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 * Ext JS Library 2.0.2
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.

 * @class Ext.Container
 * @extends Ext.BoxComponent
 * Base class for any {@link Ext.BoxComponent} that can contain other components.  Containers handle the basic
 * behavior of containing items, namely adding, inserting and removing them.  The specific layout logic required
 * to visually render contained items is delegated to any one of the different {@link #layout} classes available.
 * This class is intended to be extended and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.
Ext.Container = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, {
    /** @cfg {Boolean} monitorResize
     * True to automatically monitor window resize events to handle anything that is sensitive to the current size
     * of the viewport.  This value is typically managed by the chosen {@link #layout} and should not need to be set manually.
     * @cfg {String} layout
     * The layout type to be used in this container.  If not specified, a default {@link Ext.layout.ContainerLayout}
     * will be created and used.  Valid values are: accordion, anchor, border, card, column, fit, form and table.
     * Specific config values for the chosen layout type can be specified using {@link #layoutConfig}.
     * @cfg {Object} layoutConfig
     * This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen layout (to be used in conjunction with
     * the {@link #layout} config value).  For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout
     * type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified:<ul class="mdetail-params">
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.Accordion}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.AnchorLayout}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.CardLayout}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.ColumnLayout}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.FitLayout}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.FormLayout}</li>
     * <li>{@link Ext.layout.TableLayout}</li></ul>
     * @cfg {Boolean/Number} bufferResize
     * When set to true (100 milliseconds) or a number of milliseconds, the layout assigned for this container will buffer
     * the frequency it calculates and does a re-layout of components. This is useful for heavy containers or containers
     * with a large amount of sub components that frequent calls to layout are expensive.
     * @cfg {String/Number} activeItem
     * A string component id or the numeric index of the component that should be initially activated within the
     * container's layout on render.  For example, activeItem: 'item-1' or activeItem: 0 (index 0 = the first
     * item in the container's collection).  activeItem only applies to layout styles that can display
     * items one at a time (like {@link Ext.layout.Accordion}, {@link Ext.layout.CardLayout} and
     * {@link Ext.layout.FitLayout}).  Related to {@link Ext.layout.ContainerLayout#activeItem}.
     * @cfg {Mixed} items
     * A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container.
     * Each item can be any type of object based on {@link Ext.Component}.<br><br>
     * Component config objects may also be specified in order to avoid the overhead
     * of constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
     * added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
     * "lazy instantiation", set the {@link Ext.Component#xtype} config property to
     * the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
     * For a list of all available xtypes, see {@link Ext.Component}.
     * If a single item is being passed, it should be passed directly as an object
     * reference (e.g., items: {...}).  Multiple items should be passed as an array
     * of objects (e.g., items: [{...}, {...}]).
     * @cfg {Object} defaults
     * A config object that will be applied to all components added to this container either via the {@link #items}
     * config or via the {@link #add} or {@link #insert} methods.  The defaults config can contain any number of
     * name/value property pairs to be added to each item, and should be valid for the types of items
     * being added to the container.  For example, to automatically apply padding to the body of each of a set of
     * contained {@link Ext.Panel} items, you could pass: defaults: {bodyStyle:'padding:15px'}.

    /** @cfg {Boolean} autoDestroy
     * If true the container will automatically destroy any contained component that is removed from it, else
     * destruction must be handled manually (defaults to true).
    autoDestroy: true,
    /** @cfg {Boolean} hideBorders
     * True to hide the borders of each contained component, false to defer to the component's existing
     * border settings (defaults to false).
    /** @cfg {String} defaultType
     * The default type of container represented by this object as registered in {@link Ext.ComponentMgr}
     * (defaults to 'panel').
    defaultType: 'panel',

    // private
    initComponent : function(){;

             * @event afterlayout
             * Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager.
             * @param {Ext.Container} this
             * @param {ContainerLayout} layout The ContainerLayout implementation for this container
             * @event beforeadd
             * Fires before any {@link Ext.Component} is added or inserted into the container.
             * A handler can return false to cancel the add.
             * @param {Ext.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component being added
             * @param {Number} index The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection
             * @event beforeremove
             * Fires before any {@link Ext.Component} is removed from the container.  A handler can return
             * false to cancel the remove.
             * @param {Ext.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component being removed
             * @event add
             * Fires after any {@link Ext.Component} is added or inserted into the container.
             * @param {Ext.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component that was added
             * @param {Number} index The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection
             * @event remove
             * Fires after any {@link Ext.Component} is removed from the container.
             * @param {Ext.Container} this
             * @param {Ext.Component} component The component that was removed

         * The collection of components in this container as a {@link Ext.util.MixedCollection}
         * @type MixedCollection
         * @property items
        var items = this.items;
            delete this.items;
                this.add.apply(this, items);

    // private
    initItems : function(){
            this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, this.getComponentId);
            this.getLayout(); // initialize the layout

    // private
    setLayout : function(layout){
        if(this.layout && this.layout != layout){
        this.layout = layout;

    // private
    render : function(){
        Ext.Container.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments);
            if(typeof this.layout == 'string'){
                this.layout = new Ext.Container.LAYOUTS[this.layout.toLowerCase()](this.layoutConfig);

            if(this.activeItem !== undefined){
                var item = this.activeItem;
                delete this.activeItem;
        if(this.monitorResize === true){
            Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.doLayout, this, [false]);

    // protected - should only be called by layouts
    getLayoutTarget : function(){
        return this.el;

    // private - used as the key lookup function for the items collection
    getComponentId : function(comp){
        return comp.itemId ||;

     * Adds a component to this container. Fires the beforeadd event before adding,
     * then fires the add event after the component has been added.  If the container is
     * already rendered when add is called, you may need to call {@link #doLayout} to refresh
     * the view.  This is required so that you can add multiple child components if needed
     * while only refreshing the layout once.
     * @param {Ext.Component/Object} component The component to add.<br><br>
     * Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the added Component should
     * it become necessary.<br><br>
     * A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
     * constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
     * added Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of this
     * "lazy instantiation", set the {@link Ext.Component#xtype} config property to
     * the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
     * For a list of all available xtypes, see {@link Ext.Component}.
     * @return {Ext.Component} component The Component (or config object) that was
     * added with the Container's default config values applied.
    add : function(comp){
        var a = arguments, len = a.length;
        if(len > 1){
            for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        var c = this.lookupComponent(this.applyDefaults(comp));
        var pos = this.items.length;
        if(this.fireEvent('beforeadd', this, c, pos) !== false && this.onBeforeAdd(c) !== false){
            c.ownerCt = this;
            this.fireEvent('add', this, c, pos);
        return c;

     * Inserts a Component into this Container at a specified index. Fires the
     * beforeadd event before inserting, then fires the add event after the
     * Component has been inserted.
     * @param {Number} index The index at which the Component will be inserted
     * into the Container's items collection
     * @param {Ext.Component} component The child Component to insert.<br><br>
     * Ext uses lazy rendering, and will only render the inserted Component should
     * it become necessary.<br><br>
     * A Component config object may be passed in order to avoid the overhead of
     * constructing a real Component object if lazy rendering might mean that the
     * inserted Component will not be rendered immediately. To take advantage of
     * this "lazy instantiation", set the {@link Ext.Component#xtype} config
     * property to the registered type of the Component wanted.<br><br>
     * For a list of all available xtypes, see {@link Ext.Component}.
     * @return {Ext.Component} component The Component (or config object) that was
     * inserted with the Container's default config values applied.
    insert : function(index, comp){
        var a = arguments, len = a.length;
        if(len > 2){
            for(var i = len-1; i >= 1; --i) {
                this.insert(index, a[i]);
        var c = this.lookupComponent(this.applyDefaults(comp));

        if(c.ownerCt == this && this.items.indexOf(c) < index){

        if(this.fireEvent('beforeadd', this, c, index) !== false && this.onBeforeAdd(c) !== false){
            this.items.insert(index, c);
            c.ownerCt = this;
            this.fireEvent('add', this, c, index);
        return c;

    // private
    applyDefaults : function(c){
            if(typeof c == 'string'){
                c = Ext.ComponentMgr.get(c);
                Ext.apply(c, this.defaults);
            }else if(!{
                Ext.applyIf(c, this.defaults);
                Ext.apply(c, this.defaults);
        return c;

    // private
    onBeforeAdd : function(item){
            item.ownerCt.remove(item, false);
        if(this.hideBorders === true){
            item.border = (item.border === true);

     * Removes a component from this container.  Fires the beforeremove event before removing, then fires
     * the remove event after the component has been removed.
     * @param {Component/String} component The component reference or id to remove
     * @param {Boolean} autoDestroy (optional) True to automatically invoke the component's {@link Ext.Component#destroy} function
    remove : function(comp, autoDestroy){
        var c = this.getComponent(comp);
        if(c && this.fireEvent('beforeremove', this, c) !== false){
            delete c.ownerCt;
            if(autoDestroy === true || (autoDestroy !== false && this.autoDestroy)){
            if(this.layout && this.layout.activeItem == c){
                delete this.layout.activeItem;
            this.fireEvent('remove', this, c);
        return c;

     * Gets a direct child Component by id, or by index.
     * @param {String/Number} id or index of child Component to return.
     * @return Ext.Component
    getComponent : function(comp){
        if(typeof comp == 'object'){
            return comp;
        return this.items.get(comp);

    // private
    lookupComponent : function(comp){
        if(typeof comp == 'string'){
            return Ext.ComponentMgr.get(comp);
        }else if(!{
            return this.createComponent(comp);
        return comp;

    // private
    createComponent : function(config){
        return Ext.ComponentMgr.create(config, this.defaultType);

     * Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component
     * to an already rendered container, or possibly after changing sizing/position properties of child components.
     * @param {Boolean} shallow (optional) True to only calc the layout of this component, and let child components auto
     * calc layouts as required (defaults to false, which calls doLayout recursively for each subcontainer)
    doLayout : function(shallow){
        if(this.rendered && this.layout){
        if(shallow !== false && this.items){
            var cs = this.items.items;
            for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) {
                var c  = cs[i];

     * Returns the layout currently in use by the container.  If the container does not currently have a layout
     * set, a default {@link Ext.layout.ContainerLayout} will be created and set as the container's layout.
     * @return {ContainerLayout} layout The container's layout
    getLayout : function(){
            var layout = new Ext.layout.ContainerLayout(this.layoutConfig);
        return this.layout;

    // private
    onDestroy : function(){
            var cs = this.items.items;
            for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) {
            Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.doLayout, this);

     * Bubbles up the component/container heirarchy, calling the specified function with each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
     * function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
     * will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
     * the bubble is stopped.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to call
     * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current node)
     * @param {Array} args (optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current component)
    bubble : function(fn, scope, args){
        var p = this;
            if(fn.apply(scope || p, args || [p]) === false){
            p = p.ownerCt;

     * Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with
     * each component. The scope (<i>this</i>) of
     * function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function
     * will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point,
     * the cascade is stopped on that branch.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to call
     * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope of the function (defaults to current component)
     * @param {Array} args (optional) The args to call the function with (defaults to passing the current component)
    cascade : function(fn, scope, args){
        if(fn.apply(scope || this, args || [this]) !== false){
                var cs = this.items.items;
                for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){
                        cs[i].cascade(fn, scope, args);
                        fn.apply(scope || this, args || [cs[i]]);

     * Find a component under this container at any level by id
     * @param {String} id
     * @return Ext.Component
    findById : function(id){
        var m, ct = this;
            if(ct != c && === id){
                m = c;
                return false;
        return m || null;

     * Find a component under this container at any level by xtype or class
     * @param {String/Class} xtype The xtype string for a component, or the class of the component directly
     * @return {Array} Array of Ext.Components
    findByType : function(xtype){
        return typeof xtype == 'function' ?
                return c.constructor === xtype;
            }) :
                return c.constructor.xtype === xtype;

     * Find a component under this container at any level by property
     * @param {String} prop
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {Array} Array of Ext.Components
    find : function(prop, value){
        return this.findBy(function(c){
            return c[prop] === value;

     * Find a component under this container at any level by a custom function. If the passed function returns
     * true, the component will be included in the results. The passed function is called with the arguments (component, this container).
     * @param {Function} fcn
     * @param {Object} scope (optional)
     * @return {Array} Array of Ext.Components
    findBy : function(fn, scope){
        var m = [], ct = this;
            if(ct != c && || c, c, ct) === true){
        return m;

Ext.Container.LAYOUTS = {};
Ext.reg('container', Ext.Container);