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if (!defined("WIKINI_VERSION"))
die ("accès direct interdit");
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<link.*style>/ms',
'<!-- STYLE_DEBUT -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="tools/ppdg_style/wakka.basic.css" />
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url(tools/ppdg_style/'.$imported_style.'.css);
<!-- STYLE_FIN -->',
$user = $this->GetUser();
if ($user) {
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<!-- STYLE_FIN -->/',
'<style type="text/css" media="all"> @import "tools/ppdg_style/wakka.admin.css";</style>
<!-- STYLE_FIN -->',
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<!-- STYLE_FIN -->/',
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="tools/ppdg_style/wakka.print.css" />
<!-- STYLE_FIN -->',
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace('/<body (onload="[^"]"|).*$/ms',
'<body $1'.$body_attr.'>
<div id="entete">
<div id="logo">
<a href="/"><img src="bibliotheque/images/graphisme/logo.jpg" alt="Logo de la Carrière la Pierre du Pont du Gard Authentique."/></a>
<div style="display: none;"><a href="'.$page_addr.'/resetstyle" accesskey="7"></a></div>
<div id="site_titre">
<h1>La pierre du pont du gard authentique</h1>
<!-- PAGE_NOM -->
<!-- RECHERCHE -->
<!-- COMMUN -->
<!-- ENTETE_FIN -->
<!-- ADMIN -->',
if ($user) {
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<!-- PAGE_NOM -->/',
'<h1 class="page_name">
<a href="'.$page_search.'">'.$page_name.'</a>
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<!-- RECHERCHE -->/',
$this->FormOpen('', 'RechercheTexte', 'get').
'<p id="moteur_recherche">
<input id="phrase" name="phrase" type="text" size="15" value="Rechercher" onclick="javascrip:this.value=\'\';" />
<input id="ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" />
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<!-- COMMUN -->/',
'<div id="commun">
<a href="wakka.php?wiki=PlanDuSite">Plan du Site</a>
<a id="aller_menu" href="#menu">Aller au menu</a>
<a id="aller_contenu" href="#corps">Aller au contenu</a>
$plugin_output_new = preg_replace ('/<!-- ENTETE_FIN -->/',
"</div>\n<!-- ENTETE_FIN -->\n",