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        $_SESSION['test'] = 'cool. same session.';
<!--DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""-->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Ext.ux.SwfUploadPanel Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/ext-all.js"></script>
<!-- Files needed for SwfUploaderPanel -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../ext/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/SwfUploadPanel.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/SwfUpload.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/SwfUploadPanel.js"></script>
                Ext.onReady(function() {                

                        String.prototype.trim = function() {
                                return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
                        // Get SessionId from cookie
                        var PHPSESSIDX = null;
                        var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
                        Ext.each(cookies, function(cookie) {
                                var nvp = cookie.split("=");
                                if (nvp[0].trim() == 'PHPSESSID')
                                        PHPSESSIDX = nvp[1];
                        var uploader = new Ext.ux.SwfUploadPanel({
                                        title: 'Upload Test'
                                , renderTo: 'grid'
                                , width: 500
                                , height: 300

                                // Uploader Params                              
                                , upload_url: ''
//                              , upload_url: 'http://localhost/'
                                , post_params: { PHPSESSIDX: PHPSESSIDX }
                if (isset($_REQUEST[debug])) print ", debug: true";
                                , flash_url: "../../ext/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/swfupload_f9.swf"
//                              , single_select: true // Select only one file from the FileDialog

                                // Custom Params
                                , single_file_select: false // Set to true if you only want to select one file from the FileDialog.
                                , confirm_delete: false // This will prompt for removing files from queue.
                                , remove_completed: false // Remove file from grid after uploaded.

                        uploader.on('swfUploadLoaded', function() { 
                                this.addPostParam( 'Post1', 'example1' );
                        uploader.on('fileUploadComplete', function(panel, file, response) {
                        uploader.on('queueUploadComplete', function() {
                                if ( Ext.isGecko ) {
                                        console.log("Files Finished");
                                } else {
                                        alert("Files Finished");
                        var btn = new Ext.Button({
                                        text: 'Launch Sample Uploader'
                                , renderTo: 'btn'
                                , handler: function() {

                                                var dlg = new Ext.ux.SwfUploadPanel({
                                                                title: 'Dialog Sample'
                                                        , width: 500
                                                        , height: 300
                                                        , border: false
                                                        // Uploader Params                              
                                                        , upload_url: ''
//                                                      , upload_url: 'http://localhost/'
                                                        , post_params: { id: 123}
                                                        , file_types: '*.jpg'
                                                        , file_types_description: 'Image Files'
                                        if (isset($_REQUEST[debug])) print ", debug: true";
                                                        , flash_url: "../../ext/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/swfupload_f9.swf"
                        //                              , single_select: true // Select only one file from the FileDialog
                                                        // Custom Params
                                                        , single_file_select: false // Set to true if you only want to select one file from the FileDialog.
                                                        , confirm_delete: false // This will prompt for removing files from queue.
                                                        , remove_completed: true // Remove file from grid after uploaded.
                                                }); // End Dialog

                                                var win = new Ext.Window({
                                                                title: 'Window'
                                                        , width: 514
                                                        , height: 330
                                                        , resizable: false
                                                        , items: [ dlg ]
                                                }); // End Window
                                        } // End Btn Handler
                                }); // end Btn
<style type="text/css">
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body, td, th {
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
body {
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.style3 {font-size: 10px; font-style: italic;}
<pre><span class="style1"><strong></strong>ExtJS Extension</span>
LastModified: March 6th 2008
<br>The SwfUploadPanel widget is a control, where the user can pick mulitple files and upload them in a queue style fasion.

<br>Current Version: 0.5<br>Uses <a href="" target="_blank">SwfUpload v2.0.2</a><br><br>
Released for ExtJS 2.x.

Demo: See Below
    * Download ExtJS 2.x library
    * Download <a href="../../ext/plugins/SwfUploadPanel/">Ext.ux.SwfUploadPanel</a> library
    * Unpack ExtJS library to a folder
    * Unpack to s plugin folder for example and follow example!
    * I will try and document more when I have time.
<br>View Forum Posts

    * <a href="" target="_blank"></a> 

  * Ver.: 0.4 (beta) Migrated to SwfUpload 2.0.2
  * Ver.: 0.3 (beta) Fixed the progress bar to be dynamic 100
        - Fixed the postParam to work correctly now just past the (name, value)
        - added a few events so you can bind some listeners ie.  swfUploadLoaded, fileUploadComplete, queueUploadComplete
  * Ver.: 0.2 (beta) Added Stop Upload, Remove Files from Queue
  * Ver.: 0.1 (beta) Basic MultiFile Upload

        Q: I set everything up and the file select dialog does not open when I click Add Files?
        A: Double check to make sure the Flash swf path is correct. (In FireBug you will see: &quot;Could not find Flash element&quot; when the path is not right.)

        Q: The Dialog opens and the files show up but when I click upload it hangs up and nothing happens.
        A: The upload_url needs to be correct.  From my testing it only works with absolute paths. So make sure you have the complete url.

        Q: SWFUpload is a Flash object and uses a different session from by browser window. How do I force the same.
        A: Look at the code for the first example and see how the session is sent from the cookie session. Thanks MD!
                (Note: This may not be the safest approach from session hijacking but the only solution I have at the moment.)

PHP code to swap out with the browser session:
<p class="style3"> if ( (!empty($_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSID&quot;]) &amp;&amp; !empty($_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSIDX&quot;])) <br>
  &amp;&amp; $_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSID&quot;] != $_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSIDX&quot;] ) { <br>
  $_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSID&quot;] = $_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSIDX&quot;]; <br>
  unset($_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSIDX&quot;]); <br>
  $_COOKIE[&quot;PHPSESSID&quot;] = $_REQUEST[&quot;PHPSESSID&quot;]; <br>
  } </p>
<p class="style3"> session_start();</p>
<div id="grid"></div>
<div id="btn"></div>
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