Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.cel


Rev 2619 | Blame | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

var messages_en = {
                "cel-utilisation" : "Use the Carnet En Ligne to manage your observations",
                "identifiez-vous" : "log-in",
                "pour-transmettre-tela" : "to transmit them to the Tela Botanica network",
                "connecte-en-tant-que" : "Logged in as {0}",
                "deconnexion" : "logout",
                "filtres" : "Filters",
                "dates" : "Dates",
                "inconnue" : "Unknown",
                "recherche-libre" : "Free search",
                "rechercher" : "Search",
                "afficher-images-tampon" : "Show images in the buffer only",
                "ajouter-images" : "Add images",
                "tampon" : "Buffer",
                "gerer-mots-cles" : "Manage keywords",
                "mots-cles" : "keywords",
                "mots-cles-arbre" : "Keywords",
                "appliquer" : "Apply",
                "annuler" : "Cancel",
                "nouveau-tag" : "New Tag",
                "renommer" : "Rename",
                "supprimer" : "Delete",
                "plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Multiple files at once",
                "un-fichier-image-fois" : "One file at a time",
                "ajouter-images-tampon" :  "Add selected images to the buffer",
                "vider-tampon" : "Delete buffer content",
                "afficher-tampon" : "Show buffer content",
                "indication-utilisation-tampon" : "With the buffer, you can pick and show images from differents pages",
                "indication-supprimer-images" : "Delete selected images",
                "indication-plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Add images by selecting them one by one or by uploading a whole folder at once",
                "galerie" : "Gallery",
                "images" : "Images",
                "avertissement-aucune-image" : "No image to display",
                "cliquez-plusieurs-fichiers-images-fois" : "Click here to upload a whole folder or multiple files at once",
                "necessite-java" : "requires Java",
                "cliquez-un-fichier-image-fois" : "Click here to add files one at a time",
                "indication-ajouter-images-plus-tard" : "To add images later click the Add images button on the top bar",
                "numero" : "Number",
                "date" : "Date",
                "lieu" : "Location",
                "appareil" : "Device",
                "image" : "Image",
                "note" : "Note",
                "nom-original" : "Original name",
                "nom-associe" : "Associated name",
                "glissez-deposer-images-obs" : "Drag and drop images on the observations list to link them",
                "changer-utilisateur" : "Change user",
                "lier-images-selection-obs" : "Link selected images to selected observations",
                "lier-tampon-selection-obs" : "Link buffer to selected observations",
                "supprimer-liaison" : "Delete link",
                "taxon" : "Taxon",
                "observations" : "Observations",
                "obs" : "Obs",
                "toutes-observations" : "All observations",
                "observations-liees" :  "Linked observations",
                "glissez-deposer-obs-images" : "Drag and drop the observation on an image or an image selection to link them",
                "chargement" : "Loading",
                "lier-images-selectionnes" : "Link to selected images",
                "infos-generales" : "General infos",
                "infos-exif" : "Exif",
                "infos-iptc" : "Iptc",
                "infos" : "Infos",
                "commentaires" : "Comments",
                "ok" : "ok",
                "recherche-dans-observations" : "Search in observations",
                "exif-metadonnees" : "Exif metadata",
                "iptc-metadonnees" : "IPTC metadata",
                "indication-zoom-retour-vue-precedente" : "Double click to go back to the previous view, use the mouse wheel or the arrows to navigate between images",
                "mode-zoom" : "Zoom mode",
                "choisir-utilisateur" : "Choose user",
                "utilisateurs" : "Users",
                "en-recherche" : "Searching",
                "adresser-remarque-probleme" : "Send us your remarks or report a problem",
                "admin-consulter-donnees" : "You are current viewing the observations of {0}",
                "question-import-anonyme-connecte" : "Do you want to import your anonymous observations into your connected account",

                "details-images-obs" : "Details and observations",
                "liste" : "List",
                "question-envoi-images-identifie" : "You need to be logged in to upload images. Do you want to log in now ?",
                "message-suppression-images-impossible" : "Deletion error : no image selected",
                "ajouter-mot-cle" : "Add keyword",
                "renommer-mot-cle" : "Rename keyword",
                "supprimer-mot-cle" : "Delete keyword",
                "nb-images-ajoutees-tampon" : "{0} image(s) added to buffer",
                "contenu-tampon" : "Buffer content",
                "question-lier-images-obs-sel" : "Link selected images to selected observation (this will replace previous links) ?", 
                "question-lier-obs-image-point" : "Link selected observations to the image under the cursor (this will replace previous links)",
                "question-lier-obs-images-sel" : "Link selected observations to selected images (this will replace previous links)",
                "question-lier-obs-sel-images-sel" : "Link selected images to selected observations (this will replace previous links)",
                "tampon-vide" : "The buffer is empty",
                "tampon-a-ete-vide" : "The buffer has been emptied",
                "aucune-obs-selectionnee" : "No observation selected",
                "aucune-image-selectionnee" : "No image selected",
                "question-supprimer-lien-images-obs" : "Delete link between images and observations",
                "page" : "Page",
                "sur" : "out of",
                "afficher" : "Show",
                "elements" : "Elements",
                "elements" : "Elements",
                "par-page" : "by page",
                "aide" : "Aide",
                "bugs-remarques" : "Bugs, remarks",
                "connexion" : "Log in",
                "mail" : "Mail",
                "mail-vide-incorrect" : "Mail is incorrect or empty",
                "mot-de-passe" : "Password",
                "mot-de-passe-vide-incorrect" : "Password is incorrect or empty",
                "identifiant-mot-de-passe-invalide" : "Incorrect login/password",
                "valider" : "Accept",
                "refuser" : "Decline",
                "acceptation-licence" : "CEL licence agreement",
                "lu-accepte-licence" : "I have read and accepted the licence agreement",
                "tags" : "Tags",
                "impossible-supprimer-racine" : "You can't delete the tree's root",
                "identification" : "Identification",
                "probleme-mise-a-jour-donnees" : "An error has occured while updating the data",
                "mots-cles-appliques" : "The following keywords have been applied",
                "erreur-contacter-serveur" : "Cannot reach the server, please check the CEL's configuration or contact an administrator",
                "mot-cle-supprime" : "Keyword successfully deleted",
                "mot-cle-renomme" : "Keyword successfully renamed",
                "liaison-mot-cle-effectuee" : "Keyword linked successfully",
                "suppression-liaison-mot-cle-effectuee" : "Keyword unlinked successfully",
                "requete-mal-formee" : "Bad request",
                "impossible-geolocaliser-obs" : "Cannot locate this observation",
                "upload-simple-fichiers" : "Simple file upload",
                "upload-multiple-fichiers" : "Multiple files upload",
                "indication-fin-upload-multiple-fermer" : "When the upload is complete, please close the window to access the newly uploaded images"