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if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.uuid.Uuid"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.uuid.Uuid"] = true;

dojox.uuid.Uuid = function(/*String?*/ input){
        // summary: 
        //              This is the constructor for the Uuid class.  The Uuid class offers 
        //              methods for inspecting existing UUIDs.
        // input: A 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
        // examples:
        //              var uuid;
        //              uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid("3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a");
        //              uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid(); // "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
        //              uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid(dojox.uuid.generateRandomUuid());
        //              uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid(dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid());
        //              dojox.uuid.Uuid.setGenerator(dojox.uuid.generateRandomUuid);
        //              uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid();
        //              dojox.uuid.assert(!uuid.isEqual(dojox.uuid.NIL_UUID));
        this._uuidString = dojox.uuid.NIL_UUID;
                this._uuidString = input.toLowerCase();
                var ourGenerator = dojox.uuid.Uuid.getGenerator();
                        this._uuidString = ourGenerator();
}; = function(/*dojox.uuid.Uuid*/ uuidOne, /*dojox.uuid.Uuid*/ uuidTwo){
        // summary: 
        //              Given two UUIDs to compare, this method returns 0, 1, or -1.
        // description:
        //              This method is designed to be used by sorting routines, like the
        //              JavaScript built-in Array sort() method. This implementation is 
        //              intended to match the sample implementation in IETF RFC 4122:
        // uuidOne: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
        // uuidTwo: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.

        // examples:
        //              var uuid;
        //              var generator = dojox.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator;
        //              var a = new dojox.uuid.Uuid(generator);
        //              var b = new dojox.uuid.Uuid(generator);
        //              var c = new dojox.uuid.Uuid(generator);
        //              var array = new Array(a, b, c);
        //              array.sort(;
        var uuidStringOne = uuidOne.toString();
        var uuidStringTwo = uuidTwo.toString();
        if (uuidStringOne > uuidStringTwo) return 1;   // integer
        if (uuidStringOne < uuidStringTwo) return -1;  // integer
        return 0; // integer (either 0, 1, or -1)

dojox.uuid.Uuid.setGenerator = function(/*Function?*/ generator){
        // summary: 
        //              Sets the default generator, which will be used by the 
        //              "new dojox.uuid.Uuid()" constructor if no parameters
        //              are passed in.
        // generator: A UUID generator function, such as dojox.uuid.generateTimeBasedUuid.
        dojox.uuid.assert(!generator || dojo.isFunction(generator));
        dojox.uuid.Uuid._ourGenerator = generator;

dojox.uuid.Uuid.getGenerator = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              Returns the default generator.  See setGenerator().
        return dojox.uuid.Uuid._ourGenerator; // generator (A UUID generator, such as dojox.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator).

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.toString = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              This method returns a standard 36-character string representing 
        //              the UUID, such as "3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a".
        return this._uuidString; // string
}; = function(/*dojox.uuid.Uuid*/ otherUuid){
        // summary: 
        //              Compares this UUID to another UUID, and returns 0, 1, or -1.
        // description:
        //              This implementation is intended to match the sample implementation
        //              in IETF RFC 4122:
        // otherUuid: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
        return, otherUuid); // integer (either 0, 1, or -1)

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.isEqual = function(/*dojox.uuid.Uuid*/ otherUuid){
        // summary: 
        //              Returns true if this UUID is equal to the otherUuid, or false otherwise.
        // otherUuid: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
        return ( == 0); // boolean

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.isValid = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              Returns true if the UUID was initialized with a valid value.
        return dojox.uuid.isValid(this);

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getVariant = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              Returns a variant code that indicates what type of UUID this is.
        //              Returns one of the enumerated dojox.uuid.variant values.

        // example: 
        //              var uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid("3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a");
        //              var variant = uuid.getVariant();
        //              dojox.uuid.assert(variant == dojox.uuid.variant.DCE);
        // example: 
        // "3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a"
        //                     ^
        //                     |
        //         (variant "10__" == DCE)
        return dojox.uuid.getVariant(this);

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getVersion = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              Returns a version number that indicates what type of UUID this is.
        //              Returns one of the enumerated dojox.uuid.version values.
        // example: 
        //              var uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid("b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66");
        //              var version = uuid.getVersion();
        //              dojox.uuid.assert(version == dojox.uuid.version.TIME_BASED);
        // exceptions: 
        //              Throws an Error if this is not a DCE Variant UUID.
                this._versionNumber = dojox.uuid.getVersion(this);
        return this._versionNumber; // dojox.uuid.version

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getNode = function(){
        // summary: 
        //              If this is a version 1 UUID (a time-based UUID), getNode() returns a 
        //              12-character string with the "node" or "pseudonode" portion of the UUID, 
        //              which is the rightmost 12 characters.  
        // exceptions: 
        //              Throws an Error if this is not a version 1 UUID.
        if (!this._nodeString) {
                this._nodeString = dojox.uuid.getNode(this);
        return this._nodeString; // String (a 12-character string, which will look something like "917bf397618a")

dojox.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getTimestamp = function(/*String?*/ returnType){
        // summary: 
        //              If this is a version 1 UUID (a time-based UUID), this method returns
        //              the timestamp value encoded in the UUID.  The caller can ask for the
        //              timestamp to be returned either as a JavaScript Date object or as a 
        //              15-character string of hex digits.
        // returnType: Any of these five values: "string", String, "hex", "date", Date
        // returns: 
        //              Returns the timestamp value as a JavaScript Date object or a 15-character string of hex digits.
        // examples: 
        //              var uuid = new dojox.uuid.Uuid("b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66");
        //              var date, string, hexString;
        //              date   = uuid.getTimestamp();         // returns a JavaScript Date
        //              date   = uuid.getTimestamp(Date);     // 
        //              string = uuid.getTimestamp(String);   // "Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:21:41 GMT"
        //              hexString = uuid.getTimestamp("hex"); // "1da86cdb4308fb0"
        // exceptions: 
        //              Throws an Error if this is not a version 1 UUID.
        if(!returnType){returnType = null};
                case "string":
                case String:
                        return this.getTimestamp(Date).toUTCString(); // String (e.g. "Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:21:41 GMT")
                case "hex":
                        // Return a 15-character string of hex digits containing the 
                        // timestamp for this UUID, with the high-order bits first.
                        if (!this._timestampAsHexString) {
                                this._timestampAsHexString = dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(this, "hex");
                        return this._timestampAsHexString; // String (e.g. "1da86cdb4308fb0")
                case null: // no returnType was specified, so default to Date
                case "date":
                case Date:
                        // Return a JavaScript Date object. 
                        if (!this._timestampAsDate) {
                                this._timestampAsDate = dojox.uuid.getTimestamp(this, Date);
                        return this._timestampAsDate; // Date
                        // we got passed something other than a valid returnType
                        dojox.uuid.assert(false, "The getTimestamp() method dojox.uuid.Uuid was passed a bogus returnType: " + returnType);
