Subversion Repositories eFlore/Applications.moissonnage


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define("RANG_FAMILLE", 180);

class Referentiel {
        private $nomComplet;
        private $nomCourt;
        private $taxon = null;
        private $bdd = null;
        public function __construct($nomReferentiel) {
                $this->nomComplet = $nomReferentiel;
                $this->nomCourt = current(explode('_', $nomReferentiel));
        public function getReferentiel() {
                return $this->nomComplet;
        public function getTaxon() {
                return $this->taxon;
        public function setTaxon($taxon) {
                $this->taxon = $taxon;
        public function recupererTaxon($numTaxon) {
                if (is_null($numTaxon) || $numTaxon == 0) {
                        return null;
                $methodeChamps = 'nomsChamps' . ucfirst($this->nomCourt);
                // requete SQL a executer
                $requete = "SELECT {$nn} AS nn, {$nt} AS nt, {$ns} AS nom, rang FROM {$this->nomComplet}"
                        . " WHERE {$nt}={$numTaxon} AND num_nom={$nn} ORDER BY rang, If(num_nom={$nn},0,1) LIMIT 0,1";
                $taxon = $this->getBdd()->recuperer($requete);
                return ($taxon == false ? null : $taxon);
        public function recupererSousTaxons($listeNn = null) {
                if ($this->taxon['rang'] < RANG_FAMILLE) {
                        // recherche de sous taxons seulement si le rang du taxon precedemment recupere
                        // est du niveau de la famille ou inferieur (genre, espece)
                        return array();
                $methodeChamps = 'nomsChamps' . ucfirst($this->nomCourt);
                if (is_null($listeNn)) {
                        $listeNn = $this->taxon['nn'];
                $requete = "SELECT {$nn} AS nn, {$nt} As nt, {$ns} AS nom FROM {$this->nomComplet} WHERE"
                        . " num_tax_sup IN ({$listeNn}) AND num_nom={$nn}";
                $sousTaxons = $this->getBdd()->recupererTous($requete);
                $listeComplete = array();
                $nouvelleListeNn = '';
                foreach ($sousTaxons as $sousTaxon) {
                        $listeComplete[] = $sousTaxon;
                        $nouvelleListeNn .= (strlen($nouvelleListeNn) == 0 ? '' : ',') . $sousTaxon['nn'];
                // recherche de sous taxons au niveau inferieur (parcours recursif de la methode)
                if (count($listeComplete) > 0) {
                        $listeComplete = array_merge($listeComplete, $this->recupererSousTaxons($nouvelleListeNn));
                return $listeComplete;
        private function getBdd() {
                if (is_null($this->bdd)) {
                        $this->bdd = new Bdd();
                $this->bdd->requeter("USE tb_eflore");
                return $this->bdd;
        private function nomsChampsBdtfx() {
                return array('nn' => 'num_nom_retenu', 'nt' => 'num_taxonomique', 'ns' => 'nom_sci');
        private function nomsChampsBdtxa() {
                return array('nn' => 'num_nom_retenu', 'nt' => 'num_tax', 'ns' => 'nom_sci');
        public static function listeReferentielsDisponibles() {
                $tableau = array();
                $tableauPartiel = explode(',', Config::get('referentielsDispo'));
                $tableauPartiel = array_map('trim', $tableauPartiel);
                foreach ($tableauPartiel as $champ) {
                        if (strpos($champ, '=') === false) {
                                $tableau[] = $champ;
                        } else {
                                list($cle, $val) = explode('=', $champ);
                                $clePropre = trim($cle);
                                $valeurPropre = trim($val);
                                $tableau[$clePropre] = $valeurPropre;
                return $tableau;

/*$nombreCriteres = 0;
 foreach ($masques as $masque => $valeur) {
if ($masque == 'masque.nt') {
$requete .= ($nombreCriteres == 0 ? '' : " AND ") . "";
$nombreCriteres ++;
} elseif ($masque == 'masque.nn') {
$requete .= ($nombreCriteres == 0 ? '' : " AND ") . "num_nom = (SELECT num_nom_retenu"
                . " FROM {$this->nomComplet} WHERE num_nom={$valeur})";
$nombreCriteres ++;
}  elseif ($masque == 'masque.ns') {
$requete .= ($nombreCriteres == 0 ? '' : " AND ") . "({$ns} LIKE '{$valeur}%'"
                . " OR num_nom=(SELECT {$nn} FROM {$this->nomComplet} WHERE {$ns} LIKE '{$valeur}%'"
                                . " ORDER BY rang LIMIT 0, 1))";
$nombreCriteres ++;
$requete .=  " ";*/
