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if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.rpc.RpcService"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.rpc.RpcService"] = true;

dojo.declare("dojo.rpc.RpcService", null, {
        constructor: function(args){
                //Take a string as a url to retrieve an smd or an object that is an smd or partial smd to use
                //as a definition for the service
                //      args: object
                //              Takes a number of properties as kwArgs for defining the service.  It also
                //              accepts a string.  When passed a string, it is treated as a url from
                //              which it should synchronously retrieve an smd file.  Otherwise it is a kwArgs
                //              object.  It accepts serviceUrl, to manually define a url for the rpc service
                //              allowing the rpc system to be used without an smd definition. strictArgChecks
                //              forces the system to verify that the # of arguments provided in a call
                //              matches those defined in the smd.  smdString allows a developer to pass
                //              a jsonString directly, which will be converted into an object or alternatively
                //              smdObject is accepts an smdObject directly.
                        //if the arg is a string, we assume it is a url to retrieve an smd definition from
                        if( (dojo.isString(args)) || (args instanceof dojo._Url)){
                                if (args instanceof dojo._Url){
                                        var url = args + "";
                                        url = args;
                                var def = dojo.xhrGet({
                                        url: url,
                                        handleAs: "json-comment-optional",
                                        sync: true
                                def.addCallback(this, "processSmd");
                                def.addErrback(function() {
                                        throw new Error("Unable to load SMD from " + args);

                        }else if(args.smdStr){
                                // otherwise we assume it's an arguments object with the following
                                // (optional) properties:
                                //      - serviceUrl
                                //      - strictArgChecks
                                //      - smdStr
                                //      - smdObj

                                        this.serviceUrl = args.serviceUrl;

                                this.timeout = args.timeout || 3000;

                                if("strictArgChecks" in args){
                                        this.strictArgChecks = args.strictArgChecks;


        strictArgChecks: true,
        serviceUrl: "",

        parseResults: function(obj){
                // summary
                //              parse the results coming back from an rpc request.  this
                //              base implementation, just returns the full object
                //              subclasses should parse and only return the actual results
                //      obj: Object
                //              Object that is the return results from an rpc request
                return obj;

        errorCallback: function(/* dojo.Deferred */ deferredRequestHandler){
                // summary:
                //              create callback that calls the Deferres errback method
                //      deferredRequestHandler: Deferred
                //              The deferred object handling a request.
                return function(data){
                        deferredRequestHandler.errback(new Error(data.message));

        resultCallback: function(/* dojo.Deferred */ deferredRequestHandler){
                // summary:
                //              create callback that calls the Deferred's callback method
                //      deferredRequestHandler: Deferred
                //              The deferred object handling a request.

                var tf = dojo.hitch(this, 
                                        var err;
                                        if(typeof obj.error == 'object'){
                                                err = new Error(obj.error.message);
                                                err.code = obj.error.code;
                                                err.error = obj.error.error;
                                                err = new Error(obj.error);
                                        err.errorObject = obj;
                return tf;

        generateMethod: function(/*string*/ method, /*array*/ parameters, /*string*/ url){
                // summary:
                //              generate the local bind methods for the remote object
                //      method: string
                //              The name of the method we are generating
                //      parameters: array
                //              the array of parameters for this call.
                //      url: string
                //              the service url for this call

                return dojo.hitch(this, function(){
                        var deferredRequestHandler = new dojo.Deferred();

                        // if params weren't specified, then we can assume it's varargs
                        if( (this.strictArgChecks) &&
                                (parameters != null) &&
                                (arguments.length != parameters.length)
                                // put error stuff here, no enough params
                                throw new Error("Invalid number of parameters for remote method.");
                                this.bind(method, dojo._toArray(arguments), deferredRequestHandler, url);

                        return deferredRequestHandler;

        processSmd: function(object){
                // summary:
                //              callback method for reciept of a smd object.  Parse the smd
                //              and generate functions based on the description
                //      object:
                //              smd object defining this service.

                        dojo.forEach(object.methods, function(m){
                                if(m &&{
                                        this[] = this.generateMethod(,
                                                throw new Error("RpcService: Failed to create" + + "()");
                                                /*console.debug("RpcService: Failed to create",, "()");*/
                        }, this);

                this.serviceUrl = object.serviceUrl||object.serviceURL;
                this.required = object.required;
                this.smd = object;
