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// vim: ts=4:sw=4:nu:fdc=4:nospell
 * Ext.ux.FileTreeMenu
 * @author  Ing. Jozef Sakáloš
 * @version $Id: Ext.ux.FileTreeMenu.js 112 2008-03-28 21:11:17Z jozo $
 * @date    13. March 2008
 * @license Ext.ux.FileField is licensed under the terms of
 * the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license.  Commercial use is permitted to the extent
 * that the code/component(s) do NOT become part of another Open Source or Commercially
 * licensed development library or toolkit without explicit permission.
 * License details:

/*global Ext */

 * @class Ext.ux.FileTreeMenu
 * @extends
 * @constructor
 * Creates new FileTreeMenu object
 * @param {Object} config A configuration object
Ext.ux.FileTreeMenu = function(config) {
        config = config || {};

        var uploadPanelConfig = {
                ,buttonsAt:config.buttonsAt || 'tbar'
                ,singleUpload:config.singleUpload || false
        if(config.baseParams) {
                config.baseParams.cmd = config.baseParams.cmd || 'upload';
                config.baseParams.dir = config.baseParams.dir || '.';
                uploadPanelConfig.baseParams = config.baseParams;

        // {{{
        Ext.apply(config, {
                         text:this.openText + ' (Enter)'
                         text:this.reloadText + ' (Ctrl+E)'
                         text:this.expandText + ' (Ctrl+ →)'
                         text:this.collapseText + ' (Ctrl+ ←)'
                         text:this.renameText + ' (F2)'
                         text:this.deleteText + ' (' + this.deleteKeyName + ')'
                         text:this.newdirText + '... (Ctrl+N)'
                         text:this.uploadFileText + ' (Ctrl+U)'
                        ,new Ext.ux.UploadPanel(uploadPanelConfig), {
        }); // eo apply
// }}}

        // call parent, config);

        // relay event from submenu
        this.relayEvents(this.getItemByCmd('open').menu, ['click', 'itemclick']);

}; // eo constructor

Ext.extend(Ext.ux.FileTreeMenu,, {
        // configuration options overridable from outside
         * @cfg {String} collapseIconCls icon class for collapse all item

          * @cfg {String} collapseText text for collapse all item
        ,collapseText: 'Collapse all'

         * @cfg {String} deleteIconCls icon class for delete item

         * @cfg {String} deleteKeyName text for delete item shortcut
        ,deleteKeyName:'Delete Key'

         * @cfg {String} deleteText text for delete item

         * @cfg {String} expandIconCls icon class for expand all item

         * @cfg {String} expandText text for expand all item
        ,expandText: 'Expand all'

         * @cfg {String} newdirIconCls icon class for new directory item

         * @cfg {String} newdirText text for new directory item
        ,newdirText:'New folder'

         * @cfg {String} openBlankIconCls icon class for open in new window item

         * @cfg {String} openBlankText text for open in new window item
        ,openBlankText:'Open in new window'

         * @cfg {String} openDwnldIconCls icon class for download item

         * @cfg {String} openDwnldText text for download item

         * @cfg {String} openIconCls icon class for open submenu

         * @cfg {String} openPopupIconCls icon class for open in popup item

         * @cfg {String} text for open in poput item
        ,openPopupText:'Open in popup'

         * @cfg {String} openSelfIconCls icon class for open in this window item

         * @cfg {String} openSelfText text for open in this window item
        ,openSelfText:'Open in this window'

         * @cfg {String} openText text for open submenu

         * @cfg {String} reloadIconCls icon class for reload item

         * @cfg {String} reloadText text for reload item
        ,reloadText:'R<span style="text-decoration:underline">e</span>load'

         * @cfg {String} icon class for rename item

         * @cfg {String} renameText text for rename item
        ,renameText: 'Rename'
         * @cfg {String} uploadFileText text for upload file item
        ,uploadFileText:'<span style="text-decoration:underline">U</span>pload file'

         * @cfg {String} uploadIconCls icon class for upload file item

         * @cfg {String} uploadText text for word 'Upload'

         * @cfg {Number} width Width of the menu. 
         * Cannot be empty as we have upload panel inside.

        // {{{
         * Returns menu item identified by cmd. Unique cmd is used to identify menu items.
         * I cannot use ids as they are applied to underlying DOM elements that would prevent
         * to have more than one menu on the page.
         * @param {String} cmd
         * Valid cmds are:
         *              - nodename
         *              - open
         *              - open-self
         *              - open-popup
         *              - open-blank
         *              - open-dwnld
         *              - sep-open (for separator after open submenu)
         *              - reload
         *              - expand
         *              - collapse
         *              - sep-collapse (for separator after collapse item)
         *              - rename
         *              - delete
         *              - newdir
         *              - sep-upload (for separator before upload panel)
         *              - upload (for upload file item that does nothing)
         *              - upload-panel (for upload panel)
         * @return {} menu item
        ,getItemByCmd:function(cmd) {
                var open;
                var item = this.items.find(function(i) {
                        return cmd === i.cmd;
                if(!item) {
                        open = this.items.find(function(i) {
                                return 'open' === i.cmd;
                        if(!open) {
                                return null;
                        item = {
                                return cmd === i.cmd;
                return item;
        } // eo function getItemByCmd
        // }}}
        // {{{
         * Sets/Unsets item identified by cmd to disabled/enabled state
         * @param {String} cmd Item indentifier, see getItemByCmd for explanation
         * @param {Boolean} disabled true to disable the item
        ,setItemDisabled:function(cmd, disabled) {
                var item = this.getItemByCmd(cmd);
                if(item) {
        } // eo function setItemDisabled
        // }}}
        // {{{
         * destroys uploadPanel if we have one
         * @private
        ,beforeDestroy:function() {
                var uploadPanel = this.getItemByCmd('upload-panel');
                if(uploadPanel && uploadPanel.component) {
                        uploadPanel.component = null;
        } // eo function beforeDestroy
        // }}}

}); // eo extend

// register xtype
Ext.reg('filetreemenu', Ext.ux.FileTreeMenu);

// eof