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if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.cookie"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.cookie"] = true;

dojo.__cookieProps = function(kwArgs){
        //      expires: Date|Number?
        //              If a number, seen as the number of days from today. If a date, the
        //              date past which the cookie is invalid. If expires is in the past,
        //              the cookie will be deleted If expires is left out or is 0, the
        //              cookie will expire when the browser closes.
        //      path: String?
        //              The path to use for the cookie.
        //      domain: String?
        //              The domain to use for the cookie.
        //      secure: Boolean?
        //              Whether to only send the cookie on secure connections

dojo.cookie = function(/*String*/name, /*String?*/value, /*dojo.__cookieProps?*/props){
        //      summary: 
        //              Get or set a cookie.
        //      description:
        //              If you pass in one argument, the the value of the cookie is returned
        //              If you pass in two arguments, the cookie value is set to the second
        //              argument.
        //              If you pass in three arguments, the cookie value is set to the
        //              second argument, and the options on the third argument are used for
        //              extended properties on the cookie
        //      name:
        //              The name of the cookie
        //      value:
        //              Optional. The value for the cookie.
        //      props: 
        //              Optional additional properties for the cookie
        //      example:
        //              set a cookie with the JSON-serialized contents of an object which
        //              will expire 5 days from now:
        //      |       dojo.cookie("configObj", dojo.toJson(config), { expires: 5 });
        //      example:
        //              de-serialize a cookie back into a JavaScript object:
        //      |       var config = dojo.fromJson(dojo.cookie("configObj"));
        //      example:
        //              delete a cookie:
        //      |       dojo.cookie("configObj", null);
        var c = document.cookie;
        if(arguments.length == 1){
                var idx = c.lastIndexOf(name+'=');
                if(idx == -1){ return null; }
                var start = idx+name.length+1;
                var end = c.indexOf(';', idx+name.length+1);
                if(end == -1){ end = c.length; }
                return decodeURIComponent(c.substring(start, end)); 
                props = props || {};
                value = encodeURIComponent(value);
                if(typeof(props.expires) == "number"){ 
                        var d = new Date();
                        props.expires = d;
                document.cookie = name + "=" + value 
                        + (props.expires ? "; expires=" + props.expires.toUTCString() : "")
                        + (props.path ? "; path=" + props.path : "")
                        + (props.domain ? "; domain=" + props.domain : "")
                        + ( ? "; secure" : "");
                return null;
