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if(!dojo._hasResource["tests.number"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["tests.number"] = true;


 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.expect(...) 
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, t,options,sourceInput,expectResult,false);
        tests.number.checkParse(t, t,options,expectResult,sourceInput); 

 * Perform a single formatting check or a backward check
 * backward check:number1 -(formatted)-> string1 -(parsed)-> number2 -(formated)-> string2
 * then number should == number2; string1 should == string2
                 backwardCheck/*boolean,indicates whether need a backward chain check,like formate->parse->format*/){   
        if(null != options){
                var pattern = options.pattern;
                var locale = options.locale;
                //TODO: add more fields
        var str = null==pattern?"default":pattern;
        //print("pattern:" + str + "| locale:" + locale);
        //print("input:" + sourceInput);
        var result = dojo.number.format(sourceInput,options);
        //print("result:" + result);
        if(null != expectResult){
                var resultParsed = dojo.number.parse(result,options);
                //print("resultParsed:" + resultParsed);                
                var resultParsedReformatted = dojo.number.format(resultParsed,options);
                //print("resultParsedReformatted:" + resultParsedReformatted);

 * Perform a single parsing check
        var str = "default";
        if(null != options && null != options.pattern){ 
                str = options.pattern;
        //print("input:" + sourceInput);
        var result = dojo.number.parse(sourceInput,options);
        //print("result :" + result);
        if(null != expectResult){

 * //TODO:Round a given number
tests.number.rounding = function(t,number,maxFractionDigits,expected){
        var pattern="#0.";
        for(var i=0; i<maxFractionDigits; i++){pattern += "#";}
        var result = dojo.number.format(number,{pattern:pattern});,result);  

 * Run a batch parsing
function runBatchParse(options,dataArray/*array*/,pass/*boolean*/){
        var exception = null;
        var result;
        var i=0;
        var str = (null==options.pattern)?"default":options.pattern;
        for(; i<dataArray.length; i++){
                        result = dojo.number.parse(dataArray[i],options);                       
                                throw "\"" + dataArray[i] + "\" is parsed to NaN with pattern " + str;
                        exception = e;
        if(!pass && (exception == null)) {
                throw "runBatchParse() - stric parse failed, no exception when parsing illegal data"; 
        }else if(exception != null){
                if(!pass && i == 0){
                        //strict parsing should fail for all the dataArray elements as expected
                        //pass condition for strict parsing
                throw "runBatchParse() failed: " + exception;           

 * Check whether the given two numbers differ under the decimal bound
tests.number._decimalNumberDiff = function(num1,num2){
        //TODO: should be more accurate when dojo.number finish rounding in the future
        var diffBound = 1e-3;
        var diff = num1 - num2;
        //print("Math.abs(diff) " + Math.abs(diff));
        if(Math.abs(diff) < diffBound ){
                return true;
        }else if(isNaN(Math.abs(diff))){        
                var s = num1.toString().split(num2);
                s[1] = s[1].replace(",","0");
                s[1] = s[1].replace('\u066b','0');
                return (new Number(s[1])< diffBound);
        return false;   

                        // Test formatting and parsing of currencies in various locales pre-built in dojo.cldr
                        // NOTE: we can't set djConfig.extraLocale before bootstrapping unit tests, so directly
                        // load resources here for specific locales:

                        name: "number",
                        setUp: function(){
                                var partLocaleList = ["en-us", "fr-fr", "de-de"];

                                for(var i = 0 ; i < partLocaleList.length; i ++){
                                        dojo.requireLocalization("dojo.cldr","number",partLocaleList[i], "zh-cn,en,en-ca,zh-tw,en-us,it,ja-jp,ROOT,de-de,es-es,fr,pt,ko-kr,es,de");
                        runTest: function(t){
                        name: "format", // old tests
                        runTest: function(t){"0123", dojo.number.format(123, {pattern: "0000"}));"-12,34,567.890", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {pattern: "#,##,##0.000##"}));"-12,34,567.89012", dojo.number.format(-1234567.890123, {pattern: "#,##,##0.000##"}));"(1,234,567.89012)", dojo.number.format(-1234567.890123, {pattern: "#,##0.000##;(#,##0.000##)"}));"(1,234,567.89012)", dojo.number.format(-1234567.890123, {pattern: "#,##0.000##;(#)"}));"50.1%", dojo.number.format(0.501, {pattern: "#0.#%"}));"98", dojo.number.format(1998, {pattern: "00"}));"01998", dojo.number.format(1998, {pattern: "00000"}));"0.13", dojo.number.format(0.125, {pattern: "0.##"})); //NOTE: expects round_half_up, not round_half_even"0.1250", dojo.number.format(0.125, {pattern: "0.0000"}));"0.1", dojo.number.format(0.100004, {pattern: "0.####"}));"-12", dojo.number.format(-12.3, {places:0, locale: "en-us"}));"-1,234,567.89", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {locale: "en-us"}));
//"-12,34,567.89", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {locale: "en-in"}));"-1,234,568", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {places:0, locale: "en-us"}));
//"-12,34,568", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {places:0, locale: "en-in"}));"-1\xa0000,10", dojo.number.format(-1000.1, {places:2, locale: "fr-fr"}));"-1,000.10", dojo.number.format(-1000.1, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));"-1\xa0000,10", dojo.number.format(-1000.1, {places:2, locale: "fr-fr"}));"-1.234,56", dojo.number.format(-1234.56, {places:2, locale: "de-de"}));"-1,000.10", dojo.number.format(-1000.1, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));"123.46%", dojo.number.format(1.23456, {places:2, locale: "en-us", type: "percent"}));

        //rounding"-1,234,568", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {places:0, locale: "en-us"}));
//"-12,34,568", dojo.number.format(-1234567.89, {places:0, locale: "en-in"}));"-1,000.11", dojo.number.format(-1000.114, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));"-1,000.11", dojo.number.format(-1000.115, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));"-1,000.12", dojo.number.format(-1000.116, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));"-0.00", dojo.number.format(-0.0001, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));"0.00", dojo.number.format(0, {places:2, locale: "en-us"}));

        //change decimal places"-1\xa0000,100", dojo.number.format(-1000.1, {places:3, locale: "fr-fr"}));"-1,000.100", dojo.number.format(-1000.1, {places:3, locale: "en-us"}));
                        name: "parse", // old tests
                        runTest: function(t){, dojo.number.parse("1000", {locale: "en-us"}));, dojo.number.parse("1000.123", {locale: "en-us"}));, dojo.number.parse("1,000", {locale: "en-us"}));, dojo.number.parse("-1000", {locale: "en-us"}));, dojo.number.parse("-1000.123", {locale: "en-us"}));, dojo.number.parse("-1,234,567.89", {locale: "en-us"}));, dojo.number.parse("-1 234 567,89", {locale: "fr-fr"}));
        t.t(isNaN(dojo.number.parse("-1 234 567,89", {locale: "en-us"})));

        t.t(isNaN(dojo.number.parse("10,00", {locale: "en-us"})));
        t.t(isNaN(dojo.number.parse("1000.1", {locale: "fr-fr"})));


        //test whitespace
//, dojo.number.parse("  -1,234,567  ", {locale: "en-us"}));

//      t.t(dojo.number.parse("9.1093826E-31"));, dojo.number.parse("50.1%", {pattern: "#0.#%"}));, dojo.number.parse("123.4", {pattern: "#0.#"}));, dojo.number.parse("-123.4", {pattern: "#0.#"}));, dojo.number.parse("123.4", {pattern: "#0.#;(#0.#)"}));, dojo.number.parse("(123.4)", {pattern: "#0.#;(#0.#)"}));, dojo.number.format("abcd", {pattern: "0000"}));
       , dojo.number.parse("123", {places:0}));, dojo.number.parse("123", {places:'0'}));, dojo.number.parse("123.4", {places:1}));, dojo.number.parse("123.45", {places:'1,3'}));, dojo.number.parse("123.45", {places:'0,2'}));
                        name: "format_icu4j3_6",
                        runTest: function(t){

 * Evan:The following test cases are referred from ICU4J 3.6 (NumberFormatTest etc.) 
 * see

 * In ICU4J, testing logic for NumberFormat.format() is seperated into 
 * differernt single tese cases. So part of these logic are 
 * collected together in this single method.
 * !!Failed cases are as follows:
 * 1.1234567890987654321234567890987654321 should be formatted as 
 *   1,234,567,890,987,654,321,234,567,890,987,654,321 with all the default parameters,
 *   but got 1.234 instead, may due to the unimplemeted exponent.
 * 2.\u00a4 and ' are not replaced
 *       with pattern "'*&'' '\u00a4' ''&*' #,##0.00"
 *   1.0 should be formatted to "*&' Re. '&* 1.00",but got "'*&'' '\u00a4' ''&*' 1.00" instead
 *   etc.   
        //print("test_number_format_icu4j3_6() start..............");
        /* !!Failed case, 1.234 returned instead
        //refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestCoverage() 
        var bigNum = 1234567890987654321234567890987654321;
        var expectResult = "1,234,567,890,987,654,321,234,567,890,987,654,321";
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, null,bigNum,expectResult,false);
        //in icu4j should throw out an exception when formatting a string,
        //but it seems dojo.number.format can deal with strings
        //return 123,456,789
        //!!Failed case, \u00a4 and ' are not replaced
        var options = {pattern:"'*&'' '\u00a4' ''&*' #,##0.00",locale:"en-us"};
        tests.number.check(t, options,1.0, "*&' Re. '&* 1.00");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-2.0, "-*&' Rs. '&* 2.00");       

        options = {pattern:"#,##0.00 '*&'' '\u00a4' ''&*'",locale:"en-us"};
        tests.number.check(t, options,1.0,"1.00 *&' Re. '&*");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-2.0,"-2.00 *&' Rs. '&*");
        //print("test_number_format_icu4j3_6() end..............\n");
                        name: "format_patterns",
                        runTest: function(t){

 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestPatterns() which now only coveres us locale    
        //print("test_number_format_Patterns() start..............");
        var patterns = (["#0.#", "#0.", "#.0", "#"]);
        var patternsLength = patterns.length;    
        var num = (["0","0", "0.0", "0"]);
        var options;
        //icu4j result seems doesn't work as:
        //var num = (["0","0.", ".0", "0"]);      
        for (var i=0; i<patternsLength; ++i)
                options = {pattern:patterns[i]};
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,0,num[i],false);       
        //!!Failed case
        //In ICU4J:
        //        unquoted special characters in the suffix are illegal
        //        so "000.000|###" is illegal; "000.000'|###'" is legal
        //        when formatting 1.2 with illegal pattern "000.000|###"
        //                no exception was thrown but got "001.200|###" instead.
        patterns = (["000.000|###","000.000'|###'"]);
        var exception = false;
        var result;
        for(var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i ++){
                        //"001.200'|###'" is return for "000.000'|###'"
                        //"001.200|###" is return for "000.000|###"
                        result = dojo.number.format(1.2,{pattern:patterns[i]});
                        print("["+i+"] 1.2 is formatted to " + result + " with pattern " + patterns[i]);
                        exception = true;
                if(exception && i==1){
                        throw "["+i+"]Failed when formatting 1.2 using legal pattern " + patterns[i];
                }else if(!exception && i==0){
                        throw "["+i+"]Failed when formatting 1.2 using illegal pattern  " + patterns[i];
        //print("test_number_format_Patterns() end..............\n");
                        name: "exponential",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO: For dojo.number future version 
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestExponential()
                        name: "format_quotes",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO: Failed case
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestQuotes()
        //print("test_number_format_Quotes() start..............");
        //TODO: add more locales 
        //TODO:!!Failed case    
        //Pattern "s'aa''s'c#" should format 6666 to "saa'sc6666", but got s'aa''s'c6666 instead
        // is this case necessary?
        var pattern = "s'aa''s'c#";   
        var result = dojo.number.format(6666,{pattern:pattern,locale:"en-us"});
        var expectResult = "saa'sc6666";,result);
        //print("test_number_format_Quotes() end..............");     
                        name: "format_rounding",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestRounding487() and NumberFormatTest.TestRounding()
        //print("test_number_format_rounding() start..............");
        tests.number.rounding(t,0.000179999, 5, "0.00018");
        tests.number.rounding(t,0.00099, 4, "0.001");
        tests.number.rounding(t,17.6995, 3, "17.7");
        tests.number.rounding(t,15.3999, 0, "15");
        tests.number.rounding(t,-29.6, 0, "-30");
        //TODO refer to NumberFormatTest.TestRounding()
        //print("test_number_format_rounding() end..............");
                        name: "format_scientific",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO: For dojo.number future version
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestScientific()- Exponential testing 
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestScientific2() 
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestScientificGrouping()
                        name: "format_perMill",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO: Failed case 
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestPerMill()
        //print("test_number_format_PerMill() start..............");
        var pattern;
        var result;
        var expectResult;
    //TODO: !!Failed case - ###.###\u2030(\u2030 is ‰)
        //Pattern ###.###\u2030 should format 0.4857 as 485.7\u2030,but got 485.700\u2030 instead    
        pattern = "###.###\u2030";
        expectResult = "485.7\u2030";
        result = dojo.number.format(0.4857,{pattern:pattern});,result);

    //TODO: !!Failed mile percent case - ###.###m
        //Pattern "###.###m" should format 0.4857 to 485.7m, but got 0.485m instead
        pattern = "###.###m";
        expectResult = "485.7m";
        result = dojo.number.format(0.4857,{pattern:pattern,locale:"en"});,result);      
        //print("test_number_format_PerMill() end..............\n");
                        name: "format_grouping",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Only test en-us and en-in 
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestSecondaryGrouping()
        //print("test_number_format_Grouping() start..............");
        //primary grouping
        var sourceInput = 123456789;
        var expectResult = "12,34,56,789";
        var options = {pattern:"#,##,###",locale:"en-us"};      

        //step1: 123456789 formated=> 12,34,56,789
        //step2:12,34,56,789 parsed=> 123456789 => formated => 12,34,56,789
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,sourceInput,expectResult,true);
        //TODO: sencondary grouping not implemented yet ?
        //Pattern "#,###" and secondaryGroupingSize=4 should format 123456789 to "12,3456,789"                  
        //Special case for "en-in" locale
        //1876543210 should be formated as 1,87,65,43,210 in "en-in" (India)
        sourceInput = 1876543210;
        expectResult = "1,87,65,43,210";
        var result = dojo.number.format(sourceInput,{locale:"en-in"});,result);   
        //print("test_number_format_Grouping() end..............\n");    
                        name: "format_pad",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO:!!Failed cases:
 * According to ICU4J test criteria:
 * 1.with pattern "*^##.##":
 *       0 should be formatted to "^^^^0",but got "*^0" instead,
 *   -1.3 should be formatted to "^-1.3",but got "-*^1.3" instead.
 * 2.with pattern "##0.0####*_ 'g-m/s^2'" :
 *   0 should be formatted to "0.0______ g-m/s^2",but got ":0.0*_ 'g-m/s^2'" instead
 *   1.0/3 should be formatted to "0.33333__ g-m/s^2",but got "0.33333*_ 'g-m/s^2'" instead
 * 3.with pattern "*x#,###,###,##0.0#;*x(###,###,##0.0#)":
 *       -10 should be formatted to "xxxxxxxxxx(10.0)",but got "*x(10.0)" instead.
 *   10 should be formatted to "xxxxxxxxxxxx10.0",but got "*x10.0" instead.
 *   ......
 *   -1120456.37 should be formatted to "xx(1,120,456.37)",but got "*x(1,120,456.37)" instead.
 *   1120456.37 should be formatted to "xxxx1,120,456.37",but got "*x1,120,456.37" instead.
 *   -1252045600.37 should be formatted to "(1,252,045,600.37)",but got "*x(1,252,045,600.37)" instead.
 *   1252045600.37 should be formatted to "10,252,045,600.37",but got "*x10,252,045,600.37" instead.
 * 4.with pattern "#,###,###,##0.0#*x;(###,###,##0.0#*x)"
 *       -10 should be formatted to (10.0xxxxxxxxxx),but got "(10.0*x)" instead.
 *   10 should be formatted to "10.0xxxxxxxxxxxx",but got "10.0*x" instead.
 *   ......
 *   -1120456.37 should be formatted to "(1,120,456.37xx)",but got "(1,120,456.37*x)" instead.
 *   1120456.37 should be formatted to "xxxx1,120,456.37",but got "1,120,456.37*x" instead.
 *   -1252045600.37 should be formatted to "(1,252,045,600.37)",but got "(1,252,045,600.37*x)" instead.
 *   1252045600.37 should be formatted to ""10,252,045,600.37"",but got "10,252,045,600.37*x" instead.*   
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestPad()
function test_number_format_pad(){
        var locale = "en-us";
        print("test_number_format_Pad() start..............");
        var options = {pattern:"*^##.##",locale:locale};

        tests.number.check(t, options,0,"^^^^0");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-1.3,"^-1.3");    
        options = {pattern:"##0.0####*_ 'g-m/s^2'",locale:locale};
        tests.number.check(t, options,0,"0.0______ g-m/s^2");   
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,1.0/3,"0.33333__ g-m/s^2",true);  
        //exponent not implemented
        //options = {pattern:"##0.0####E0*_ 'g-m/s^2'",locale:locale};
        //tests.number.check(t, options,0,"0.0E0______ g-m/s^2");
        //tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,1.0/3,"333.333E-3_ g-m/s^2",true);
        // Test padding before a sign
        options = {pattern:"*x#,###,###,##0.0#;*x(###,###,##0.0#)",locale:locale};

        tests.number.check(t, options,-10,"xxxxxxxxxx(10.0)");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-1000, "xxxxxxx(1,000.0)");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-1000000, "xxx(1,000,000.0)");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-100.37, "xxxxxxxx(100.37)");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-10456.37, "xxxxx(10,456.37)");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-1120456.37, "xx(1,120,456.37)");
        tests.number.check(t, options,-112045600.37, "(112,045,600.37)");    
        tests.number.check(t, options,-1252045600.37, "(1,252,045,600.37)");

        tests.number.check(t, options,10, "xxxxxxxxxxxx10.0");
        tests.number.check(t, options,1000, "xxxxxxxxx1,000.0");
        tests.number.check(t, options,1000000, "xxxxx1,000,000.0");
        tests.number.check(t, options,100.37, "xxxxxxxxxx100.37");
        tests.number.check(t, options,10456.37, "xxxxxxx10,456.37");        
        tests.number.check(t, options,1120456.37, "xxxx1,120,456.37");
        tests.number.check(t, options,112045600.37, "xx112,045,600.37");
        tests.number.check(t, options,10252045600.37, "10,252,045,600.37");

        // Test padding between a sign and a number
        options = {pattern:"#,###,###,##0.0#*x;(###,###,##0.0#*x)",locale:locale};
        tests.number.check(t, options, -10, "(10.0xxxxxxxxxx)");
        tests.number.check(t, options, -1000, "(1,000.0xxxxxxx)");
        tests.number.check(t, options, -1000000, "(1,000,000.0xxx)");
        tests.number.check(t, options, -100.37, "(100.37xxxxxxxx)");
        tests.number.check(t, options, -10456.37, "(10,456.37xxxxx)");    
        tests.number.check(t, options, -1120456.37, "(1,120,456.37xx)");
        tests.number.check(t, options, -112045600.37, "(112,045,600.37)");   
        tests.number.check(t, options, -1252045600.37, "(1,252,045,600.37)");  

        tests.number.check(t, options, 10, "10.0xxxxxxxxxxxx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 1000, "1,000.0xxxxxxxxx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 1000000, "1,000,000.0xxxxx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 100.37, "100.37xxxxxxxxxx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 10456.37, "10,456.37xxxxxxx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 1120456.37, "1,120,456.37xxxx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 112045600.37, "112,045,600.37xx");
        tests.number.check(t, options, 10252045600.37, "10,252,045,600.37");    
        //Not implemented yet,refer to NumberFormatTest.TestPatterns2()
        //For future use - maily test pad patterns
        print("test_number_format_Pad() end..............");
                        name: "parse_icu4j3_6",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * In ICU4J, testing logic for NumberFormat.parse() is seperated into 
 * differernt single tese cases. So part of these logic are 
 * collected together in this test case. * 
        //print("test_number_parse_icu4j3_6() start..............");
        //Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestParse() which is only a rudimentary version
        var pattern = "00";
        var str = "0.0";        
        var result = dojo.number.parse(str,{pattern:pattern});
        //TODO: add more locales
//FIXME: is this a valid test?

        /**************************************** tolerant parse *****************************************
         * refers to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestStrictParse()??
         * TODO: Seems dojo.number parses string in a tolerant way.  
         var options = {locale:"en-us"};
         * TODO: !!Failed case,Should all pass,
         * but the following elements failed (all parsed to NaN):
         * [1]-"0 ",[2]-"0.",[3]-"0,",[5]-"0. ",[6]-"0.100,5",
         * [7]-".00",[9]-"12345, ",[10]-"1,234, ",[12]-"0E" 
        var passData = ([
                "0",           //[0] single zero before end of text is not leading
        //"0 ",        //[1] single zero at end of number is not leading
        //"0.",        //[2] single zero before period (or decimal, it's ambiguous) is not leading
        //"0,",          //[3] single zero before comma (not group separator) is not leading
        "0.0",         //[4] single zero before decimal followed by digit is not leading
        //"0. ",       //[5] same as above before period (or decimal) is not leading
        //"0.100,5",   //[6] comma stops parse of decimal (no grouping)
        //".00",       //[7] leading decimal is ok, even with zeros
        "1234567",     //[8] group separators are not required
        //"12345, ",   //[9] comma not followed by digit is not a group separator, but end of number
        //"1,234, ",   //[10] if group separator is present, group sizes must be appropriate
        "1,234,567"   //[11] ...secondary too
        //,"0E"         //[12]not implemented yet,an exponnent not followed by zero or digits is not an exponent 
        runBatchParse(options,passData,true/*tolerant parse*/); 
         * TODO:!!Failed case,should all pass,
         * but the following failed,
         * [10]-"1,45 that" implies that we partially parse input
        var failData = ([            
                "00",          //[0] leading zero before zero
        "012",         //[1] leading zero before digit
        "0,456",       //[2] leading zero before group separator
        "1,2",         //[3] wrong number of digits after group separator
        ",0",          //[4] leading group separator before zero
        ",1",          //[5] leading group separator before digit
        ",.02",        //[6] leading group separator before decimal
        "1,.02",       //[7] group separator before decimal
        "1,,200",      //[8] multiple group separators
        "1,45",        //[9] wrong number of digits in primary group
        //"1,45 that",   //[10] wrong number of digits in primary group
        "1,45.34",     //[11] wrong number of digits in primary group
        "1234,567",    //[12] wrong number of digits in secondary group
        "12,34,567",   //[13] wrong number of digits in secondary group
        "1,23,456,7890" //[14] wrong number of digits in primary and secondary groups
         options = {pattern:"#,##,##0.#",locale:"en-us"};
         * TODO:!!Failed case,shoudl all pass.
         * but [1] [2] and [3] failed
         * should be parsed to 1234567,but NaN instead 
        var mixedPassData = ([            
                "12,34,567"     //[0]
        //,"12,34,567,"         //[1]
        //"12,34,567, that",//[2]
        //"12,34,567 that"      //[3]
        runBatchParse(options,mixedPassData,true/*tolerant parse*/);
         * TODO:!!Failed case,should all pass,
         * but actually mixedFailData[2] and mixedFailData[3] passed.
         * "12,34,56, that " and [3]-"12,34,56 that" should be parsed to 123456,but NaN instead
        var mixedFailData = ([
        "12,34,56",                     //[0]
        "12,34,56,"             //[1]
        //,"12,34,56, that ",//[2]
        //"12,34,56 that",      //[3]

        /**************************************** strict parse ******************************************
         * TODO:May need to test strict parsing in the future?
         * e.g. A strict parsing like (with pattern "#,##0.#") 
         * 1.Leading zeros
         *              '00', '0123' fail the parse, but '0' and '0.001' pass
         * 2.Leading or doubled grouping separators
         *              ',123' and '1,,234" fail
         * 3.Groups of incorrect length when grouping is used
         *              '1,23' and '1234,567' fail, but '1234' passes
         * 4.Grouping separators used in numbers followed by exponents
         *              '1,234E5' fails, but '1234E5' and '1,234E' pass
        //runBatchParse(options,passData,false/*strict parse*/);
        //runBatchParse(options,failData,false/*strict parse*/);        
        //options = {pattern:"#,##,##0.#",locale:"en-us",strict:true};
        //runBatchParse(options,mixedPassData,false/*strict parse*/);
        //runBatchParse(options,mixedFailData,false/*strict parse*/);           

        //print("test_number_parse_icu4j3_6() end..............\n");
                        name: "parse_whitespace",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO:!!Failed case
 * With pattern "a  b#0c  ",both "a b3456c " and and "a   b1234c   " should be parsed to 3456,but got NaN instead.
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatTest.TestWhiteSpaceParsing
        print("test_number_parse_WhiteSpace() start..............");
        var pattern = "a  b#0c  ";
        var expectResult = 3456;   
        result =  dojo.number.parse("a b3456c ",{pattern:pattern,locale:"en-us"});,result);      
        result =  dojo.number.parse("a   b3456c   ",{pattern:pattern,locale:"en-us"});,result);
        print("test_number_parse_WhiteSpace() end..............\n");
 *                            Regression test cases
 * These test cases are referred to ICU4J's NumberFormatRegressionTest and NumberFormatRegression.
 * The regression cases in ICU4J are used as unit test cases for bug fixing, 
 * They are inluced here so that dojo.number may avoid those similar bugs. 
                        name: "number_regression_1",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatRegressionTest.Test4161100()
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"#0.#"},-0.09,"-0.1",false);
                        name: "number_regression_2",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * !!Failed case,rounding hasn't been implemented yet.
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberFormatRegressionTest.Test4408066()
        var data =   ([-3.75, -2.5, -1.5, 
                   -1.25, 0,    1.0, 
                   1.25,  1.5,  2.5, 
                   3.75,  10.0, 255.5]);
        var expected = (["-4", "-2", "-2",
                    "-1", "0",  "1",
                        "1",  "2",  "2",
                        "4",  "10", "256"]);
        var options = {locale:"zh-cn",round:true};
        for(var i =0; i < data.length; i++){
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,data[i],expected[i],false);

        data = ([       "-3.75", "-2.5", "-1.5", 
                "-1.25", "0",    "1.0", 
                "1.25",  "1.5",  "2.5", 
                "3.75",  "10.0", "255.5"]);
        expected =([ -3, -2, -1,
                 -1, 0,  1,
                 1,  1,  2,
                 3,  10, 255]);
        for(var i =0; i < data.length; i++){
                tests.number.checkParse(t, options,data[i],expected[i]);
                        name: "number_regression_3",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4087535() and Test4243108()
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {places:0},0,"0",false);
        //TODO:in icu4j,0.1 should be formatted to ".1" when minimumIntegerDigits=0
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {places:0},0.1,"0",false); 
        tests.number.checkParse(t, {pattern:"#0.#####"},123.55456,123.55456);
//!! fails because default pattern only has 3 decimal places
//      tests.number.checkParse(t, null,123.55456,123.55456);
        //See whether it fails first format 0.0 ,parse "99.99",and then reformat 0.0 
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"#.#"},0.0,"0",false);
        tests.number.checkParse(t, null,"99.99",99.99);
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"#.#"},0.0,"0",false);
                        name: "number_regression_4",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO:
 * In ICU -0.0 and -0.0001 should be formatted to "-0" with FieldPosition(0)
 * dojo.i18n.number format -0.0 to "-0"; -0.0001 to "-0.000100" 
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4088503() and Test4106658()
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {places:0},123,"123",false);
        //TODO: differernt from ICU where -0.0 is formatted to "-0"
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {locale:"en-us"},-0.0,"0",false);
        //TODO: differernt from ICU where -0.0001 is formatted to "-0"
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {locale:"en-us",places:6},-0.0001,"-0.000100",false);
                        name: "number_regression_5",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * !!Failed case,rounding has not implemented yet.
 * 0.00159999 should be formatted as 0.0016 but got 0.0015 instead.
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4071492()
        //tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {places:4,round:true},0.00159999,"0.0016",false);       
                        name: "number_regression_6",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4086575()
        var pattern = "###.00;(###.00)";
        var locale = "fr";
        var options = {pattern:pattern,locale:locale};
        //no group separator
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,1234,"1234,00",false);
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,-1234,"(1234,00)",false); 
        //space as group separator
        pattern = "#,###.00;(#,###.00)";
        options = {pattern:pattern,locale:locale};
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,1234,"1\u00a0234,00",false);// Expect 1 234,00
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, options,-1234,"(1\u00a0234,00)",false);  // Expect (1 234,00)
                        name: "number_regression_7",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * !!Failed case - expontent has not implemented yet 
 * shuold format 1.000000000000001E7 to 10000000.00000001, but got 10,000,000.000 instead
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4090489() - loses precision
        //tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, null,1.000000000000001E7,"10000000.00000001",false);    
                        name: "number_regression_8",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * !!Failed case
 * 1.with pattern "#,#00.00 p''ieces;-#,#00.00 p''ieces"
 *   3456.78 should be formated to "3,456.78 p'ieces",
 *   but got "3,456.78 p''ieces","''" should be replaced with "'"
 * 2.with illegal pattern "000.0#0"
 *       no error for the illegal pattern, and 3456.78 is formatted to 456.780
 * 3.with illegal pattern "0#0.000"
 *       no error for the illegal pattern, and 3456.78 is formatted to 3456.780
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4092480(),Test4074454() 
        var patterns = (["#0000","#000","#00","#0","#"]);
        var expect = (["0042","042","42","42","42"]);
        for(var i =0; i < patterns.length; i ++){
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:patterns[i]},42,expect[i],false);
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:patterns[i]},-42,"-"+expect[i],false);   
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"#,#00.00;-#.#"},3456.78,"3,456.78",false);
        //!!Failed case
        //tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"#,#00.00 p''ieces;-#,#00.00 p''ieces"},3456.78,"3,456.78 p'ieces",false);     
        //tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"000.0#0"},3456.78,null,false);
        //tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"0#0.000"},3456.78,null,false);        
                        name: "number_regression_9",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4052223()
        //TODO:only got NaN,need an illegal pattern exception? 
        tests.number.checkParse(t, {pattern:"#,#00.00"},"abc3");        
        //TODO: got NaN instead of 1.222, is it ok?
        //tests.number.checkParse(t, {pattern:"#,##0.###",locale:"en-us"},"1.222,111",1.222);
        //tests.number.checkParse(t, {pattern:"#,##0.###",locale:"en-us"},"1.222x111",1.222);
        //got NaN for illeal input,ok
        tests.number.checkParse(t, null,"hello: ,.#$@^&**10x"); 
                        name: "number_regression_10",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4125885()
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"000.00"},12.34,"012.34",false);
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"+000.00%;-000.00%"},0.1234,"+012.34%",false);
        tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:"##,###,###.00"},9.02,"9.02",false);
        var patterns =(["#.00", "0.00", "00.00", "#0.0#", "#0.00"]);
        var expect =  (["1.20", "1.20", "01.20", "1.2",   "1.20" ]);
        for(var i =0 ; i < patterns.length; i ++){
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:patterns[i]},1.2,expect[i],false);
                        name: "number_regression_11",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO:!!Failed case
 * Make sure that all special characters, when quoted in a suffix or prefix, lose their special meaning.
 * The detail error info :  
 * for input 123
 * pattern:'0'#0'0'; expect:"01230"; but got "'3'#0'0'" instead
 * pattern:','#0','; expect:",123,"; but got "','123','" instead
 * pattern:'.'#0'.'; expect:".123."; but got "'.'123'.'" instead
 * pattern:'‰'#0'‰'; expect:"‰123‰"; but got "'‰'123000'‰'" instead
 * pattern:'%'#0'%'; expect:"%123%"; but got "'%'12300'%'" instead
 * pattern:'#'#0'#'; expect:"#123#"; but got "'123'#0'#'" instead
 * pattern:';'#0';'; expect:";123;"; but got "[dojo-test] FATAL exception raised: 
 *                                                                                        unable to find a number expression in pattern: '"
 * pattern:'E'#0'E'; expect:"E123E"; not implemeted yet
 * pattern:'*'#0'*'; expect:"*123*"; but got "'*'123'*'" instead
 * pattern:'+'#0'+'; expect:"+123+"; but got "'+'123'+'" instead
 * pattern:'-'#0'-'; expect:"-123-"; but got "'-'123'-'" instead
 * TODO: is it ok to remain "'" in the formatted result as above??
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4212072()
        var specials = ([ '0', ',', '.', '\u2030', '%', '#',';', 'E', '*', '+', '-']);
        var pattern; 
        var expect;
        for(var i=0; i < specials.length; i ++){
                pattern = "'" + specials[i] + "'#0'" + specials[i] + "'";
                expect = "" +  specials[i] + "123" +  specials[i];
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:pattern,locale:"en-us"},123,expect,false);
                        name: "number_regression_12",
                        runTest: function(t){
 * TODO: add more rounding test cases, refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.Test4071005(),Test4071014() etc.. 

 * TODO:Decimal format doesnt round a double properly when the number is less than 1
 * Refer to ICU4J's NumberRegression.test4241880()
        var input = ([ .019, .009, .015, .016, .014,
                        .004, .005, .006, .007, .008,
                        .5, 1.5, .05, .15, .005,
                        .015, .0005, .0015]);
        var patterns = (["##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%",
                         "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%",
                         "#,##0", "#,##0", "#,##0.0", "#,##0.0", "#,##0.00",
                         "#,##0.00", "#,##0.000", "#,##0.000"]);
        var expect =([   "2%", "1%", "2%", "2%", "1%",
                         "0%", "0%", "1%", "1%", "1%",
                         "0", "2", "0.0", "0.2", "0.00",
                         "0.02", "0.000", "0.002",]);
        for(var i = 0; i <input.length; i ++){
                tests.number.checkFormatParseCycle(t, {pattern:patterns[i],round:true},input[i],expect[i],false);
