Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 62 | No summary for property $schema |
error | 67 | No summary for property $infoUtilisateur |
error | 72 | No summary for property $hote |
error | 77 | No summary for property $port |
error | 82 | No summary for property $chemin |
error | 87 | No summary for property $requete |
error | 92 | No summary for property $fragment |
error | 101 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 196 | No summary for method setAutorite() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 19 | No summary for property $pointArretNumero |
error | 20 | No summary for property $temps |
error | 48 | Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of setTemps() |
error | 62 | Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of chrono() |
error | 86 | Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of afficherChrono() |
error | 133 | Argument $utps is missing from the Docblock of getMicroTime() |
error | 133 | No summary for method getMicroTime() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 222 | No summary for method initialiserMethode() |
error | 230 | No summary for method initialiserRequeteDonnees() |
error | 241 | No summary for method decouperUrlChemin() |
error | 267 | Argument $apiVersion is missing from the Docblock of initialiserApiVersion() |
error | 267 | No summary for method initialiserApiVersion() |
error | 282 | Argument $apiVersion is missing from the Docblock of verifierApiVersion() |
error | 282 | No summary for method verifierApiVersion() |
error | 290 | Argument $serviceNom is missing from the Docblock of initialiserServiceNom() |
error | 290 | No summary for method initialiserServiceNom() |
error | 303 | Argument $serviceNom is missing from the Docblock of verifierServiceNom() |
error | 303 | No summary for method verifierServiceNom() |
error | 311 | Argument $serviceNom is missing from the Docblock of traiterNomService() |
error | 311 | No summary for method traiterNomService() |
error | 315 | Argument $urlParts is missing from the Docblock of initialiserRessource() |
error | 315 | No summary for method initialiserRessource() |
error | 326 | No summary for method initialiserParametres() |
error | 331 | No summary for method recupererParametresGet() |
error | 336 | No summary for method nettoyerParametres() |
error | 349 | No summary for method recupererParametresBruts() |
error | 371 | Argument $classe is missing from the Docblock of chargerClasse() |
error | 444 | No summary for method post() |
error | 479 | No summary for method put() |
error | 507 | No summary for method delete() |
error | 584 | Argument $retour is missing from the Docblock of cloreAccesServeur() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 96 | No summary for property $stockage |
error | 98 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
error | 98 | Argument $options_stockage is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
error | 98 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 112 | No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig() |
error | 120 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions() |
error | 120 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 148 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of fabriquer() |
error | 148 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of fabriquer() |
error | 148 | No summary for method fabriquer() |
error | 365 | Argument $supplement_duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie() |
error | 387 | Argument $methode is missing from the Docblock of executerMethodeStockage() |
error | 387 | Argument $params is missing from the Docblock of executerMethodeStockage() |
error | 387 | No summary for method executerMethodeStockage() |
error | 401 | Argument $ids is missing from the Docblock of supprimerPrefixe() |
error | 401 | No summary for method supprimerPrefixe() |
error | 415 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of controlerEcriture() |
error | 415 | Argument $donnees_avant_ecriture is missing from the Docblock of controlerEcriture() |
error | 415 | No summary for method controlerEcriture() |
error | 427 | Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of deserialiserAutomatiquement() |
error | 427 | No summary for method deserialiserAutomatiquement() |
error | 435 | Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of serialiserAutomatiquement() |
error | 435 | No summary for method serialiserAutomatiquement() |
error | 447 | No summary for method nettoyerAutomatiquement() |
error | 495 | Argument $duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of getTimestampExpiration() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for property $http_methodes |
error | 18 | No summary for property $parametres |
error | 19 | No summary for property $url |
error | 20 | No summary for property $reponse_entetes |
error | 25 | No summary for method getReponseEntetes() |
error | 29 | Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of getParametre() |
error | 29 | No summary for method getParametre() |
error | 34 | Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of ajouterParametre() |
error | 34 | Argument $valeur is missing from the Docblock of ajouterParametre() |
error | 34 | No summary for method ajouterParametre() |
error | 38 | Argument $cle is missing from the Docblock of supprimerParametre() |
error | 38 | No summary for method supprimerParametre() |
error | 42 | No summary for method nettoyerParametres() |
error | 49 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of consulter() |
error | 49 | No summary for method consulter() |
error | 54 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of ajouter() |
error | 54 | No summary for method ajouter() |
error | 59 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of modifier() |
error | 59 | No summary for method modifier() |
error | 64 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of supprimer() |
error | 64 | No summary for method supprimer() |
error | 69 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of envoyerCurlRequete() |
error | 69 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of envoyerCurlRequete() |
error | 69 | No summary for method envoyerCurlRequete() |
error | 118 | Argument $trace is missing from the Docblock of getCaller() |
error | 118 | No summary for method getCaller() |
error | 123 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of envoyerRequete() |
error | 123 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of envoyerRequete() |
error | 123 | No summary for method envoyerRequete() |
error | 168 | No summary for method traiterUrlParametres() |
error | 181 | No summary for method traiterEntete() |
error | 186 | No summary for method analyserEntete() |
error | 204 | Argument $entetes_analyses is missing from the Docblock of traiterEnteteDebogage() |
error | 204 | No summary for method traiterEnteteDebogage() |
error | 216 | No summary for method reinitialiser() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 82 | Argument $contexte is missing from the Docblock of setContexte() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 96 | Argument $script_nom is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
error | 96 | Argument $parametres_cli is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
error | 96 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 109 | Argument $niveau is missing from the Docblock of getMsgNiveauTxt() |
error | 109 | No summary for method getMsgNiveauTxt() |
error | 113 | No summary for method getScriptNom() |
error | 117 | Argument $doit_exister is missing from the Docblock of getScriptChemin() |
error | 117 | No summary for method getScriptChemin() |
error | 125 | Argument $parametre is missing from the Docblock of getParametre() |
error | 125 | No summary for method getParametre() |
error | 139 | No summary for method executer() |
error | 141 | No summary for method chargerParametresAutorises() |
error | 151 | No summary for method chargerParametres() |
error | 197 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterErreur() |
error | 197 | Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterErreur() |
error | 210 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterAvertissement() |
error | 210 | Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterAvertissement() |
error | 223 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterInfo() |
error | 223 | Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterInfo() |
error | 235 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of traiterMessage() |
error | 235 | Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of traiterMessage() |
error | 235 | Argument $niveau is missing from the Docblock of traiterMessage() |
error | 252 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of formaterMsg() |
error | 252 | Argument $tab_arguments is missing from the Docblock of formaterMsg() |
error | 252 | Argument $niveau is missing from the Docblock of formaterMsg() |
error | 268 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of afficherAvancement() |
error | 268 | Argument $depart is missing from the Docblock of afficherAvancement() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 29 | Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of set() |
error | 29 | Argument $objet is missing from the Docblock of set() |
error | 43 | Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of get() |
error | 51 | Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of detruire() |
error | 62 | Argument $intitule is missing from the Docblock of existe() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 34 | Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
error | 34 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 39 | No summary for method initialiser() |
error | 91 | Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of consulter() |
error | 91 | Argument $parametres is missing from the Docblock of consulter() |
error | 107 | Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of modifier() |
error | 107 | Argument $requeteDonnees is missing from the Docblock of modifier() |
error | 126 | Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of ajouter() |
error | 126 | Argument $requeteDonnees is missing from the Docblock of ajouter() |
error | 145 | Argument $ressources is missing from the Docblock of supprimer() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 59 | Argument $script_nom is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 59 | Argument $parametres is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 59 | No summary for method charger() |
error | 87 | Argument $script_nom is missing from the Docblock of obtenirNomClasse() |
error | 87 | No summary for method obtenirNomClasse() |
error | 92 | Argument $argv is missing from the Docblock of getParametres() |
error | 92 | No summary for method getParametres() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | Argument $variable is missing from the Docblock of encoderEnUtf8() |
error | 24 | Argument $encodage is missing from the Docblock of encoderEnUtf8() |
error | 49 | Argument $chaine is missing from the Docblock of detecterUtf8() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | No summary for property $triMultiDimension |
error | 22 | No summary for property $triType |
error | 55 | Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of trierTableauMd() |
error | 55 | Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of trierTableauMd() |
error | 55 | No summary for method trierTableauMd() |
error | 118 | Argument $tableau is missing from the Docblock of trierMDType() |
error | 118 | Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of trierMDType() |
error | 118 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of trierMDType() |
error | 125 | Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of comparer() |
error | 125 | Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of comparer() |
error | 125 | No summary for method comparer() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for property $caracteres_accentues |
error | 33 | No summary for property $caracteres_normaux |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of creerFichier() |
error | 23 | Argument $contenu is missing from the Docblock of creerFichier() |
error | 55 | Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of creerFichierGzip() |
error | 55 | Argument $contenu is missing from the Docblock of creerFichierGzip() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 38 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 48 | Argument $identifiant is missing from the Docblock of get() |
error | 48 | Argument $langue is missing from the Docblock of get() |
error | 87 | Argument $langue is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 87 | Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 87 | Argument $format is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 112 | Argument $langue is missing from the Docblock of setLangue() |
error | 229 | Argument $m is missing from the Docblock of ajouterErreur() |
error | 229 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of ajouterErreur() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 27 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 143 | Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of existeValeur() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 2 | No summary for class \CacheSqlite |
error | 39 | No summary for property $Cache |
error | 59 | No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig() |
error | 76 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions() |
error | 76 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 88 | Argument $emplacement is missing from the Docblock of setEmplacement() |
error | 88 | No summary for method setEmplacement() |
error | 104 | Argument $ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 140 | Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of sauver() |
error | 140 | Argument $duree_vie_specifique is missing from the Docblock of sauver() |
error | 403 | Argument $supplement_duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 205 | Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requete() |
error | 205 | No summary for method requete() |
error | 215 | Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requeter() |
error | 244 | Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requeteUn() |
error | 244 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of requeteUn() |
error | 244 | No summary for method requeteUn() |
error | 256 | Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of recuperer() |
error | 256 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of recuperer() |
error | 290 | Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of requeteTous() |
error | 290 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of requeteTous() |
error | 290 | No summary for method requeteTous() |
error | 304 | Argument $requete is missing from the Docblock of recupererTous() |
error | 304 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of recupererTous() |
error | 356 | Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of proteger() |
error | 371 | Argument $chaine is missing from the Docblock of protegerChaine() |
error | 393 | No summary for method protegerTableau() |
error | 415 | Argument $parametres is missing from the Docblock of recupererIdDernierAjout() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 71 | Argument $entree is missing from the Docblock of ajouterEntree() |
error | 71 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of ajouterEntree() |
error | 98 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of verifierOuvrirFichier() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 2 | No summary for class \CacheFichier |
error | 71 | No summary for property $Cache |
error | 103 | No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig() |
error | 111 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of setOptions() |
error | 111 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 123 | Argument $emplacement is missing from the Docblock of setEmplacement() |
error | 123 | No summary for method setEmplacement() |
error | 141 | Argument $ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache is missing from the Docblock of charger() |
error | 184 | Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of sauver() |
error | 184 | Argument $duree_vie_specifique is missing from the Docblock of sauver() |
error | 253 | Argument $tags is missing from the Docblock of nettoyer() |
error | 366 | Argument $supplement_duree_de_vie is missing from the Docblock of ajouterSupplementDureeDeVie() |
error | 410 | Argument $metadonnees is missing from the Docblock of setMetadonnees() |
error | 410 | Argument $sauvegarde is missing from the Docblock of setMetadonnees() |
error | 470 | Argument $metadonnees is missing from the Docblock of sauverMetadonnees() |
error | 494 | Argument $fichier_nom is missing from the Docblock of etreFichierMeta() |
error | 508 | Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of supprimerFichier() |
error | 537 | Argument $dossier is missing from the Docblock of nettoyerFichiers() |
error | 628 | Argument $dossier is missing from the Docblock of analyserCache() |
error | 628 | Argument $mode is missing from the Docblock of analyserCache() |
error | 628 | Argument $tags is missing from the Docblock of analyserCache() |
error | 628 | No summary for method analyserCache() |
error | 719 | Argument $donnees is missing from the Docblock of genererCleSecu() |
error | 719 | Argument $type_de_controle is missing from the Docblock of genererCleSecu() |
error | 806 | Argument $ne_pas_tester_validiter_du_cache is missing from the Docblock of testerExistenceCache() |
error | 822 | Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of getContenuFichier() |
error | 843 | Argument $fichier is missing from the Docblock of setContenuFichier() |
error | 843 | Argument $chaine is missing from the Docblock of setContenuFichier() |
error | 866 | Argument $nom_de_fichier is missing from the Docblock of transformerNomFichierEnId() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 222 | Argument $valeur is missing from the Docblock of \nettoyerSlashProfond() |
error | 222 | No summary for function \nettoyerSlashProfond() |
error | 74 | Argument $chemin is missing from the Docblock of definirCheminAppli() |
error | 74 | No summary for method definirCheminAppli() |
error | 84 | No summary for method enregistrerMethodesAutoload() |
error | 104 | Argument $nom_classe_fw is missing from the Docblock of autoloadFw() |
error | 121 | Argument $nom_classe is missing from the Docblock of autoloadAppliDefaut() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 25 | No summary for property $mise_en_cache |
error | 26 | No summary for property $stockage_chemin |
error | 27 | No summary for property $duree_de_vie |
error | 29 | No summary for property $options |
error | 35 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
error | 35 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 64 | No summary for method initialiserOptionsParConfig() |