the text's size {width: (width), height: (height)}</div></li>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
        <tr class="method-row expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-getWidth"></a>
            <b>getWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>String text</code>&nbsp;) : Number            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Returns the measured width of the specified text</div>
            <div class="long">
                Returns the measured width of the specified text    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li>        </ul>
            <li><code>Number</code><div class="sub-desc">width The width in pixels</div></li>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
        <tr class="method-row alt expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-measure"></a>
            <b>measure</b>(&nbsp;<code>String/HTMLElement el</code>, <code>String text</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Number fixedWidth</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : Object            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Measures the size of the specified text</div>
            <div class="long">
                Measures the size of the specified text    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>el</code> : String/HTMLElement<div class="sub-desc">The element, dom node or id from which to copy existing CSS styles
that can affect the size of the rendered text</div></li><li><code>text</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The text to measure</div></li><li><code>fixedWidth</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">(optional) If the text will be multiline, you have to set a fixed width
in order to accurately measure the text height</div></li>        </ul>
            <li><code>Object</code><div class="sub-desc">An object containing the text's size {width: (width), height: (height)}</div></li>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
        <tr class="method-row expandable">
        <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>
        <td class="sig">
        <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-setFixedWidth"></a>
            <b>setFixedWidth</b>(&nbsp;<code>Number width</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">
                        <div class="short">Sets a fixed width on the internal measurement element.  If the text will be multiline, you have
to set a fixed width...</div>
            <div class="long">
                Sets a fixed width on the internal measurement element.  If the text will be multiline, you have
to set a fixed width in order to accurately measure the text height.    <div class="mdetail-params">
        <ul><li><code>width</code> : Number<div class="sub-desc">The width to set on the element</div></li>        </ul>
        <td class="msource">TextMetrics</td>
                <a id="Ext.util.TextMetrics-events"></a>
        <h2>Public Events</h2>
        <div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>