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 * Ext JS Library 2.0.2
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.

 * @class Ext.ProgressBar
 * @extends Ext.BoxComponent
 * <p>An updateable progress bar component.  The progress bar supports two different modes: manual and automatic.</p>
 * <p>In manual mode, you are responsible for showing, updating (via {@link #updateProgress}) and clearing the
 * progress bar as needed from your own code.  This method is most appropriate when you want to show progress
 * throughout an operation that has predictable points of interest at which you can update the control.</p>
 * <p>In automatic mode, you simply call {@link #wait} and let the progress bar run indefinitely, only clearing it
 * once the operation is complete.  You can optionally have the progress bar wait for a specific amount of time
 * and then clear itself.  Automatic mode is most appropriate for timed operations or asymchronous operations in
 * which you have no need for indicating intermediate progress.</p>
 * @cfg {Float} value A floating point value between 0 and 1 (e.g., .5, defaults to 0)
 * @cfg {String} text The progress bar text (defaults to '')
 * @cfg {Mixed} textEl The element to render the progress text to (defaults to the progress
 * bar's internal text element)
 * @cfg {String} id The progress bar element's id (defaults to an auto-generated id)
Ext.ProgressBar = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, {
    * @cfg {String} baseCls
    * The base CSS class to apply to the progress bar's wrapper element (defaults to 'x-progress')
    baseCls : 'x-progress',

    // private
    waitTimer : null,

    // private
    initComponent : function(){;
             * @event update
             * Fires after each update interval
             * @param {Ext.ProgressBar} this
             * @param {Number} The current progress value
             * @param {String} The current progress text

    // private
    onRender : function(ct, position){, ct, position);

        var tpl = new Ext.Template(
            '<div class="{cls}-wrap">',
                '<div class="{cls}-inner">',
                    '<div class="{cls}-bar">',
                        '<div class="{cls}-text">',
                    '<div class="{cls}-text {cls}-text-back">',

            this.el = tpl.insertBefore(position, {cls: this.baseCls}, true);
            this.el = tpl.append(ct, {cls: this.baseCls}, true);
        var inner = this.el.dom.firstChild;
        this.progressBar = Ext.get(inner.firstChild);

            //use an external text el
            this.textEl = Ext.get(this.textEl);
            delete this.textTopEl;
            //setup our internal layered text els
            this.textTopEl = Ext.get(this.progressBar.dom.firstChild);
            var textBackEl = Ext.get(inner.childNodes[1]);
            this.textTopEl.setStyle("z-index", 99).addClass('x-hidden');
            this.textEl = new Ext.CompositeElement([this.textTopEl.dom.firstChild, textBackEl.dom.firstChild]);
            this.updateProgress(this.value, this.text);
        this.setSize(this.width || 'auto', 'auto');

     * Updates the progress bar value, and optionally its text.  If the text argument is not specified,
     * any existing text value will be unchanged.  To blank out existing text, pass ''.  Note that even
     * if the progress bar value exceeds 1, it will never automatically reset -- you are responsible for
     * determining when the progress is complete and calling {@link #reset} to clear and/or hide the control.
     * @param {Float} value (optional) A floating point value between 0 and 1 (e.g., .5, defaults to 0)
     * @param {String} text (optional) The string to display in the progress text element (defaults to '')
     * @return {Ext.ProgressBar} this
    updateProgress : function(value, text){
        this.value = value || 0;
        var w = Math.floor(value*this.el.dom.firstChild.offsetWidth);
            //textTopEl should be the same width as the bar so overflow will clip as the bar moves
        this.fireEvent('update', this, value, text);
        return this;

     * Initiates an auto-updating progress bar.  A duration can be specified, in which case the progress
     * bar will automatically reset after a fixed amount of time and optionally call a callback function
     * if specified.  If no duration is passed in, then the progress bar will run indefinitely and must
     * be manually cleared by calling {@link #reset}.  The wait method accepts a config object with
     * the following properties:
     * <pre>
Property   Type          Description
---------- ------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
duration   Number        The length of time in milliseconds that the progress bar should
                         run before resetting itself (defaults to undefined, in which case it
                         will run indefinitely until reset is called)
interval   Number        The length of time in milliseconds between each progress update
                         (defaults to 1000 ms)
increment  Number        The number of progress update segments to display within the progress
                         bar (defaults to 10).  If the bar reaches the end and is still
                         updating, it will automatically wrap back to the beginning.
fn         Function      A callback function to execute after the progress bar finishes auto-
                         updating.  The function will be called with no arguments.  This function
                         will be ignored if duration is not specified since in that case the
                         progress bar can only be stopped programmatically, so any required function
                         should be called by the same code after it resets the progress bar.
scope      Object        The scope that is passed to the callback function (only applies when
                         duration and fn are both passed).
         * Example usage:
         * <pre><code>
var p = new Ext.ProgressBar({
   renderTo: 'my-el'

//Wait for 5 seconds, then update the status el (progress bar will auto-reset)
   interval: 100, //bar will move fast!
   duration: 5000,
   increment: 15,
   scope: this,
   fn: function(){'status').update('Done!');

//Or update indefinitely until some async action completes, then reset manually
myAction.on('complete', function(){
     * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration options
     * @return {Ext.ProgressBar} this
    wait : function(o){
            var scope = this;
            o = o || {};
            this.waitTimer = Ext.TaskMgr.start({
                run: function(i){
                    var inc = o.increment || 10;
                interval: o.interval || 1000,
                duration: o.duration,
                onStop: function(){
                        o.fn.apply(o.scope || this);
                scope: scope
        return this;

     * Returns true if the progress bar is currently in a {@link #wait} operation
     * @return {Boolean} True if waiting, else false
    isWaiting : function(){
        return this.waitTimer != null;

     * Updates the progress bar text.  If specified, textEl will be updated, otherwise the progress
     * bar itself will display the updated text.
     * @param {String} text (optional) The string to display in the progress text element (defaults to '')
     * @return {Ext.ProgressBar} this
    updateText : function(text){
        this.text = text || '&#160;';
        return this;

     * Sets the size of the progress bar.
     * @param {Number} width The new width in pixels
     * @param {Number} height The new height in pixels
     * @return {Ext.ProgressBar} this
    setSize : function(w, h){, w, h);
            var inner = this.el.dom.firstChild;
            this.textEl.setSize(inner.offsetWidth, inner.offsetHeight);
        return this;

     * Resets the progress bar value to 0 and text to empty string.  If hide = true, the progress
     * bar will also be hidden (using the {@link #hideMode} property internally).
     * @param {Boolean} hide (optional) True to hide the progress bar (defaults to false)
     * @return {Ext.ProgressBar} this
    reset : function(hide){
            this.waitTimer.onStop = null; //prevent recursion
            this.waitTimer = null;
        if(hide === true){
        return this;
Ext.reg('progress', Ext.ProgressBar);