Url.php 10

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 62 No summary for property $schema
error 67 No summary for property $infoUtilisateur
error 72 No summary for property $hote
error 77 No summary for property $port
error 82 No summary for property $chemin
error 87 No summary for property $requete
error 92 No summary for property $fragment
error 101 No summary for method __construct()
error 196 No summary for method setAutorite()

Debug.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

Chronometre.php 8

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 19 No summary for property $pointArretNumero
error 20 No summary for property $temps
error 48 Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of setTemps()
error 62 Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of chrono()
error 86 Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of afficherChrono()
error 133 Argument $utps is missing from the Docblock of getMicroTime()
error 133 No summary for method getMicroTime()

RestServeur.php 25

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 222 No summary for method initialiserMethode()
error 230 No summary for method initialiserRequeteDonnees()
error 241 No summary for method decouperUrlChemin()
error 267 Argument $apiVersion is missing from the Docblock of initialiserApiVersion()
error 267 No summary for method initialiserApiVersion()
error 282 Argument $apiVersion is missing from the Docblock of verifierApiVersion()
error 282 No summary for method verifierApiVersion()
error 290 Argument $serviceNom is missing from the Docblock of initialiserServiceNom()
error 290 No summary for method initialiserServiceNom()
error 303 Argument $serviceNom is missing from the Docblock of verifierServiceNom()
error 303 No summary for method verifierServiceNom()
error 311 Argument $serviceNom is missing from the Docblock of traiterNomService()
error 311 No summary for method traiterNomService()
error 315 Argument $urlParts is missing from the Docblock of initialiserRessource()
error 315 No summary for method initialiserRessource()
error 326 No summary for method initialiserParametres()
error 331 No summary for method recupererParametresGet()
error 336 No summary for method nettoyerParametres()
error 349 No summary for method recupererParametresBruts()
error 371 Argument $classe is missing from the Docblock of chargerClasse()
error 444 No summary for method post()
error 479 No summary for method put()
error 507 No summary for method delete()
error 584 Argument $retour is missing from the Docblock of cloreAccesServeur()

SquelettePhp.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

Controleur.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

Cache.php 26

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 96 No summary for property $stockage
error 98 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct()
error 98 Argument $options_stockage is missing from the Docblock of __construct()
error 98 No summary for method __construct()
error 112 No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig()
error 120 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions()
error 120 No summary for method setOptions()
error 148 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of fabriquer()
error 148 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of fabriquer()
error 148 No summary for method fabriquer()
error 365 Argument $supplement_duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie()
error 387 Argument $methode is missing from the Docblock of executerMethodeStockage()
error 387 Argument $params is missing from the Docblock of executerMethodeStockage()
error 387 No summary for method executerMethodeStockage()
error 401 Argument $ids is missing from the Docblock of supprimerPrefixe()
error 401 No summary for method supprimerPrefixe()
error 415 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of controlerEcriture()
error 415 Argument $donnees_avant_ecriture is missing from the Docblock of controlerEcriture()
error 415 No summary for method controlerEcriture()
error 427 Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of deserialiserAutomatiquement()
error 427 No summary for method deserialiserAutomatiquement()
error 435 Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of serialiserAutomatiquement()
error 435 No summary for method serialiserAutomatiquement()
error 447 No summary for method nettoyerAutomatiquement()
error 495 Argument $duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of getTimestampExpiration()

RestClient.php 36

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 17 No summary for property $http_methodes
error 18 No summary for property $parametres
error 19 No summary for property $url
error 20 No summary for property $reponse_entetes
error 25 No summary for method getReponseEntetes()
error 29 Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of getParametre()
error 29 No summary for method getParametre()
error 34 Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of ajouterParametre()
error 34 Argument $valeur is missing from the Docblock of ajouterParametre()
error 34 No summary for method ajouterParametre()
error 38 Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of supprimerParametre()
error 38 No summary for method supprimerParametre()
error 42 No summary for method nettoyerParametres()
error 49 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of consulter()
error 49 No summary for method consulter()
error 54 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of ajouter()
error 54 No summary for method ajouter()
error 59 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of modifier()
error 59 No summary for method modifier()
error 64 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of supprimer()
error 64 No summary for method supprimer()
error 69 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of envoyerCurlRequete()
error 69 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of envoyerCurlRequete()
error 69 No summary for method envoyerCurlRequete()
error 118 Argument $trace is missing from the Docblock of getCaller()
error 118 No summary for method getCaller()
error 123 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of envoyerRequete()
error 123 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of envoyerRequete()
error 123 No summary for method envoyerRequete()
error 168 No summary for method traiterUrlParametres()
error 181 No summary for method traiterEntete()
error 186 No summary for method analyserEntete()
error 204 Argument $entetes_analyses is missing from the Docblock of traiterEnteteDebogage()
error 204 No summary for method traiterEnteteDebogage()
error 216 No summary for method reinitialiser()

GestionnaireException.php 2

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 82 Argument $contexte is missing from the Docblock of setContexte()

Script.php 28

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 96 Argument $script_nom is missing from the Docblock of __construct()
error 96 Argument $parametres_cli is missing from the Docblock of __construct()
error 96 No summary for method __construct()
error 109 Argument $niveau is missing from the Docblock of getMsgNiveauTxt()
error 109 No summary for method getMsgNiveauTxt()
error 113 No summary for method getScriptNom()
error 117 Argument $doit_exister is missing from the Docblock of getScriptChemin()
error 117 No summary for method getScriptChemin()
error 125 Argument $parametre is missing from the Docblock of getParametre()
error 125 No summary for method getParametre()
error 139 No summary for method executer()
error 141 No summary for method chargerParametresAutorises()
error 151 No summary for method chargerParametres()
error 197 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterErreur()
error 197 Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterErreur()
error 210 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterAvertissement()
error 210 Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterAvertissement()
error 223 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterInfo()
error 223 Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterInfo()
error 235 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterMessage()
error 235 Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterMessage()
error 235 Argument $niveau is missing from the Docblock of traiterMessage()
error 252 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of formaterMsg()
error 252 Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of formaterMsg()
error 252 Argument $niveau is missing from the Docblock of formaterMsg()
error 268 Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of afficherAvancement()
error 268 Argument $depart is missing from the Docblock of afficherAvancement()

Registre.php 6

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 29 Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of set()
error 29 Argument $objet is missing from the Docblock of set()
error 43 Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of get()
error 51 Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of detruire()
error 62 Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of existe()

RestService.php 11

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 34 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of __construct()
error 34 No summary for method __construct()
error 39 No summary for method initialiser()
error 91 Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of consulter()
error 91 Argument $parametres is missing from the Docblock of consulter()
error 107 Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of modifier()
error 107 Argument $requeteDonnees is missing from the Docblock of modifier()
error 126 Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of ajouter()
error 126 Argument $requeteDonnees is missing from the Docblock of ajouter()
error 145 Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of supprimer()

Cli.php 8

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 59 Argument $script_nom is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 59 Argument $parametres is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 59 No summary for method charger()
error 87 Argument $script_nom is missing from the Docblock of obtenirNomClasse()
error 87 No summary for method obtenirNomClasse()
error 92 Argument $argv is missing from the Docblock of getParametres()
error 92 No summary for method getParametres()

utilitaires/Encodage.php 4

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 24 Argument $variable is missing from the Docblock of encoderEnUtf8()
error 24 Argument $encodage is missing from the Docblock of encoderEnUtf8()
error 49 Argument $chaine is missing from the Docblock of detecterUtf8()

utilitaires/Tableau.php 12

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 21 No summary for property $triMultiDimension
error 22 No summary for property $triType
error 55 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of trierTableauMd()
error 55 Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of trierTableauMd()
error 55 No summary for method trierTableauMd()
error 118 Argument $tableau is missing from the Docblock of trierMDType()
error 118 Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of trierMDType()
error 118 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of trierMDType()
error 125 Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of comparer()
error 125 Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of comparer()
error 125 No summary for method comparer()

utilitaires/Pattern.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

utilitaires/Chaine.php 3

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 17 No summary for property $caracteres_accentues
error 33 No summary for property $caracteres_normaux

utilitaires/Fichier.php 5

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 23 Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of creerFichier()
error 23 Argument $contenu is missing from the Docblock of creerFichier()
error 55 Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of creerFichierGzip()
error 55 Argument $contenu is missing from the Docblock of creerFichierGzip()

I18n.php 10

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 38 No summary for method __construct()
error 48 Argument $identifiant is missing from the Docblock of get()
error 48 Argument $langue is missing from the Docblock of get()
error 87 Argument $langue is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 87 Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 87 Argument $format is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 112 Argument $langue is missing from the Docblock of setLangue()
error 229 Argument $m is missing from the Docblock of ajouterErreur()
error 229 Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of ajouterErreur()

Config.php 3

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 27 No summary for method __construct()
error 143 Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of existeValeur()

CacheSqlite.php 12

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \CacheSqlite
error 39 No summary for property $Cache
error 59 No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig()
error 76 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions()
error 76 No summary for method setOptions()
error 88 Argument $emplacement is missing from the Docblock of setEmplacement()
error 88 No summary for method setEmplacement()
error 104 Argument $ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 140 Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of sauver()
error 140 Argument $duree_vie_specifique is missing from the Docblock of sauver()
error 403 Argument $supplement_duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie()

Bdd.php 18

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 205 Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requete()
error 205 No summary for method requete()
error 215 Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requeter()
error 244 Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requeteUn()
error 244 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of requeteUn()
error 244 No summary for method requeteUn()
error 256 Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of recuperer()
error 256 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of recuperer()
error 290 Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requeteTous()
error 290 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of requeteTous()
error 290 No summary for method requeteTous()
error 304 Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of recupererTous()
error 304 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of recupererTous()
error 356 Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of proteger()
error 371 Argument $chaine is missing from the Docblock of protegerChaine()
error 393 No summary for method protegerTableau()
error 415 Argument $parametres is missing from the Docblock of recupererIdDernierAjout()

Log.php 4

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 71 Argument $entree is missing from the Docblock of ajouterEntree()
error 71 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of ajouterEntree()
error 98 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of verifierOuvrirFichier()

CacheFichier.php 30

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \CacheFichier
error 71 No summary for property $Cache
error 103 No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig()
error 111 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions()
error 111 No summary for method setOptions()
error 123 Argument $emplacement is missing from the Docblock of setEmplacement()
error 123 No summary for method setEmplacement()
error 141 Argument $ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache is missing from the Docblock of charger()
error 184 Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of sauver()
error 184 Argument $duree_vie_specifique is missing from the Docblock of sauver()
error 253 Argument $tags is missing from the Docblock of nettoyer()
error 366 Argument $supplement_duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie()
error 410 Argument $metadonnees is missing from the Docblock of setMetadonnees()
error 410 Argument $sauvegarde is missing from the Docblock of setMetadonnees()
error 470 Argument $metadonnees is missing from the Docblock of sauverMetadonnees()
error 494 Argument $fichier_nom is missing from the Docblock of etreFichierMeta()
error 508 Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of supprimerFichier()
error 537 Argument $dossier is missing from the Docblock of nettoyerFichiers()
error 628 Argument $dossier is missing from the Docblock of analyserCache()
error 628 Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of analyserCache()
error 628 Argument $tags is missing from the Docblock of analyserCache()
error 628 No summary for method analyserCache()
error 719 Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of genererCleSecu()
error 719 Argument $type_de_controle is missing from the Docblock of genererCleSecu()
error 806 Argument $ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache is missing from the Docblock of testerExistenceCache()
error 822 Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of getContenuFichier()
error 843 Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of setContenuFichier()
error 843 Argument $chaine is missing from the Docblock of setContenuFichier()
error 866 Argument $nom_de_fichier is missing from the Docblock of transformerNomFichierEnId()

Framework.php 8

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 222 Argument $valeur is missing from the Docblock of \nettoyerSlashProfond()
error 222 No summary for function \nettoyerSlashProfond()
error 74 Argument $chemin is missing from the Docblock of definirCheminAppli()
error 74 No summary for method definirCheminAppli()
error 84 No summary for method enregistrerMethodesAutoload()
error 104 Argument $nom_classe_fw is missing from the Docblock of autoloadFw()
error 121 Argument $nom_classe is missing from the Docblock of autoloadAppliDefaut()

CacheSimple.php 8

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 25 No summary for property $mise_en_cache
error 26 No summary for property $stockage_chemin
error 27 No summary for property $duree_de_vie
error 29 No summary for property $options
error 35 Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct()
error 35 No summary for method __construct()
error 64 No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig()